TRUTH-A-THON: Saturday (9/10) ~ LIVE & FREE

This Saturday, September 10th, I will be participating in the FIRST EVER Live and Free Truth-A-Thon, sponsored by Screw Big Gov and Truth Tour 2.

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I will be speaking about the 9/11 Event and its 21st Solar Return which will take place this Sunday. I hope to impart some Divine Wisdom related to this event that has not been spoken to or considered before now. I will do this by looking at the Natal Chart and the Solar Return Chart related to the event. There are 4 key points I wish to address. However, each speaker is allowed 15-17 minutes, so if I am unable to address everything, I will likely create my own personal video related to them to post on my own YouTube channel.

Some of the other people, whose names you may recognize, that will be contributing to this LIVE/FREE event are:

  • Cathy O’Brien
  • Michael Jaco
  • Laura Eisenhower
  • Juan O’Savin
  • Jason Q

I was invited, as a member of the “Spiritualist” community, to share my perspective of Truth, and I have accepted the opportunity to reach a wider audience with the work that I do for the Ascension of the Planet and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Please know that it is not my intention to trigger anyone around their political beliefs. I am simply offering the piece of Divine Wisdom that is desiring to be shared through me at this time.

I truly believe that we each have our own personal access to Truth, and as such, I invite you to listen for what may resonate with you and leave the rest behind. While I may be speaking from my perspective of the “leg of the elephant,” and you may be listening from your perspective of the “tail of the elephant,” it stands to reason that not everything I share from my PERSPECTIVE will resonate with you.  However, I do believe that we can hold space for each other’s perspective without making the other wrong.

I hope you will make some time in your day to join me and hear what I will be sharing about the 9/11 Event on this anniversary weekend.  I am scheduled to start at 4:00pm EST, however that time may be earlier or later depending on the previous speakers’ participation.

As far as the Cosmic Energies go in the lead up to this 9/11 Anniversary Weekend, I remind you:

  • September 8th ~ Moon/Saturnia® conjunction (20° AQ)
  • September 9th ~ Mercury stations Retrograde (9° LI)
  • September 10th ~ Full Moon in Pisces (18° PI)
    • Moon/Neptune® conjunction (24° PI)
  • September 11th ~ Sun (19° VI) TRINE Uranus® (19° TA)

You can definitely expect something RADICALLY LIBERATING to be revealed!

Many blessings to each of you!

Much love,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2022

 “A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner