Medusa is the High Priestess of SHAKTI (Kundalini). Sadly, many continue to relate to Her as this image:
It’s interesting to look back at Her Greek myth to discover the genesis of this seemingly immortal image.
Medusa was a beautiful maiden (Maiden, Mother, Crone) who was a Priestess in Athena’s Temple. Her beauty rivaled Athena’s, and thus, Medusa caught the eye Poseidon. (Poseidon as God of the Sea, is a Water God. The Water Element is the realm of our Emotions.) He so lusted after and desired Medusa that He raped Her in Athena’s Temple. (Sexual perversion and Violence is a fundamental Patriarchal Wound.) When Athena discovered that Her Temple had been desecrated by Poseidon’s rape of Medusa, She became enraged at Medusa. (Victim blaming is another Patriarchal Wound.) Out of Her rage, Athena sought vengeance against Medusa, and thereby transformed Medusa’s hair into Snakes (an ancient symbol of Feminine Power, Kundalini, Life Force Energy & Shakti.) Athena also cursed Medusa, causing Her to go into exile & seclusion, because whoever directly looked upon Her was turned to stone (paralyzed with fear ~ the source of Patriarchal wounds.)
The Ancient Myths are valuable for us because they give us insight into our own Shadows. However, it is very important to remember that these Archetypical Beings have continued to evolve over time, so as evolving Beings ourselves, we must engage them consciously at their evolved state. A good example of this is the Goddess Eris, most famously known for starting the Trojan War, who is most often referred to as the Goddess of Discord. (Her myth can be read here.) It’s important to note that the apple Eris dropped at the wedding party was a GOLDEN Apple. Thus, I relate to Her from the Higher Frequency as The Goddess of Radical Truth. We experience this in our human lives too. How many people dread going home for the holidays or to high school reunions because they are related to as their old childhood roles/personalities and are not seen as the mature adults they have become? REMEMBER, from our Sacred Wound comes our Sacred Gift. As we evolve, we have more & more access to our Sacred Gift. Thus, I invite you to meet the evolved Medusa, High Priestess of Shakti, and come to know Her at this Higher Frequency. The events unfolding on our global stage right now provide us with the perfect opportunity to do so.
There has been much discussion for quite some time about the forecasted effects of the great Saturn/Pluto conjunction that was exact on January 12, 2020 (23° Capricorn) and the Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions coming up on April 5, 2020 (24° Capricorn), June 29, 2020 (same degree) and November 12, 2020 (22° Capricorn ~ the number of the EVOLVED Magdalene). Many say that the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is a time of exploring our deepest Shadow and the ensuing decay and breakdown of our societal structures. While I can see that as an effect of these Cosmic energies, I have also read too much doom and gloom around it being the decline of civilization as we know it. Again, I prefer to focus on the higher frequencies and the evolutionary outcomes for Humanity, our Collective Consciousness and our Ascending Planet.
Here are some energies that are participating in this Great Shift, that have not been considered, and they include those of the High Priestess of Shakti, Medusa:
FOUR months (the number of foundations) before the exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 23° Capricorn, Medusa was exactly conjunct Pluto at 20° Capricorn during the Full Moon in Pisces (9/14/19) ~ when Venus was still in the Underworld (see the story of Innana’s Descent to and Ascent from the Underworld). As you know, Pluto is the ruler of the Underworld, so I love seeing Medusa as an aspect of the Sacred Feminine (Venus/Inanna) being an integral co-creator for this new foundation being manifested for Family, Home & Community (the relationship path of the Cancer/Capricorn axis.) Note how this Medusa/Pluto, the Saturn/Pluto and the upcoming Juptier/Pluto conjunctions are all occurring in such a tight orb: 20° – 24° of Capricorn.
For me, Medusa shows us where we have the paralyzing fears that have been inculcated by the Patriarchy. She is in my 11th House/Gemini indicating paralyzing fears around communicating in social situations. In fact, when I was in middle school and high school, I suffered terribly from Social Anxiety Disorder. I remember going to a party in the 7th grade and standing in a corner until my parents picked me up because I couldn’t chit-chat with kids whom I saw in my classes every day. I was in a very real sense paralyzed with fear.
Last September when Medusa and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn, Medusa was conjunct Jupiter and Sekhmet in my Solar 11th House/Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a much Higher Frequency than Gemini, allowing me the ability to speak on a global stage via my blog regarding the Truths I receive around the expansion and liberation of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Interestingly, the frequencies of Gemini & Sagittarius are the foundation for the Path of the Quest-Mate. A Quest Mate is someone who will, from time to time, walk with you on your Spiritual Path and who honors your Quest for Truth. Medusa has certainly been a Quest Mate for me. The other amazing synchronistic piece is that the Medusa/Pluto conjunction happened right on top of my Solar Pluto at 20° Capricorn!!! Perhaps this is why I have been empowered to share the Wisdom of Medusa’s Sacred Gift with you!!
From the Full Moon in Pisces (Sept 2019), Medusa continued to travel away from 20° Capricorn towards 29° Capricorn just before the 2nd (Sacral) Venus Gate Activation (10/29/19). (For those of you who are not aware of Venus’ 19 month journey as Morning Star and Evening Star, following the descent and ascension path of Innana’s journey to the Underworld, a Gate Activation occurs when the Moon and Venus are conjunct on the descent or ascent journey. Venus is currently on Her Ascension Journey, and each Gate Activation corresponds to a Chakra Activation, reclaiming the Power that She lost on the descent journey.) Our 2nd (Sacral) Chakra holds the Medusa (Patriarchal) Fears. This is the Chakra that was wounded when Poseidon raped Medusa. At the 2nd Venus Gate Activation last October, Medusa had entered the Radically Liberating energies of Aquarius, and She stood at 0AQ45 ~ beginning the Liberation of Humanity’s Collective Consciousness from the Patriarchy’s Paralyzing Fears while simultaneously liberating us individually from the fears/wounds stored in our Sacral (Sacred) Chakra. This Gate Activation on the Ascent Journey is about reclaiming our Life Force (Shakti/Kundalini) Energy at the Creative Center of the Goddess.
By the 6th (Third Eye) Venus Gate Activation (2/27/20), Medusa had travelled through most of the Piscean energies, and She was standing at 28PI25 ~ a 5° orb from Chiron (Cosmic Shaman) ~ enabling us to hold compassion for those who are wounded by the paralyzing Patriarchal Fears (especially ourselves as we tapped into the Shamanic Medicine of Self Love). At the 6th Venus Gate Activation, we are reclaiming the power of clear vision. What is poignant about this Gate Activation is that the Moon and Venus are conjunct Eris in Aries. Remember what I shared about the Goddess of Radical Truth earlier. As we reclaim the power of clear vision, the Radical Truth that we share about our clear vision may cause chaos, strife and discord for those whose consciousness is still mired in the lower frequencies. The 6th Venus Gate Activation was also about the time that the Corona Virus was starting to gain some traction on the world stage. I recall shopping at WalMart on March 9, 2020 and being taken by surprise to see the already empty shelves. I could see where the situation in the grocery stores was headed even though this was not yet a big news item! In hindsight, it is clear to see how the news of the Corona Virus has spread chaos, strife and discord. This is not Eris’ doing. It is the manifestation of lower consciousness reactivity.
Now, we are approaching the 7th (CROWN) Venus Gate Activation (3/28/20). There are currently many memes on FaceBook that discuss the synchronicity around “Corona” meaning “Crown.” Here is one of them:
At the 7th Venus Gate Activation, we are reclaiming our Divinity. Medusa will be in Aries at 14AR51 opposite Juno ~ Goddess of Sacred Partnership ~ in Libra at 14LI47. As these two Sacred Feminine energies hold the balancing points for The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership, it will be fascinating to see how things will have transformed. Simultaneously, Saturn ~ Goddess of Sovereignty ~ will be in Aquarius at 0AQ27 ~ the place where Medusa stood at the 2nd Venus Gate Activation, something radically liberating for Humanity and its Collective Consciousness will be manifesting. How exciting!!!
By the way, Eris is still adding Her energies to the mix as She is semi-sextile to the 7th Venus Gate Activation (Moon/Venus conjunction in Taurus ~ Venus’ Homeland). The Gate Activation is also trine a Jupiter/Pallas Athena/Pluto/Mars conjunction in Capricorn. Eris is square to this Capricorn Stellium. Between these 3 overlapping aspects, we have an intimate and a powerful integration of these Cosmic energies. These energies are preparing us for, and are foreshadowing, the restoration of the value of our Elders (in our family & our community) and the value of Gaia/Mother Earth (as our HOME) in our Hearts and our Consciousness that will take place at the 8th Venus Gate Activation. This Gate Activation is igniting the memory of this Wisdom that is embodied within the cells and the DNA of our Sacred Vessels (physical bodies).
Next month, we complete Veunus’ Ascension Journey with the 8th (ASCENSION) Venus Gate Activation (4/26/20). The 8th Chakra is the Soul Star Chakra. When this Gate is Activated, Medusa will be in Taurus (ruled by Venus) standing at 0TA58. She will sextile the North Node (Humanity’s evolutionary GPS) at 0CN15 while the Sun & Uranus conjunct at 6° Taurus. Eris is continuing to offer us opportunities for breakthroughs in our consciousness as She squares Pluto and Jupiter. We are being confronted with the Truth about the value of our Elders’ Wisdom and the necessity to actively reengage with them, thereby mending the Sacred Hoop. The Sacred Hoop is “based on the Sioux concept that everything in the universe is intertwined. It exemplifies the compelling belief that all things that exist are connected in one continuous process of growth and progression.” WOW! Imagine what we will be embodying by then!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE and a whole new way of being with Family, Home & Community.
It is my intention and desire that the Wisdom of Medusa’s Sacred Gift which I have shared here will support and comfort you as you consciously navigate our present external landscape that is being saturated with Corona Virus news and the subsequent day-to-day response on the ground in your community. May this uplift you as you engage with these Ascension energies.
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2020
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