It is time to put your full focus and awareness on the reality that Humanity is now liberated! WILL YOU CLAIM YOUR LIBERATION???
Everything that I am going to explain here about how Humanity has been liberated, has been unfolding through every person on the planet. For those who have been consciously engaged, their unfoldment has been accelerated exponentially.
All of this is the result of August’s Lion’s Gate Activation, the Unveiling of Sophia, The Gate of Compassion Portal Activation (Sacred Feminine) and The Approach to the Inmost Cave Activation (Sacred Masculine)! The reality of what has transpired within this window revealed itself to me and my Venus Buddy, Maureen, on the New Moon in Virgo yesterday. It was further validated and clarified today through an attunement with the Venus Star Beings today.
First of all, it is important to point out that the approach to “the inmost cave” is about seeking the HEART. Further, I cannot impress upon you the PROFOUND significance of the synchronicity of the Cosmic Dance between the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars) that this seeking of the Heart by the Sacred Masculine is occurring within the SAME window in which the Sacred Feminine’s activation of (Ascension through) The Gate of Compassion Portal (Heart Chakra), wherein we are are given access to our Indwelling Christo-Sophia and our Spiritual Gift of Prema (Love) Consciousness, is unfolding.
A great resource that resonates with my personal Gnosis of the Indwelling Christo-Sophia is presented by Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis:
Christo-Sophia is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of [Source/Absolute Creator]. Christo-Sophia is the path of spiritual Ascension that leads to the inner discovery of the spark of divinity that exists within the Sacred Crystal Heart and is found within all creation. The inner path of Christo-Sophia is taken through gradual spiritual initiations that are designed to unite the polarities that exist between the inner and outer, in the world of forces, that alchemically shift our Lightbody into stages of increasing Energetic Balance and Hieros Gamos [Sacred Union]. The inner path of Christo-Sophia leads us to seek our own inner wisdom through divine Gnosis within our Soul, ultimately helping us to achieve spiritual freedom through attaining Unity with [Source/Absolute Creator]. When we are at one with [Source/Absolute Creator], we emanate the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage [Hieros Gamos].
Lisa Renee, Ascension Glossary
The Sacred Crystal Heart is our pure heart, which holds the feelings and language that communicates directly with Source and gives us the gift of experiencing unconditional love and peace. When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel and sense something with greater awareness, this is the sacred heart resonance at work. Sensing and feeling energies are the higher functions of the heart complex, and the way that the heart, as an organ of perception, should be functioning within all people.
Lisa Renee, Ascension Glossary
This discussion on the Indwelling Christo-Sophia and the Sacred Crystal Heart (aka Heart Chakra or Higher Heart) will hopefully allow you to tap into what has been happening through the Activations I am discussing and help clarify why the shift Humanity has undergone since The Lion’s Gate has been so profound.
If you look at the aspects of The Gate of Compassion Portal Activation (Sacred Feminine) on 8/11/2021 ~ 3 days after The Lion’s Gate:
- Moon/Venus (24 VI) OPP Neptune/Pallas Athena (23-25 PI)
- Sekhmet/Mercury (28-29 LE) OPP Jupiter (28 AQ®) T-SQUARE Sedna (29 TA)
- Persephone/North Node (6-8 GE) OPP Juno (8 SG) T-SQUARE Mars (8 VI)
- Eris (25 AR®) OPP Magdalene (25 LI)
- Osiris (9 TA) SQUARE Saturnia (10 AQ®)
AND look at the aspects for The Approach to the Inmost Cave Activation (Sacred Masculine) on 8/9/2021 ~ ONE day after The Lion’s Gate:
- North Node/Isis (8-11 GE) OPP Juno (8 SG) T-SQUARE Moon/Mars (7 VI)
- Osiris (8 TA) SQUARE Saturnia® (9 AQ)
- Venus (23 VI) OPP Neptune® (23 PI)
- Sekhmet/Mercury (27 LE) OPP Jupiter® (28 AQ)
- Magdalene (25 LI) SQUARE Pluto® (25 CP)
what you will see between the two Activations which are two days apart and are being amplified by the energies of The Lion’s Gate are:
- 7 astrological oppositions
- including 3 astrological T-squares
- and an additional 3 astrological squares
In the old astrological view, we would be told to run for the hills or head to the bunkers! (LOL) While I have never interpreted the energies of those aspects in such a dire way, the New Moon in Virgo energies were revealing something completely NEW (no pun intended) about them to me. I explained to Maureen how interesting it was to me that all of the energetic aspects I outlined above are happening as both the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars) are opening us up to and expanding our Higher Heart. This dynamic felt very different to me from how I usually translate their energetic influence. This time I was being shown an image of tuning a guitar, a violin or any string instrument. What I was aware of is when you tune the instrument, each string becomes tighter and tighter (astrological opposition) to give you the perfect tone. I was being shown that this tuning-effect is allowing us to access the specific tones that enable us to align with our Indwelling Christo-Sophia. These Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine activations have been tuning us to the frequency/tone of the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia. As our personal energetic signature becomes tuned to the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia, this alignment of frequencies provides us with the breakthroughs in Unity Consciousness that are being supported by the astrological T-square and Square energies.
What Maureen and I discovered yesterday (New Moon in Virgo -9/6/21) is that, since the most recent Sacred Masculine class on August 21st (two weeks ago), the description of what “The Approach to the Inmost Cave” step in The Hero’s Journey is all about no longer resonated with us. The energies of what “the approach” is supposed to entail suddenly felt disconnected to me. It instantly became clear to me that the storyline of The Hero’s Journey, as created by Joseph Campbell in 1949 and expounded upon by Christopher Vogler in 2007, is steeped in 3D separation consciousness. It was also clear to both Maureen and me that the reason this energetic disconnection was STARKLY apparent to me is because:
- first, we had been tuned to the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia, a frequency of Unity Consciousness,
- and secondly, she and I have been working with BOTH the Sacred Feminine (through the Venus Synodic Cycle) and the Sacred Masculine (through the Mars Synodic Cycle) for nearly the past year. We instinctively recognized that had we been working with only one or the other, we would have very likely not recognized this.
The first example of disconnect we came across was with the statements “… she will encounter supreme wonder and terror …” and “She must use every lesson learned to survive.” How can it possibly be that when seeking the Heart, we will encounter “terror” and we must “survive?” It doesn’t fit anymore! Those statements are made from 3D separation consciousness. Furthermore, we cannot experience “supreme wonder” and “terror” simultaneously. “Supreme wonder” is a high frequency and “terror” is a low frequency. Within 5D+ and Unity Consciousness, “terror” as a low frequency does not exist. We are not “surviving.” We are thriving.
The second GLARING disconnect was apparent through the statement, “The approach raises the stakes and rededicates the team to its mission. The urgency and life-or-death quality of the situation are underscored.” (Emphasis mine) Well, if you are a Death Cult that has created the illusion of separation consciousness, you are going to feel that way because you have no heart to seek. You cannot even fathom what seeking the Heart truly means. However, if you are Ascending in Light, this statement does not even make sense. They have been using this script in all the books and all the movies to keep Humanity trapped in this belief system which perpetuates separation consciousness.
I understand, respect and appreciate that the Mars Synodic Cycle Journey was downloaded by Daniel Giamario, and that he chose to align this journey with The Hero’s Journey. However, we are currently working with the Aquarian Aries Archetype of The Fierce Protector. The Piscean Aries Archetype was The Rugged Individualist. The Rugged Individualist Archetype is 3D. The Fierce Protector Archetype is 5D. I can FEEL that The Hero’s Journey as a template/matrix for the Sacred Masculine’s evolutionary expansion simply no longer fits. I was astonished at how much had shifted over the past two weeks since we had done the Sacred Masculine class. The Hero’s Journey no longer felt relevant. In fact, Maureen astutely pointed out that the façade of The Hero’s Journey template/matrix started to crumble in our July class on the 8th Labor ~ The Mares of Diomedes, when it was revealed that Heracles (Hercules) had a young male lover.
So, we were faced with a huge A-HA moment. The path of The Hero’s Journey for exploring the Mars Synodic Cycle had fallen away. We can no longer follow it! This was an unexpected manifestation of the Sacred Masculine’s Venus (23 VI)/Neptune® (23 PI) opposition which was activating for both of us our Solar Neptune/Solar Heracles conjunction in Pisces. (Our birthdays are one day apart.) The illusions/deceptions around the Heracles Myth is now dissolved by the Sacred Feminine! Interestingly, this activation occurred BEFORE the Sacred Masculine’s (Mars) descent into the Underworld on August 23rd, yet we only realized it AFTER the Sacred Masculine had descended into the Underworld ~ Death of the Myth. ( NOTE: The discussion on The Fierce Protector in the Underworld will transpire in our upcoming Sacred Masculine class on 9/18/21.)
The question we faced after the A-HA moment was, “what template/matrix were to use now to complete this journey?” The answer quickly came through to me.
We had seen this exact same progression unfold within the current Gemini Goddess Journey of the Venus Synodic Cycle. When Venus descended into the Underworld during the Inanna Underworld Phase, all of a sudden the Inanna Myth no longer fit because Inanna and Erishkegal were no longer split. It was revealed to me after the Resurrection Point (Sun/Venus conjunction) that, just as Inanna & Erishkegal would Ascend from the Underworld TOGETHER, Humanity would be experiencing It’s own Ascension aka The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us. That’s when the Ascension template/matrix was downloaded to me (as seen in the image above) to replace the Inanna Myth which was no longer relevant.
The answer to this same situation with the Sacred Masculine and The Hero’s Journey became obvious. The Sacred Masculine (Christ) will join the Sacred Feminine (Sophia) in our Ascension Journey!!! The timing of this could not be more perfectly orchestrated! This entire Cosmic Dance could not be more exquisite. In September, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Communication Portal (Throat Chakra), wherein we are given access to the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ, the Sacred Masculine will still be moving through the Underworld, which will enable all the ways in which the Voice of the Divine Feminine has been suppressed and silenced by Patriarchy to be transmuted by the Fire of the Holy Spirit. In October, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Perception Portal (Third Eye Chakra), wherein we are given access to the Son aspect of the Christ, the Sacred Masculine will experience it’s Resurrection Point (Sun/Mars conjunction on 10/7/21). In November, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Authority (Crown Chakra), wherein we are given aspect to the Father aspect of the Christ, the Sacred Masculine will ascend from the Underworld on 11/22/21. Thus, the Christ is Risen anew!
I can only imagine that by now your body must be tingling with goose-bumps. When this was revealed to me, my Kundalini was so activated by the Truth of it, I could barely stand the heat.
Finally, all that I have shared above from the New Moon in Virgo’s revelations to me was validated and clarified today in an Attunement by the Venus Star Beings. When I first received this transmission, it felt very personal as all Attunements do. Then, when the Attunement began to integrate with me, I knew that this message was for you, too:
Sophianic Code upgrade. Amping up frequency between Inner Christ /Cosmic Christ and Inner Sophia/Cosmic Sophia. Creating a High-Frequency Christo-Sophia Temple Matrix within the Unified Source Field AND within your Multidimensional Self. The Temples are fully aligned and integrated.
Venus Star Beings
If you would like to consciously engage with this Ascension Journey, I invite you to subscribe to our Twin Flame Journey where you can participate in both the Sacred Feminine’s Journey via the Venus Synodic Cycle and the Sacred Masculine’s Journey via the Mars Synodic Cycle. You will receive so much support in your personal Ascension Journey through your monthly Personal Session and the monthly Private Group Session. We look forward to welcoming you into our Sacred Circle.
Many blessings, Beloveds!
Sophia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2021
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