This Inanna Underworld Experience

I have been hearing from numerous people about their current Inanna Underworld experiences. As I read what they have to share, I have been going back in my mind to relate their personal unfolding of this transformational journal to the themes that I discussed in my video, Sacred Feminine’s Descent into the Underworld.

Today, in particular, I had an enlightening text exchange with Carol Billets, my co-facilitator in the Galactic New Earth Project. It inspired me to go back and watch the video mentioned above, so that I could jot down the themes I discussed. This was necessary for me because the information I share comes through me from my Higher Self, so I do not retain it in my memory banks. I also asked Carol if it would be okay with her for me to share our text exchange in relationship to these themes. She generously agreed stating, “Yes. It’s always helpful when people we know share their journey.”

So, here are the Shamanic Death & Rebirth Themes I discussed. Please remember that these themes can manifest in an infinite number of ways. We will all have our own personal experience of these themes based on our own Soul Map (Natal and Solar Return Charts). Understanding how we are uniquely experiencing the Cosmic events that co-create our Leading-Edge Expansion is a fundamental part of being able to stand in our Sovereignty. Please feel free to share your own personal experiences of these themes in the comment section below.


  • One of the themes that this Alchemical Process, which we know as the Shamanic Death & Rebirth, is accomplishing for us is to facilitate and support us in the reclaiming of our Divine Sovereignty – taking back our power.
  • This Alchemical Process is allowing us to resurrect ourselves in a brand-new EMBODIMENT of our Multi-Dimensional Selves, at a higher frequency than we have ever embodied before, so that we can birth the Divine Love frequency of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness onto the planet and into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. The Divine Love frequency comes right through our Heart space – the Seat of our Soul which is a fractal of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness – and this Divine Love Frequency is igniting the Sacred Flame of our Inner Christo-Sophia.
  • Because the Divine Love Frequency is igniting the Sacred Flame of our Inner Christo-Sophia, this Shamanic Death & Rebirth experience will be able to birth a whole new relationship between Humanity and the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. This new relationship with the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is going to ground Humanity ~ not only within ourselves to be able to embody this new relationship ~ and not only so we can now understand ourselves as Embodiments of Divine Love ~ into the Mother aspect of Sophia, so that we can sustain a LIFE-affirming breakthrough in consciousness within our relationship between us and Earth, Herself, in terms of how Humanity will come to honor & respect Mother Gaia.
  • The Sophia-Christ Consciousness is totally engaged with the Resurrection of Humanity, so that we can experience a Heart-Opening event unlike anything that Humanity has experienced before. From this Heart-Opening, Humanity will now have heart-based relationships rather than egoic-based relationships.
  • This Shamanic Death & Rebirth experience is also facilitating Humanity’s understanding that we are both Human AND Divine. From this new understanding, Humanity will realize, that as Divine Beings, we have a personal direct connection with our Divine Self ~ our Eternal Soul which is an extension of the Divine SOURCE. The evidence of this Divine Wisdom will manifest as the resources our Eternal Souls have available for us. These Divine Resources will start to show up for us. Humanity is going to start to witness and experience so much abundance on our planet because the pool of Divine Resources that Humanity has been previously pinched-off from will now be fully restored.


C: I have a question for you. This was a unique experience for me, and I’m not quite sure, but it feels like there’s more there than what’s on the surface. In the early afternoon, I felt I needed to be in a quiet space. It was as if somebody, or a greater presence, was forcing me to breathe deeply. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but my breath became very slow and very deep. It was like there was a spirit or presence there that needed me to be in a deep breathing trance, and my breath became so slow and so deep. I remember thinking, “Wow, this is unusual that I need to breathe this way.” I really felt like I needed to breathe in that manner. My breath kept deepening and slowing. I wanted to sleep, but it didn’t feel like I was asleep. It was just a quiet space, breathing very deeply. I came out of it a couple of hours later not feeling like I had slept. Like I said, this is unusual for me, and I just needed to reach out to see if a different perspective could be found.

S: In my breath practice, when one relaxes enough, the breath can begin to breathe them. I have experienced this before, and it was sort of like what you are describing. It is a very “expansive” experience where you have dipped into the Oneness. I hope that makes sense to you.

C: Yes, exactly, the breath was breathing me. Thank you so much that resonates with me.

S: That’s wonderful!

C: It was a very unique experience, and I want to say a very rare experience to just have my breath deep in and slow like that. It was so unusual, but you’re right, it was like the breath was breathing me. It was like my breath wanted to go home.

S: The in-breath and the out-breath become the Dance of Shiva & Shakti – it’s an experience of the Sacred Union between the Feminine & the Masculine moving through “you” as a Divine Instrument – like Krishna playing His flute.

C: Omg. Exactly. This is part of the journey that you’re taking us through that I just experienced.

S: Yes, and eventually, you experience every cell in your body being breathed.

C: Yes, that’s what it felt like. I was going home.

S: Except … you weren’t “going” home … you were AT home, so to speak.

C: To be here, now, in the Divine Masculine/Feminine Presence. It’s what I would call the human becoming more comfortable with the process of being Divine.

S: I’d love … to share this … I think it would help everyone know how they are being expanded by the process they are choosing to consciously engage [through the Galactic New Earth Project]. People, as Embodiments of Love, “need” the manifestation to affirm the unfolding.

C: And for all of us to accept the Divinity ~ the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Unity that we are.

S: Yes!!! When you experience yourself as an Embodiment of the Divine, you KNOW (Divine Wisdom) that you are Divine. This is VERY DIFFERENT than intellectually accepting the concept that you are Divine.

the process continues

It’s no surprise to me that Carol and I had this exchange today because today (9/29/2022) is the day that Venus (Sacred Feminine) makes Her ingress into Libra (Sign of Conscious Equal Partnership). What a beautiful manifestation of Carol’s new awareness of the conscious equal partnership between her human self and her Divine Self.

I hope that by reading Carol’s personal experience of expansion that the Alchemical Process of the Shamanic Death & Rebirth journey is unfolding through her, you can see how the themes I discussed for this journey tie-into her experience. I also hope that it will help you to have an A-HA about your own personal experience of expansion that you may have not recognized, or even possibly, dismissed.

I invite to re-watch, or watch for the first time, the presentation that I did on these potent themes for Humanity’s evolution that we are all being transformed by, whether we are conscious of it or not. I embed here for your easy-viewing convenience:

Much love ❤️ ~ 2 ~ ❤️,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2022

 “A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner