In my most recent Sacred Masculine class which discusses the Activation of the 5th Labor on the day of the class, which also happened to be the day of the Fifth Night of Navratri, I share my 4th Labor insurmountable challenge ~ experiencing manifestations of greed within my local community. I also share a reminder that MahaLakshmi grants a boon on the 5th night of Navratri, and extend an invitation to look for the evidence of Her boon.
Today, the very day after the class, MahaLakshmi revealed to me an amazing insight and clarity into the greed experiences I attracted to myself. I believe this Wisdom to be evidence of Her boon to me.
An important concept underlying the principles of The Law of Attraction which must be understood is that resonating frequencies range along a spectrum from what is wanted to what is not wanted. Instead, most people explain or justify these resonating frequencies in very limited and literal ways. Rather than limiting the frequency of greed to attracting only an exact frequency of greed, we must allow for the subtleties of frequencies that are at play along a spectrum ranging from greed to generosity. Understanding this fundamental principle of The Law of Attraction gives you access to the infinite possibilities of Source that are manifesting within you and through you in a liberating manner rather than a judgmental one.
One of the best explanations of this dynamic that I have found is discussed in Gregg Braden’s workshop on The Seven Essene Mirrors of Relationship which you can view here:
Here is the Gift from Greed that I received:
Greed is a manifestation of lack consciousness. It was the activated frequency of “lack consciousness” within you that attracted the greed experiences. The “lack consciousness” within you is a manifestation of all the places within that were ASKING in a big way for you to allow an opening for them to be able to receive the fullness of the I AM. By giving yourself the space (3 days of sleeping and staying in the comfort of your home for the rest of the week) to “make peace” with the experiences of greed you attracted – you effected the reconciliation required to resurrect those places within that were ASKING in a big way! The BIGNESS (or the momentum of the ASKING) was in direct proportion to the flare up of ANGER you felt in response to those experiences. The ensuing resurrection contributed greatly to the recalibration of your new center of balance – aka your new vibrational point of attraction!!!
We know that the literal definition of resurrection is “the act of rising from the dead” or “a rising again as from decay, disuse.” However, in the metaphysical realm, we must look to the metaphoric understanding rather than the literal in order to access the higher teaching. In this instance, the metaphoric understanding that I intuited from MahaLakshmi’s boon is that of “bringing Light to darkness.” Thus, in any ways that we have created separation within our Consciousness, we have created pockets of darkness. Therefore, in any ways that we allow our Consciousness to become more unified, we are resurrecting that which has been separate.
The other piece of this boon from MahaLakshmi is the understanding that what I experienced through the 4th Labor is the Creative Process. It is this Creative Process that we experience eternally, and which we must focus on experiencing at each Gate Activation to get the most out of the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.
I invite you to begin engaging in your own Creative Process. Here are some ways that can support you when you decide to say “Yes!” to your Self:
Many Blessings to You, Beloved. Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
… as, together, we REBIRTH America and our beautiful Planet. Over the next four years, between now and the beginning of 2025, we will witness and participate in the unfolding of this rebirth which will result in the Liberation of Humanity and Earth. Yet, first, we will collectively move through a “Near Death Experience” as The United States of America has its Pluto RETURN activated three times next year (2022).
Since last year’s Independence Day, we have already been experiencing the emergence of these transformative energies which are burning everything that does not serve our Ascension into the 5D+ realities into a heap of ash, as Pluto was standing at the 3 degree orb of America’s Pluto Return point. This burning to the ground has been intensified since mid-February when Venus descended into the Inanna Underworld. The Resurrection Activation (Venus conjunct Sun) at the end of March initiated the Healing of the Split between Inanna and her sister Erishkigal that has been the source of Separation Consciousness on Earth for at least the past 10,000+ years. Their healing and reunification was affirmed by the descent of the Sacred Masculine, represented by Osiris, The Wise and Compassionate Leader, into the Inanna Underworld in lieu of Inanna’s husband, Dumuzi, who is tainted by the Patriarchal energy. Due to Osiris’ presence in the Underworld, there is no longer a need for someone to act as a substitute for Inanna, and thus, there is no longer a need for the demons to accompany Inanna to the earth’s surface since she will not be claiming a substitute.
The story has now become rewritten. Inanna/Erishkigal will ascend together in Unity Consciousness from the Underworld on May 3rd when the Gemini Goddess rises as the Evening Star. Their UNIFICATION allows for the restoration of our own Unity Consciousness. They will step into the First Gate when the Root Chakra is activated by the conjunction of Venus and the Moon on May 12th. With no demons accompanying them, they, and therefore WE, are free to CLAIM the FULL Radiance of our Multi-Dimensional Selves through this Energetic Gateway. We will no longer be reclaiming the old royal robe that we surrendered. Now, in the new story, after eons of separation, finally we will be claiming and putting on our Divine Robe. We have made the shift from being subjugated to royal entitlement under Patriarchy to the freedom of our full sovereignty as Divine Beings. As such, this first gate at the Root Chakra initiates our Ascension into the higher dimensional frequencies of our Light Bodies, and thereby transcending the polarity/duality of the 3rd Dimension.
Just prior to the Ascent from the Inanna Underworld, Pluto will begin a whole new Vision Quest when he stations retrograde on April 28th. This vision quest will be an integral part of our Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey, transforming and empowering each Gateway as we expand further and further into our Leading Edge (Cosmic) Intelligence. Pluto will be clearing out any vibrational debris that may impede our Kundalini from fully IGNITING the power of each Chakra, enabling us to CLAIM the FULLNESS of its Divine LIGHT.
This Ascent Journey was blessed by Sekhmet, Goddess of Mercy and Grace, in Pisces at the Resurrection Activation. This blessing was bestowed upon us when the Easter Weekend Portal opened to allow INFINITE waves of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness to descend upon us. If you think back to that weekend and the week following it, you may recall having felt the effects of this monumental energy flowing into you. As it permeates our Beingness, it must saturate each of our etheric bodies (spiritual, mental and emotional) before filtering into our physical bodies. I have described what I was feeling as a spinning sensation like that of a toy top. The integration of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness will continue for us throughout the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey as we acclimate to a new center of balance for each Chakra each new balance point being grounded in a 5D+ frequency. Uranus’s journey through Taurus will be assisting us in this process.
These are exciting times to be embodied on the Planet. While there is much on the Global Stage to cause distraction and distress, I encourage each of you to stay in your Sacred Space to allow this process to have its way with you. In my FREE Guided Meditation for Enhanced Well Being, I provide you with instruction for establishing Spiritual Protection/Fortification and Calibrating to your Highest Frequency. I cannot overemphasize the importance of doing these two practices on a daily basis. As you become familiar with the process, this is something that should take no more than 15 minutes of your time each morning.
I also encourage each of you to consider engaging with the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey in a CONSCIOUS way by subscribing to The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s Sacred Feminine Class. The first class will be on Monday, May 10th, at 2pm EST. There are more details about what I have discussed here in the recording of our most recent Sacred Feminine class. You can watch that for FREE here. Please subscribe to our Library, and give our class a “thumbs up.” I hope it will inspire you to JOIN US on this Ascent Journey!
Many Blessings to You, Beloved. Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
On this Full Moon in Libra ~ the Sign of Conscious Equal Partnership and the expression of peace and harmony ~ I am taking the opportunity to send you a THANK YOU Giftfor your loyal readership of The Golden Ray Center’s NEWSLETTER and BLOG. Many of you have been readers for 6 years. AMAZING!
I am so appreciative of the two people who made the request of me for a guided meditation, which allowed the opening for this inspired creation to show up. I have long been desiring a way to offer a far-reaching service that will uplift the Planet and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. I believe this is it!
Please ENJOY this Thank You GIFT from me to you. (NOTE: Please do not listen to it while driving or operating heavy machinery.)
This FREE Guided Meditation and all future meditations are intended for PERSONAL use only. You are welcome to share the FREE Guided Meditation with your closest friends and family.
PLEASE, DO NOT upload any of the meditations to YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Rumble, etc. They are all copyrighted. Thank you for honoring my request!
I really appreciate each and every one of you.
Many blessings to you in your expansion! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
So far, the unfolding cosmic energies this month have proven to be very intriguing!
Venus’ activation of the Earth Star Chakra (8th Gate)
Venus’ descent into the Inanna Underworld
The FIRST of the three Saturn square Uranus events
Mercury stationing direct
5 planets in Aquarius: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn & Jupiter
Personally, I began this month in the New Moon in Aquarius (2/11) window facilitating a Guided Meditation for the group with whom I traveled through the Cathar Region of France in September 2019. While we were in Rennes-les-Bains, we visited the Seat of Isis. However, we did not take the opportunity to climb further up the mountain to the Seat of Osiris. It felt to me like it was time for our group to meet there in the Unified Source Field for an attunement through its portal.
The Seat of Osiris at Rennes-les-Bains, France Image Credit: Debowska Productions
The Activation of the Venus 8th Gate (Earth Star Chakra) in Aquarius occurred the day before the New Moon in Aquarius. Meanwhile, little I did I realize at the time, the 8th Gate Activation was in an exact conjunction to my Solar Osiris. This made for a startling physical reaction to the Journey to the Seat of Osiris, even just as the Guide. I was essentially blown out of my body into the wholeness of my multidimensional self, and had trouble reintegrating its expansiveness within my physical body. The effect of that is apparent, I believe, in my attempt to facilitate the Sacred Feminine class later that afternoon.
Later, on February 22, 2021, I took my own Journey to the Seat of Osiris, utilizing the recording of the Guided Meditation I had made for our group, whom I now affectionately refer to as the Rose Wheel Guardians. That evening, I had a fascinating discussion with my Venus Buddy, Maureen, about what I had experienced during the Seat of Osiris Journey and how it related to her insights about her personal Inanna Underworld experience of Erishkegal (Inanna’s sister) which she had shared with The Rose Wheel Mystery School‘s Group Session a few days before.
We agreed that I could share our discussion with you here:
S: A deep sorrow is coming over me in waves. The sorrow feels like it belongs to Gaia & the Great Mother ~ perhaps even Erishkegal & Inanna. Erishkegal as a representation of Gaia & Inanna as a representation of the Great Mother ~ the “sisters” representing the As above, So below of the Mother Archetype. You’ve tapped into something DEEP with Erishkegal. I feel like Her sorrow that I’m feeling is the source of Her anger that you were/are feeling. Is that the emotion you identified? Erishkegal as Gaia can also be seen as the Mother within each of us. These emotions of Hers that we are tapping into is being exposed to the LIGHT through us during this Inanna Underworld.
M: Yes, the feeling I am experiencing is anger. I thought originally that it was jealousy, but that is not it.
S: Rather than Inanna’s “husband” coming down to rescue Inanna, the LIGHT of the Sacred Masculine is descending into the Underworld to “save” Inanna AND Erishkegal. When I was standing in the semi-circle with our Group at the Seat of Osiris, tears we’re coming down my face. I didn’t understand what those tears were then. Now, I see the correlation. (NOTE: The tears I experienced at the Seat of Osiris were from Inanna & Erishkegal’s grief pouring through me.)
M: Inanna’s husband was made to take her place in the Underworld because of his shallowness. I don’t see any of the characters as having emotional maturity. So the question to me becomes how does that transformation happen before the ascent. They must integrate their lessons.
S: I feel like his “shallowness” is Patriarchal energy not Sacred Masculine energy.
M: Wow! That’s what I hit on too!
S: I decided to pull some cards from Amanda’s Metatron deck. You won’t believe what I got! I didn’t even know it was one of the cards …
“Card number 3 links to the planet Jupiter”
(NOTE: During the Journey to the Seat of Osiris, Maureen was taken to the Osirion in Abydos, Egypt where the Flower of Life ~ the image in the card above ~ is carved on one of the granite pillars. Nassim Haramein describes it as “…burned into the atomic structure of the rock in some extraordinary way.”)
I feel like the Sacred Masculine is descending to heal the split that was created in the Sacred Feminine through the abuses of the patriarchy. Then, they can RISE together as EQUAL PARTNERS. Re this concept, I could feel it before the 8th Gate Activation and was trying to describe it in the class. REMEMBER, when Venus descended into the Inanna Underworld, She was conjunct Mercury Retrograde AND Jupiter.
M: Yes, that would be true, the healing you write of. I do remember the conjunctions.… Capricorn (her Inner Masculine) is not very spontaneous in my experience. Sagittarius (her Inner Feminine) is. Hence, when they got married, Capricorn go to bring a duffle bag.
S: With my own Capricorn energies, I’m discovering this Inanna Underworld is helping me to put down the duffle bag & let go of perceived responsibilities. The heavy pressures of those are hindering the work. It’s enough for Capricorn to be present as the Elder, the Wayshower … standing in Full Sovereignty. A preview/foreshadow of the NEXT Meta Goddess. (NOTE: Venus steps onto the world stage as the Capricorn Meta Goddess in January 2022.)
M: That will be important for Capricorn!
S: Yes! Can you feel that? Are you aware of being invited into that also?
M: Oh yes, very much so. For me, spiritual maturity is going to be a focus. The concept of emotional maturity must happen across the collective consciousness.
S: Spiritual Maturity (Capricorn) & emotional maturity (Cancer) … same AXIS!!!! The 8th Gate Activation has an opposition on this AXIS … preparing us for this VERY THING to allow the space to surrender whatever within each of us has been hindering that from unfolding. Pluto/Sekhmet (Inanna) in Capricorn opposite Asmodeus/Medusa in Cancer. Did not recognize before their T-Square to Magdalene in LIBRA.
M: Good news that we are tuning into that!
S: Magdalene is with us in the Inanna Underworld helping us with the breakthroughs in Consciousness we need to make to achieve Spiritual/Emotional maturity so that the Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine can rise together as Equal Partners. It’s happening!!! They are letting us know it is happening!!!
M: Ok, I feel that.
S: Our awareness ALLOWS the process! I feel such a HUGE RELIEF! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I’m so happy we are doing this together. I have tears of Joy now, no more sorrow.
M: Well, thank you for the clarification!
S: Do you mind if I compile this into a blog post? I feel everyone needs this message. Thank you MERCURY!!!
M: Not at all! Mercury is a blessing whatever speed he works in.
S: lol – Mercury stationed direct yesterday!!!
M: I wrote that down. So now he’ll gather speed again.
S: Yes! Remember, when planets retrograde, the vision quest (retrograde journey) is about discovering a piece that we did not pick up the first time around. A piece we need to be able to move forward.
M: We did that!
S: Yes we did!!! And, I believe the attunements we received at the Seat of Osiris helped us do that.
M: Still working on that.
S: We are always doing that – that’s the evolutionary/creative process. It is eternal. We are never “done.”
M: That’s for sure.
S: Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) in Aquarius is about “allowing life to unfold in its own pace, in its own time, & in its own way.” (- Amanda Ellis, card 42) This is a big piece of my Saturn Return and your Saturn opposition AND the 3 Saturn/Uranus squares.
M: Got it!
I hope you enjoyed this exchange of unfolding awareness between myself and Maureen. Clearly, with Mercury Retrograde’s conjunction to Venus as She descended into the Inanna Underworld, the Cosmic Messenger was ready and willing to share this message from Inanna and Erishkegal about their role in transforming the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Jupiter’s conjunction to this event as the Cosmic Guru demonstrates to us that there is still much for us to learn from the two sisters in this Sumerian Myth.
Many blessings to you in your expansion! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
The moment you say “YES!” to the Truth behind the principles that are collectively known as the Law of Attraction is the moment you have stepped into 5D reality because you have allowed yourself to enter the reality of energy, vibration and frequency.
What does it mean to live in a 5D reality?
The 5D reality is PRESENT whether you can perceive it or not. PERCEPTION is the key. This reminds me of a scene in the movie, Kate & Leopold. Kate’s ex-fiance’, Stuart, says to the attendant in the psych ward:
Stuart: I know, I know, it sounds crazy… talking about… finding a crack in time under the East River. But in, in point, in point of fact, Gretchen, you know…it is no more crazy than, uh, a dog finding a rainbow. Dogs are color-blind, Gretchen. They don’t see color.
Gretchen: Really?
Stuart: Just like we can’t see time. We can feel it. Oh… we can feel it passing but, uh, we can’t see it; it’s just a blur.
It is ALL about perception. To understand how we perceive 5D, we must understand how we perceive in 3D.
In our 3D reality, we are accustomed to perceiving with our 5 senses. We see things with our eyes, we hear things with our ears, we feel things with our skin, we smell things with our nose and we taste things with our tongues. These instruments of our senses: eyes, ears, skin, nose and tongue are calibrated to detect data within certain bandwidths of frequencies. This concept is not at all uncommon to us. We know that there is an electromagnetic spectrum that includes the range of all the possible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. This range has been defined as being from high energy gamma rays through visible light and down to low energy radio waves. However, I know that there are frequencies that exist beyond this defined range, at both the high and low ends, that science has not yet been able to detect. We have created telescopes and microscopes to allow our eyes to see into the bandwidths that are beyond their perception. We have created radio towers and hearing aids to allow our ears to hear beyond the bandwidths that are beyond their perception. Heck! Speaking of dogs, we know that they are able to hear what we cannot. Even cats are able to see what we cannot. Just because we cannot see or hear what is present with our own eyes and ears does not mean it is not there.
There is another tool that we are gifted with that helps us to translate, or perceive, the data that the instruments of our 5 senses are collecting. That is the mind. The mind is a tricky thing. It can only translate that which you believe. A belief is just a thought that you have practiced over and over again. A belief (positive or negative) is a thought that has a lot of momentum behind it. A belief is a program that has been installed in your mind. You can sometimes identify a program that is running your mind as “the voice you hear in your head.” It’s like a tape that keeps playing over and over again. Another way of saying this is that the mind is critical. The critical mind can only translate what it does not throw out of the data set based on the judgments it has been programmed to apply to the data. Judgments are false or limited beliefs, beliefs that do not allow for the possibility of an existence. Thus, if you do not believe it, you will not see it, or vice versa, supported by The Law of Attraction, you MUST believe it BEFORE you can see it. This is how we perceive in 3D, and this way of perceiving is what keeps a person “stuck” in a 3D reality. It is VERY limiting and disempowering.
So how does the way we perceive ~ our perception ~ shift to give us access to 5D reality?
5D reality vibrates at a higher frequency than 3D. To access these higher frequencies, our critical mind becomes silent so that our higher mind can become the translator. When the higher mind is engaged as the translator, a whole new spectrum of frequencies is opened up to us. The instruments of our 5 senses continue to collect the data. However they have become more finely calibrated, so they are collecting A LOT more data than before. You hear things that other people do not hear. You are able to see things that other people cannot see. You KNOW things that other people do not know. This is because the instruments of our 5 senses now have access to our “6th sense” – our auric field, aka our Light Body. YES! The auric field does exist. Its existence has been proven through Kirlian photography. Our Light Body has the ability to detect the finest and most subtle of frequencies. Because the instruments of our 5 senses have been plugged into the Light Body, where our higher mind resides, we are now perceiving realities that we were unable to previously detect. We have become the dog who can now see color!
How do the instruments of our 5 senses become wired to or get plugged into our Light Body? How does this 6th sense get turned on? This happens when we allow ourselves to receive the LOVE frequency stream which is always being broadcasted to us from Source. We can feel within our bodies when we are allowing the stream of the LOVE frequency to flow through us. We experience this as:
My cup runneth over.
Psalm 23:5
And, we each have absolute control over when we are tapped in, tuned in and turned on or pinched off and disconnected. You get to choose, and it is ALWAYS a choice ~ moment by moment, breath by breath. When you are feeling genuine appreciation, you are allowing yourself to receive the LOVE frequency ~ it is live-streaming to you and through you. The more you practice choosing to receive the stream of LOVE, the more you are recalibrating your vibrational set-point to the LOVE frequency. When your vibrational set-point becomes the same vibration of the LOVE frequency, thus continuously live-streaming this frequency, you are now living in 5D reality.
There are many practices you can engage for learning how to consciously allow yourself to receive the LOVE frequency stream and for learning how to calibrate your vibrational stance. Those are beyond the scope of this article. My intention here is to help you clarify how you can recognize when you are experiencing 5D perception, so that you will know when you are living in 5D reality. I hope this discussion has helped to do just that.
Many blessings to you in your expansion! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Today (1/25/2021) as Pluto (The Cosmic Transformer) is standing in the exact same place in the sky (in Capricorn ~ The Ancient Elder Archetype and the sign of Sovereignty) as he was last April (2020) when he stationed retrograde, we are witnessing ~ within and without ~ the re-emergence of Osiris (God of the Underworld ~ The God of the Afterlife, the Dead & the Resurrection) as an Aquarian Archetype ~ The Wise and Compassionate Leader ~ who is now being broadcast (Osiris in Aquarius) through our Hearts (Leo ~ The Mastery Path of Relationship Equality).
WHO is this “Leader” that is broadcasting through our Hearts (Leo) into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity (Aquarius) on this Mastery Path of Relationship Equality (Leo/Aquarius axis)? This radiant Leader IS the Inner Being (Consciousness who IS Eternal, Consciousness who IS LIFE aka your Soul or your Higher Self) within each of us who IS an extension of Source! This radiant Leader, as our Inner Being, recognizes and KNOWS the Inner Being of every person we encounter as an EQUAL ~ also an extension of Source ~ and therefore, a masterful Light Being of Pure Love with whom it can consciously co-create infinite realities. Through the Aquarian Osiris Archetype of The Wise and Compassionate Leader, everyone is treated in a just and fair manner.
The Aquarian Osiris Archetype is actually a 5D (finally balanced and calibrated energetic frequency) manifestation that has risen from the ashes of patriarchy which Pluto in Capricorn has burned to the ground. The 5D manifestation of The Wise (Magdalene/Isis) and Compassionate (Yeshua/Osiris) Leader Archetype is BREATHING the hologram of the New Earth within you and through you onto our beautiful planet and into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Each person is being activated by The Wise and Compassionate Leader to make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to plant both of their feet firmly in the 5D+ reality. THIS is the message going out on the Galactic “Emergency Broadcast System!” The days of straddling 3D and 5D with one foot in each reality are behind us. Do you “hear” and acknowledge this urgent call? Will you choose to respond to this Galactic EBS message?
The Full Moon in Leo in the Sky over Central Florida on January 25, 2021 Photo Credit: Sofia Mona Lisa
At the time of this writing, the Full Moon (The Great Mother who rules my astrological chart) in Leo (The Archetype of the Radiant Leader and the sign of the Compassionate Heart) ~ who will be in Her complete fullness in 3 days (1/28/2021) ~ is shining Her validation on the Illumination of this Consciousness I am sharing with you which was seeded at the New Moon in Capricorn earlier this month (1/13/2021).
From the time of the New Moon in Capricorn, Osiris (God of the Underworld) began getting the attention of me and my Venus Buddy, Maureen. This was in large part due to Pluto’s tightening approach (within 10 minutes) to our Solar Plutos (Lord of the Underworld) which closely conjunct our Solar Mercurys (Cosmic Messenger). Maureen and I had recently (~ 4-5 days before the New Moon) crossed the threshold of our new Solar Return paths, on 1/9/21 and 1/8/21 respectively. Osiris began to subtly make his presence known to us through our conversations about our experiences at the Seat of Isis in Rennes-les-Bain, France (September 2019) which soon shifted to discussing the Seat of Osiris, a bit further up the mountain from the Seat of Isis, which we did not visit during our time in France.
Seat of Isis at Rennes-les-Bains (L to R: Ellia, Judy, Geraldine, Sofia Mona Lisa, Kelly, Michael, Maureen) Photo Credit: Nancy Safford
I was inspired to search the internet for a picture of the Seat of Osiris, and was unable to locate one, nor much mention of it. In fact, I only found two websites that mentioned it by name, but offered no further information about it. Upon hearing this, Maureen told me she remembered seeing a shot of it in a brief video clip on the website of our guide, Nancy Safford, who passed away in the Spring of 2020. I went back to Nancy’s site to look for the video clip. I found the one which I believed Maureen had referenced, and I took some screenshots of the Seat of Osiris, which Maureen later confirmed.
The Seat of Osiris in Rennes-les-Bains, France Photo Credit: Debowska Productions
On the day of the activation of the Sacred Masculine’s (Aries Mars Archetype of The Fierce Protector) Second Labor this past Thursday, 1/21/2021, I became very aware that Osiris was communicating with me. As soon as I made this realization, he guided me back to the time that Maureen and I had spent with our fellow Luminaries at the Seat of Isis in September 2019, and showed me how he and his Beloved, Isis, have been working with us since our Multidimensional Attunement that occurred there.
Before I share what I discovered about the work Isis and Osiris have been doing with me, let me step back to yesterday, so as not to get too far ahead of myself. I knew yesterday (1/24) that my Solar Pluto was receiving a HUGE ACTIVATION because transiting Pluto (meaning Pluto in the Sky) was crossing over my Solar Pluto at 24CP26 on his return to the point of his retrograde at 25CP00 today (1/25). In fact, today, Pluto has completed a 9-month vision quest that he began in April 2020. I also knew, because Pluto was so close to my Solar Mercury at 29CP, that I would be receiving a personal message about how I have been regenerated during Pluto’s vision quest since last April when the Libra Relational Goddess activated the Life by Intent Ascension Gate (4/26/2020). I recognized that today’s Pluto event would be occurring 4 days after The Fierce Protector’s 2nd Labor activation and that he would be significantly informing the Grand Cross that was in the Sky for the 2nd Labor. (I personally perceive a Grand Cross aspect as unlimited possibilities for Creation and unlimited opportunities for breakthroughs in Consciousness. I also perceive this aspect as infinite timelines from which we can choose for manifestation, thereby creating our own reality.) I was aware that Osiris was definitely a part of this activation for me. It felt to me as if Osiris was rising from the dead within me!!! Thus began my discovery process of how Isis and Osiris have been working with me since my multidimensional attunement at the Seat of Isis in September 2019.
Image Credit Unknown
First, though, I was VERY curious about where Isis and Osiris are showing up in my new (as of 1/8/2021) Solar Return chart. Imagine my surprise when I saw that they are both in my Solar 7th House (the house of relationships) in Aquarius (Archetype of The Radical Liberator and the sign of our Multidimensional Reality/the Collective Consciousness of Humanity)! Specifically, my Solar Osiris is conjunct (standing at or very near the same point) my natal Saturn. No wonder I was so keenly aware of my relationship with him manifesting through me!!! More than that, my Solar Isis and Osiris are square (standing 90° from) my natal 5th House Neptune in Scorpio. This aspect speaks directly to my breakthrough in Consciousness around my relationship with Osiris, along with Pluto as Lord of Scorpio supporting this creation (5th House). The manifestation of these energies in this specific way for me clearly validated the POWER and the PLEASURE of Pluto! I recognized within the depths of myself that my Creative Life Force energy (Kundalini/Shakti) had “died” to 3D reality (experiencing and perceiving through 3D) and had been “resurrected” in 5D reality (experiencing and perceiving in 5D).
At the time of my Magdalene Journey in France (September 2019), my Solar Isis and Osiris were standing in Virgo (Archetype of the High Priest/Priestess and the sign of Sacred Service to the Goddess). Isis was retrograde in my Solar 7th House. This is one of the elements of my Soul Path that had hardwired me to receive my Multidimensional Attunement at the Seat of Isis. My inner relationship with Isis was being amplified. Meanwhile, my Solar Osiris was in my Solar 8th House (my source of Empowerment) conjunct my natal 3rd House Pluto in Virgo! This initiated a Soul relationship with Osiris that would empower me by sharing my Sacred Service to the Goddess with my Soul brothers and sisters. AND, this Soul relationship was seeded when both the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars) were in the Inanna Underworld ~ an event that occurs only every 34 years.
This initiation was encoded within me and manifested through me when I encountered and physically experienced a past life death event at Château de Quéribus ~ the medieval Cathar castle which was the last Cathar stronghold. Presently, the result of that Soul relationship is manifesting through the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes I am co-creating with The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School masters.
Because Osiris is the God of the Underworld and Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld AND my Soul relationship with Osiris was initiated in the Inanna Underworld of the Libra Relational Goddess when my Solar Osiris was conjunct my natal Pluto, I had to know how this Soul relationship with Osiris had manifested when the Libra Relational Goddess was in her Metamorphic Underworld. As a Scorpio (The Alchemist Archetype) Goddess (Venus Overtone) with a Sagittarius (The Explorer of Spiritual Consciousness Archetype) Inner Feminine, this was a very natural progression of inner truth-seeking for me. The Libra Relational Goddess Metamorphic seed point occurred on June 3, 2020 (remember, Pluto in the Sky had begun his vision quest journey only 2 months prior ~ the journey which completed today). On the day of the seed point in the Metamorphic Underworld, Isis was at 29SG27, the mastery point of my Sagittarius Inner Feminine, and she was conjunct my Solar Ixion (the wounded inner child who was transfigured as the Divine Child). My Solar Osiris was conjunct my Solar Jupiter (Cosmic Guru) in Capricorn (The Ancient Elder Archetype). My Solar Isis and Osiris were in my Solar 8th House enabling me to “rise from the ashes” of my death initiation at Quéribus (9 months earlier) and step fully into my own empowerment as a Way Shower of the Death and Rebirth Mysteries. The Libra Relational Goddess journey, during my 7th Venus Return, had been a journey from my “self” to my “Self,” and Isis and Osiris had been present every step of the way supporting and guiding me through it.
Next month (February 2021), the Gemini Rainbow Goddess will be making her descent into the Inanna Underworld. It became very obvious to me that I absolutely needed to have this clarity around the role of Isis and Osiris in my Libra Relational Goddess journey BEFORE going into the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Inanna Underworld phase. In fact, just a couple of days ago, I mentioned to The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School masters that this would be the first time that the six of us would be CONSCIOUSLY engaging the Inanna Underworld journey. My relationship with Osiris was a huge piece of my expansion that had been left behind, which the Pluto Vision Quest journey that completes today, assisted me in recovering and bringing into the wholeness of my Being, so that I can step into the Inanna Underworld as a fully Sovereign Being.
The importance of sharing my personal story with you is to accentuate for you that you, too, have experienced your own equally amazing and empowering co-creative EXPANSION with Isis and Osiris, whether it has been perceptible to you or not, and whether you have consciously engaged with it or not!
TODAY IS A POTENT DAY FOR EVERYONE as Pluto completes his Vision Quest. What piece of yourself has he helped you to rediscover? How have Pluto and Osiris supported you in your empowerment? The Wise and Compassionate Leader (the Aquarian Osiris Archetype) is sending an urgent message directly to you through the Galactic Emergency Broadcast System. Are you ready to acknowledge it and decipher it? If your Heart is leaping with a “YES!” then please know that I am here to assist you.
You have expanded beyond what you have learned to allow. … The deliciousness of Life, the true essence of Life, the part of Life you call exhilaration or adventure, the part of Life that you call passion, the part of Life that you climb mountains for or that you get into new relationships for, the part of Life that you were born for, the part of Life that you LOVE the most of all is moving in the direction of that further expansion.
Please be aware that there are only 3 seats left in The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School.
For those who would like to join the Mystery School after all 8 seats are filled, you will be put on a waiting list. While you are on the waiting list, you can engage with the Energetic GRID of the Mystery School’s Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine programs in these ways:
Thank you for your continued interest in my Sacred Work, and thank you for sharing this post with your family and friends. Each of you are a Help-Mate to me on this path of Sacred Service. I rely on word-of-mouth referrals to proliferate the influence of this Aquarian-age Goddess Temple’s contribution to uplifting the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
Many blessings to you in your journey! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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As the axis of the Earth stands still, we, too, pause and allow ourselves to reflect on the darkness that has engulfed us. With the rebirth of the Sun that occurs when the Earth’s axis shifts and moves in the opposite direction, we can choose to let go of all that once was and allow ourselves to move in a new direction as well.
During the pause of the Earth’s axis, your Consciousness has been lifted way up and beyond the heights of the Rüppell’s griffon vulture, the highest flying bird at 37,000 feet.
Vulture spirit animal symbolizes purity, restoring harmony, preventing the spread of disease, and being noticed for what you do instead of how you appear. No job is too small, dirty, or unimportant. They all matter! Vulture is there to restore harmony to forgotten places. … By using their keen eyesight, they notice subtleties in others and read between the lines. It’s hard to see in moments of despair, but Vulture tells us suffering is temporary and is necessary to reach a higher purpose/growth.
Now, as the Earth’s axis begins its movement northward, you take the Vision you received from that highest point your Consciousness reached, and you bring it down to earth to Dance and Sing a Liberating New Reality into Being. You can imagine a runway at an airport being lit up at night, to guide you so that you know exactly where to land your Vision. Thus, the new path we are being invited to follow is marked on one side by the Light of Juno ~ Goddess of Sacred Partnership ~ and marked on the other side by the Light of Saturnia and Jupiter standing together in the Sky.
The 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be the closest since 1623 and the closest observable since 1226! 2020’s extra-close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction won’t be matched again until the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of March 15, 2080.
The last Saturnia-Jupiter conjunction in 2000 completed a series of their conjunctions in the Earth element signs. Today’s Saturnia-Jupiter conjunction begins a 120 year series of Air element sign events. This is a significant shift from the amplification of manifestations in the physical realm to the amplification of manifestations through the mental (thoughts) realm.
The thoughts you have, how conscious your language is, how integrated you are in using both your right and left brain, and how much you work with prayer, intention, and meditation are all part of training of air.
Elemental Fores of Creation Oracle Guide Book by Lisa Michaels
5/28/2000 – 22 Taurus
12/21/2020 – 0 Aquarius
11/2/2040 – 18 Libra
4/7/2060 – 1 Gemini
3/15/2080 – 12 Aquarius
9/18/2100 – 25 Libra
7/16/2119 – 15 Gemini
1/15/2140 – 17 Aquarius
3/12/2160 – 6 Scorpio
Saturnia is an Embodiment of the Sacred Feminine and Jupiter is an Embodiment of the Sacred Masculine. Both Saturnia and Jupiter have been purified and regenerated during their sojourn through Capricorn, and now as Masters of Ancient Wisdom, they have shared their vision for humanity and Gaia with you. They are our Wayshowers for manifesting the Vision of Conscious Equal Partnership on our planet, and most especially, with our planet. Gaia is Ascending into Higher Dimensions with or without us. To be in conscious equal partnership with Her, we must ascend too. This is the NEW REALITY that we are dancing and singing into being. Our own evolutionary path, along with that of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, is destined for this reality of peace and harmony. The Sophia Consciousness and the Christ Consciousness are supporting us every step of the way.
The Souls choosing to incarnate on the planet at this time, being born from today onward, are the beginning of a new line of generations who will be encoded with the vision for this new reality. They will restore the Seventh Generation Principle whereby the decisions they make will result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. Interestingly and perhaps synchronistically, the Iroquois’ The Great Law of Haudenosaunee Confederacy, which records the concepts of the Seventh Generation Principle and is also credited as being a contributing influence on the American Constitution, was written around the time of the Saturnia-Jupiter conjunction that took place about 800 years ago, the time when their conjunction was as closely visible in the sky as it is now. In addition, more recently, Saturnia and Jupiter were traversing the Capricorn landscape during the time of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse series, thus encoding them with the Wisdom of the Seventh Generation Principle.
Saturnia and Jupiter desire you to know that you are a powerful creator. As you Liberate yourself, you are Liberating humanity. As you reclaim your Sovereignty, you are assisting Humanity in reclaiming its Sovereignty. As you amplify your Light, you are amplifying the Light for Humanity. Trust your resonance with Truth as it is being revealed to you. Trust your resonance with Wisdom as it is being communicated to you. Allow Truth and Wisdom to fuel you and the manifestation of your new Vision. Know that your Earth Mother and Divine Mother are birthing this new reality through you. They are keeping you safe. You are protected by the Shield of God and the Flame of Truth. Saturnia is holding open the GATEWAY for Jupiter’s GRACE to flow through to us and Gaia. This is a time of GREAT CELEBRATION! As the Sun is reborn at this Solstice, so too, are you, Humanity and Gaia being reborn. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!!
Much love and many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
HAPPY AUTUMN EQUINOX! Astrologically, the Sun is at 0° 00′ Libra. Today is a lovely day for turning within and discovering what you are ready to let go of.
To support you in this process, I’m offering you a Vision Quest opportunity: As you are going through your day, set the intention to discover a shadow aspect (Inner Demon) of yourself ~ often created through an unforgivable wound, and listen for what is revealing itself to you. For instance, I was listening to a short clip from Abraham this morning, and I heard the words “Emotionally Traumatized.” Those two words hit me in a way that I KNEW they were a shadow aspect presenting itself to me. So, now I am using the rest of this day as a Sacred Container to allow the Autumn Equinox energies to alchemize that aspect within me. I invite you to do the same.
Here are some aspects occurring today: 1) Sun conjunct Sekhmet 4LI40 and they are both opp Yesuha® 2AR35 2) Venus and Vesta are conjunct at 18LE 3) Juno 0SC41 trine Ceres 0PI40 4) GRAND CROSS a) Asmodeus 22CN56 opp Pluto 22CP31 b) Mercury 24LI15 opp Eris/Black Moon Lilith/Mars® 24-26AR
With both Mars and Yeshua retrograde, we are being guided to uncover shadow aspects related to the Patriarchy, so that we can fill those spaces with the energy of the Sacred Masculine. I, personally, have experienced a lot of emotional trauma from the Patriarchy. When I look at this through the current Venus Descent Third (Throat Chakra) Gate Activation period, I have been severely wounded and traumatized by WORDS … cruel things that have been said to me by the men in my life:
You are too lazy to ever work hard enough to afford a maid.
You will never be as beautiful as your mother.
Intellectually, I am VERY attracted to you, but physically … end of story.
Emotional traumas are very much connected to the water signs. In my own chart, Juno (Goddess of Sacred Relationships) at 0° Scorpio (water sign) is activating Ixion (Unforgivable Wound) at 28° Libra and Her trine to Ceres (Earth Mother Goddess) at 0° Pisces (water sign) is activating Medusa (Goddess of Valor) at 2° Pisces and Asmodeus (Guide to our Inner Demons) at 29° Aquarius.
What this tells me is the Goddess of Sacred Relationships is offering me a very gentle and harmonious way of making peace with the unforgivable wounds ~ my Inner Demons ~ from the emotional traumas that I have experienced by the cruel words spoken in the perverted masculine energy (patriarchy). The Earth Mother Goddess is compassionately supporting me with embodying the wholeness and unconditional love that will result from having the courage to let go of the paralyzing fears of Patriarchy that resulted in those Inner Demons. I know, too, that my inner healing is also providing a healing within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity (Aquarius).
I hope this vivid example helps guide you in your own discoveries as you choose to consciously engage the Autumn Equinox energies today.
As a result, you may feel inspired to work more deeply with the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies in your life. If so, I invite you to join me at The Rose Wheel™ Mystery Schoolto dive into this glorious exploration.
With my new classes, I am offering THREE Monthly Subscription options:
TWIN-FLAME Journey: classes for both the Sacred Feminine (Venus Synodic Cycle) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars Synodic Cycle) ~ $90/month.
VENUS Journey: classes for the Sacred Feminine only ~ $47/month
MARS Journey: classes for the Sacred Masculine only ~ $47/month
These journeys are for everybody, women and men, whether you know little or nothing about astrology or if you are adept. This is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Goddess Archetype (Feminine Principle) & God Archetype (Masculine Principle) with which we are working. Our work here goes deep into the Alchemical process as it is very personal as well as transpersonal.
I invite you to visit The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School to learn more about the Venus & Mars journeys and to discover all the benefits and resources provided in the classes. You are welcome to join us at any point. Our next Alchemical Sacred Feminine class will be Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 pm EST. Our FIRST Alchemical Sacred Masculine class will be Saturday, October 10, at 4:00 pm EST.
I look forward to having you join us!
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Artwork by Goddess Rising Priestess Sister, Linzy Arnott
Today is the New Moon in Virgo at 25°. Virgo is the sign of the High Priestess in Sacred Service to the Sacred Feminine (Goddess). New Moons are a time of seeding new consciousness. This particular New Moon is activating a very specific aspect related to the Third Gate (Throat Chakra) Gate Activation of the Rainbow Goddess’ Descent Journey. The Rainbow Goddess is the Gemini Venus Overtone which is on the world stage right now.
The aspect of the 3rd Gate Activation, which took place 3 days ago (9/13-14 depending on where you are located) at 8LE47, is this one: Magdalene/Sun/Sekhmet (17-24VI) TRINE Pallas Athena/Jupiter/ Pluto®/Saturn® (12-25CP).
Magdalene in Virgo! Imagine my surprise and delight when, through a series of synchronistic events, She redirected me to this event which occurred three years ago:
Between the 2nd (2/10/17 ~ 22° Leo) and 3rd (8/7/17 ~ 15° Aquarius) Eclipses on The Mastery Path of Relationship Equality (Leo/Aquarius), I received this message from the Magdalene:
Open your Hearts to embrace each other! Lift one another up!
Where you walk, I walk. As you speak, I speak. I see through each of my Beloveds. You are my Sacred Vessels through whom I move. Your breath is my Holy Spirit.
The Frequencies of Love, and Compassion, and Generosity, and Fortune flow through all that you Create as Me. These are the Frequencies that are Magnetizing the Opening of the Heart on the Mother, Gaia.
In Love, May the Peace of Wisdom descend upon your Heart.
Mary Magdalene, June 15, 2017
Upon receiving this message from the Magdalene, I publicly announced:
The Gathering of the Sisters is underway … Magdalenes … Priestesses and High Priestesses of Isis … Ancient Queens. We have returned. We are remembering. We are reuniting. We have arrived in Sacred Service to the Sacred Feminine and the Divine Mother.
Sofia Mona Lisa, June 15, 2017
The message I am receiving from the Magdalene today is very clear. She is utilizing the Power of the Sun and The Goddess of Equity & Atonement (Sekhmet) to fertilize (fuel) the seeds (frequencies) of Love, Compassion, Generosity and Fortune being planted (installed) in the Heart of Humanity (Venus Gate Activation in LEO) by the Sacred Feminine.
The frequencies that are in trine to this fertilization process are extremely significant because they incorporate the overtone themes of this year through the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that occurred on January 12, 2020 and the triple Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions:
April 4, 2020
June 30, 2020
November 21, 2020
For myself, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction centers around how my Inner Wisdom Keeper is being transformed, so that I can manifest new foundations for sharing empowerment and mastery. The Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions center around the amplification of my inner resources which enable me to contribute my knowledge of alchemy to others. (I encourage each of you to discover what these overriding themes are for you, and I am able to assist you with that.) So, when I look at the Magdalene’s message regarding the frequencies that are being installed in the Heart of Humanity by the Sacred Feminine at this New Moon in Virgo, I see it through the lens of how the Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto energies are working through me.
I easily recognize that the Heart of Humanity is being ALCHEMIZED so that these new seeds (frequencies) will fall on (be installed) in FERTILE GROUND. The fertile ground that is a result of the alchemy is the new foundation. As these seeds take hold and are amplified in the Heart of Humanity, the frequencies of Love, Compassion, Generosity and Fortune will empower Humanity, allowing each individual to become Sovereign ~ his/her own Master.
I invite you to share with me in the comment section how you see the Magdalene’s message through your own lens ~ the lens of how the Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto energies are working through you.
What can you do at this New Moon in Sacred Service to the Sacred Feminine and the Divine Mother to express gratitude and appreciation for your own heart opening?
May the Peace of Wisdom descend upon your Heart! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Twin Flames Yeshua and Mary Magdalen Image credit unknown
As Louise Hay has stated, there is “an epidemic of not loving the self.”
We find ourselves today within Venus’ Crown Chakra Gate (activated 7/17/2020) and within the window of the Full Moon in Aquarius (8/3/2020). The aspect of the Sacred Feminine that is most desiring to be heard is ERIS ~ The Goddess of Divine Play. In both the Crown Chakra Gate Activation and the Full Moon in Aquarius, She is the focal point for the T-Square energies being directed from the Cancer-Capricorn axis towards Her position in Aries. ARIES … the sign of Self-Love.
Eris moved back and forth between Pisces and Aries between 1922 and 1926, arriving in Aries on December 31, 1926 to stay for 122 years until 2048 when She will make Her ingress to Taurus. Her Mission in Aries is to send any and all Leelas (Sanskrit for Divine Play) our way that will get our attention and wake us up to the importance of loving ourselves. She is now at 24° Aries, and will be moving very slowly, back and forth, over the last 5 degrees of Aries for the next 28 years.
Only twenty-eight more years!!! Are you going to finally:
… MAKE PEACE with [y]our Demons, so that [you] can Fully LOVE every part of [yourself], so that [you] can be Fully EMBODIED [Eris in Taurus]? This is what the Rise of the Sacred Feminine is all about ~ Full Embodiment: Fully Valuing, Fully Honoring, Fully Respecting and Fully Loving the Beauty of [y]our WHOLENESS.
Sofia Mona Lisa
WHY is Eris so determined to wake Humanity up to the importance of loving ourselves?
It is by loving ourselves that we become the Holy Grail ~ not the Piscean frequency of the Holy Grail (2nd chakra – womb space), but the Aquarian frequency of the Holy Grail (4th chakra – compassionate heart space). It is the installment of the Aquarian Holy Grail within our Heart that allows us to fully receive the Aquarian Twin Flame Archetype ~ The Archetype of Divine Creation. I am speaking of the Twin Flames of Yeshua and Mary Magdalen and the Sophia/Christ Mysteries of Their Divine Union. We have long known and related to the Twin Flames of Yeshua and the Magdalen through Their Piscean Archetype. Their Mysteries in the Piscean Archetype have been identified as Hieros Gamos (Sacred Wedding). Now, it is time to know Them and relate to Them as Their Aquarian Archetype ~ The Archetype of Divine Creation.
The Aquarian Blueprint, Archetypes and Light Codes of the New Earth are HERE NOW. You can engage them and embody them NOW. The Cosmos is giving us full access to them NOW. Every Venus Gate Activation, every New Moon and Full Moon, every Eclipse, every Solstice and Equinox, every major astrological transit ~ all of them are providing us with Keys to access the New Earth Light Codes. It simply requires a conscious choice on your part to take the Keys and OPEN yourself up to these leading-edge Light Codes. When you do, the New Earth Blueprint, Archetypes and Light Codes begin to merge with your Multidimensional Self in a manner that is imperceptible to you. This is not a case of “fake it until you make it.” IT IS HAPPENING.
Eventually, you begin to be aware of this energy living within you and manifesting through you. It is very similar to becoming pregnant. For months, a woman walks around knowing she is pregnant. However, initially, she may not be experiencing any physical manifestations of the pregnancy. Slowly, her body starts to change shape, she may begin to have cravings or morning sickness, she may become a little more emotional as the hormones start to surge, and then one day, she feels the baby move.
Landscape Venus Temple including Rennes-le-Château and Mount Bugarach as points on the pentagram. Photo Credit: The Holy Place by Henry Lincoln
This New Earth integration process started to become perceptible to me when I went to France in September 2019:
Little did I know, or could I have imagined, our Magdalen Journey in France, and our work within the Landscape Venus Temple there, was to be an opening for a Conscious Collaboration with Venus [the Sacred Feminine] …
Sofia Mona Lisa
I “knew” for 3 years that I was supposed to make that pilgrimage, though I knew not why. As I have assimilated over the past ten months all that I received while in the Venus Temple in France, I have come to a deeper clarity and understanding of my expansion.
It all started in Rennes-les-Bains when we hiked up to the Seat of Isis.
Seat of Isis at Rennes-les-Bains (L to R: Ellia, Judy, Geraldine, Sofia Mona Lisa, Kelly, Michael, Maureen) Photo Credit: Nancy Safford
We approached the 5,000+ year old Seat of Isis in reverence. Our guide, Nancy Safford, asked each one of us to make a sacred vow before entering Her space. In silence, the 8 of us took turns sitting in the Seat of Isis for about 5-10 minutes each. When it was my turn, as I approached the Seat, I could feel that I was stepping into a vortex. With the stone’s support for my back, I became aware that each of my chakras was receiving an Attunement. The colors I was seeing with my Inner Eye that were accompanying the Attunement were gorgeous and otherworldly. My time on the Seat and in the Vortex seemed to pass in a flash, and then I was being gently prompted by Nancy to come back to this planet ~ this time and space. I didn’t want to come back. I wanted to stay in the energy of this incredibly high frequency. It felt like too much effort to re-enter my physical body and open my eyes.
Later that day, I was aware that we had each received a powerful multidimensional activation that would change the trajectory of our lives forever. I just didn’t have the words at the time to describe what had happened to us. Now, because of the recent Venus Crown Gate Activation, I have more clarity and some words to be able to share what transpired there. I am also aware the I will continue to receive additional clarity as the activation unfolds through me. My personal descent through the Crown Gate is allowing me to let go of all the energetic debris that has been preventing me from rising, at Will, above the polarity of the left brain/right brain into that place of the Zero Point/Unified Field/Sophia-Christ Consciousness and being the fullness of my connection to Source/Self.
It was during our time in the Seat of Isis that each of us was receiving the necessary frequencies to restore the balance, the harmony and the right relationship within us between our own Inner Sacred Feminine and our own Inner Sacred Masculine. The Piscean Archetype of Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) became wholly reestablished within us to provide us with a solid foundation for welcoming in the Aquarian Archetype of Divine Creation. Truly, we became the Living (Aquarian) Holy Grail, and our cups were overflowing.
The Twin Pillars of the Twin Flames (see image at very top) were installed within our Hearts. The Gold Christ Light of Yeshua and the Rose Sophia Light of Mary Magdalen were now burning in our breasts. Together, the Gold Light and the Rose Light became the Blue Light of the Divine Child. We became the Embodiments of the Resurrected Sophia-Christ from the evolved Light Beings we know as Mary Magdalen and Yeshua. The Divine Child was birthed within our Hearts through The Archetype of Divine Creation which had been installed. Our paths and our sacred work are now being guided from that moment forward by the Sophia-Christ Consciousness that dwells within us ~ The Archetype of Divine Creation ~ through which all Life, everywhere, is born.
Mystical Cosmic forces had brought our specific group of 7 Luminaries together for this Magdalen Journey to the Venus Temple in France. So too, were mystical forces catalyzing each of us to be encoded with the Aquarian Archetype of Divine Creation. Specifically, 3 of us were born on and next to the same day. Myself and Michael share a January 8th birthday, and Maureen’s birthday is January 9th. This was more significant than I understood at the time, and now with the “2020 vision” that this year’s activations are allowing, I see that the 3 of us with our Capricorn Suns (Ancient Elders) were walking in the role of the Way Shower.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I AM in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20 KJV
We three Way Showers were carrying a unique code in our Solar Return charts specific to The Archetype of Divine Creation. The Galactic Center (Leading Edge Light Codes)/Ixion (The Unforgivable Wound/Sacred Gift)/Yeshua (Embodiment of Christ Consciousness & Twin Flame of Magdalen) conjunction in Sagittarius (Archetype of The Explorer of Spiritual Consciousness and the sign of Spiritual Truth) were trine (in harmonious flow with) the Eris (Goddess of Divine Play)/Magdalen (Embodiment of Sophia Consciousness & Twin Flame of Yeshua)/Uranus (Radical Liberator) conjunction in Aries (Archetype of The Fierce Protector and the sign of Self-Love). You could say we arrived in France having been hardwired for our fated Multidimensional Attunement. Further, on the day we arrived at the Seat of Isis, the Sun (Divine Father) in Virgo (Archetype of The Priest/ess of the Goddess and the sign of Sacred Service) was trine the Moon (Divine Mother) and Pluto (Cosmic Transformer) in Capricorn (The Archetype of The Ancient Elder and the sign of Sovereignty). This particular transit was very activating for us 3 Way Showers because the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn were conjunct our Solar Sun/Pluto conjunctions. The Divine Father “of the Above” was in Sacred Union with the Divine Mother “of the Below” to birth the Blueprint of the Aquarian Archetype of Divine Creation onto the planet through us in Sacred Service to the Goddess. The Piscean Twin Flame Archetype of Hieros Gamos was being transformed into the Aquarian Twin Flame Archetype of Divine Creation.
For me specifically, that moment in time at the Seat of Isis was indeed fated. Neptune (Cosmic Pipeline to Source) in Pisces (Archetype of The Compassionate One and the sign of Unity Consciousness ~ Oneness) was sextile (in harmonious support of) the Moon in Capricorn. This aspect in the Sky was creating a PERSONAL Yod, meaning The Finger of the Goddess was pointing to, my natal Magdalen/Mars (Inner Masculine) conjunction in Leo (Archetype of The Radiant Leader and the sign of the Compassionate Heart). A Yod, also known as the Point of Destiny, is a moment in which the Divine Mission comes to fruition, a mission that cannot fail. Remember, I had somehow “known” for three years that I would be making this journey.
Though Michael, Maureen and I played the role of the Way Shower, our role does not minimize or overshadow in the slightest the roles of our fellow Luminaries. Each had also shown up hardwired for this Divine Mission. For instance, in Ellia’s Solar Return Chart, Yeshua and Saturn (Cosmic Gateway) in Capricorn were trine Orcus (Sacred Vow)/Mars (Inner Masculine)/Sun (Divine Father) in Virgo. She also had a Medusa (Patriarchal Fears that Paralyze Us) and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which was trine Venus (Inner Feminine). You can see how significant the Capricorn and Virgo energies were for each of us in being the Gateway through which the Blueprint of the Archetype of Divine Creation was able to show up. This is the manifestation of the As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without Mysteries. Most incredibly, in Ellia’s Solar Return Chart, the Magdalen conjunct the North Node (Cosmic Evolutionary GPS) in Cancer (sign of The Great Mother) was opposite her Yeshua/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. This activation on The Path of Home, Family and Community during the approximate 18-month period of the evolving eclipses that were occurring on that Path shows us the critical role The Archetype of Divine Creation will play for the New Earth. It is preparing the way for The Divine Child to model through us and for Humanity just how we can create safe space for our children for the next seven generations.
And so, The Archetype of Divine Creation has been unfolding within me and through me. Upon my return from France, I wrote the following blog posts. I invite you to (re)read them to witness my personal, albeit not very pretty, process in a hope that it will help you be aware of your own process, whether it has already begun, or has yet to begin.
And now fast forward to the current Full Moon in Aquarius that is illuminating our Multidimensional Realities. Where are the Moon and the Sun in the Sky? Where are the Magdalen and Yeshua in the Sky? Where are the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and Sacred Masculine (Mars) in the Sky?
The Moon-Sun opposition are activating the Leo (Sun) – Aquarius (Moon) axis ~ The Mastery Path of Relationship Equality. They are standing at 11° ~ a mastery number ~ a number that represents two equal pillars. The Moon is beaming Her Light over to Juno (Goddess of Sacred Partnership) in Libra (Archetype of The Beloved and the sign of Conscious Equal Partnership.)
Juno, in turn, is standing across the Sky from Yeshua and Chiron (Cosmic Shaman) in Aries as They all activate the Aries-Libra axis ~ The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership. The Cosmic Shaman is gifting you the Medicine of Self-Love, so that you can once more fully embrace your Sacred Relationship with your Inner Christ ~ Christ who IS Pure Love.
The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine are standing in a harmonious and supportive position for each other. Mars/Black Lilith/Eris in Aries are in sextile to Medusa/Venus/North Node in Gemini. The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine are working with Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn in Capricorn to allow the old patriarchal paralyzing fears of embodying your full power and the internalized messages/judgments of demonization that you received every time you dared to stand in your sovereignty to die away and be reborn as a new and evolved foundation of Self-Love through which your Sovereignty and power will be amplified.
THESE ARE THE KEYS that are being offered to you by the Magdalen, on behalf of the Cosmic Luminaries mentioned above, as She has now moved from Leo (Sign of the Compassionate Heart) to Virgo (Sign of Sacred Service to the Goddess). The Magdalen is offering Her Sacred Service to the Goddess within You to prepare you and support you in receiving the Aquarian Twin Flame Archetype ~ The Archetype of Divine Creation.
We are eternally evolving and expanding beings of Light. You are evolving and expanding whether you are aware of it or not. I am of the belief that we are intended to live Joyful Lives and that Humanity is looking for Joy in Life. From my experience, the joy in my life comes from consciously engaging with others in the evolutionary/expansion process. You are never going to get to the beach to watch the sun rise if you do not get in your car and drive there. It is the same thing here. The KEYS are being offered to you. Take them and go!
How do you do that? SIMPLY!
Go outside and gaze at the Full Moon for a few moments.
Light a candle and say to the Cosmos, “I receive.”
Turn on some music and dance as you contemplate what I have shared here.
Create an altar for Eris who wants so much for you to hear this Radical Truth.
Join The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School ($180/month ~ Twin Flame Journey) to consciously engage the Sacred Feminine (Venus Cycle) and Sacred Masculine (Mars Cycle) as they are unfolding within you.
Book an Inner Fire Walk™ reading to see how you are being activated by Eris, the Magdalen and Yeshua to embody the Archetype of Divine Creation.
Many blessings to you in your journey! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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