We are in a POWERFUL window of Cosmic Forces flowing Powerful Love to us and our planet! Friday (7/9/2021), was the Cancer New Moon at 18°. We are still under its nurturing influence through tomorrow (7/12/2021) when the Gemini Goddess activates the Gate of Personal Power at 19° Leo, opening us up to the realm of the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia. Then, the very next day, Tuesday (7/13/2021), Venus (Sacred Feminine) and Mars (Sacred Masculine) come into Sacred Union (conjunct), also at 19° Leo, which happens to be exactly conjunct my natal Magdalene (Embodiment of Sophia – 2nd house) and square my natal Yeshua in Taurus (Embodiment of Christ – 11th house). For me, this Cosmic Event and Gate Activation are providing my personal embodiment of Christ’s Power the opportunity to utilize the infinite resources of my Holy Soul aspect of Sophia to support Humanity ~ YOU ~ with breakthroughs in Consciousness for realizing their (your) own Christed Self ~ their (your) Inner Christo-Sophia ~ and experiencing the Presence of LOVE within you. How is this Power showing up through you, for you and for Humanity?
The Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo IS the Sophia/Christ Consciousness RADIATING Its Pure Love frequency through our Heart Chakras as the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine (Sophia) and the Divine Masculine (Christ). Their Sacred Union is also the Cosmic Activation of the Leo/Aquarius Mastery Path of Relationship Equality. This path is the evolutionary path (Ascension Journey) that I am personally walking this year. By the way, if you saw my Uplifting Humanity on POTUS 45, I revealed that he, too, stepped onto this path at his recent Solar Return on June 14th. Which evolutionary path are you walking this year through your own Ascension Journey?
The Cosmic Activation of the Mastery Path of Relationship Equality is enabling ALL of us to know ourselves as the fully enlightened Beings that we ARE as Extensions of Absolute Source/Creator AND this path’s activation is enabling us to know others as the fully enlightened Beings they ARE. This knowing allows us to consciously connect with and create from the Quantum Field of Absolute Source via the Pure Love frequency. Thus, we are now able to consciously access 5D+ through Divine Wisdom (Sophia) and Divine Will (Christ) to experience all that we can IMAGINE! (Imagine = I am a genie!)
For me, the Venus/Mars conjunction, along with its Light Codes of the Gate of Personal Power activation, is also activating my Solar North Node in Gemini (Solar 11th house) through a sextile aspect, thereby creating a Yod with my Sun and Asmodeus at 18-19° Capricorn. Asmodeus and the Sun, at the apex of this Yod, are closely activating my Solar Mercury (Cosmic Messenger). Thus, this is the predestined time for me, as a Cosmic Wisdom Keeper and Way Shower, to share this “Good News” ~ this message from Christ and Sophia ~ that The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through Humanity is HERALDING Gaia’s Ascension as a planet. Where She goes, we too can go!
There are many paths to the top of the MOUNTAIN (Capricorn). We each know which path is our own to the TOP. Asmodeus ~ who shines the LIGHT into our dark spaces ~ is desiring to assure us that when we get lost on our path, we can look to him for assistance in finding our way. He is giving me the song, You’ve Got a Friend. Specifically, he is sharing these words:
When you’re down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest nights.
Carly Simon
My personal Solar Return occurred two and a half weeks after the great conjunction of Saturnia and Jupiter (the Christmas Star) at 0° Aquarius on the 2019 Winter Solstice which birthed the new Sophianic Impulse for The Second Coming of Christ. This Cosmic Event is encoded in my evolutionary path this year, and is closely aspecting my Solar Mercury. Saturnia and Jupiter beseech me to inform you that there are an infinite number of timelines available for us to play with, and we all have the ability to perceive the timeline(s) which can/will enable us to experience the most delight and manifest what we most desire to create. It is TIME to start fully recognizing our Divine Gifts and to start tapping into our Personal Power to access them.
The Gemini Goddess’ ACTIVATION of the Gate of Personal Power tomorrow (7/12/2021), the DAY BEFORE the Venus/Mars conjunction on 7/13/2021, is ENCODED in the Sacred Union of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness, which is in turn, encoded within our Inner Christo-Sophia AND our Solar Plexus chakras. It is through our Solar Plexus chakra that the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia will support us in accessing our Personal Power from Her realm (dimension) within our Multi-Dimensional Selves. I invite you to utilize my Guided Meditation for connecting with your Holy Soul aspect of Sophia.
Here are some key points for you to bring into your Awareness about the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia:
- She is the Sacred Partner of the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ, whose realm (dimension) is accessible through the portal of our Throat chakras.
- She is Gnosis. (ie., the Aha’s and Download’s you receive)
- She is the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
- “She is the midwife of our Higher Selves.” ~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
- “As human consciousness grows, so grows Sophia.”~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
- “The Higher Self is the image of Beauty found in the mirror of Nature and self.” ~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
- “As the beholder grows and evolves, so does the image that Sophia reflects. The observer gathers one piece of the holographic mirror after the other in his attempt to understand Wisdom. The image of himself also grows larger and more encompassing.”~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
Sophia is so present with us right now. We can connect with Her Mother aspect through the New Moon in Cancer. We can connect with Her Daughter aspect through the Gate Activation. We can connect with Her Holy Soul aspect through the Venus/Mars conjunction. This Triple Event of cosmic aspects is bringing us the Light of Leading-Edge Intelligence, upgrading our very DNA and transforming our Sacred Vessels, and most especially our Hearts, into the fully Sovereign Beings of LOVE that have been suppressed for too long. How will you allow your Divine Inheritance to manifest through you?
Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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