… especially when you acknowledge the perfection of LIFE!
May’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (5/26/21), Mercury Stationing Retrograde conjunct Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Gemini (5/29/21) and June’s Solar Eclipse in Gemini (6/10/21) are three Cosmic Events that demonstrate the unfolding of this perfection. We will get into how this is so. First, let’s FOCUS on something very important to which this perfection relates.

WE (you, me and ALL of Humanity) have given birth to The Second Coming of Christ! WE have given birth to the emergence of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness through US!! WE have given birth to the Mother Aspect of Sophia within US!!! The momentum of our summoning all of this perfection through us simply can no longer be stopped. WOO-HOO!!!! We are on the ride of our lives, and indeed, “the best is yet to come.”

Saturnia’s journey through Aquarius is all about REALIZING and RECONSTRUCTING Who We really ARE. We ARE Multidimensional Beings who are extensions (fractals) of Sophia/Christ Consciousness ~ THAT which is Absolute Source ~ Sat-Chit-Ananda. This realization and reconstruction of Who We Are IS the Sophianic Impulse of The Second Coming of Christ that was birthed and expanded (amplified) by the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction at 0° Aquarius on the 2020 Winter SOLstice. The Ascent Journey into our Multidimensional Selves that is allowing us to enjoy the unfolding of Who We ARE and the blending of us with US as we Ascend began May 12, 2021 at the Activation of the First (Root Chakra) Gate ~ the Gate of Manifestation ~ by the Gemini Rainbow Goddess. The Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (5/26/21), Mercury Stationing Retrograde conjunct Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Gemini (5/29/21) and the Solar Eclipse in Gemini (6/10/21) are SIGNIFICANT catalysts for our unfolding within the First (Root Chakra) Gate Activation window which completed on the day of the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
During that critical two week period when Humanity was within the Cosmic Womb, the Collective Consciousness, which had been separated from the Truth of the Sacred Feminine Principle and the Wisdom of Sophia, was provided an opportunity to REDISCOVER and RECONNECT with the Sacred Feminine Principle through each of us, individually, to REMEMBER our Sophianic Selves and to RE-ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS with the Mother Aspect of Sophia, so that She could provide us with the Spiritual Foundation we REQUIRE to fully flourish in our Ascent Journey. In particular, we have had our vibrational set point amped up to RESTORE our ability to trust our Inner Guidance and to clearly discern the messages being transmitted to us by our Inner Sophia, specifically our Divine Mother aspect. Further, the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Solar Eclipse on The Path of the Quest Mate have aligned Humanity with its Evolutionary Course and Spiritual Purpose ~ connecting with and sustaining our alignment with our Inner ChristoSophia (our Quest Mate) who is THE expression of Sophia/Christ Consciousness and manifests Its Presence as the frequency of Divine LOVE that broadcasts to us and through us.

ALL of this multidimensional blending and energetic unfolding has transpired through the First (Root Chakra) Gate Activation window. Our Root Chakra is the portal that gives us access to the quantum chamber (dimension) for communing with the Divine Mother aspect of ourselves. It is in this realm that we engage our Divine/Spiritual Gift of Sovereignty Consciousness. This Cosmic Dance that Humanity has been a part of IS the perfection of LIFE. Absolute Source ALWAYS provides US with each and every cooperative component necessary to facilitate our expansion because it is our expansion that provides us with our greatest thrills and causes our cups to “runneth over.” This is why we must always expect miracles!
To support you in your own personal Ascent Journey, I invite you to view my most recent Sacred Feminine class on the Gemini Goddess Evening Star 1st Gate (Root Chakra) Activation. Remember my most recent Sacred Masculine class on The Fierce Protector which is an integral part of our unfolding. AND, I highly recommend my May Guided Meditation, Finding Your Root Chakra’s New Center of Balance. This particular Meditation is encoded with the energies of the Venus in Cancer SQUARE Chiron in Aries cosmic event. This exquisite event is providing every on our planet with an opportunity for breakthrough in KNOWING ourselves as Embodiments of the Mother Aspect of Sophia and FEELING Her Love for us flowing to us, within us and through us. In particular, through the Root Chakra, we can KNOW and FEEL our Mother Aspect of both the Divine Mother and Gaia ~ our Earth Mother.
Thank you for subscribing to my Rose Wheel™ Mystery School YouTube channel where you can access our full collection of classes in our Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Libraries. Be sure to click on the BELL to be notified when I upload new videos. We really appreciate you giving our videos a “thumbs up.”
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2021
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