- July 1 ~ Mars (27° AR) SQUARE Pluto® (27 CP)
- NOTE: Last year (2021), Mars and Pluto squared off 3 times! This is their ONLY square in 2022. Here, the Sacred Masculine is utilizing His Divine Authority to capitalize on your Inner Metamorphic Power to inspire you into taking an unprecedented leap of faith!
- July 2 ~ Aquarian Aries Fierce Protector (Mars) reaches Phase 0 Retrograde Point (28° AR 09′)
- Mercury (24° GE) TRINE Saturnia® (24° AQ)
- July 3-7 ~ Sirian Gateway
- July 3 ~ Mercury (25° GE) SQUARE Neptune® (25° PI)
- July 4 ~ USA Birthday!
- Mercury enters Cancer
- Mars enters Taurus
- NOTE: Both Cancer and Taurus are ruled by the Sacred Feminine, so these planetary movements into softer energies bodes well for our CERN Global Vision Quest!
- July 5 ~ CERN Haldron Collider is being turned on at 10:00am EST
- JOIN US for a Global Vision Quest from 9:57 am EST to 10:08 am EST to hold a sacred space for safety, nurturing and harmony
- July 9 ~ Mercury (8° CN) SQUARE Jupiter (8° AR)
- July 12 ~ 2nd Activation of USA’s Pluto Return (27° CP 33′)
- Venus (24° GE) TRINE Saturnia® (24° AQ)
- July 13 ~ Full Moon in Capricorn (21° CP 21′)
- July 14 ~ Venus (25° GE) SQUARE Neptune® (25° PI)
- July 16 ~ Mercury Superior Conjunction (with Sun) (23° CN)
- July 17 ~ Venus enters Cancer
- July 19 ~ Sun (27° CN) OPPOSITE Pluto® (27° CP)
- Chiron stations Retrograde (16° AR 26′)
- Mercury enters Leo
- July 22 ~ Sun enters Leo
- July 26 ~ Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Morning Star 7th Portal (The Gate of Manifestation ~ Root Chakra) Activation (10° CN) ~ conjunct Black Moon Lilith/Goddess Epona (11°-13° CN)
- July 28 ~ New Moon in Leo (5° LE)
- July 30 ~ Mercury (23° LE) OPPOSITE Saturnia® (23° AQ)
- July 31 ~ Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction (18° TA)