DNA Activations

Discusses this phase of the Galactic New Earth Project


October 22, 2022 was the day that Venus and the Sun stand together in the Sky while Venus was in the Inanna Underworld. Any Underworld experience is a Shamanic Death and Rebirth Experience. Venus and the Sun standing together marks the RESURRECTION POINT within the Inanna Underworld!

The Resurrection Point, or the Shamanic Rebirth, is similar to the Butterfly breaking free from the chrysalis. When the Butterfly is birthed, it is still in a vulnerable state. Its wings are still damp and are not strong enough yet to take flight. When Venus rose from the Inanna Underworld as Evening Star on December 1, 2022, She sent the message that the Butterfly had taken flight!

On Sunday, October 23rd, the day after the Resurrection Point, we gathered together to link up the 8 Venus Temples that we worked with from January 2022 through August 2022. During that first phase of the project, we installed the incoming Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes in each Temple:

  • Turkey
  • Egypt
  • France
  • Spain
  • Canary Islands
  • Sedona, AZ
  • Kaua’i, HI
  • New Orleans, LA


On that same day (October 23rd), once we had linked up the 8 Venus Temples, we brought the New Earth Light Grid online. This New Earth Light Grid exists in the Quantum Field. It acts as a bridge between 3rd density Earth and 5th density Gaia. The purpose of this Quantum Light Bridge is to facilitate and support Humanity’s Ascension process, so that Humanity can begin to experience the New Earth in our everyday lives.


The REPAIRING and REACTIVATION of Humanity’s 12 strands of DNA was initiated on the day after the Resurrection Point (October 23rd) as well! After the New Earth Light Grid was brought online, we REPAIRED and REACTIVATED our 3rd strand of DNA. Although these strands of DNA have been dormant (or disconnected) within our physical bodies, they still exist within our Divine Template in the Quantum Field. We REPAIRED, or RECONNECTING, the strand of DNA in our physical bodies with its counterpart in our Divine Template. Once the two were REPAIRED, we then REACTIVATED the DNA strand, enabling us to receive and experience the Spiritual Gifts that are now available to us through it. This process will took us through August 2023:


We will be utilizing Quantum Quartz Technology to facilitate our work in linking up the Venus Temples, bringing the New Earth Light Grid online, and repairing and reactivating the strands of DNA. I will be utilizing a Vogel-cut Quartz Crystal (as seen in the image above). However, it is not necessary for you to purchase a Vogel-cut Crystal to participate in our work. Any quartz crystal that you have available can be used. To understand the significant properties of the Vogel-cut Crystal in doing this sacred work, please be sure to watch the full presentation on Igniting the Sacred Flame of your Inner Christo-Sophia that is available at the top of this page. For more information on Dr. Marcel Vogel’s work with crystals, please go to my blog post, Recommendations for the Shamanic Rebirth.


As you can see from the image above (Activation of 12-strand DNA through the Capricorn Goddess Ascent Journey), this phase to took us through to the August 2023 Metamorphic Seed Point when the Capricorn Goddess was transformed into the Leo Goddess.

I am still available to provide support for anyone who requires it with Light Code Activation readings and DNA Activation readings.


While it is not necessary to book a DNA Activation Reading, it is highly recommended. When we choose to consciously engage with the activations by participating in the ceremonies and receiving monthly DNA Activation readings, we are working with the Quantum Field to bring the “potential” into its “actualization;” it’s a part of the “filling-in of the grid,” so that you can experience what you have put your attention on in your day-to-day reality. This is co-creating at its best! By consciously engaging the co-creative process in this way, you are focusing the fullness of your personal Star Power on its manifestation. Think about the power that is demonstrated when you use a magnifying glass to direct the Sun’s light on a leaf!

Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass

©The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2023-2024

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