Today is May Day, and it is considered a Holy (Sabbat) Day known as Beltane. This Sabbat represents the Union of the God and Goddess, Sacred Marriage, all new life, and fertility for all living things. This is a time to celebrate the coming together of the Masculine and Feminine creative energies
As the First Day of Summer, it is primarily a fertility festival. The May Pole is a phallic symbol representative of the Sacred Union as ribbons of white (Maiden) and red (Mother) are woven around it. Thus, all Virgin & Mother Goddesses are honored on this day, including Goddesses of Love and Goddesses of Fertility: Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Artemis, Astarte, Venus, Diana, Ariel, Var, Skadi, Sheela Na Gig, Cybele, Xochiquetzal, Freya, and Rhiannon. The Welsh goddess Creiddylad is connected with Beltane, often called the May Queen, she was a Goddess of summer flowers and love. Having a significant amount of English & Welsh DNA (55%) along with being a former May Queen (see picture above), this day has always held a special place in my heart.
Mercury (our Cosmic Messenger) in Taurus is sextile the North Node (Humanity’s Cosmic Evolutionary GPS) in Cancer. Venus (Sacred Feminine) is the Goddess of Taurus. Moon (Divine Mother) is the Goddess of Cancer. Are you receiving Their Message which is guiding you towards your Ascension? ENJOY the Pleasure and Ecstasy of Sacred Union in your Sacred Vessel (body) and allow the FEELINGS related to the movement of the Creative Life Force (Love, Ecstasy, Pleasure, Passion, Bliss) within you to bring you into Sacred Union with your Inner BEing. What NEW creation is being conceived from your Union with your Self?!?! With Mars (Sacred Masculine) in Gemini, the Creative Muse is facilitating the conception of a new idea within your Higher Mind. What NEW inspirations and desires are you receiving? Are the goosebumps running through you, validating for you that you are receiving from an aligned State of Being?
The Goddess Saturn and Her current position in Capricorn is greatly significant in supporting this NEW creation that is being fertilized through Sacred Union. As the Goddess of Manifestation in the sign that embodies the energies of the Cosmic Law of Attraction, She is the Gatekeeper for all things made manifest is our SOLar System. She blesses the portal from which Quantum waves (Energy)become particles (Matter).
On this May Day, Saturn stands with the South Node across the Sky from the North Node. They are on the polar ends of the Cancer/Capricorn axis ~ The Path of Family, Home and Community ~ which is currently being evolved through a series of eclipses that began in June 2018 and will end in January 2020. I have already shared the activations of the North Node/Cancer pole through its aspects to Mercury/Taurus and Mars/Gemini. Likewise, the Saturn/South Node/Capricorn pole is also being activated by the Cosmic Messenger and the Sacred Masculine. Their activation by the Cosmic Messenger is being made through a trine aspect ~ a very harmonious flow of energy that has no resistance ~ an ALIGNED flow of energy. Their activation by the Sacred Masculine is being made through an inconjunct aspect. An inconjunct aspect is of special note because within it there is the feeling of a broken link between the energies of Gemini and the energies of Capricorn. I would describe this as being similar to a “generation gap.” We have the eternal youth energies of Gemini and the ancient elder energies of Capricorn attempting to communicate with each other. How can they come together to find a mutual Point of Attraction with which they can BOTH resonate? For me, it comes back to clarity of desire. What are they both keenly desiring to experience? The key lies in the North Node/South Node activations. They are both desiring to create an IDEA that can liberate the models of Family, Home and Community from the past while simultaneously evolving them towards Sovereignty. I also believe that the disconnect lies in the consciousness around the prevailing connotation of “masculine.” REMEMBER, the NEWLY inspired and evolving concept will be the result of fertilization through alignment with SACRED masculinity, not PATRIARCHAL masculinity.
The YOD being created with the Cosmic Messenger and North Node at the base and our Cosmic Guru (Jupiter) in Sagittarius (His Homeland) at the apex is showing us Humanity’s fated destination of focusing & reaching beyond its present consciousness of confining/disempowering Patriarchal energies upwards towards a higher consciousness of expanded/empowering energies found in Sacredness. This IS happening NOW, and Pluto (our Cosmic Alchemist) in Capricorn is acting as Jupiter’s “BFF” through a semi-sextile to help Humanity transform/ascend its consciousness towards embracing the empowering Sacred Masculine energies, while He stands below the apex at the center of the YOD’s base.
Many blessing to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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