October 1st ~ Venus (3° LI) opposite Jupiter® (3° AR)
NOTE: This opposition is REACTIVATING the Mercury Inferior Conjunction point (1° LI) from 9/23/2022 making this opposition event even more potent and enhancing the alchemical transformation effected by the Mercury Inferior Conjunction which aligns and integrates the “Tria Prima”
The Basic Self
The Talking Self
The Spiritual Self
October 2nd ~ Mercury stations Direct (24° VI)
October 3rd ~ Moon (18° CP) trine Uranus® (18° TA)
October 5th ~ Moon/Saturnia® conjunction (19° AQ)
October 6th ~ Mercury (26° VI) trine Pluto® (26° CP)
October 7th ~ Moon (22° PI) square Mars (22° GE)
October 8th ~ Pluto stations Direct (26° CP)
Mercury’s Maximum MORNING Elongation (28° VI) ~ above the Eastern Horizon
NOTE: This marks the end of the final Mercury Synodic Cycle of the Elemental Years of Air (2/8/2021 ~ 1/6/2023).
October 9th ~ Full Moon in Aries (16° AR) conjunct Chiron® (14° AR)
October 10th ~ Mercury enters Libra
October 11th ~ Sun (19° LI) trine Saturnia® (19° AQ)
October 12th ~ Mercury (2° LI) trine Jupiter® (2° AQ)
Mars (23° GE) square Neptune® (23° PI)
October 14th ~ Venus (18° LI) trine Saturnia® (18° AQ)
October 16th ~ Moon (6° CN) square Mercury (6° LI)
October 17th ~ Sun (24° LI) trine Mars (24° GE)
October 18th ~ Venus (24° LI) trine Mars (24° GE)
October 19th ~ Sun (26° LI) square Pluto (26° CP)
October 20th ~ Venus (26° LI) square Pluto (26° CP)
October 21st ~ Moon (18° VI) trine Uranus® (18° TA)
October 22nd ~ Inanna Underworld Resurrection Point (Venus/Sun conjunction at 29° LI)
Mercury (18° LI) trine Saturnia® (18° AQ)
October 23rd ~ Saturnia stations Direct (18° AQ)
Sun and Venus enter Scorpio
October 24th ~ Moon/Mercury conjunction (20° LI)
October 25th ~ New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (1° SC)
October 26th ~ Mercury (25° LI) trine Mars (25° GE)
October 27th ~ Mercury (26° LI) square Pluto (26° CP)
October 28th ~ Jupiter® enters Pisces
NOTE: This is the last stint Jupiter will have in Pisces until 2033, so take advantage of the magic and open your heart to a potential spiritual awakening. ~ Nina Kahn
October 29th ~ Mercury enters Scorpio
October 30th ~ Mars stations Retrograde (25° GE)
NOTE: There is a significant shift in energy this month as Mercury, Pluto and Saturnia all complete their vision quests and station direct. Looking at the areas in your chart where these Luminary bodies are moving forward will help you to know what parts of yourself will feel more energized!
This post is of a different flavor than my regular posts. And, I will admit, it is in response to the FIRE that roared up within me. Writing is how I support myself in processing my thoughts and feelings, so here we go.
I belong to a Telegram group of members who share alternative information on topics that would very likely be censored elsewhere. The above 3 1/2-minute video was shared in the group today. (I invite everyone to watch it before it gets censored by YT.)
I posted a response to this video, which I will share momentarily, which became the catalyst for a communication stream that was extremely triggering for me ~ and apparently for the other person as well. I cannot speak to what was being triggered in the other person. I can only speak to what was coming up within me.
I am desiring to be VERY CLEAR as to the intention behind sharing this experience. First, it is to demonstrate in a very personal way how the Underworld Journey catalyzes us. Second, it is to discuss the opportunities that the catalyzing process, more commonly known as “triggering,” is offering us to step into. Finally, it is to demonstrate HOW the Cosmos presents situations in which we can choose to walk our talk and stand in our power or roll over and give our power away. This is not about anyone being right or wrong, good or bad. It is an attempt to share what I was feeling through the exchange and how I chose to respond to those feelings.
Here is a quote from the above video that I was responding to:
The scheduled weather forecasting scripts are then passed all the way down to the local meteorologist level. The official narrative must be controlled. All must follow the same script.
Dane Wigington, GeoEngineeringWatch.org
And here is my response to the video content, and specifically, the quote above, although I admit that I did not reference the quote. However, what I shared was a “reply” to the posted video, and not just a random post:
Honestly, I’ve been through MUCH MUCH worse. They have totally overhyped this thing. I’m fine. No power loss. Stayed up until 4am. No Ian. Around 7am, Ian had arrived & woke me up. It passed very quickly. By noon, things had really calmed down. Still got some intermittent bands of rain & some occasional gusts of wind. Really nothing serious. Even very little debris down around me.
My thoughts are … is there a lot of Fake News going on with intentional misrepresentation of photos & video OR am I having a totally different experiential reality because I’m at a different frequency???? I suppose it could be some of both.
Sofia Mona Lisa, September 30, 2022
The day after Ian. You wouldn’t even know he came through yesterday.
What I wrote in the Telegram group is an accurate reflection of what I experienced and what my thoughts were about my experience. It was not an attempt to minimalize or discount any other person’s experience with Hurricane Ian. In my opinion, everyone has the right to express their personal experiences and their thoughts about their own experiences without being challenged or chastised. For those of you who have a lot of experience with narcissists as I do, and I am not saying the other person is a narcissist, the challenging and chastisement of your experiences and thoughts is a classic example of how narcissists wield their personal power to try to control another person. Clearly, as this has come up for me, there are still residual frequencies within me related to my experiences of power-struggles with narcissists that are being alchemized within me at this time.
So, here is the response my reply received and its subsequent exchange. I will embed my thoughts and feelings within the exchange:
MZ: It’s not overhyped. You and many others were spared. Some were not so lucky and took the brunt of a Cat 4 direct hit. We still can’t get a hold of Helen down in Venice. Praying she is ok. Not like her to [not] check in.
Now, I realize other people may not have perceived this response the same way I did. That’s the KEY to understanding the catalyzing process. Everyone “hears” and “receives” the message in the way that is necessary for them to begin the triggering (alchemizing) process. I heard and received (felt) his response as being overtly hostile towards me. Still, I chose instead to allow myself to focus on the information about Helen. Helen is one of our regular Galactic New Earth Project participants, so I was immediately very concerned about her. I chose to ignore what I perceived to be his hostile remarks, and just addressed the situation with Helen. Nevertheless, the perceived hostility had already activated the residual power-struggle frequencies within and was going to work on me. Be aware ~ this is often a very unconscious process and can frequently only be recognized in hindsight.
S: Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep checking on Helen too.
MZ: *correction on my earlier comment. All storms (and wars) are overhyped. Yet there is still destruction and casualties of war. Ian was no different.
Ok … now the fuse got lit inside of me! Instead of letting my previous response about my concern for Helen’s safety be the end of it, this person came back with the remark above. While it was not a direct reply to my response, rather a separate post, I did feel like and perceive that it was a direct attack at me to “prove his point” and “discount my experience.” So, I replied directly to his remark, and chose to make an effort to diffuse a situation which I felt was escalating and in which I perceived he was “coming after me”:
S: I’m not suggesting there was “no” destruction. I do know people who have no power & a lot of trees down, etc. I’m just sharing that my experience was nothing like what I had been told to expect. I’m born & raised in FL. I’ve been through a lot of this sort of thing. Meanwhile, also reflecting on the fact that I did spend several days directing the frequency of Love at it & contemplating on whether that altered my experience. Thanks for letting me know about Helen. I tried reaching her on both numbers. If you do hear from her, please share here in the group.
MZ: If you were born here and have been through this then you would know to prepare for the worst and hope for the best as they have no clue where the storm is going to go. Many were spared. Some were not. Same as every storm.
I will absolutely let the group know if we hear from Helen. My sister and I might take a drive to Venice later to see what we can find out.
To me, this direct reply from him was like the matador waving the red flag at the bull. From my perception, this individual had refused to accept my “olive branch,” and rather than diffusing the situation, was continuing to come after me. At this point, I felt like “game on!” I did feel he was trying to belittle me with his “holier than thou” crap, and I was not going to stand for it. How many times had I previously been in a similar situation and had not been able to speak up for myself? I was not going to let it go. I didn’t care if I was perceived by the others in the group to be bitchy or not. I was going to allow my fierceness to have its voice:
S: Honestly, I can’t believe you are choosing to “scold & school” me. Grow up.
The most important part of this experience is how I felt after I stood up for myself by sending that reply. I felt queasy inside. I felt like I was going to get in trouble for saying my piece. I felt like the response by the other person would be such an overwhelming attack that I wouldn’t be able to hold up under it. I even sent a private text message to the group administrator telling her, “If you want to remove me, that’s fine …”. Still, I kept reassuring myself by reminding myself that I had chosen to stand in my power. I reassured myself by pointing out that I was “walking my talk” by not allowing another person to take my power away. I reassured myself by telling myself that I had modeled to the other members of the group how to stand up to a bully. And then he wrote this and left the group:
MZ: Weird. I can’t believe you’re thinking this was all over hyped when people are missing. Maybe you should grow up.
There you have it. A mature response. I can just hear little kids shouting back and forth at each other:
“Grow up!”
“No, you grow up!”
“No, you grow up!”
“I’m going to tell mom!”
Yes, a part of me did “grow up” through this experience. That part of me inside that was activated over having had my power taken away so many times in the past by being made to feel wrong and insignificant finally was able to stand up to the bully, the narcissist, the …. whatever label you want to call that role. Actually, from a higher perspective rather, I would say that this experience helped me to expand further into the Greatness of who I AM. This is what the alchemical process of the Shamanic Death and Rebirth is all about. We bring our shadow into the light ~ our separation consciousness into Unity Consciousness ~ we expand more fully into the Wholeness of who we are. We “grow up.” Plainly and simply.
I know it can be challenging for people to do their own shadow-dancing work. I hope MZ is able to do the work for himself and discover what parts of himself he was being invited to bring into Wholeness. As a Scorpio Goddess, this is one of the Gifts, or the Shamanic Medicine, that I came into this incarnation with, along with the fact that I am very self-reflective and contemplative (Ascendant in Cancer and North Node at 29° Cancer).
Again, let’s be clear. I do not feel angry at MZ. I am not harboring any animosity towards him. I am not labeling him or judging him. In fact, having been able to process all the intricacies of my own thoughts and feelings that came bubbling up through our exchange, I appreciate him and send him Love. We cannot see our own blind spots. We must have another individual act as a mirror for us, so that we can see them. I know on the Soul-level, MZ and I agreed to help each other in our own individual expansion processes in this seemingly “childish” way at this precise moment of the Eternal Now. However, it doesn’t FEEL childish when you are going through the fire. It feels VERY VULNERABLE. This is why everything in the cauldron must be cherished and honored. And most importantly, this is why we must always extend grace and compassion towards ourselves first.
I hope by sharing this I have helped someone have an A-HA around their own Underworld Journey’s alchemical process. This is the continuous Spiritual Work ~ or Sadhana ~ that we are called to as we continue the Ascencion Path.
By the way, the Sheriff did a well-call check on Helen, and she is fine. She just has no power or cell service. Thank Goddess!! Thank you to everyone who took the extra steps to ensure that she is okay. Much, much love and appreciation to you.
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
I have been hearing from numerous people about their current Inanna Underworld experiences. As I read what they have to share, I have been going back in my mind to relate their personal unfolding of this transformational journal to the themes that I discussed in my video, Sacred Feminine’s Descent into the Underworld.
Today, in particular, I had an enlightening text exchange with Carol Billets, my co-facilitator in the Galactic New Earth Project. It inspired me to go back and watch the video mentioned above, so that I could jot down the themes I discussed. This was necessary for me because the information I share comes through me from my Higher Self, so I do not retain it in my memory banks. I also asked Carol if it would be okay with her for me to share our text exchange in relationship to these themes. She generously agreed stating, “Yes. It’s always helpful when people we know share their journey.”
So, here are the Shamanic Death & Rebirth Themes I discussed. Please remember that these themes can manifest in an infinite number of ways. We will all have our own personal experience of these themes based on our own Soul Map (Natal and Solar Return Charts). Understanding how we are uniquely experiencing the Cosmic events that co-create our Leading-Edge Expansion is a fundamental part of being able to stand in our Sovereignty. Please feel free to share your own personal experiences of these themes in the comment section below.
One of the themes that this Alchemical Process, which we know as the Shamanic Death & Rebirth, is accomplishing for us is to facilitate and support us in the reclaiming of our Divine Sovereignty – taking back our power.
This Alchemical Process is allowing us to resurrect ourselves in a brand-new EMBODIMENT of our Multi-Dimensional Selves, at a higher frequency than we have ever embodied before, so that we can birth the Divine Love frequency of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness onto the planet and into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. The Divine Love frequency comes right through our Heart space – the Seat of our Soul which is a fractal of the Sophia-Christ Consciousness – and this Divine Love Frequency is igniting the Sacred Flame of our Inner Christo-Sophia.
Because the Divine Love Frequency is igniting the Sacred Flame of our Inner Christo-Sophia, this Shamanic Death & Rebirth experience will be able to birth a whole new relationship between Humanity and the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. This new relationship with the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is going to ground Humanity ~ not only within ourselves to be able to embody this new relationship ~ and not only so we can now understand ourselves as Embodiments of Divine Love ~ into the Mother aspect of Sophia, so that we can sustain a LIFE-affirming breakthrough in consciousness within our relationship between us and Earth, Herself, in terms of how Humanity will come to honor & respect Mother Gaia.
The Sophia-Christ Consciousness is totally engaged with the Resurrection of Humanity, so that we can experience a Heart-Opening event unlike anything that Humanity has experienced before. From this Heart-Opening, Humanity will now have heart-based relationships rather than egoic-based relationships.
This Shamanic Death & Rebirth experience is also facilitating Humanity’s understanding that we are both Human AND Divine. From this new understanding, Humanity will realize, that as Divine Beings, we have a personal direct connection with our Divine Self ~ our Eternal Soul which is an extension of the Divine SOURCE. The evidence of this Divine Wisdom will manifest as the resources our Eternal Souls have available for us. These Divine Resources will start to show up for us. Humanity is going to start to witness and experience so much abundance on our planet because the pool of Divine Resources that Humanity has been previously pinched-off from will now be fully restored.
C: I have a question for you. This was a unique experience for me, and I’m not quite sure, but it feels like there’s more there than what’s on the surface. In the early afternoon, I felt I needed to be in a quiet space. It was as if somebody, or a greater presence, was forcing me to breathe deeply. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but my breath became very slow and very deep. It was like there was a spirit or presence there that needed me to be in a deep breathing trance, and my breath became so slow and so deep. I remember thinking, “Wow, this is unusual that I need to breathe this way.” I really felt like I needed to breathe in that manner. My breath kept deepening and slowing. I wanted to sleep, but it didn’t feel like I was asleep. It was just a quiet space, breathing very deeply. I came out of it a couple of hours later not feeling like I had slept. Like I said, this is unusual for me, and I just needed to reach out to see if a different perspective could be found.
S: In my breath practice, when one relaxes enough, the breath can begin to breathe them. I have experienced this before, and it was sort of like what you are describing. It is a very “expansive” experience where you have dipped into the Oneness. I hope that makes sense to you.
C: Yes, exactly, the breath was breathing me. Thank you so much that resonates with me.
S: That’s wonderful!
C: It was a very unique experience, and I want to say a very rare experience to just have my breath deep in and slow like that. It was so unusual, but you’re right, it was like the breath was breathing me. It was like my breath wanted to go home.
S: The in-breath and the out-breath become the Dance of Shiva & Shakti – it’s an experience of the Sacred Union between the Feminine & the Masculine moving through “you” as a Divine Instrument – like Krishna playing His flute.
C: Omg. Exactly. This is part of the journey that you’re taking us through that I just experienced.
S: Yes, and eventually, you experience every cell in your body being breathed.
C: Yes, that’s what it felt like. I was going home.
S: Except … you weren’t “going” home … you were AT home, so to speak.
C: To be here, now, in the Divine Masculine/Feminine Presence. It’s what I would call the human becoming more comfortable with the process of being Divine.
S: I’d love … to share this … I think it would help everyone know how they are being expanded by the process they are choosing to consciously engage [through the Galactic New Earth Project]. People, as Embodiments of Love, “need” the manifestation to affirm the unfolding.
C: And for all of us to accept the Divinity ~ the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Unity that we are.
S: Yes!!! When you experience yourself as an Embodiment of the Divine, you KNOW (Divine Wisdom) that you are Divine. This is VERY DIFFERENT than intellectually accepting the concept that you are Divine.
the process continues
It’s no surprise to me that Carol and I had this exchange today because today (9/29/2022) is the day that Venus (Sacred Feminine) makes Her ingress into Libra (Sign of Conscious Equal Partnership). What a beautiful manifestation of Carol’s new awareness of the conscious equal partnership between her human self and her Divine Self.
I hope that by reading Carol’s personal experience of expansion that the Alchemical Process of the Shamanic Death & Rebirth journey is unfolding through her, you can see how the themes I discussed for this journey tie-into her experience. I also hope that it will help you to have an A-HA about your own personal experience of expansion that you may have not recognized, or even possibly, dismissed.
I invite to re-watch, or watch for the first time, the presentation that I did on these potent themes for Humanity’s evolution that we are all being transformed by, whether we are conscious of it or not. I embed here for your easy-viewing convenience:
Much love ❤️ ~ 2 ~ ❤️, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
I will be speaking about the 9/11 Event and its 21st Solar Return which will take place this Sunday. I hope to impart some Divine Wisdom related to this event that has not been spoken to or considered before now. I will do this by looking at the Natal Chart and the Solar Return Chart related to the event. There are 4 key points I wish to address. However, each speaker is allowed 15-17 minutes, so if I am unable to address everything, I will likely create my own personal video related to them to post on my own YouTube channel.
Some of the other people, whose names you may recognize, that will be contributing to this LIVE/FREE event are:
Cathy O’Brien
Michael Jaco
Laura Eisenhower
Juan O’Savin
Jason Q
I was invited, as a member of the “Spiritualist” community, to share my perspective of Truth, and I have accepted the opportunity to reach a wider audience with the work that I do for the Ascension of the Planet and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Please know that it is not my intention to trigger anyone around their political beliefs. I am simply offering the piece of Divine Wisdom that is desiring to be shared through me at this time.
I truly believe that we each have our own personal access to Truth, and as such, I invite you to listen for what may resonate with you and leave the rest behind. While I may be speaking from my perspective of the “leg of the elephant,” and you may be listening from your perspective of the “tail of the elephant,” it stands to reason that not everything I share from my PERSPECTIVE will resonate with you. However, I do believe that we can hold space for each other’s perspective without making the other wrong.
I hope you will make some time in your day to join me and hear what I will be sharing about the 9/11 Event on this anniversary weekend. I am scheduled to start at 4:00pm EST, however that time may be earlier or later depending on the previous speakers’ participation.
As far as the Cosmic Energies go in the lead up to this 9/11 Anniversary Weekend, I remind you:
September 8th ~ Moon/Saturnia® conjunction (20° AQ)
September 9th ~ Mercury stations Retrograde (9° LI)
September 10th ~ Full Moon in Pisces (18° PI)
Moon/Neptune® conjunction (24° PI)
September 11th ~ Sun (19° VI) TRINE Uranus® (19° TA)
You can definitely expect something RADICALLY LIBERATING to be revealed!
Many blessings to each of you!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
September 28th ~ Mars (19° GE) TRINE Saturnia® (19° AQ)
September 29th ~ Venus enters Libra
PLEASE NOTE: September’s energies are creating a crucible for a month of profoundly deep Inner Work! Not only are Venus and Mercury descending into the Underworld, but there are also 5 other slow-moving planets experiencing their own Vision Quests (Jupiter, Saturnia, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).
Over the next 8 weeks, Venus will be descending into the Inanna Underworld (9/14/2022) and approaching the Resurrection Point (10/22/2022) where She meets the Sun in the Sky. As Venus and the Sun join in Sacred Union (Hieros Gamos), we will each be experiencing our own Shamanic Rebirth.
It is also at this time that the Luminaries who have been participating in the Galactic New Earth Journey will be coming together in Sacred Space to link up all of the Venus Temples around the Earth into which we have consciously and collaboratively installed the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes, beginning in January and completed yesterday (8/27/2022). These Venus Temples locations are:
On the slope of Mount Ararat, Turkey
At Alexandria, Egypt
In the Venus Landscape Temple located at Rennes-le-Château, France
Beneath the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain
At the Pyramids (Güimar Complex) on Tenerife, Canary Islands
At the Angel Valley Labyrinth & Venus Temple Knoll, Sedona, Arizona
Underneath the San Marga Iraivan Hindu Temple Monastery, Kaua’i, HI
At the site of the St. Louis Cathedral, Vieux Carré, New Orleans, LA
After linking up the Venus Temples around the globe, we will bring the New Earth Light Grid online through the use of Quartz Crystal Technology. This Light Grid will serve as a bridge between our 3D Earth and the existing 5D Earth. It is through this Quantum Light Bridge that the individuals of Humanity who have a personal frequency in resonance with 5D Earth will begin to experience Life in this harmonious realm.
It is exceptionally synchronistic that on the actual day of the Death by Intent Portal Activation (8/25/2022), Dr. Michael Salla (Founder of Exopolitics Today) posted his interview with Dan Willis and Elena Danaan, titled Comparing Earth and Pleiadian Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for Energy, Propulsion & Healing, which has now been viewed by nearly 30,000 people in a matter of 3 days! I had seen a previous video put out on Elena Danaan’s YouTube Channel back in June on this same topic. While I found Elena and Dan’s video quite intriguing at the time, it was Dr. Salla’s interview of them that I viewed on the day of the Gate Activation which allowed me to recognize that we will be using this Quartz Crystal Technology for bringing the New Earth Grid Light AND the 12-strands of DNA online. I am certain that, because my own Galactic Heritage is Arcturian and Pleiadian, I was “activated” by the information being shared from the Pleiadian Jenhan Eredyon.
Since it is clear to me that our Arcturian and Pleiadian sisters and brothers, who are working with us on the Galactic New Earth Project, are desiring that we engage this newly revealed Quantum Quartz Crystal Technology as we move forward, I highly recommend everyone who has any interest in participating in the next stage of our Galactic New Earth Journey to watch both videos mentioned above, and at the least, the interview with Dr. Salla, so that you can feel confident and comfortable in working with crystals in this capacity. I also strongly encourage delving into these additional resources:
As Dan and Elena make very clear, any crystal can be used, as long as it is a quartz crystal. I, myself, have purchased a Vogel Crystal for use with our Galactic New Earth work. Please know that you are NOT REQUIRED to purchase a Vogel Crystal to collaborate with us. However, if you feel inspired to immerse yourself in the frequencies and potency of this quantum technology, you can purchase a Vogel Crystal from the company, Crystal Light and Sound, established 22 years ago in 2010.
To further assist you in preparing for our Shamanic Rebirth on October 22nd, I highly recommend using the next 8-weeks to read the Transylvania Series by Radu Cinamar. His books in order of publication are:
Transylvanian Sunrise
Transylvanian Moonrise
Mystery of Egypt
The Secret Parchment
Inside the Earth
Forgotten Genesis
Etheric Crystal
I am currently reading the 6th book in the series, Forgotten Genesis.
What I can tell you from my experience in reading this Series is that these books are “frequency amplifiers.” It is important to read them in order to maximize the amplification process. What I find fascinating right now is that there is information in Forgotten Genesis that actually validates the information I have received from Sophia about our Sacred Work, through which we will be consciously engaging the Cosmic Aspects at the Venus Activations throughout the remainder of this current Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle, to pair up (repair) and re-activate the 12-strand DNA of Humanity:
… the evolution and development of human beings was, among other things, due to a number of influences from several stars, planetary configurations and solar systems.
… Even though it is difficult for some to accept that stars can have such an influence on the development of human beings, I have realized, as a result of following the evolution of humanity on the holographic screen, that the stars and the configurations they form permanently act in this manner.
Forgotten Genesis, Radu Cinamar
I must take a moment to credit Dr. Michael Salla for introducing me to this phenomenal series of books written by Romanian Radu Cinamar and published by Peter Moon in English. So far, Dr. Salla has interviewed Peter Moon several times about the information in this series of books. I highly recommend watching these interviews in addition to reading the books. The interviews can be accessed here:
The reference materials that I have recommended here to prepare you for participating in our Shamanic Rebirth ceremony will certainly keep you busy over the next 8-weeks.
I would also like to inform you that Carol Billets and I had a post-ceremony discussion last night in which Yeshua informed us, that while He and the other Teachers and Guides will be present with us through the next stage of our journey, the Divine Feminine will be stepping forward to share messages of Wisdom with us. Yeshua explained to us that the “Descent Journey” is a Divine Masculine journey and the “Ascent Journey” is a Divine Feminine journey. Carol was a bit surprised to hear this from Him. However, I assured her that what He was explaining made complete sense to me. In fact, it was at the Resurrection Point in the previous Venus Synodic Cycle that Yeshua told me the NEW “template” that would be replacing the Inanna Myth would be The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through Humanity. That template is illustrated in the slide below which I made from the download I received from Yeshua:
Multi-Dimensional Portal to Sophia~Christ Consciousness
I can already tell you that a discussion was held last night between us (me and Carol) and the Embodiments of the Divine Feminine that were present with us. The following agreements were made:
Isis will speak to us at the Shamanic Rebirth Ceremony on October 22, 2022.
Mother Mary will be speaking to us at the Gate of Manifestation Activation on December 24, 2022.
Mary Magdalene will be speaking to us at the Gate of Creation Activation on January 23, 2023.
Lilith will be speaking to us at the Gate of Personal Power Activation on February 22, 2023.
I am especially excited because a “forgotten” and ANCIENT Embodiment of the Divine Feminine has stepped forward to support our Luminary Collaborators with the Inanna Underworld Journey during our private Shadow-Dancing Circles in September and November. She has NO NAME. She told us that She is referred to as The Teacher of the Cave. I asked Carol to inquire as to whether She is aligned with Despoina, the Mare Goddess Daughter of Demeter, who also has no known name and was referred to by the respectful title, “Despoina,” which means “The Lady” or “The Mistress.” The Teacher of the Cave explained that Despoina is in Her lineage; She is Despoina’s great grandmother. She further clarified that Her own Presence was “there before the gods and goddesses. As the dirt and the caves were formed from Gaia,” She was there.
For those of you who have been collaborating with the Galactic New Earth Project via the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey, I hope you are as excited as I am for what will continue to evolve and unfold through us. For those of you who have been watching our journey, I hope you will feel inspired and called to step forward and join us!
Many blessings to each of you!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
On the day that the Cosmic Messenger (Mercury at 23° Leo) stood across the Sky from the Goddess of Sovereignty (Saturnia® at 23° Aquarius) ~ July 30, 2022 ~ I attended a Horse Workshop at Heartland Haven Ranch in Apopka, Florida. The synchronistic timing of this Horse Workshop was allowing our Sacred Circle to be infused with the energies of Leo. Just two days before (7/28/22), was the New Moon (5°) in Leo. The day after (7/31/22), was the Sun (8°) in Leo trine Jupiter® (8°) in Aries. Lots and lots of Leo energy was flowing into the liminal space in which our Horse Workshop was unfolding through each of us.
So, why is that significant?
For me, it is significant because the sign of Leo is ruled by our Sun ~ the Heart of our Solar System. Leo, as an astrological sign, represents our Higher Heart ~ our Compassionate Heart Space ~ the Throne of our Divine Royalty. Thus, we were all being supported in being able to receive a HEART message (Mercury in Leo). For some, it may have been the first time a whisper from their Heart was successful in catching their attention. For others, it may have been more of a Galactic or even Cosmic Heart message.
Whether a “whisper” or a “boom!,” this Heart Message was certainly one of LIBERATION and one of revitalizing our SOVEREIGN Flame (Saturnia® in Aquarius). New LIFE (New Moon in Leo) was being breathed into us through our recognition of this Heart Message, no matter how subtle our awareness of it was, AND our Sovereign Flame was being fueled and expanded (Sun in Leo trine Jupiter® in Aries), so that our Sovereign Flame could contribute to the inspiring nature of our Heart Message.
For each of this, our Heart Message is uniquely personal and potent. This is evidenced in two other Cosmic aspects that were, and continue to be, a “quickening” influence ~ think Highlander Quickening!
These two Cosmic events, like the Sun (8° LE) TRINE Jupiter® (8° AR) aspect, also occurred the day after (7/31/22) the Horse Workshop, however their influence is just as impactful because the energies were coalescing while simultaneously kneading us as we were contained within our Sacred Circle:
FIRST, let’s focus on the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction (18° TA). “The last time Mars, Uranus, and the North Node conjoined here was 2,348 years ago — the year before Alexander the Great died at the age of 33.” ~ Marcia Wade
So, let’s break down the components of this conjunction to get a sense of what is happening within us and through us that Humanity has not had the opportunity to experience in over two millennia. We know that the energies of Taurus are quite earthy and sensual. Here we are guided to consider the earthly container that allows our Soul to experience this reality ~ our physical body ~ that which I refer to as our Sacred Vessel. For me, Taurus is all about embodiment. Thus, I ask myself, “How much more of my Self/Soul can I embody and experience in this reality?” Mars, then, brings our attention to the Sacred Masculine while Uranus provides us with opportunities for liberating breakthroughs in Consciousness. Here, we can begin to contemplate the idea that the Sacred Masculine as a Consciousness is being given the opportunity to show up within us in a way that IT has not had the opportunity to do so in over two millennia of Patriarchy Consciousness. This is HUGE!!! The next piece is the North Node ~ who acts as Humanity’s evolutionary GPS. The North Node is clearly indicating that NOW is the moment for HUMANITY to experience this GREAT Evolutionary Leap in Consciousness which will Liberate Humanity from the enslavement matrix to which Patriarchy has been desperately clinging. Imagine the potency of this Evolutionary Breakthrough happening simultaneously with the fueled expansion of your Sovereign Flame!!! THIS is “The Quickening” I referred to above.
We are ready to bring in the energies of the Goddess Epona/Venus (15-16° CN) SQUARE Chiron/Merlin (16° AR) aspect. Right away, I can see that an emotional (Cancer) healing (Chiron) is ready to breakthrough and alchemize (Merlin) our ability to tap into Self Love (Aries) which will allow us to feel safe (Cancer) with our LionHeart (Goddess Epona). The Goddess Epona is a Celtic Horse Goddess. Remember, I was attending a Horse Workshop! Our LionHeart is Horse Wisdom that is shared in Linda Kohanov’s book, Way of the Horse. One of the first phrases that Linda shares about LionHeart Wisdom is “The Courage [Leo] to Feel [Cancer] and the Willingness to Act [Aries].” And, there is more … in the horse world, humans are considered predators (Patriarchy) and horses are considered prey.
The Shamanic Medicine (Chiron) being offered here is,
… the ancient Taoist recommendation to “know the yang, but keep to the yin,” which often appears in translation as “know the masculine [Mars], but keep to the feminine [Venus].” The Chinese sage Lao-Tzu made this recommendation in the Tao Te Ching over 2500 years ago, yet conquest-oriented [Patriarchal] cultures emphasized the opposite.
Linda Kohanov, Way of the Horse
From my perspective, I don’t think it is any mistake that Lao-Tzu made this recommendation 2,500 years ago and the last Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus happened 2,348 years ago! These events are certainly interconnected.
With the Goddess Epona/Venus in Cancer SQUARE Chiron/Merlin in Aries aspect, we are being given the opportunity to have a breakthrough in consciousness around our Inner Lion ~our LionHeart. We are being asked to develop the WISDOM of predator AND prey, so that we can transform (or Alchemize – Merlin) our Inner Lion from an “aggressor” (Shadow Aspect of Aries) to a “protector” (Venus in Cancer). The horse with the heart of a lion neither suppresses emotion or becomes paralyzed by it. ~ Linda Kohanov
Bringing our predatory nature back into balance is a challenge of a lifetime. Luckily, we have living, breathing horses to help us reawaken the wisdom of the prey, while demanding that we own our inner lion and put it to good use.
Linda Kohanov, Way of the Horse
Only you can discern for yourself how much of your Heart Message is related to your LionHeart. After all, the “glyph,” or hieroglyphic symbol, for the sign of Leo IS the Lion! For me, my Heart Message is absolutely related to my LionHeart! The question I asked myself is, “What do I need to be aware of/let go of/alchemize (Merlin), so that my LionHeart will neither suppress my emotions or become paralyzed by them?” The answer for me, I discovered, was rooted in the overriding energetic influence during the time period of July 28th through today, August 1st: Jupiter® at 8° Aries (whose influence we will continue to experience until Jupiter returns to 8° Aries on Valentine’s Day 2023!).
Jupiter embodies the energies of integrity, truth, trust and wisdom, to name a few, very much like the astrological sign He rules, Sagittarius, for whom the Centaur (Chiron) is the glyph. What I became aware of in the Horse Workshop is that I needed to alchemize my definition of integrity. I realized that I had inherited my parents’ definition of integrity and that it did not resonate with me, so much so, that when I observed a situation that according to their definition was “out of integrity,” it made me feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable (triggered!) As I contemplated that revelation, another piece of it came up for me. My parents’ definition, or how I had interpreted their definition, meant that if someone or something was “out of integrity,” then that someone was lying to me or that something was a lie. Essentially, it wasn’t aligned with truth. I recognized that this deeper layer was even MORE uncomfortable (triggering) for me. Finally, by the end of the Horse Workshop, I was able to identify a subtle frequency underneath the “integrity” tied to “truth” pieces.
What I became aware of is that when I feel triggered, which is much more intense than “that just doesn’t feel right/good,” my touchstone for what I can TRUST has somehow slipped between my fingers ~ I can no longer FEEL trust. How can I TRUST Life, my Self, or anyone/anything else when my connection to the Greater part of my Self ~ our Source ~ seems to evaporate when I am being triggered??? This was a HUGE revelation for me. It became clear to me that even when things feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE (triggered), I can stay connected to my Higher Self, and I can TRUST the Wisdom of my Higher Self to bring me through it. This was an incredible paradigm shift for me! I had allowed this disconnected (Shadow) piece of myself that was ready to come into WHOLENESS to be alchemized from Separation Consciousness into Unity Consciousness. By allowing this alchemical process to occur within me, my inner Lion has become much less of an “aggressor” and much more of a “protector.” My HeartLion has become more balanced.
Isn’t it interesting to discover that our Shadow pieces can take on the “predator” role and that the triggering process can cause that piece of us that has been lost along the way to feel like it is the “prey?” The predator/prey dynamic of Shadow becomes the two sides of the same “Separation Consciousness” coin. Whereas the balancing of our inner Lion, and living from our LionHeart, becomes the two sides of the same “Unity Consciousness” coin. Isn’t it magnificent to recognize how at the same time the Sacred Masculine is being given the opportunity to show up within us in a way that it has not been able to in over 2000 years, that we can simultaneously begin to embody Lao-Tzu’s wisdom to know the Masculine, but keep to the Feminine. Finally, with this new embodiment of the Sacred Masculine on the planet at this time, there is a Masculine worthy of knowing! It is the Sacred Masculine. Welcome, back. <3
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
August 27 ~ New Moon in Virgo (4°) SQUARE Mars (4° GE)
Venus (19° LE) SQUARE Uranus® (19° TA)
August 28 ~ Venus (21° LE) SQUARE Saturnia® (21° AQ)
August 30 ~ Moon (21° LI) TRINE Saturnia® (21° AQ)
NOTE: Be aware that we have FOUR heavy hitters (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Pluto) in Retrograde as we come into August, and by the end of August there will be FIVE (Uranus). The purpose of the retrograde energies is to pull us inward. We call this time of inner reflection a Vision Quest. The Cosmos is giving Humanity the GIFT of recalibrating itself as a whole, and individually we are being realigned with our True (Sovereign) Self ~ our Eternal/Infinite Self (Soul). I invite you to make the most of this opportunity!
Many blessings to you on your journey of Self Discovery! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
TODAY (July 12th) is the FIRST day of an amazing FREE 9-day Virtual Event hosted by Slavomira Harcegova! Slavomira is a Feng Shui practitioner and Harmony Designer. She helps people create harmony and a positive energy flow in their homes, so they can receive energetic support and make their dreams come true.
Slavomira has put her HEART into this virtual event to bring together inspiring speakers from around the world who will share their wisdom, experiences and stories on how to get more out of life, become more vital and joyful and create the life you will love!
AND … each of the daily speakers is offering a FREE GIVEAWAY to the participants! My Free Giveaway is a LIGHT CODES ACTIVATION READING!! My conversation will be available on Day 8 of the Summit. I hope you will join me for an interesting discussion. Be sure to take advantage of the FREE Light Codes Activation Reading that I am offering.
I’m sharing a beautiful image of the TWENTY-FOUR (24) Speakers below, along with the link to register NOW for the Summit. (BE AWARE: you need to use either the Safari or Chrome browsers to open the landing page, so you can register. The landing page link is not compatible with the Microsoft Edge browser.)
Once you have registered, be sure to confirm your subscription. You will receive daily emails with 2-3 conversations (~30-45 minutes long) that you can listen to while you’re walking, driving, cooking, or anytime that is convenient for you. There is no need to worry if you have missed any of the presentations from the Summit. There will be a replay available for registered participants.
I’m so excited to share this experience with you. I look forward to seeing you in the Summit. I’d love for you to drop me a line to let me know how you are enjoying it!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
Happy Independence Day!!! Today is America’s 246th birthday.
I am so excited to share with you that there are TWO planetary movements occurring today:
Mercury enters Cancer
Mars enters Taurus
Both Cancer and Taurus are ruled by the Sacred Feminine, so these planetary movements into softer energies bodes well for our CERN Global Vision Quest tomorrow morning! (SEE BELOW)
Interestingly, at the moment of the birth of the United States of America, there was a loose YOD in the sky. An astrological Yod is considered to be a point of destiny, and it is often referred to as “The Finger of God,” or as I like to refer to it, “The Finger of the Goddess.” It consists of two luminary bodies at 60° from each other, creating the base of a triangle, and a third luminary body that is 150° from them at the apex of the triangle, or the action point. The YOD can indicate powerful mystical forces in a person or event – or a deeply entrenched block – that must be worked through with skill and careful negotiation. Often something hidden must be forced to the surface, and only through major excavation and prying can this come to light.
The luminary body at the top of the apex, in this instance, is Mercury® (The Cosmic Messenger) at 24° Cancer. At the base are Isis® (Cosmic Sophia) at 27° Sagittarius and Pallas Athena® (Goddess of Sacred Order) and the Moon (Divine Mother) at 27° Aquarius. Smack dab in the middle of the Yod’s base is Pluto® (The Cosmic Transformer) at 27° Capricorn, closely conjunct Magdalene® (Embodiment of Sophia Consciousness) at 21° Capricorn.
It is clear to me, from the FIVE Cosmic retrograde energies pulling our awareness into our Inner Realm, that the intrinsic power of fully embodying the Sophia Consciousness as Divine Wisdom, for a nation that considers itself to be founded on Christian principles, is the “something hidden.”
Her lost voice should come as no surprise since …
In 1988, the U.S. Senate paid tribute with a resolution that said, “The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself.”
However, our Founding Fathers threw out the most significant principle of the “Great League of Peace.” The Iroquois Confederacy included the SIGNIFICANT role of women in their doctrine because the Iroquois culture was based on social equality and respect for both men and WOMEN. In fact …
In the Iroquois community, women were the keepers of culture. They were responsible for defining the political, social, spiritual, and economic norms of the tribe. Iroquois society was matrilineal, meaning descent was traced through the mother rather than through the father …
Now, at this Pluto Return for the United States of America ~ 246 years after this nation’s birth ~ The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us is at hand. The Cosmic Sophia is here to put right what our Founding Fathers so cavalierly dismissed. The Cosmic Sophia will work through the Capricorn Goddess of Sovereignty to bring about an Empowered and Conscious Collaboration in Regenerating and Rebuilding the United States of America, so that She will embody a RENEWED Manifest Destiny by building the New Earth in Sacred Relationship with the Divine Birthright of Humanity.
It’s amazingly synchronistic that 246 years later, Mercury returns to the sign of Cancer, the sign He stood in at the Apex of the birth YOD, just 8 DAYS before the 2nd Activation of the Pluto Return on July 12th. What’s even more impressive is that TODAY, on the USA’s birthday, we once again have a YOD!!! Where Mercury stood at the Apex 246 years ago, Isis (Cosmic Sophia) is standing at the exact same 24° CN. Where Isis Retrograde stood in Sagittarius in the Yod’s base, we have the Magdalene (Embodiment of Sophia) Retrograde standing at 27° SG. AND, where the Divine Mother (Moon) stood in Aquarius on the other side of the Yod’s base, we have Saturnia (Goddess of Sovereignty) Retrograde at 24° AQ (within a 3° orb of the Divine Mother’s position in the birth Yod).
Today’s new YOD is letting us know that, in fact ~ as I stated at the end of last year, The Cosmic Sophia is here to put right what our Founding Fathers so cavalierly dismissed. With the influence of the Cosmic Sophia, our Inner Sophia and the Goddess of Sovereignty in the Pluto Return Yod AND the Cosmic Messenger’s return to the energies of Cancer (ruled by the Divine Mother), America is being prepared to engage with the frequencies of the Higher Mind, to be INCLUSIVE of ALL VOICES and to communicate with the Global Community from an alignment with the nurturing support of the Divine Mother. A whole new foundation for the role America will have in our coming Global and Galactic communities is being established. It’s happening, slowly but surely ~ as Pluto’s metamorphic influence takes place. I look forward to witnessing the EXTERNAL manifestation of our Great Nation in its new role as Pluto moves further into the Aquarian energies in 2025-2026.
CLICK HERE to see all of July’s astrological aspects and creative energies.
Shiva Nataraj at CERN
JOIN me tomorrow morning, July 5th, from 9:57 am EST to 10:08 am EST, for a Global Vision Quest to hold space for the Highest Frequencies to be present as the CERN Hadron Collider is turned on. I invite you to utilize the Mahamantra, “OM NAMAH SHIVAYA,” while holding your Vision of safety, nurturing and harmony for Mother Gaia and Her Children (birds, animals, plants, all living beings).
PLEASE NOTE: this event is occurring right in the middle of the Sirian Gateway (7/-3-7/7). We have A LOT of Cosmic Support for this one!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.