This is a new beginning. This is a new vibrational Point of Attraction. Saturn has made Her ingress into Aquarius. We should all be FEELING lighter and freer. Never mind what is happening around you or what you are being told. Do not let it fool your lower mind. NOW, is the time to tap into how you FEEL!
Aquarius is quintessentially the realm for the principles of The Law Attraction. As an Air Sign, it IS the “Vortex.” This is the place of the ONE Mind. This is where we can tap into the FREQUENCIES of the intangible world that become the MANIFESTATIONS of the tangible world. Saturn, as an aspect of the Sacred Feminine, is the Cosmic Gateway that allows the intangible world to flow into the tangible world. She serves as the “birth canal” through which all that we desire to create is realized by us.
No one better than Saturn can assist us to TAP INTO and ALIGN WITH the Higher Frequencies that allow us to experience Unconditional Love and Compassion. Saturn in Aquarius helps us to be AWARE of HOW we are feeling. She helps us to be in touch with our emotions and know the value of our emotions. Thus, Aquarius ~ The Water Bearer ~ is the bridge between Heaven (Pisces) and Earth (Capricorn). The Water Bearer brings into our Awareness the role of our Emotional (water element) Guidance System in letting us know which frequency we are attuned to in every NOW moment ~ in every breath. Saturn in Aquarius provides us with the Wisdom we require to be able to deliberately tune ourselves to the Frequency that allows us to be in the Receptive Mode ~ FULL ALIGNMENT with ALL that we have BECOME.
YES, we are being presented with much contrast in the world and at home. When we allow Saturn to help us attune to our Highest Point of Attraction, we know that this time of contrast is the result of Humanity’s desire for greater expressions of liberation. We can use this time to practice consciously setting intentions for what we desire to create. We are Mastering how to be in Relationship Equality with ourselves, with Humanity and with Gaia.
As Saturn stands on the threshold of Aquarius, She is trine Vesta in Gemini. Vesta is the Goddess of Sacred Purpose ~ the Sacred Flame ~ that which your Heart burns for. It is Vesta’s focused passion for this overriding purpose that drives us forward. She allows us to access the Focal Point that attracts great momentum for its realization. Here, Humanity has allowed great momentum to flow towards its desire to rise from the lower mind to the Higher Mind. What’s so beautiful about this is that we can attune to our Higher Selves in a FUN and FLIRTY, PLAYFUL and PRECOCIOUS creative way. This is the oxymoron we are being given the opportunity to embody. How can we synchronously be committed to deliberate attunement AND also be whimsical? Vesta will help us to “see the light.” Isn’t it interesting that Vesta is the keeper of the burning home fires, and we are being asked to stay home? She is also devoted to spiritual commitment, and She exemplifies this through Sacred Service. We too are being called into Sacred Service as we assist and support those in our families and communities who are most vulnerable at this time while we also consciously choose to attune ourselves to the Higher Frequencies of Love and Compassion which enable us to IN~Joy our Service.
Saturn’s journey through Aquarius enables Her to ascend from the role of being a good leader and manager (Elder ~ Grandmother) to being a Spiritual Teacher ~ an Avatar. From Her new level of Consciousness and its vantage point, She aligns with Lady Liberty ~ Goddess of Freedom ~ and teaches us how we can radically model equality and freedom for all. We, in turn, can find new ways to experiment with these liberating ideals and create new systems to improve the human condition. Saturn is very much being supported in Her fresh incarnation by the conjunction of Goddess Pallas Athena, Cosmic Guru (Jupiter), Sacred Masculine (Mars) and Cosmic Transformer (Pluto) who are trine the Sea Goddess Sedna. The EARTH is Her element, and so She stands on Their shoulders as She partakes of this new energy. Sedna’s GIFT is the ability to transform the Wounds of Patriarchy into tools that enable us to THRIVE. The sea represents the water element as does the Water Bearer. Again, we are being guided to utilize our Emotional Guidance System to help us rise above and heal these wounds, many of which are emotional scars. Saturn in Aquarius will teach us how to do this!
To consciously work with The Law of Attraction and the Aquarian energies, meditation and imagination are two good ways to access the bigger picture, indeed to see the biggest picture possible. Meditation, in particular, enables us to allow our frequency, and thereby our point of attraction, to rise and align with whom we have become ~ our True Self ~ our Authentic Self. We can more easily receive the thoughts, impressions and inspirations from our Higher Self who is an extension of Source. We can receive direct knowing, also known as “downloads,” from Source. We have tapped into the One Mind ~ the Universal Mind.
I speak of these next 14 ½ weeks of Saturn’s sampling of the Aquarian energies in my post titled, The Great Shift. This period is a time of foreshadowing. We are getting a taste of the evolutionary expansion that our Consciousness and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity will undergo when Saturn settles into Aquarius for the next 2+ years (March 2023) come December 18th. Two days later (12/20/20), Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct at the threshold of Aquarius. This will set off the theme of deliberately aligning with the highest frequency possible and embodying the highest consciousness possible for the next 20 years. We truly are at a new beginning! And, we are in the hands of TWO magnificent Spiritual Teachers.
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, 2020
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