The language of eclipses can be very confusing for novices, even myself. As I’ve often stated, I am not an expert on the technicalities of astrology such as the differences between “prenumbrial” and “annular” eclipses, a “saros cycle” or a planet being “out of bounds.” The other confusing aspect is that the location and sometimes the day can be different depending on the source you use. To clarify, I utilize the eclipse tables provided by Cafe Astrology.
When I look at an Eclipse (or any other transit/aspect), I’m reading frequencies … frequencies that my Inner BEing (Extension of Source) is translating for me, and since we are all a part of the whole, are relevant for Humanity on the macro level and for you on the micro level. ALWAYS, Always, always ~ As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. Thus, it should be no surprise that what I am sharing about tomorrow’s Total SOLar Eclipse will be different from what others are sharing.
Keeping it simple ~ Solar Eclipses occur with a NEW Moon; Lunar Eclipses occur with a FULL Moon. It’s also important to be aware of the window of influence. With New and Full Moons, typically the window of influence is the day of, 3 days before and 3 days after. Eclipses, too, have a window of influence ~ although much longer, emphasizing the power of their evolutionary impact ~ the day of, 6 months prior and 6 months after. Therefore, it stands to reason that it is meaningful to look at tomorrow’s Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer (10 CN 38) in the context of January 5, 2019’s Solar Eclipse (15 CP 25) and December 26, 2019’s Solar Eclipse (4 CP 7). Notice that both of those are in Capricorn. If we look out just another 6 months, we discover that we will experience another Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020 (SUMMER SOLSTICE) in Cancer (0 CN 21)! With this year’s Summer Solstice (0 CN) occurring just 11 days before tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse in Cancer, my Guidance assures me that the themes of the Summer Solstice are relevant here, too.
I’ll take this opportunity to remind you once more that this series of eclipses is occurring on the Cancer/Capricorn axis ~ The Path of Family, Home and Community (Sustainable Community). Please see previous posts regarding the significance of this Path. There are two energetic themes that immediately catches one’s eye: Saturn conjunct South Node in Capricorn (opposite North Node in Cancer) and Neptune in Pisces trine North Node in Cancer. Upon closer look, one discovers some pretty groovy stuff going on with Juno ~ The Goddess of Sacred Partnership. We will come back to look at Her.
Saturn’s dance with the South Node is emphasizing that, not only are the structures that we have created for Family, Home and Community being Evolved, our Consciousness around who Saturn is as a GODDESS (Saturnia) is also being evolved. She is reclaiming Her position alongside the other Goddesses. Acknowledging Her as an aspect of the Sacred Feminine is necessary for us and integral to evolving the Sacred Spaces we will restructure for our future generations. In order for them to feel wholly supported, wholly safe and secure, so to must we embrace the Wholeness of the Sacred Feminine. Without Saturnia’s identity being restored to the Pantheon of the Sacred Feminine, our families, homes and communities could not be liberated from the vestiges of Patriarchy. In January, the South Node was very close to Pluto, preparing us for the stripping away of Saturnia’s Patriarchal Mask as Saturn. Come December, the South Node will be standing between Ceres (Earth Mother Goddess) and Jupiter (Cosmic Guru) reminding us of the Ancient Wisdom that has been lost through Patriarchy and is once more available to those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” ~ Matthew 13:16 Saturnia will be very close to Her January 2020 conjuction with Pluto. Their imminent Sacred Union representing the As Above ~So Below Mysteries is being encoded into our evolving DNA to serve our future generations.
Neptune entered Pisces in 2012 and will remain in the realm of which He is Lord until 2025. Neptune’s journey through His own homeland is one of the defining energies of our decade. This is because Neptune is our personal conduit to Source. Whenever He is retrograde, as He is now, our ability to align with our Inner BEing (Extension of Source) is amplified. In fact, ALL of the Neptune/Pisces qualities are amplified for us. This naturally happens when a Luminary Body returns Home, such as Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn are also now. With Neptune retrograde trine the North Node in Cancer at this Eclipse, we are being given an EXTRAORDINARY opportunity to Evolve our Emotional Guidance System in a way that will enable us to have an INTIMACY with Who We REALLY Are that we have not EVER before experienced as Embodiments of the Light. We can KNOW our Selves. We can FEEL the power of our Creative Nature. We can TRUST and ALLOW ourselves to relax into the Truth of Who We Are. We can BE safe and Secure as our Authentic Selves. This is truly a fated time for Self-Realization. In January, we started the year with Neptune in harmonious (sextile) flow to the eclipse point which brought about the blending of Saturn and Pluto’s energies in Capricorn. ALL that was not serving the evolution of our Consciousness for Family, Home and Community or the Sacred Feminine’s reclamation of Saturnia was significantly catalyzed to fall away for mulching, so that it could be regenerated into greater Service. By the end of this year, Neptune will be in harmonious (sextile) flow to Ceres (Earth Mother Goddess) in Capricorn. Our ability to receive and appreciate the Wisdom of our Earth Mother as an expression of our Divine Mother will enable us to facilitate the necessary changes in Consciousness for Family, Home and Community as we recognize the Earth as a Home to be revered as well as a loving and supportive foundation for our Families and Communities.
There is so much more that can be shared as we look back at the January 2019 eclipse and look forward to the December 2019 eclipse. More on all of that later as we shift gears to once again take a look at how Juno (Goddess of Sacred Partnership) is serving our Evolution through tomorrow’s Total Solar Eclipse.
First, Juno is blending Her energies with Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) and Mars (Sacred Masculine) in the early degrees (0-5) of Leo (Sign of the Radiant Heart). Mercury is speaking to our Hearts on behalf of this aspect of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine. Their messages to us come from Chiron’s (Cosmic Shaman) trine (from Aries) to Juno and Uranus’ (Cosmic Liberator) square (from Taurus) to Juno. Their message is about LOVE. Sacred Partnership, which evolves into Sacred Union, happens in the Heart. There is only room for Sacred Partnership/Union to grow and thrive when the Heart opens in response to Self-Love and expands and radiates the Passion (Vesta conjunct Uranus) and Pleasure of BEing an Embodiment of LOVE. It is the Frequency of PURE LOVE that Liberates us. PURE LOVE is the Unconditional Love of Source that your Inner BEing is constantly beaming at you, and which you have full access to with Neptune’s trine to the North Node (as described above). Juno, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Vesta have come together to ensure that you do not miss this opportunity for BREAKTHROUGH in Consciousness. The Cosmic Shaman has sprinkled your Inner Juno with the magic dust of Self-Love to fuel the combustion of Self-Realizaton ~ Sacred Partnership with your Inner BEing ~ and therefore with Source!
There IS one last thing which is desiring me to speak to it: the Magdalene (High Priestess of Sacred Union) and Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Gemini are standing across the sky from the Heart of our Galaxy (Galactic Center in Sagittarius). To paraphrase Abraham, Alignment ~ Self-Realization ~whatever you choose to call it, is not like a college degree where once you get it, you have it forever. NO. Being in Alignment ~ Being Self-Realized is a continuous practice. You never get it done because the Leading Edge is always expanding. That is the nature of an Eternal BEing. AND … that’s what this aspect of the Magdalene/Venus opposite GC is all about. They are being infused with new Light Codes ~ new Illuminating Consciousness ~ that has never before been received in our Galaxy and is not yet “online” in Humanity’s Collective Consciousness. There is so much more deliciousness to eagerly anticipate once receiving the satisfaction of tomorrow’s Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Cancer. The Cosmic Womb of the Great Mother is being implanted with fertilized seeds that will allow Earth and Humanity to experience a whole new way of being Conscious Creators.
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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