The Moon 🌝 (Divine Mother) is in Pisces ♓️ (conjuncting your luminary bodies there & trining your luminary bodies in Cancer ♋️ and Scorpio ♏️ ~ REMEMBER the Water Elements are your Path of Least Resistance to your Emotional Realm). In particular, TODAY She is trining the North Node (Cosmic GPS) in Cancer ♋️. This is a HARMONIOUS & SUPPORTIVE flow of energy with NO RESISTANCE!!! 🤗
For me, She is currently traversing my 9th House (ruled by the Cosmic Guru – Jupiter), so these energies are a Source (pun intended LOL) of teachings for me – expanded by my Jupiter in 9th House/Pisces ♓️.
“I’m not loved enough. There’s no one who really cares about me in the way that I want to be cared about.” (My North Node in 1st House/Cancer ♋️ at 29 AND Moon in 12th House/Cancer ♋️)
I’ve discovered that this was the dominant vibration I had going on in my earliest life in response to those life experiences. That vibration has gained SO MUCH momentum over the course of my life, and I can now recognize how many unwanted experiences it has continued to attract to me.
With today’s Moon trine to the North Node, receiving the awareness of this dominant vibration that I have been unconscious of for 56 years will significantly move me forward along my evolutionary path.
THIS is why I continue my vibrational practice. It’s becoming more and more fine-tuned.
Unless you do something vibrationally, there’s not enough action in the world to make any difference.
What I know for sure is this:
I chose the parents & circumstances to be born into so, at the EARLIEST moments of my life on this planet, I could create a DEEP & POWERFUL desire to love and care for myself in only the way that Source DOES. To experience that requires purposeful focus on being Aligned with my Inner BEing Who is an extension of Source. NO OTHER PERSON (the conditional) can Love & Care for us the way Source does (unconditional).
My natal Chiron in 8th House/Pisces often brings me Medicine through my deep feeling of abandonment, especially by Source, to provide even greater desire to transmute my Point of Attraction that these life experiences are revealing to me.
I’ve been so focused on the conditions and their pain. NOW, I choose to focus on me, my Inner BEing, on Source.
I choose ME.
I choose LOVE.
I hope this helps you gain the clarity you require to make the choice that is most uplifting for you.
Where are Cancer ♋️ & Pisces ♓️ located in your chart? What awareness is the Divine Mother illuminating for you for your evolutionary move forward? Allow the clarity to flow into you. Receive the A-ha!
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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