Kyrie Eleison …
Kyrie Eleison …
The wind blows hard against this mountain side
Across the sea into my soul
It reaches into where I cannot hide
Setting my feet upon the roadMy heart is old; it holds my memories
My body burns a gemlike flame
Somewhere between the soul and soft machine
Is where I find myself againKyrie Eleison, down the road that I must travel
Kyrie Eleison, through the darkness of the night
Kyrie Eleison, where I’m going, will you follow?
Kyrie Eleison, on a highway in the lightWhen I was young I thought of growing old
Of what my life would mean to me
Would I have followed down my chosen road
Or only wished that I could beKyrie Eleison, down the road that I must travel
Kyrie, Mr. Mister (1985)
Kyrie Eleison, through the darkness of the night
Kyrie Eleison, where I’m going, will you follow?
Kyrie Eleison, on a highway in the light
“Kyrie Eleison.” The Prayer of the Heart which brings you back to the Truth of who you Are; a prayer that brings you back to your LIGHT. In Greek, Kyrie Eleison means, “Christ, have mercy.”
Mercy, I think, is the embodiment of compassion. … Mercy is at the heart of the prayer of the heart. Because mercy is what returns us to the heart. Mercy is the power of Christ. A power that isn’t a power over, but a power with; mercy is about a perpetual transference of power. Mercy is the energetic exchange at the heart of the universe.
Megan Watters, Mary Magdalene Revealed
So, you see, this famous 1980’s song, Kyrie, is one of the Christ being Resurrected within you. I invite you to re-read the words above through this lens. Then, I invite you to listen to the words being sung through this lens. I promise, your Heart will feel the Power of Christ reverberating through it for it is the Prayer of the Heart.
… blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
Matthew 13:16, KJV
Whether you are from the West (Christ), Ancient Greece (Kyrie) or the East (Krishna), Easter as a Holy Day is about the Consciousness of Resurrection. It’s about the rebirth of your Inner Christo-Sophia within your Heart Temple.
There are many disputes about the actual date of Easter, the day that Yeshua (Jesus) “rose from the dead,” or rather appeared in his Light body to Mary Magdalene as the Ascended (resurrected) Christ. The specific date is not important. What is important is that Easter has become a “marker” in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. It’s a marker that allows Humanity as a collective to tap into the Consciousness of Resurrection, to tap into the Truth that we are Embodiments of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness.
Further, it IS highly significant (and frequently dismissed) that Mary Magdalene was the first to see Christ. She did not see Him through Her bodily eyes. She saw Him in a vision. She “saw” Him with the Eye of the Heart. She was able to “see” Christ with the Eye of the Heart because Her self and Her Soul had become One. She was a Master. She was an Embodiment of Divine Love, the same Divine Love that Yeshua made incarnate as the Christ. She was/is an Embodiment of Sophia. Sophia (Divine Wisdom) who is the Beloved of Christ (Divine Will). It is the Sacred Union of Divine Wisdom with Divine Will that manifests as Divine Love. Thus, Yeshua was an Embodiment of Christ AND Sophia. And, Mary Magdalene was an Embodiment of Sophia AND Christ. This is the TRUTH that has been lost: The presence of the Sacred Feminine within Yeshua and the presence of the Sacred Masculine within Mary Magdalene.
And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.
Starhawk, Charge of the Goddess
We, too, carry the presence of both the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine within us. They are the essence of our Inner Christo-Sophia. This is why every Easter we are given the opportunity to step more fully into our Christed/Sophianic SELF. We are given the opportunity to allow the Christ (our Inner Christo-Sophia) to be resurrected within us. When we say “resurrected,” we mean that our Inner Christo-Sophia is able to be roused, rekindled and renewed.
It is through this resurrection process that we can expand deeper into the Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Sophia. As we expand deeper into Christ and Sophia, we embody more of our Christed/Sophianic Self ~ we hold more of our Divine LIGHT within us. We bring more Divine LIGHT to the planet and to Humanity. And, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are STILL here to support us in this expansion. We don’t actually need or require Them to support us in the way that the Christian faith teaches (because of its misinterpretation) that it is only through the Son that you can reach the Father. Not at all. We have direct access to the Divine Light because we are each extensions of the Divine Light. And, when we are stretching ourselves further than we have ever stretched ourselves before, who doesn’t welcome a helping hand, a sort of bridge? THAT is what Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are offering to us. They are here helping us to “be all we can BE.”
When we look to the Sky, we see more evidence of support ~ Cosmic Support. First, we are completing an 8-day window of Jupiter (Cosmic Truth) and Neptune (Cosmic Pipeline to the Divine) being conjunct (standing closely together) in the sign of Pisces (The Unified Source Field; Divine Love). The Truth of who we are as Embodiments of Divine Love has been LIVE-STREAMING its message to us. A knowing that our bodies are remembering as Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) enters the sign of Taurus (Full Embodiment). With Venus as the ruler of Taurus, we can go so far as to say that Taurus is the sign related to the Embodiment of Love.
Just prior to the Jupiter and Neptune’s (23° & 24° PI) Live-Streaming Show, we experienced an interesting Fixed T-square with the North Node (22° TA) and South Node (22° SC) opposition at the top of the T and the conjunction of Mars (Sacred Masculine) with Saturnia (Cosmic Gatekeeper) at the bottom of the T’s stem (22° AQ). REMEMBER: the effects of this T-square (which I describe below) were to prepare us to receive the Live-Streaming energies from Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces over the subsequent 8 days.
The way that I was experienced, and observed other’s experience of, this immense source of power was through different manifestations that all carried the theme of “the patriarchy’s betrayal of trust” at the root of them. The remnant energies of the patriarchy’s betrayal of trust from past life experience (South Node in Scorpio) were being offered up to the Sacred Masculine (Mars) and Saturnia to be reformed as a revolutionary and liberating force (Aquarius) to assist Humanity in filling the void left by these old wounds with the seeds of a New Humanitarian Masculine Energy for future generations (North Node in Taurus). With the energies of this Fixed T-square, the experiences of “the patriarchy’s betrayal of trust” likely showed up as being stubborn and inflexible, making it difficult to overcome these past wounds. It’s important to remind you that the North Node/South Node opposition is on the Scorpio/Taurus axis ~ the axis of our current eclipse series. We will be having the 2nd eclipse of this series at the end of the month (4/30/22) at the New Moon in Taurs (10°).
Now, today (4/16/2022) ~ the day before Easter, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Libra (27°) on the Aries/Libra axis of The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership. The Full Moon is creating a Cardinal Grand Cross:
- Sun in Aries
- Yeshua in Cancer
- Arcturus/Spica/Moon in Libra
- Pluto in Capricorn
A Grand Cross provides us with a whole new foundation upon which we can firmly stand and move forward from. A Cardinal Grand Cross is one of ACTION. In essence, the quality of a Cardinal Grand Cross is an “initiatory” force. Thus, you will likely experience this as an INITIATION. Through this Cardinal Grand Cross, we are being given a new Superpower. Now, we have to learn how to wield it. What is our new Superpower? It is the Resurrection (Pluto) of our Christed (Yeshua) Self! The Divine Father (Sun) aspect of Christ and the Divine Mother (Moon) aspect of Sophia are birthing the Gifts of Self-Love and Conscious Equal Partnership with the Love in our Hearts as the way for Self-Discovery and Self-Affirmation of our rekindled and renewed Inner Christo-Sophia.
Tonight, I saw the star, Spica, in the sky next to the Moon. Let’s take a moment to consider the Fixed Stars in this Fixed Grand Cross: Arcturus and Spica. Spica represents the Sacred Feminine (Sophia), and Arcturus represents the Sacred Feminine (Christ). They are in Sacred Union at 24° Libra, less than 3° from the Moon.
Spica and Arcturus are both magical Behenian Stars that work together as a feminine masculine dynamic duo in sacred relationship when we connect and work with them ceremonially no matter what seasonal sign overlays them. It just so happens that currently it is the sign of Libra they are expressing through adding to the mysteries of conscious, co-creative, collaborative partnering.
Spica is the fixed star located in the hand of the Virgin Priestess and has associations with the idea that we reap what we sow. The fixed star Arcturus is zodiacally linked with Spica (both currently in the 24 degree of Libra) and together represent a powerful symbol of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine harmoniously working together as conscious equals – not equal the same but equal in the value they bring.
Spica is symbolized in the Justice Tarot Card where the scales of Justice are held in the hand of the Virgin Priestess. Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in our sky and is located in the constellation of Bootes, the Herdsman, seen as the faithful guardian, protector, and companion of the Goddess.
These stars represent the sacred masculine and feminine principles expressing in different ways though again both are equal in their value. Whenever planets are with these stars it is a great time to tune into the light codes of conscious equal partnership that are intended to support our growth toward unity consciousness. One is not better than the other. Each is connected to the greater whole. The Sacred Marriage unites the opposites and reminds us that we are all connected to the ONE source of all that is.
Cayelin Castel, Spica and Arcturus
This Easter is a time of tremendous Heart healing. The Full Moon in Libra is instrumental in this healing as it brings us into conscious equal partnership with our Heart Temple. Our Heart Temple is “The Way” that Yeshua referred to. It is through our Heart Temple that we reclaim our Unity Consciousness ~ that which IS the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. This IS The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia that Humanity is experiencing NOW.
The healing that the Resurrection of Christ is providing Humanity will enable us to clean and clear away the debris that has accumulated on the Eye of our Hearts when we experience The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation on April 27th by Arthur/Venus/Moon/Neptune/Jupiter (21-27° PI). We will discuss these energies more when we install the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes at the Venus Temple located under the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain. If you are feeling called to participate, be sure to join my newsletter to receive the link for the Ceremony.
Until then, I extend my heart-felt blessings to you at this time renewed Life!

Much love,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2022
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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