The Harvest Goddess ~ Happy Equinox!

The Harvest Goddess

HAPPY AUTUMN EQUINOX! Astrologically, the Sun is at 0° 00′ Libra. Today is a lovely day for turning within and discovering what you are ready to let go of.

To support you in this process, I’m offering you a Vision Quest opportunity:
As you are going through your day, set the intention to discover a shadow aspect (Inner Demon) of yourself ~ often created through an unforgivable wound, and listen for what is revealing itself to you.  For instance, I was listening to a short clip from Abraham this morning, and I heard the words “Emotionally Traumatized.”  Those two words hit me in a way that I KNEW they were a shadow aspect presenting itself to me. So, now I am using the rest of this day as a Sacred Container to allow the Autumn Equinox energies to alchemize that aspect within me. I invite you to do the same.

Here are some aspects occurring today:
1) Sun conjunct Sekhmet 4LI40 and they are both opp Yesuha® 2AR35
2) Venus and Vesta are conjunct at 18LE
3) Juno 0SC41 trine Ceres 0PI40
     a) Asmodeus 22CN56 opp Pluto 22CP31
     b) Mercury 24LI15 opp Eris/Black Moon Lilith/Mars® 24-26AR

With both Mars and Yeshua retrograde, we are being guided to uncover shadow aspects related to the Patriarchy, so that we can fill those spaces with the energy of the Sacred Masculine.  I, personally, have experienced a lot of emotional trauma from the Patriarchy.  When I look at this through the current Venus Descent Third (Throat Chakra) Gate Activation period, I have been severely wounded and traumatized by WORDS … cruel things that have been said to me by the men in my life:

  • You are too lazy to ever work hard enough to afford a maid.
  • You will never be as beautiful as your mother.
  • Intellectually, I am VERY attracted to you, but physically … end of story.

Emotional traumas are very much connected to the water signs. In my own chart, Juno  (Goddess of Sacred Relationships) at 0° Scorpio (water sign) is activating Ixion (Unforgivable Wound) at 28° Libra and Her trine to Ceres (Earth Mother Goddess) at 0° Pisces (water sign) is activating Medusa (Goddess of Valor) at 2° Pisces and Asmodeus (Guide to our Inner Demons) at 29° Aquarius.

What this tells me is the Goddess of Sacred Relationships is offering me a very gentle and harmonious way of making peace with the unforgivable wounds ~ my Inner Demons ~ from the emotional traumas that I have experienced by the cruel words spoken in the perverted masculine energy (patriarchy). The Earth Mother Goddess is compassionately supporting me with embodying the wholeness and unconditional love that will result from having the courage to let go of the paralyzing fears of Patriarchy that resulted in those Inner Demons. I know, too, that my inner healing is also providing a healing within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity (Aquarius).

I hope this vivid example helps guide you in your own discoveries as you choose to consciously engage the Autumn Equinox energies today.

As a result, you may feel inspired to work more deeply with the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies in your life.  If so, I invite you to join me at The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School to dive into this glorious exploration.

With my new classes, I am offering THREE Monthly Subscription options:

  1. TWIN-FLAME Journey: classes for both the Sacred Feminine (Venus Synodic Cycle) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars Synodic Cycle) ~ $90/month.
  2. VENUS Journey: classes for the Sacred Feminine only ~ $47/month
  3. MARS Journey: classes for the Sacred Masculine  only ~ $47/month

These journeys are for everybody, women and men, whether you know little or nothing about astrology or if you are adept. This is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Goddess Archetype (Feminine Principle) & God Archetype (Masculine Principle) with which we are working. Our work here goes deep into the Alchemical process as it is very personal as well as transpersonal.

I invite you to visit The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School to learn more about the Venus & Mars journeys and to discover all the benefits and resources provided in the classes.  You are welcome to join us at any point.  Our next Alchemical Sacred Feminine class will be Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 pm EST.  Our FIRST Alchemical Sacred Masculine class will be Saturday, October 10, at 4:00 pm EST.

I look forward to having you join us!

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2020

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Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner