The moment you say “YES!” to the Truth behind the principles that are collectively known as the Law of Attraction is the moment you have stepped into 5D reality because you have allowed yourself to enter the reality of energy, vibration and frequency.
What does it mean to live in a 5D reality?
The 5D reality is PRESENT whether you can perceive it or not. PERCEPTION is the key. This reminds me of a scene in the movie, Kate & Leopold. Kate’s ex-fiance’, Stuart, says to the attendant in the psych ward:
Stuart: I know, I know, it sounds crazy… talking about… finding a crack in time under the East River. But in, in point, in point of fact, Gretchen, you know…it is no more crazy than, uh, a dog finding a rainbow. Dogs are color-blind, Gretchen. They don’t see color.
Gretchen: Really?
Stuart: Just like we can’t see time. We can feel it. Oh… we can feel it passing but, uh, we can’t see it; it’s just a blur.
It is ALL about perception. To understand how we perceive 5D, we must understand how we perceive in 3D.
In our 3D reality, we are accustomed to perceiving with our 5 senses. We see things with our eyes, we hear things with our ears, we feel things with our skin, we smell things with our nose and we taste things with our tongues. These instruments of our senses: eyes, ears, skin, nose and tongue are calibrated to detect data within certain bandwidths of frequencies. This concept is not at all uncommon to us. We know that there is an electromagnetic spectrum that includes the range of all the possible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. This range has been defined as being from high energy gamma rays through visible light and down to low energy radio waves. However, I know that there are frequencies that exist beyond this defined range, at both the high and low ends, that science has not yet been able to detect. We have created telescopes and microscopes to allow our eyes to see into the bandwidths that are beyond their perception. We have created radio towers and hearing aids to allow our ears to hear beyond the bandwidths that are beyond their perception. Heck! Speaking of dogs, we know that they are able to hear what we cannot. Even cats are able to see what we cannot. Just because we cannot see or hear what is present with our own eyes and ears does not mean it is not there.
There is another tool that we are gifted with that helps us to translate, or perceive, the data that the instruments of our 5 senses are collecting. That is the mind. The mind is a tricky thing. It can only translate that which you believe. A belief is just a thought that you have practiced over and over again. A belief (positive or negative) is a thought that has a lot of momentum behind it. A belief is a program that has been installed in your mind. You can sometimes identify a program that is running your mind as “the voice you hear in your head.” It’s like a tape that keeps playing over and over again. Another way of saying this is that the mind is critical. The critical mind can only translate what it does not throw out of the data set based on the judgments it has been programmed to apply to the data. Judgments are false or limited beliefs, beliefs that do not allow for the possibility of an existence. Thus, if you do not believe it, you will not see it, or vice versa, supported by The Law of Attraction, you MUST believe it BEFORE you can see it. This is how we perceive in 3D, and this way of perceiving is what keeps a person “stuck” in a 3D reality. It is VERY limiting and disempowering.
So how does the way we perceive ~ our perception ~ shift to give us access to 5D reality?
5D reality vibrates at a higher frequency than 3D. To access these higher frequencies, our critical mind becomes silent so that our higher mind can become the translator. When the higher mind is engaged as the translator, a whole new spectrum of frequencies is opened up to us. The instruments of our 5 senses continue to collect the data. However they have become more finely calibrated, so they are collecting A LOT more data than before. You hear things that other people do not hear. You are able to see things that other people cannot see. You KNOW things that other people do not know. This is because the instruments of our 5 senses now have access to our “6th sense” – our auric field, aka our Light Body. YES! The auric field does exist. Its existence has been proven through Kirlian photography. Our Light Body has the ability to detect the finest and most subtle of frequencies. Because the instruments of our 5 senses have been plugged into the Light Body, where our higher mind resides, we are now perceiving realities that we were unable to previously detect. We have become the dog who can now see color!
How do the instruments of our 5 senses become wired to or get plugged into our Light Body? How does this 6th sense get turned on? This happens when we allow ourselves to receive the LOVE frequency stream which is always being broadcasted to us from Source. We can feel within our bodies when we are allowing the stream of the LOVE frequency to flow through us. We experience this as:
My cup runneth over.
Psalm 23:5
And, we each have absolute control over when we are tapped in, tuned in and turned on or pinched off and disconnected. You get to choose, and it is ALWAYS a choice ~ moment by moment, breath by breath. When you are feeling genuine appreciation, you are allowing yourself to receive the LOVE frequency ~ it is live-streaming to you and through you. The more you practice choosing to receive the stream of LOVE, the more you are recalibrating your vibrational set-point to the LOVE frequency. When your vibrational set-point becomes the same vibration of the LOVE frequency, thus continuously live-streaming this frequency, you are now living in 5D reality.
There are many practices you can engage for learning how to consciously allow yourself to receive the LOVE frequency stream and for learning how to calibrate your vibrational stance. Those are beyond the scope of this article. My intention here is to help you clarify how you can recognize when you are experiencing 5D perception, so that you will know when you are living in 5D reality. I hope this discussion has helped to do just that.
Many blessings to you in your expansion!
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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