It’s the third day since the Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Frequencies of BOTH events are still strongly resonant and integrating within us. On the day of the Full Moon/Eclipse, Luna was conjunct Medusa. Tomorrow, Luna will be conjunct Lilith (BML) in Pisces. These two aspects of the Sacred Feminine (Medusa & Lilith) contain frequencies that are very much aligned with and supportive of each other.
Medusa was a Priestess who lived in Sacred Service to the Goddess Athena. Medusa’s beauty attracted the attention of the sea god Poseidon who gave into his lustful thoughts by raping her. After Medusa was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple, Athena punished Medusa by transfiguring her beauty into a hideous appearance and her gorgeous hair into loathsome snakes. This “blaming the victim” has been perpetuated through the patriarchal culture. Medusa represents the Patriarchy’s Rage, aka paralyzing FEAR, (Her glance turns you to stone.) of the Power of the Sacred Feminine ~ Shakti/Kundalini (Her hair is made of snakes.). The fear and misunderstanding of the Power of the Shakti Energy is often manifested by Patriarchy through sexual abuse and perversion. Because of this irrational fear, Medusa was “demonized” and ostracized from the community, being relegated to a cave in which she lived until she was murdered.
Few know that Lilith was the first wife of Adam. Adam demanded that Lilith be subservient to him. Rather than give up her sovereignty to Adam, she left him. Adam begged God to have Lilith returned to him. On three separate occasions, God sent an angel to Lillith to convince her to return to Adam. Each time, Lilith refused to return to Adam and be subjugated by him. Because Lilith chose to stand in her power and maintain her sovereignty, she was villainized and demonized by the community.
The patriarchal fears that have resulted in the abuses of power and the demonizing of the Sacred Feminine energy, as manifested by the embodiment of women, no longer serves the expansion of Consciousness on our planet. These fears are now being eradicated, so that the balance of power can be restored. Each of must look within ourselves to find where the remnants of these energies continue to be present, either through core woundings or false beliefs.
Our most recent Partial Lunar Eclipse is supporting us in bringing all of these hidden energies into our awareness for us to feel into, acknowledge, resolve and let go. Today’s Pisces Moon conjunct Lilith, is allowing us to immerse these remnant energies in Unconditional Love and Compassion. We must each allow our inner mother to nurture and soothe our own fears, so that they can be healed.
The wounds of Patriarchy have created a resonance within all of us that we are unworthy or undeserving of standing in our own power. The Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn is ruled by the Goddess Saturnia. She is reclaiming Her position as an aspect of the Sacred Feminine. She is supporting Humanity in remembering that we are all deserving of our innate divine/creative power. What does deserving mean? It means being worthy of, being entitled to having a claim on, being qualified for, being good enough for.
So ~ what exactly is it that we are each:
- Are Worthy of
- Are Entitled to
- Have a Claim on
- Are Qualified for
- Are Good Enough for?
Our DIVINE INHERITANCE ~ Knowing ourselves as Embodiments of LOVE ~ Knowing ourselves as Powerful Creators.
As we do this sacred work individually, we are each reclaiming our own Sovereignty, and by so doing, contributing to the expansion of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Are you willing to open yourself up to Medusa, Lilith and the Divine Mother to receive all that you are deserving of, so that you can know Who You REALLY Are?
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019
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