The magnificent auspiciousness of the Buddha Purnima (Full Moon at 27 Scorpio) is painted in these two descriptions below. It is clear from them that the Intensity (Taurus/Scorpio Axis) of these Spiritual Blessings cannot be adequately described.
It has been written – on the first Full Moon of Taurus – the Spiritual Hierarchy creates a yearly Event – during which Divine Grace and Mercy are Released with an incredible intensity – in far greater Quantities. The Wesak Festival Celebration is interlaced with the Loving and Compassionate Energies of the Lord Buddha and the Lord Jesus Christ. This Festival and Celebration is a yearly Source of Inner Strength and Rapid Spiritual Development for all Practitioners. The Phenomena of Divine Energies released during this period, penetrates the Minds [Gemini], Hearts [Leo] and Souls [Scorpio] of all people joining this event. This Grace manifests as an Increase of Divine Light [Shakti] – which showers onto and into everyone and everything – within an enormous radius of the various Celebrations taking place globally – and impregnates the Earth itself!
Wesak Festival, The Celebration
Wesak marks the highpoint of the spiritual year when forces of enlightenment associated with the Buddha pour into the planet. The Wesak Festival is generally known as the Festival of the Buddha. In a legend, full of imagery, He is said to make an annual appearance in a secluded valley somewhere in the Himalayas at the exact time of the full moon of Taurus. He appears for a brief period and enacts a water ceremony before his great brother, the Christ, and an assembly of adepts and disciples.
Lucis Trust
It’s interesting to note that, through perfect Cosmic Timing, the Buddha’s water ceremony is being accompanied by a Water Trine: North Node in Cancer (9th House ~ Realm of the Guru) trine Neptune in Pisces (5th House ~ Realm of the Heart). One cannot dismiss the Evolutionary auspiciousness for this placement that opens the Divine Conduit of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Mercy to pour through our Sacred Hearts with Ease and Grace upon us and all Humanity. Meanwhile, the stars associated with Buddha (Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis, now in Leo) and the Christ (Regulus, now in Virgo) are all standing in the 10th House, emphasizing the Spiritual Work for which the Buddha and the Christ are known. The Relationship Path being activated at this Buddha Purnima is the Path of Conscious Equal Partnership (Libra Ascendant ruled by Venus ~ Aries Descendant ruled by Mars). How are YOUR Inner Feminine (Venus in Taurus) and Inner Masculine (Mars in Cancer) being offered an opportunity for Conscious Equal Partnership at this time? When They are Conscious Equal Partners, They become your Source of Inner Strength which allows Rapid Spiritual Development to unfold. The Goddess Sedna is conjunct the Sun at this Scorpio Full Moon. Her ability to regenerate your wounds from the Patriarchy in a transformative and empowering way that enables you to thrive in a new and foreign environment are being Illuminated for you. This clarity can be perceived by your Higher Mind and felt deep within your Emotional Body. It has been encoded into the very Shakti (Divine Light) that is moving through your Spiritual Centers (Chakras) by the Grace of Lords Buddha and Christ. Enlightenment is a new and foreign environment for the Seeker. Quaoar, who creates new realities out of chaos, in Capricorn trine the Cosmic Revolutionary (Uranus)/Sacred Feminine (Venus) conjunction in Taurus have set the stage for your physical liberation. The Cosmic Forces are supporting your Ascension journey!
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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