I am the past, the present, and the future, and no mortal has yet lifted my veil.
As I was putting together the slides for my most recent Sacred Feminine class on The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation (8/11/2021 ~ 3 days after The Lion’s Gate Activation), I became aware that the day before (8/10/2021) the Sacred Feminine Activation, Venus (Cosmic Sacred Feminine) in Virgo (The sign of the High Priest/Priestess) was standing across the sky from Neptune Retrograde (Pipeline to Source) in Pisces (The sign of Absolute Source).
I immediately and intuitively recognized that Venus’ opposition to Neptune the DAY BEFORE She received The Gate of Compassion Activation was VERY SIGNIFICANT to The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us. Master Lama Rasaji says it is written that “the 2nd Coming will be done in POWER and not the WORD this time.” We know that Christ is the Logos ~ the Word. The power being referred to by Master Lama Rasaji is the Creative Life Force (SHAKTI) of Sophia!
(NOTE: I have been talking and writing about The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia since the Gemini Rainbow Goddess (Venus’ current synodic cycle) was in the Inanna Underworld Phase. It was revealed to me then by Yeshua and Sophia that the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Ascent Phase would be an Ascension Event for Humanity and would usher in The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through every person on Gaia.
Sofia Mona Lisa
As I began to look closer at the Venus/Neptune opposition, it became clear to me that I had tapped into a much larger cycle that has been unfolding within us and through us since Neptune entered Pisces (the sign that is Neptune’s home) on April 4, 2011. This cycle will continue to unfold and evolve as Neptune makes his way through Pisces until December 30, 2025. That is a 14 year & nearly 9 month period.
So what is the cycle that I have tapped into all about? Before I delve into that for you, I feel it’s important for you to understand the energetic influence of Neptune in Pisces. Instead of taking the time to “recreate the wheel” by explaining that for you here, I will share some excerpts that I appreciate that have already been written on that matter:
Neptune, being a planet of spirituality, provides an opportunity for incredible spiritual and personal self-growth. It is the ideal time to focus on your inner world, find what is out of place and what can be worked on,” Katalina Aster wrote for Spirit Science Central. “Neptune retrograde can open your eyes to reality and push you to seek the truth. … because spiritual development takes time and personal investment, This slow-moving planet in its [retrograde] phase … gives you almost six months to explore and implement new spiritual practices.
Brandi Neal
Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is ‘high’ either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that ‘spiritual ecstasy’ state (emphasis mine), it will do it. Neptune is all about ‘Spirit’ not ‘spirits’ as in alcohol. Neptune is all about ‘your spirit’ not ‘spirits’ as in ghosts. … Since Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, then you can see how Love will be in an ascended state. (emphasis mine) … Neptune in Pisces is all about that which is sacred and spiritual. … A new day is dawning and individuals want to transcend who they are and where they are in Life and this Neptune in Pisces transit is going to help. … Human beings are naturally Good, they want to Love and they want that spiritual connection. … the positive side of this transit [will] transcend you to a higher level of Love and spirituality… Dr. Standley
Now that you have a foundation in the energies of Neptune in Pisces that are pertinent to the “Unveiling of Sophia” or rather the Emergence of Sophia, let me explain the cycle I tapped into before I share this cycle’s importance.
The astrological sign that stands across the sky from Pisces is the sign of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of the High Priest or Priestess in Service to the Sacred Feminine. I have shared in previous posts that Mary Magdalene was a High Priestess in Service to the Sacred Feminine and she is also the Beloved of Yeshua. I have not shared that Yeshua, too, was a High Priest in Service to the Sacred Feminine. Magdalene was an Embodiment of Sophia, specifically the Daughter aspect of Sophia. Yeshua was an Embodiment of Christ, specifically the Son aspect of Christ. Magdalene and Yeshua are Sacred Partners joined in Sacred Union, just as Sophia and Christ are joined in Sacred Union.
Given what I have shared with you thus far, it’s not a far leap to understand that an event where Venus as the Sacred Feminine standing in Virgo across the Sky from Neptune in Pisces means that there will be a corresponding event where She is standing together with Neptune in Pisces AND that these two corresponding events are related to The Emergence of the Sophia.
So I looked further and this is what I discovered:
- When Venus and Neptune are standing together (conjunction) in Pisces, Neptune is Direct (moving very slowly forward).
- When Venus and Neptune are standing across the sky from each other (opposition – Virgo/Pisces), Neptune is Retrograde. (As I have mentioned in the past, when a planet is retrograde, it is like being on a vision quest because the energies of the retrograde planet are directing you inward to your inner reality.)
The pattern I saw is that these two corresponding events have been happening, and will continue to occur, every year that Neptune has been/will be in Pisces. When Venus and Neptune are conjunct (joined together) in Pisces, the Cosmic Sophia is planting Her Seed within us. When Venus and Neptune are in opposition, the Sophianic Seed that was planted within our Indwelling Sophia and the Cosmic Sophia are creating a magnetic force that catapults our Indwelling Sophia into a higher frequency.
Can you begin to imagine the dynamic of this creative process unfolding over 14 years, 9 months??? As we are embodying more and more of the Cosmic Sophia, our Indwelling Sophia is becoming more and more ALIGNED with the Cosmic Sophia. This IS the birthing of the Cosmic Sophia within us and through us! This IS the Emergence of the Cosmic Sophia through us as The Second Coming of Christ!!
When I made this discovery, I chose to look very closely at this cycle from 2019 until now, rather than digging into the entire 14+ years cycle. This choice revealed some amazing insights that are tied into my personal 7th Venus Return and my Magdalene Trip to France. This is important to understand because it was the Cosmic Attunement that I received at the Seat of Isis in Rennes-les-Bains that allowed for the creation of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes I teach through The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School that I founded under the umbrella of The Golden Ray Center. Here is what came to light:
In 2019, I was having my 7th Venus Return as the Libra Meta Goddess took the world stage as the Relational Goddess. Little did I know that this Venus Return would initiate a whole new RELATIONSHIP with the Sacred Feminine as my Indwelling Sophia! Remember the significance of Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: it is a time of Spiritual Development. On April 10th, Venus & Neptune were standing in the sky together (conjunct) at 17° Pisces. This occurred during the window of the Libra Goddess’ Morning Star (Descent Phase) Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra) Activation on April 1st also in Pisces. When I gave up my personal power at that Gate Activation, I had put myself in the hands of the Divine. Let Thy Will be done. Two months later when Neptune stationed retrograde(6/21), it was during the window of the Libra Goddess’ Morning Star (Descent Phase) Gate of Manifestation (Root Chakra) Activation on June 1st. Unbeknownst to me, Neptune was tethering me through my Root Chakra to Gaia in preparation for a Death and Rebirth Initiation wherein I would come face-to-face with Inanna/Isis/Sophia once Venus would make Her descent into the Underworld.
During the Inanna Underworld Phase of the Libra Relational Goddess Journey, the Resurrection of Inanna/Isis/Sophia occurred on August 13th when Venus and the Sun were conjunct at 21° Leo (The sign of the Compassionate Heart). This Heart Activation was important for me, you and Humanity as Radiant LOVE fueled our Higher Hearts to support the Emergence of Sophia during the current Gemini Rainbow Goddess Ascent (2 years in advance!). Now, on the other side of the Resurrection Point, the Sun, Mars (Sacred Masculine) and Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) joined forces on September 4th in a conjunction at 11° Virgo while Venus at 17° Virgo was standing across the sky from Neptune(R) in Pisces. In fact, the Sun, Mars and Mercury were so close to Venus (6° orb), you could say that all 4 Luminary Bodies were conjunct, thus blending and merging their frequencies to announce (Mercury – Cosmic Messenger) that the Indwelling Christ (Mars-Sacred Masculine) and the Indwelling Sophia (Venus-Sacred Feminine) had dedicated themselves to creating the Sacred Space within us to realign our Divine Selves with our Human Selves; “to bring Heaven to Earth.” Four days later (9/8), I was in France to embark on a Magdalene Journey. I knew that I was fulfilling a Soul Contract with my fellow travelers. There were 7 of us, all women except for one man ~ our Fierce Protector.
Stes. Maries de la Mer, France
Our Magdalene Journey completed on September 16th in the light of a Pisces Full Moon. The High Priestesses and their High Priest had followed in the footsteps of the Magdalene through a Venus Temple built into the French landscape, and we were being sent home with a shower of Light and Blessings from the Divine Mother aspect of Sophia. Three days later (9/19), back in the comfort of our own homes, Venus rose from the Underworld as the Evening Star to begin Her Libra Goddess Ascent Journey. We had been prepared for Her Ascent Journey through the Multidimensional Attunements we had received in the portal at the Seat of Isis! I did not know then that my Sacred Work (Virgo) would manifest through the Mystery School which I had received the seed thought for in January 2017, that came into full clarity in January 2018 at the Resurrection of Inanna/Isis/Sophia (which occurred in Capricorn during the Aries Wild Warrior Meta Goddess Journey), and would become actualized in 2020; 9 months after returning home from our Journey.
In January of 2020 (1/26), Venus and Neptune made their annual conjunction, this time at 17° Pisces, while the Libra Relational Meta Goddess was still on the world stage. By the time Neptune began his retrograde vision quest in June, The Gemini Rainbow Goddess was now on the world stage (6/3) and had risen as Morning Star (6/9). Neptune stationed retrograde on June 23rd, and Venus began Her descent journey with The Gate of Authority (Crown Chakra) Activation on July 20th. I find it fascinating to discover with hindsight that Neptune’s 2020 retrograde journey began concurrently with the birth and rise of The Gemini Rainbow Goddess. Now, I can see that this phase of Neptune’s spiritual development for us was being orchestrated to facilitate The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us during the Gemini Goddess’ Ascent Phase. How incredibly synchronistic! By October (10/18), Venus was once again in Virgo standing across the Sky from Neptune in Pisces at 18°. With the 2020 corresponding events completed, Neptune’s retrograde journey came to a completion on November 28. Days later (12/1), The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) was activated for the Gemini Goddess’ Descent Journey. This same gate activation was engaged through the previous year’s (2019) Venus/Neptune conjunction during the Libra Goddess’ Descent Phase. Not a coincidence, for sure!!
- 2019 ~ Venus/Neptune conjunction concurrent with Libra Goddess Descent’s Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) Activation
- 2020 ~ Venus/Neptune opposition concurrent with Gemini Goddess Descent’s Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) Activation
What did these two Goddesses (Libra Relational and Gemini Rainbow) want us to know about giving our power away with respect to the Emergence of Sophia? The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra) gives us access to the Holy Soul Aspect of Sophia. It is the Holy Soul that births our Multidimensional Selves (our Souls) through us into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. For me, the answer is the importance of being able to stand fully in our Sovereignty, so that we can fully embody the Cosmic Sophia. The MORE of our Multidimensional Selves that we can embody, the more fully we stand in our Sovereignty.
This brings us to this year, 2021. Now, you see why I didn’t look at the entire 14+ years of Neptune travelling through Pisces! The Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces event took place on March 14th at 21°. This was during the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Inanna Underworld phase, a week and a half before the Resurrection Point (Venus/Sun conjunction ~ 3/25). It was after this Resurrection Point that I received a message from Yeshua. I knew the message was not just for me. It was for all of Humanity. AND, the WHOLENESS that He refers to is the wholeness of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness ~ our Indwelling Christo-Sophia.
Yes, I am the Embodiment of Christ Consciousness. And yes, Christ Consciousness is Unconditional Love. AND, the Yeshua within you is being resurrected within you in a way that enables you to stand in/hold the frequency of your Indwelling Christ and see yourself in your WHOLENESS.
Yeshua to Sofia Mona Lisa, March 30, 2021
Neptune began his 2021 vision quest (retrograde) on June 25th. This was concurrent with the Gemini Goddess’ Evening Star (Ascent Journey) Activation of The Gate of Creativity (Sacral Chakra) on June 11th. This Gate gives us access to the realm of the Daughter Aspect of Sophia (see image above). As the consort of the Son Aspect of Christ, the Daughter as the Virgin Maiden and the Bride of Christ has long been banished from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Her rightful place in the Trinity of the Sacred Feminine MUST BE restored within us for the Emergence of Sophia to unfold through us. This period of spiritual development is providing us with the opportunity to become reacquainted with our Indwelling Bride of Christ. To learn more about the Daughter Aspect of Sophia, click on the link above.
On August 10th, this year’s Venus in Virgo opposition to Neptune(R) in Pisces occurred at 23°. It was this opposition, the day before the Gemini Rainbow Goddess’ Ascent to The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation that prompted the journey of discovery that has culminated in this post. The Gate of Compassion gives us access to our Indwelling Christo-Sophia (see image above). I know without a doubt that it was my Inner Christo-Sophia that prompted me to get this GOOD NEWS out to you!
Neptune’s 2021 retrograde journey will be complete on December 1st. Likewise, the Gemini Rainbow Goddess will be completing Her Ascent Journey with the Activation of The Ascension Gate (Soul Star Chakra) on December 6th. The Ascension Gate gives us access to the realm of the Cosmic Christ. With this gate activation, The Emergence of Sophia is complete. She will now be fully restored within us and within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Sophia will be fully unveiled!
Will you choose to cross the Rainbow Bridge to claim your Indwelling Sophia over the next 4 years before Neptune leaves Pisces to move into Aries? The last time Neptune journeyed through his homeland of Pisces was 1847-1862, almost 160 years ago! We are obviously in the midst of a once in a lifetime cycle and a very rare opportunity for spiritual development. It is no surprise to me that Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, was born in 1861 while Neptune was in Pisces! Anthroposophy seeks to “unite the spiritual in the human being with the spiritual in the cosmos.” What Rudolf Steiner could only imagine, we are blessed to be experiencing today. I invite you to open your mind and your heart to the Cosmic Sophia and your Indwelling Sophia. Restoring Her Wisdom is why you came here.
Many blessings, Beloveds!
Sophia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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