I know it may seem premature to be talking about a Full Moon (6/17) event that is nearly 3 weeks away. I mean, heck, we are just a few days from a New Moon (6/3). AND … that is EXACTLY why it is not premature!
If you work with the Law of Attraction at all, then you know that Conscious Creation involves the process of deliberate “pre-paving,” as Abraham calls it. We know that New Moons are about planting seeds and Full Moons are about reaping the harvest of the seeds we have planted. That is why there is no better time for pre-paving your Conscious Creation than during the New Moon window, 3 days before ~ day of ~ 3 days after.
SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT is in the works. All of its cooperative components will be aligned the day after (6/18) the Full Moon in Sagittarius, just 3 days before the Summer SOLstice. That something has to do with DREAMING POSSIBILITIES!
The New Moon in Gemini (6/3) and the Full Moon in Sagittarius (6/17) are activating the Path of the Quest-Mate. This path allows for a lot of space and freedom. It also allows for your quest for Truth to be honored. What’s amazing about the Full Moon in Sagittarius is that it will be standing next to the Galactic Center ~ The Heart of our Galaxy. This Full Moon will be illuminating Galactic Consciousness that has never before been received by Humanity. In actuality, the Heart of our Galaxy is stepping into the role of our Quest-Mate, and for this brief moment in time, will be walking beside each of us on our own unique spiritual paths as we explore the meaning of Life within the new Truth that is streaming through it.
The very next day (6/18), further activating the Path of the Quest-Mate, our Cosmic Guru (Jupiter) in Sagittarius will be standing across the sky from the Magdalene in Gemini, expanding the visions and insights we receive as the Magdalene shares Her story ~ Her Truth ~ with us. Will you allow your mind the freedom to receive and honor Her Truth? Our Cosmic Guru, the Magdalene and our Cosmic Conduit (Neptune) in Pisces will be creating portals into Higher Consciousness, into Source Consciousness, should you have the courage to choose to step through them. If you do, you will come to know the Magdalene as a Selfless Servant, and the breakthroughs in Consciousness that will result from this knowing will allow Her Story to become your Story.
As Her Story becomes your Story, Her Family becomes your Family. The Human Family is evolving towards providing the same compassionate space for its community members that the Holy Family held for its own. We know this to be so because our Cosmic Wisdom Keeper (Saturn) & the South Node in Capricorn are standing across the sky from the North Node, our Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) and our Sacred Masculine (Mars) in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is the Good Father. He is committed to providing a safe space for the Sacred Feminine, one of nurturing love and protection, providing a healthy foundation for others to grow. It is this foundation that is being established by the Sacred Masculine and the Goddess Saturn on the Path of Family, Home & Community. They are flowing The Consciousness of Their Wisdom for Sustaining the Welfare of Future Generations into the portals that Jupiter, the Magdalene and Neptune are holding open to allow for these evolutionary breakthroughs in Consciousness.
This is where the fun of Conscious Creation can be realized: the sextile between Neptune and Saturn is allowing each of us to DREAM these NEW POSSIBILITIES into being! Prepare the soil of your mind now, at the New Moon in Gemini, so that it will be ripe for Dreaming Possibilities at the Full Moon in Sagittarius! Infuse your Summer SOLstice celebrations with the visions of these possibilities, and then watch them unfold in mysterious ways that will surprise and delight you!!
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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