Venus in Cancer ♋️ square Chiron in Aries ♈️ is providing us with breakthroughs in Self LOVE.
Our sense of how lovable we are, and thus how worthy we are, is steeped in the ways in which we were and were not cared for, nourished, nurtured, loved & cherished as children. From the age of birth to 7 years old, our brains operate in a Theta wave state, thus creating belief systems (programming our subconscious mind) in very egocentric (conditional) ways. The opportunities for breakthrough that the Sacred Feminine and Cosmic Shaman are providing us today are here to bring clarity to the false premises that have been running/thwarting us in our efforts to manifest what we desire ~ the fullest expression of our Selves, so that we can let go of them.
The clue to your breakthrough is in knowing the Houses in which the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Shaman are currently standing in relation to your natal chart. For me personally, Venus is in my 12th House (very close to my Natal Moon) and Chiron is in my 9th House.
I have received a hidden piece of the puzzle about my mother that is allowing me to shift from the conditional to the unconditional, thus allowing me to embody deeper levels of trust ~ all of which has been very psychologically & emotionally healing for me.
For instance, I always felt I was trying to earn my mother’s love & approval, yet no matter which tap dance I did, it was never the right one. NOW, I know we don’t have to earn love. We are Love. This has helped me to heal the false belief that I was unlovable, AND has enabled me to Love & Accept myself, just the way I am, allowing me to come into more wholeness. I have also learned that I am worthy of being taken care of, so now I feel more empowered to take better care of myself. Taking care of ourselves is one of the highest expressions of Self LOVE.
More than that, knowing that our earthly mother’s are a mirror for our relationship with our Divine Mother, I am now able to embody deeper levels of trust in knowing (rather than just believing) that the Sacred Feminine IS UNCONDITIONALLY loving me and taking care of me. There is nothing that I have to do OR prove OR be to earn that. IT SIMPLY IS. Not only that, KNOWING that the Sacred Feminine is lavishly taking care of me, and thus inspiring me to ways in which I can see the evidence of being lavishly taken care of by Her.
Where are you experiencing breakthroughs in Self-Love?
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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