(You may choose to Fast Forward from 3:35 to 11:00)
First Initiation Ceremony of the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes at the Venus Temple on Mount Ararat, Turkey in conjunction with the Venus Activation of the Portal of Divine Authority on January 29, 2022.
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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Today as Mercury stands in the Heart of the Sun (Mercury Cazimi) for 18 minutes at 3° 23’ Aquarius (3°AQ), we are experiencing Mercury’s Inferior Conjunction ~ one of the 4 events of the Mercury Synodic Cycle, also known as the dance between Mercury and the Sun. This event signals an alignment between the Earth, Mercury and the Sun, with Mercury acting as the mediary between the As Above (Heaven/Sun) and the As Below (earth/Earth). In this alchemical expression of the “As Above, So Below” mystery, the As Above represents Spirit (Sacred Masculine) and the So Below represents Soul (Sacred Feminine). With respect to Sophia-Christ Consciousness, we recognize this mystery in terms of the Sacred Union (Hieros Gamos) between the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ and the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia:
Both the imagination of mercury [Sacred Feminine] and the will of sulfur [Sacred Masculine] must be called … When the imagination [Sacred Feminine as Sophia] creates an image and the will [Sacred Masculine as Christ] directs and uses that image, then marvelous magical effects can be obtained.
a 19th century golden dawn alchemist, Dennis Hauck, The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation; [Notations by Sofia Mona Lisa]
This Sacred Union (Hieros Gamos) represents the WHOLEness we achieve when we embrace both sides of a polarity, which is the work of the Alchemist ~ understanding and balancing the dichotomy (dualities) between masculine/feminine, spirit/matter, above/below, light/dark and rational/nonrational. From the TWO is born a THIRD ~ the Holy Child ~ manifestation on the material plane in physical form ~ our Sacred Vessels/physical bodies.. We are Embodiments of LOVE ~ the manifestation of the Sacred Union between Divine Will (Christ) and Divine Wisdom (Sophia). We are the Holy Child(ren) of God/Goddess. Thus, through today’s Inferior Conjunction, Mercury ~ also known as Hermes and Thoth ~ is serving as a bridge between the limited earthly experience of our incarnated Soul and the unlimited and expansive potential of our multidimensional Self (Spirit).
During this time of Initiation when we emerge from Darkness into LIGHT, having received a Divine Message from our Inner Christ, we are …
gifted with a glimpse of the future or even the ability to plant the newly conscious seed-potentials of our future. … the three days around the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun are a special sacred window, and so can be a very powerful electional or magical moment. … A conjunction of Mercury with the Sun in a particular degree of the zodiac can only happen once every 79 years. It takes a lifetime to repeat the exact degree. So when these conjunctions occur in important degrees of a birth chart, they represent a very rare opportunity indeed: the potential for once-in-a-lifetime transformation.
For me personally, today’s Mercury Inferior Conjunction at 3°AQ has not occurred before in my lifetime. In fact, Mercury visited this location in the zodiac about 4 days before I was born when he was having his Maximum Evening Star Elongation. So, I will never experience today’s rare opportunity again in my lifetime, since I would be surprised if I remain in this body another 79 years ~ putting me at 138 years old. Further, today’s Mercury Cazimi is less than 3 degrees from my natal Mercury in Aquarius, emphasizing the potential of this “once-in-a-lifetime” alchemical opportunity for me. Finally, although Gary P Caton only references “important degrees of a birth chart,” because of my astrological work with the Soul’s Evolutionary Expansion (Ascension Journey), I would like to highlight the significance of any luminary bodies in your Solar Return Chart near this degree. For me, I have Merlin and Arthur at ~ 2 degrees on either side of today’s Inferior Conjunction point. VERY SIGNIFICANT from my perspective, particularly since Merlin is known to be the “Consciousness of Alchemy.”
You know, Merlin, you’re the one Arthur should knight. You’re the bravest of us all, and he doesn’t even know.
Lancelot, The Coming of Arthur Part Two, Merlin TV Series
If, like me, you have Merlin and Arthur closely linked to 3°AQ, here are some astrological keywords for each of them to assist you with feeling into these aspects of your multidimensional (Christed) Self that are sending you a Divine Message:
Before we look at the significant aspects in today’s sky, I feel it is important to look at the Sabian Symbol associated with 3°AQ as “the potential for once-in-a-lifetime transformation.”
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones provides the official meaning of this Sabian symbol in his work, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:
This is a symbol of human independence carried to a point of extreme rebellion against things as they are, here emphasized in a disregard of all consequences for the sake of an immediate liberation of the spirit …
WOW!! We are being given a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity within this “sacred window” (yesterday, today & tomorrow ~ 1/22-1/24/2022) to experience a “glimpse” of our future Self with a liberated Spirit [Sacred Masculine/Christ] ~ our Inner Christo-Sophia emerging through Us in the realm of manifestation!
You get what you think about, whether what you’re thinking about is something you want, or whether what you’re thinking about is something you don’t want, because when you think about it … what happens is it … manifests in your experience.
Today’s Mercury Cazimi is receiving a harmonious flow of energy (trine) from Osiris in Taurus. Osiris represents the Cosmic Christ and Taurus represents Embodiment ~ in this instance, our individual embodiment of the Cosmic Christ energies. Meanwhile, Juno, the Goddess of Sacred Relationship (Hieros Gamos), is being fully empowered by the alchemical potency of Pluto, the Cosmic Transformer. They are standing across the sky from Yeshua®, our Inner Christ Consciousness. So, we are being calibrated, or finely tuned within us, to be in Sacred Relationship with (aligned with) our Inner Christ Consciousness. This is occurring on the Capricorn/Cancer axis ~ The Path of Family, Home and Community. Thus, the safe spaces being created at this time for the next 7 generations of our children will be based on the premise of Sacred Relationship ~ the Sacred Union of Christ and Sophia. These safe spaces will be the manifestation of the Sacred Marriage (Hieros Gamos) between the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ and the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia. Finally, this is the evolutionary path for Humanity (North Node in Taurus). All of the darkness within the deepest places of Humanity (Lucifer in Scorpio) is being transfigured by the Goddess Sedna into Light. Patriarchal (Lucifer) energies are being transfigured into Sacred Masculine (Mars) energies. How can we hold both the frequencies of Patriarchy and Sacred Masculine within us (inconjunct aspect)? Being able to hold space for both energies (polarity) is the alchemical cauldron. With the Goddess Sedna’s transfigurative ability, the existing remnant frequencies of Patriarchy (So Below) are being refined by the Light Codes (Galactic Center) of the Sacred Masculine which have never before been present within our Galaxy (As Above). The Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius is our BRIDGE allowing this transfiguration to LIBERATE both Us AND the Collective Consciousness of Humanity! This liberation is the “marvelous magical effect” of today’s first Inferior Mercury Cazimi of 2022.
If you would like to actively participate in Humanity’s Liberation by assisting the Emergence of Sophia onto our planet, please JOIN US on Saturday, January 29th at 4:00pm EST. Your INVITATION and LINK are here.
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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There is an amazing aspect in the sky today, at this Full Moon in Cancer (27CN50). It’s called an Hourglass Aspect, and as usual, the way I translate the energies of this aspect will likely be very different from how others translate it.
The Hourglass Aspect is made up of two oppositions, either on Water/Earth axes or Fire/Air axes. Today’s Hourglass is invoking two Water/Earth axes: Cancer/Capricorn (CN/CP) and Scorpio/Taurus (SC/TA). Here is what we have in the Sky:
Yeshua®/Moon (within 4 minutes of each other at ~28 CN) and Pluto/Sun (26-28 CP)
Lucifer (26 SC) and Sedna®/North Node (28TA-0GE)
What does this mean for us, personally, and Humanity as a whole?
The Divine Mother aspect of Sophia (Moon) and the Divine Father aspect of Christ (Sun) are creating an opportunity for us to CHOOSE the Timeline on which we desire to continue our Evolutionary Expansion (Ascension Journey). They are calibrating our Inner Christ (Yeshua®) to the Cosmic Power of Divine Wisdom/Sophia (Pluto in CP), so that any deeply remnant frequencies of Darkness (Lucifer in SC) in our Emotional (SC) and Physical (TA) Selves can be TRANSFIGURED by the LIGHT of the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia (Sedna®). This is a predestined moment in the Evolution of Humanity (North Node in GE) ~ an enormous leap forward in consciousness from the lower mind to the Cosmic Mind (Uranus® 11TA Square Saturn 14AQ). The Goddess Sedna ~ representing the Holy Soul Aspect of Sophia ~ is facilitating Humanity’s ability to THRIVE as Embodiments of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness.
The opportunity is being offered to us. AND, each person must CONSCIOUSLY (North Node in GE) CHOOSE which Timeline they will move forward on. Do you choose the Christo-Sophia Ascension Path? Or will you choose the Lucifer Devolution Path?
CHOOSE NOW! …. And then FEEL (Water) your choice in your BONES (Earth)!!
Everyone has already received the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes from their Stellar Gateway Chakra into their Soul Star Chakra. This happened during the Cosmic events of last month (December 2021) through this month’s Metamorphic Descent Journey. The Hourglass aspect today shows us that the sands of time ~ our window of opportunity to make a choice ~ will quickly run out. Your Higher Self will KNOW (Divine Wisdom) which choice forward has been made by the time the Portal of Divine Authority is ACTIVATED on January 29th (Venus/Moon at 11CP). That’s because the most potent and alchemical opportunity for communicating this choice between your Inner Self and Higher Self will occur at Mercury’s Inferior Conjunction (Mercury®/Sun 4AQ) on January 23rd. Merlin (5AQ) is standing there today, holding the Sacred Space for Humanity’s most Alchemical Unfolding YET.
If you know (or even suspect) you have chosen to Ascend as a Full Embodiment of Sophia/Christ Consciousness, please JOIN US for our First Initiation Ceremony of the 2022 Galactic New Earth Project to Install the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes onto our planet. As the Cosmic Sophia told me earlier this month:
This Christo-Sophia Activation will support a huge leap forward in both the Planet and Humanity’s Ascension. There has not been such a potent Ascension opportunity on your planet since the time of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.
Cosmic Sophia via Sofia Mona Lisa, January 2, 2022
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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I am so excited, and feel so blessed, to be co-facilitating the 2022 Galactic New Earth Project with Carol Billets.
Here is the message she has received from Yeshua regarding this event:
In the journey to remembrance of sovereign rights and the light of Source; It is vital that one listen to one’s own inner truth and inner light. Part of the process of honoring your own truth, your own light, is through connection with Gaia and your own ancestors’ journey. If you resonate with increasing your connection with light codes and with Gaia take the time to do so. Meditating and connecting with the holy sites that are established with light on Gaia is certainly a way to accomplish this. Much love, Yeshua.
As channeled by Carol Billets, January 11, 2022
I invite you to join us on January 29th via ZOOM at 4:00 pm EST. The link is below. Thank you for sharing the event with your social network.
Use this link to participate: Join Zoom Meeting on 1/29/2022 for Temple of the Golden Flame (Turkey) Ceremony https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89351647061
Meeting ID: 893 5164 7061 Passcode: 882195 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89351647061# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,89351647061# US (New York)
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 893 5164 7061
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcug9Hk3UB
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Our first Initiation Ceremony to download the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes into the TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN FLAME on the slope of Mt. Ararat, Turkey will be January 29, 2022 at 4:00pm EST.
Sofia Mona Lisa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Installation of Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes ~ Venus Temple in Turkey Time: Jan 29, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 893 5164 7061 Passcode: 882195 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89351647061# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,89351647061# US (New York)
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 893 5164 7061 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcug9Hk3UB
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Which of these is being Alchemized by the Metamorphic Underworld within YOU? Allow the possibility for more than one and even all of them!
What a POTENT window we are experiencing today as we stand under the New Moon in Capricorn (10° CP) while Venus descends into the Metamorphic Underworld (22° CP)!
REMEMBER ~ 22 is the number of the Magdalene who represents the Embodiment of Sophia Consciousness. Today’s Venus descent is at 22° CP 22′!!! The Cosmic Sophia as Divine Wisdom IS the Wisdom Keeper and the Way Shower for both the Earth’s (Gaia) and our Ascension Path.
It is REALLY happening!!
SO MUCH has shifted since the Winter Solstice (12/21/2021), my own final activation of my 2nd Saturn Return (12/24/2021) on the same day as 2021’s Final Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus event, and the 2nd activation of the Venus/Pluto conjunction on Christmas Day (12/25/2021). These three dynamic cosmic events (and for me ~along with my own personally momentous rite of passage) have prepared us to receive the anchoring of the Cosmic Sophia in our Soul Star Chakra (Ascension Portal). For me, too, Venus’ descent into the Metamorphic Underworld marks the culmination of my 2021 Ascension Path as I transition to my 2022 Ascension Path which will be fully online this coming Saturday, January 8th ~ both my Solar Return AND the Metamorphic Seed Point for the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess (Venus/Sun conjunction).
NOTE: A Solar Return occurs every year on your birthday. Your Solar Return fuels your consciousness as a whole new evolutionary path for your Ascension Journey comes online and opens up for you.
Today, the Divine Mother aspect of the Cosmic Sophia has gifted me with a transmission for Humanity ~ a sort of “theatrical playbill” for the next 8-9 months:
With the completion of the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Journey [1/8/2022], having built the new Rainbow Bridge between Heaven above (your Multidimensional Selves) and Earth below (your Sacred Vessels ~ your physical bodies), as the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess activates each portal (chakra) on Her descent journey, I ~ Sophia ~ will be birthed through each Dimensional Portal of your Sacred Vessels.
At each Portal Activation [taking place each month from January 2022-August 2022], as I birth my Light Codes within you, your personal Light Grid will be rewired to align with Me and you will subsequently (and incrementally) become disconnected from the Dark Matrix that currently exists on your planet. Your new Christo-Sophianic Light Grid will come online at the Death by Intent Portal Activation in August, completely liberating you from the Dark Matrix.
It is during the Inanna Underworld phase of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey, at the Resurrection Point (Venus/Sun conjunction), that the New Earth Light Grid will come online. Prior to the Resurrection Point, while traversing the Inanna Underworld, the Atlantean, Lemurian, Sumerian and Babylonian timelines will close. While we can always access any point in the past or the future because in reality there is no such thing as “time,” there is only the Eternal NOW, those ancient timelines will no longer be active.
This is important to understand because that means those ancient timelines will have NO impact or influence on the New Earth Light Grid. They will no longer have any impact or influence on Humanity. This is the manifestation and evidence of Humanity’s Liberation from all current and pre-existing Dark Templates.
This Christo-Sophia Activation will support a huge leap forward in both the planet’s and humanity’s Ascension. There has not been such a potent Ascension opportunity on your planet since the time of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.
Cosmic Sophia via Sofia Mona Lisa, January 2, 2022
Cosmic Sophia ~ Divine Wisdom
It is the New Earth Light Code Templates that Sophia is anchoring and encoding into each of us. As She does, you will receive your own downloads and inspiration regarding your specific role (Soul Purpose) in Gaia’s and Humanity’s Ascension. Meanwhile, I am here to support you in your evolutionary unfoldment as you proceed upward.
I am really excited about the Metamorphic Seed Point on January 8th! I’ll touch base again then.
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
In ancient Egypt, the walls of the tombs of the nobility were covered with paintings of the Blue Lotus. For many years, scientists did not understand the significance of the role of the Blue Lotus in the tombs for the departed. After much research and study, they discovered that the presence of the Blue Lotus was critical for the dearly departed’s rebirth in the afterlife as an eternally youthful and vibrant God or Goddess. And for the ancient Egyptians, rebirth was dependent on sex. It turns out that the properties of the Blue Lotus are much like those of Ginkgo Biloba and Viagra. Thus, the Blue Lotus is associated with sexuality to ensure rebirth.
This ancient ritual provides a foundational understanding for our three Venus/Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn. It is no mere coincidence that the three Venus/Pluto conjunctions are occurring between the first two eclipses of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse season. Afterall, Venus is the Lady of Taurus and Pluto is the Lord of Scorpio. This Taurus/Scorpio axis is known as The Path of Intensity ~ the intensity of the Creative Life Force that we call Kundalini. Further, Pluto and Scorpio are associated with sex, death and rebirth.
Here are the cosmic events in sequence:
November 18/19, 2021 ~ Lunar Eclipse at 27° Taurus
December 11, 2021 ~ 1st Venus/Pluto conjunction at 25°19′ Capricorn
December 25, 2021 ~ 2nd Venus/Pluto conjunction at 25°44′ Capricorn
February 21, 2022 ~ 1st USA Pluto Return activation at 27°33′ Capricorn
March 3, 2022 ~ 3rd Venus/Pluto conjunction at 27°51′ Capricorn
April 30, 2022 ~ Solar Eclipse at 9° Taurus
Notice that the three Venus/Pluto conjunctions occur between a Lunar Eclipse and a Solar Eclipse ~ both in Taurus. Taurus represents our physical bodies ~ our Sacred Vessels ~ and that which we embody. Remember, the purpose of an eclipse is to get us “back on track” with our evolutionary path. In this sense, the evolution of Humanity as a species.
Lunar eclipses elicit fated endings, breakdowns or breakthroughs. The breakthrough that occurred on December 11th has to do with the Venus (Sacred Feminine) /Pluto (Cosmic Transformer) conjunction in Capricorn (The Wise One) being at a SQUARE aspect (breakthroughs in consciousness) to Osiris retrograde (Cosmic Christ within) in Aries (The Personal SELF). When the Cosmic Christ (Sacred Masculine) as Divine Will emerged from our Soul ~ Inner Being ~ Higher Self (as an extension of Source) through our realm of Consciousness into our realm of Embodiment, His Beloved ~ the Cosmic Sophia (Sacred Feminine) as Divine Wisdom ~ emerged within our realm of Embodiment as well.
On Christmas Day (12/25), the Cosmic Sophia (Divine Wisdom ~ Capricorn) was rebirthed and reawakened within our Sacred Vessels to transform our limited human consciousness (self) into our unlimited divine consciousness (Self). This coincided with the third and final Saturnia (11° Aquarius) SQUARE Uranus (11° Taurus) of 2021 on Christmas Eve day. The entirety of 2021 (from February 17th) had been preparing us through the Saturnia in Aquarius SQUARE Uranus in Taurus events to embody the Cosmic Sophia as Divine Wisdom on Christmas Day with the 2nd Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Saturnia as the Cosmic Gatekeeper enables our Multidimensional Self (Aquarius) to be birthed into our Physical Bodies (Taurus), while this full embodiment of our Multidimensional Self radically liberates (Uranus) the consciousness of the Human Body, evolving Humanity. It is also important to recognize that the first two Venus/Pluto conjunctions occurred during the window of the Gemini Goddess’ Gate of Ascension (Soul Star Chakra) Portal Activation. At the Gemini Goddess Gate of Ascension, we completed the 8-month Ascension Path that enabled Sophia Consciousness to emerge through our realm of Consciousness. Within our realm of Consciousness, Sophia has established the light grid we require for Divine Wisdom to take root within our Sacred Vessels.
Solar eclipses, on the other hand, elicit new beginnings and opportunities. The final of the three Venus/Pluto conjunctions will occur almost two months before the second eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis ~ Solar Eclipse at 9° Taurus. The last of three aspect activations is the most profound as it solidifies the new foundation upon which our new evolutionary impetus will solidly stand. The final Venus/Pluto conjunction will take place during the Capricorn Goddess’ Gate of Perception (Third Eye Chakra) Portal Activation, within 18 minutes of the USA’s Pluto Return point! Because the final Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is taking place at the USA’s Pluto Return point, I feel it is important to make a brief segue into that Cosmic Event in order to fully understand the potency of how our Perceptions will be transformed by the Cosmic Sophia. It is Her Divine Wisdom which will act as the “new pair of glasses” that will bring our vision back into focus as our Nation, and Humanity, moves forward.
Interestingly, at the moment of the birth of the United States of America, there was a loose YOD in the sky. An astrological Yod is considered to be a point of destiny, and it is often referred to as “The Finger of God,” or as I like to refer to it, “The Finger of the Goddess.” It consists of two luminary bodies at 60° from each other, creating the base of a triangle, and a third luminary body that is 150° from them at the apex of the triangle, or the action point. The YOD can indicate powerful mystical forces in a person or event – or a deeply entrenched block – that must be worked through with skill and careful negotiation. Often something hidden must be forced to the surface, and only through major excavation and prying can this come to light.
The luminary body at the top of the apex, in this instance, is Mercury® (The Cosmic Messenger) at 24° Cancer. At the base are Isis® (Cosmic Sophia) at 27° Sagittarius and Pallas Athena® (Goddess of Sacred Order) and the Moon (Divine Mother) at 27° Aquarius. Smack dab in the middle of the Yod’s base is Pluto® (The Cosmic Transformer) at 27° Capricorn, closely conjunct Magdalene® (Embodiment of Sophia Consciousness) at 21° Capricorn.
It is clear to me, from the FIVE Cosmic retrograde energies pulling our awareness into our Inner Realm, that the intrinsic power of fully embodying the Sophia Consciousness as Divine Wisdom, for a nation that considers itself to be founded on Christian principles, is the “something hidden.” Can we recover the lost voice of the Mother aspect of Sophia, who is dedicated to consciously nurturing, giving and caring for others?
… Now, at this Pluto Return for the United States of America ~ 246 years after this nation’s birth ~ The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us is at hand. … The Cosmic Sophia will … bring about an Empowered and Conscious Collaboration in Regenerating and Rebuilding the United States of America, so that She will embody a RENEWED Manifest Destiny by building the New Earth in Sacred Relationship with the Divine (Royal) Birthright of Humanity.
The third and final Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (reactivating the USA’s natal Pluto position) will be closely (within 15 minutes) aligned with Mars (Sacred Masculine), and together, they will be in TRINE to the North Node (Evolutionary GPS) in Taurus. The Sacred Masculine’s (Cosmic Christ) service and support of the Sacred Feminine’s (Cosmic Sophia) re-emergence as Divine Wisdom is being fully supported as the evolutionary destiny for Humanity and will be highlighted by several breakthroughs in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity:
Juno (Goddess of Sacred Relationship) in Aquarius SQUARE Uranus (Cosmic Liberator) in Taurus ~ at the same place where the final 2021 Saturnia SQ Uranus event took place.
Saturnia (Goddess of Sovereignty) & Mercury (The Cosmic Messenger) in Aquarius SQUARE Osiris (Cosmic Christ) in Taurus.
Merlin (Cosmic Alchemist) & Arthur (Cosmic Fierce Protector) in Aquarius SQUARE North Node (Cosmic Evolutionary GPS) in Taurus.
THREE astrological squares (breakthroughs in CONSCIOUSNESS) between the frequencies of Aquarius (Access to our Multidimensional Self) and the frequencies of Taurus (Full Embodiment of our Creative Life Force)!!!
What is that Creative Life Force that we are more fully embodying from our Multidimensional Self? You know it as the Cosmic Dance between Shiva and Shakti ~ which is also known as the Sacred Union of Christ and Sophia.
At the third and final Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, the lost voice of the Mother aspect of Sophia is now fully restored and will remain protected by the Sacred Masculine. The voice of Divine Wisdom will once again be broadcast through our Heart Chakras as the second eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis takes place during the Capricorn Goddess’ Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Portal Activation. The April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse at 9° Taurus is the new beginning that will continue to evolve and unfold through the remainder of the 2022 USA’s Pluto Return activations, the two years of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses and the 19-months of the Capricorn Goddess of Sovereignty journey.
Take note that the Capricorn Goddess’ 19-month journey will complete before the end of the Taurus/Scorpio two-year eclipse season. In fact, the Leo Goddess of Divine Royalty will step onto the world stage in August 2023, just 2 months before the final Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. She also shows up between the first two eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis ~ The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership.
As Bette Davis famously said in the move, All About Eve, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night!” However, instead of a “bumpy night,” it will be more like a bumpy two years. Apologies, Beloveds! Pluto will not allow me to sugar coat it for you. You can expect to become fully alchemized ~ broken down, dissolved, fermented & distilled ~ before you will be ready to embody conscious equal partnership with your Divine Self and claim your Royal Inheritance. You can also expect all the wounds (Pluto) that make you feel unloved (Venus) to reveal themselves to you, so that they too can be fully alchemized. How they will reveal themselves depends upon your personal Natal and Solar Return Charts. For me, the 3 Venus/Pluto conjunctions are occurring in my 7th natal house of relationships. All the ways I feel unsupported and unappreciated by my relationship with the Sacred Feminine have been coming up for me to look at. Meanwhile, the first 2 Venus/Pluto conjunctions occurred in my 6th Solar Return house of day-t0-day life &/or health. I have lived nearly 59 years in a body that has been plagued by ill health. Nothing I have tried, both allopathic and naturopathic, has been the “right thing.” And, of course, chronic illness has greatly impacted my day-to-day life. I certainly do not feel that I am living my “best life.” I often feel so separated from my best life that I can no longer even catch a glimpse of what that vision may look like. By the time the third Venus/Pluto conjunction comes around in March 2022, my 3rd Solar Return house of Communication and my South Node will be activated. I look forward to my own perceptions about my life experiences to be transformed by then and hope to feel more supported and appreciated in my relationships. So, you see, this is all yucky feeling stuff, and we will each have to contend with it in our unique way.
That which Yeshua, the Embodiment of Christ, experienced in a matter of days from his crucifixion to his resurrection, each of us will undergo during these next two years of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses. Take courage, for we will each have the Sophia/Christ Consciousness helping us navigate the path ~ the path that will evolve us into our Greatness. Along with Divine Wisdom (Capricorn Goddess) and Divine Will (Fierce Protector), we will have the ancient Egyptian Blue Lotus elixir to ensure our Eternal Youthfulness & Vitality (Gemini Goddess & Gemini God) will be present as we step into our place as Divine Royalty (Leo Goddess).
There is much to look forward to!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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Today is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius! This eclipse is the twin eclipse of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19th.
Today’s Solar Eclipse is the FINAL eclipse on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis which has been supporting the evolutionary expansion of our Inner Feminine since June 2020, while the Gemini (Rainbow) Goddess has been on the world stage.
Monday, 12/6, is the final Gate Activation of the Gemini Goddess’ Ascent Journey ~ The Ascension Gate. From my very first Sacred Feminine class, I said the purpose of the Gemini Goddess Journey is to take us from the duality of the lower mind (left brain – right brain) into the Higher Mind where we have access to the Unified Source Field.
The November Taurus Lunar Eclipse, during the window of the Gemini Goddess’ Gate of Authority activation, has facilitated our ability to shift into the Higher Mind at will by calibrating our Heart-Brain Coherence in preparation for today’s Light Body REBOOT by the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse ~ just TWO DAYS prior to our Ascension Gate Activation!
Further, the November Taurus Lunar Eclipse was the FIRST of 7 eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio Path of Intensity that will be supporting us as we experience the USA’s Pluto Return throughout 2022. Pluto has been, and will continue to be, supporting us in stepping into our Greatness (reclaiming our personal power ~ our Sovereignty) as we reconnect with our Indwelling Christo-Sophia and acknowledge The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through us.
To understand more about how the November Taurus Lunar Eclipse and today’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse are tweaking us before we cross the threshold into 2022, I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to my new Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Video Series for only $13/month. (Scroll to the bottom of the linked page.)
December also bears witness to the Gemini Goddess’ shift from the Ascent Phase of the Venus Synodic Cycle to the Metamorphic Phase of the Venus Synodic Cycle on December 19th at 27° Capricorn, the USA’s Pluto Return point! YOU JUST CANNOT MAKE UP THESE SORT OF SYNCHRONICITIES! It is during the Metamorphic Phase that the Gemini Goddess will be alchemized into the Capricorn Goddess of Sovereignty during the Venus/Sun conjunction (Seed Point) on January 8th ~ my birthday! I feel so blessed to have the Metamorphic Seed Point encoded into my new Solar Return Chart.
So, what I know for sure is this … the Gemini Goddess (Sacred Feminine) Journey, the Fierce Protector (Sacred Masculine) Journey, and the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses have been working together to evolve Humanity to a space wherein we can achieve the greatest expansion possible during this forthcoming Cosmic Transformative stage in which the Capricorn Goddess of Sovereignty, the USA’s Pluto Return and the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses are ready to converge! The Luminary Body whose task it is to convey the Cosmic Messages we will require to navigate our own metamorphosis is Mercury. He was an integral collaborator at the birth of our Nation, and His presence was “front and center” during both the November Taurus Lunar Eclipse and today’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse. As we move into the Intense Alchemical Cauldron of 2022, it is clear that we need to be consciously engaged with each of these Cosmic Events (below) in order to achieve the greatest expansion and the greatest clarity of our unfolding possible:
Finally, I have made some radical changes to the services I am offering. I suppose this is a natural side effect of having my second Saturn Return in Aquarius this year! The final activation of my second Saturn Return will be Christmas Eve Day. WOW! Each of the links above will explain how the program modules have been revised along with the newly created Pluto Return/Eclipse module.
As a Scorpio Goddess, I am very excited about embarking on the 2022 Alchemical Journey. I look forward to you joining me for what I believe will be a deeply profound turning point for Humanity!
I wish you all great Joy, Peace and Happiness during this Holy Season. Much love,
Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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