While we always celebrate the significance of the Summer and Winter Solstices, this year they are contributing to the Evolutionary expansion of The Path of Family, Home and Community. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is at 0° Cancer (Summer Solstice) while, simultaneously, in the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun is at 0° Capricorn (Winter Solstice). These are the two beginning points for The Path of Family, Home and Community ~ the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Since last July (2018), we have been having a series of eclipses on the Cancer/Capricorn axis which will culminate in July 2020. What is really spectacular, is that at this time next year, we will be having an eclipse on the Summer Solstice point (6/21/20 ~ 0CN21)! Everything that is happening now, is preparing us for that evolutionary leap.
One of the primary aspects at this Summer Solstice is the very close conjunction between Saturn (Goddess of Ancient Wisdom) and the South Node (Our Collective Experience) which will reach its most exact position on July 4th! This is a significant turning point for The Path of Family, Home and Community, which is the path of Sustainable Communalism. This is a perfect time for reconsidering the tenets of The Great Law of Peace from the Iroquois Confederacy, whereby the decisions that we make today will benefit our children into the future. This is known as Seven Generation Stewardship.
A U.S. Senate resolution in 1988 acknowledged this: “The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself.” While our Forefathers incorporated many aspects of The Great Law of Peace into the United States Constitution and the development of our Democracy, a significant piece was excluded. The role of women as Clan Mothers. The Clan Mothers held the Chieftainship Titles and determined upon whom the title of Chief would be bestowed. When a Chief was errant or criminal in his duties, the Clan Mothers had the right to depose him. The Clan Mothers had many other duties as well. Two of the most powerful declarations in The Great Law of Peace are “LINEAL DESCENT OF THE PEOPLE RUNS IN THE FEMALE LINE” (Wampum 44) and “CLAN MOTHERS ARE KEEPERS OF THE AUTHORIZED NAMES” (Wampum 46). Throughout The Great Law of Peace, both men and women are given important consideration within the rights and duties that are outlined. We see The Great Law of Peace as a tool that acknowledges Conscious Equal Partnership. Without Conscious Equal Partnership, our children will never feel safe.
How are we (Community) going to merge the Ancient Wisdom of The Great Law of Peace with our Collective Experience to be sustainable stewards of Humanity (Family) and Mother Earth (Home)??? Like an answer to the prayer, we have TWO beautiful T-Squares in the Sky:
- Venus (Sacred Feminine) conjunct the Magdalene (High Priestess of Sacred Partnership) in Gemini standing across from Jupiter (Cosmic Guru) in Sagittarius forming the top of the T and Neptune (Cosmic Conduit to Source) in Pisces standing at the base of the T.
- Mars (Sacred Masculine) conjunct Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) in Cancer standing across from Pluto (Cosmic Transformer) in Capricorn forming the top of the T and Eris (Goddess of Radical Truth) in Aries standing at the base of the T.
As if to model Sacred Partnership for us, the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine are providing us with FOUR portals for breakthrough to help us Illuminate what has not been working for Humanity. If we will only allow ourselves to FEEL. Our emotions are our Guidance System. When we choose to feel GOOD, when we commit to making that our work in the world, then we can be inspired by truths that have been perceived as too radical to accept. We can give words to truths that have been perceived as too radical to speak. We can magnify ourselves as Spiritual Beings. We can compassionately embrace our feminine energies as empowering. We can feel safe in questing ever higher for meaning and purpose. We can allow ourselves the space and freedom to learn from our past experiences and create new experiences that will cooperatively nourish Life. What inspirations and opportunities will we say “YES” to over the next year to bring about this new paradigm?
Juno (Goddess of Sacred Partnership) stands at 0° of Leo. We are becoming Heart-centered Beings. It is our Evolutionary destiny!
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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