Purification and Light Code Upgrades

Akhanda Jyothi Jalao

Moon/Venus/Galactic Center conjunction in Sagittarius ♐️.

Saturn in Capricorn ♑️, Mercury in Aquarius ♒️ , & Neptune in Pisces ♓️ .

The HIGHEST FREQUENCIES of ALL the Elemental Forces of Creation are the platforms upon which a Leading Edge Reality is BEing Danced into Existence.

The Sacred Feminine & The Heart of the Galaxy are pouring forth the Love of The UNIVERSAL MOTHER that contains within Its Frequency the Light Codes which will RESET your Vibrational Point of Attraction.

Your relationship with everything is going to change because this Vibrational RESET is liberating the Elder within you, the Elder who KNOWS that it is NOT momentum that makes things happen, rather it is VIBRATION. It is time to create with the Masters & to connect with the Energy that creates worlds. 

The Cosmic Messenger is responding to your new Point of Attraction as you embody this new Alignment & He is translating for you “the Dream within the Dream that keeps burning bright.” He is revealing to the Elder within you the liberating ways you can create new experiences for yourself as you stand solidly in your new Vibration at the top of your own mountain & “awake to find it is still a dream.”

“Light the eternal flame within the temple of my heart and illumine my intelligence. Embodiment of love and divinity, with the effulgence equal to that of million suns, light in me the flame of divinity, knowledge and love.”

Meanwhile, evidence of Mars in Aries ♈️ square Pluto in Capricorn ♑️ … on soooo many levels:

The Trump administration said on Friday it was suspending one of the last major nuclear arms control treaties with Russia, following five years heated conversations between the two powers that failed to resolve a long-running American accusation that Moscow is violating the Reagan-era agreement.

US Suspends Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia

Also, a portal open for us to choose differently from our new Vibrational Set Point. We choose Love & Life because we are Aware of our connection, not because we have artificial rules, regulations, laws & treaties that require us to choose to do the right thing. The Elder within us knows how a mature Humanity can peacefully co-exist within itself and with the planet. The Sacred Masculine is offering new inspiration to us so Humanity can move in that direction.

Venus/GC in Sagittarius ♐️ trine Uranus in Aries ♈️is building the momentum, by the Grace of the Sacred Feminine, for that Radical Breakthrough to show up quickly for us to liberate us from the choices of the past, so that we can move upwards towards a greater tomorrow.

Fire PURIFIES! You can rest easy knowing our Galactic Community has our backs as we walk through the Fire.

“My cup runneth over.”​ ~ Psalm 23:5 (KJV)
~ 2/3/2019

Venus (Sacred Feminine) at 29 Sagittarius squares Chiron (Cosmis Shaman) at 29 Pisces.

The Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Shaman have opened a portal for each person to experience and know the Medicine of Unconditional Love of Self. It is only from filling our own cup (the chalice is an ancient symbol of the Sacred Feminine) with the Love of Source until it overflows that we are able to see others through the eyes of Source. The water in our cup (Source) becomes a mirror for us to see others with the same Unconditional Love that we have for ourselves.

While this is the primary frequency pouring through the portal at this time, we are each receiving a frequency that is unique to our own mastery of embodying Unconditional Love ~ the Gifts of Unconditional Love: compassion, creative, empathic, healing, imaginative, inspiration, intuitive, kind, mystical, oneness, receptive, reflective, soulful, tender, transcendent …

To know what Gift is available to you at this time, look to where this portal is positioned in your chart.

In my natal return chart, the portal extends from my 6th house to my 9th house. I’m receiving the Medicine of standing in my Spiritual Truth every day; questing for Spiritual Meaning in each moment.

In my solar return chart, the portal extends from my 11th house to my 2nd house. I’m receiving the Medicine of fully embodying myself as a Spiritual Teacher. (And just as I wrote this, my new Spirit Animal, Bald Eagle, just flew by me!) Eagle symbolizes power, creation, illumination & exploration, and all of these frequencies are available to us through the Sagittarius/Pisces portal.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess 

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019

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Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner