May the 4th be with you!!! ROFL That is SO FUNNY to me on so many levels. LOL
Yes, it’s May 4th AND it’s our New Moon in Taurus. Ahhhhhh! So much really yummy stuff flowing in!! As they say, “April rains bring May flowers!” We are still in the Beltane window AND we are being “petaled” with so many inspirational ideas from our Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) in Aries ~ see my previous post on May Day/Beltane.
So let’s focus in on our luscious Taurus energies for a moment.
Taurus is all about RECEIVING!!! It’s about opening ourselves up and allowing ourselves to receive and experience the exquisite pleasure of Creative Life Force Energy (“the 4th,” or as Yoda callis it, the Force). Note, that at the other side of the Taurus axis is Scorpio whose energies are also deeply steeped in this Creative Life Force Energy. Mmmmmmmm!!!! Intense pleasure! Satisfying ecstasy! Delicious revelling! WHO doesn’t want MORE OF THAT, please and thank you very much!!!
Taurus is also about our Sacred Vessels (our bodies), so we are being given such a beautiful (Venus ruler of Taurus) opportunity to enjoy the Embodiment of our Self. The body is such as an incredible Gift from the Goddess. It has the capacity to Receive in Multiple ways (pun intended!). The body receives energy through:
- The Realm of Taurus:
- Its senses/sense organs: seeing/eyes, hearing/ears, tasting/mouth, smelling/nose and feeling/skin. (They say our skin is the largest and most errotic organ of the body.)
- The Realm of Virgo:
- Its chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown
- The Realm of Capricorn:
- Its breath
This is why we LOVED being able to lay in the grass and stare up at clouds when we were kids. In fact, now that summer is here, I take my beach towel outside and lay in the grass for at least an hour almost every day. As I do that, I am able to enjoy the smell of the grass, the clouds in the sky, the singing of the birds and the feel of the breeze on my skin. Meanwhile, my body is receiving energy from the Earth and the Sun through my chakras, and my breath becomes easy and relaxed, bringing in the Light Codes of Infinite Intelligence. For me, it’s almost better than getting a massage or a pedicure!
When we allow ourselves to enjoy the pleasures of being fully-embodied, we are fully aligned with our Higher Selves and with the Creative Life Force Energy. This Receiving Mode allows waves to become particles, energy to become matter. Inspired ideas ARE manifestations. I received TWO NEW inspirations today. One made me feel so excited, and the other made me laugh hysterically. This is evidence of being in the flow … the Receiving Mode.
As the Sun and the Moon arrived at this Beltane point of 15 degrees Taurus, they both moved past our Cosmic Liberator (Uranus) who is also in Taurus with them. Be prepared for your inspired ideas to be pretty radical in nature!
Now, let the Force Awake, be frisky, go out there & have some fun and let yourself laugh, Beloveds!!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone.
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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