NOTE: Last year (2021), Mars and Pluto squared off 3 times! This is their ONLY square in 2022. Here, the Sacred Masculine is utilizing His Divine Authority to capitalize on your Inner Metamorphic Power to inspire you into taking an unprecedented leap of faith!
July 3 ~ Mercury (25° GE) SQUARE Neptune® (25° PI)
July 4 ~ USA Birthday!
Mercury enters Cancer
Mars enters Taurus
NOTE: Both Cancer and Taurus are ruled by the Sacred Feminine, so these planetary movements into softer energies bodes well for our CERN Global Vision Quest!
July 5 ~ CERN Haldron Collider is being turned on at 10:00am EST
JOIN US for a Global Vision Quest from 9:57 am EST to 10:08 am EST to hold a sacred space for safety, nurturing and harmony
Today (6/10/22), Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) and Sedna (Goddess of Transfiguration) in Taurus (ruled by Venus) are in TRINE to Pluto® (Cosmic Transformer) in Capricorn (ruled by Saturnia). Tomorrow (6/11/22), Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Taurus (Her Realm) is CONJUNCT Uranus (Cosmic Liberator). Tomorrow’s Venus/Uranus conjunction is at 17° TA, just one degree from the upcoming, 5th of 7, November 8th Lunar Eclipse at 16° Taurus.
One week later (6/18-19/22), Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Taurus is SQUARE Saturnia® (Goddess of Sovereignty) in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) AND SEXTILE Neptune (Cosmic Pipeline to SOURCE). At this time, Venus will be located at 25° TA, exactly opposite last month’s (May 15/16th) Lunar Eclipse at 25° Scorpio, and only 2° from the very 1st eclipse in November 2021.
THESE ARE HEAVY HITTER COSMIC ENERGIES, and they are desiring our attention! This message is being broadcast across our Galaxy over a Megaphone. These energies are so incredibly powerful because they are invoking and reactivating the places in our Sky where the 1st, 3rd and 5th eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis have taken / are taking place.
REMEMBER: eclipses have a 6-month window prior to the eclipse date and forward from the eclipse date. November 8th’s eclipse point is 6-months from last month’s (May) eclipse point, and May’s eclipse point is 6-months from last November’s eclipse point. We are talking about Cosmic Events, from today (Mercury trine Pluto®) & tomorrow (Venus/Uranus) and a week from now (Venus square Saturnia® & Venus sextile Neptune), activating evolutionary power points over the course of an entire year (November 2021 – November 2022)! Further, Saturnia® is now trine that 1st eclipse’s Pluto point (25° CP) and will be passing over the 1st eclipse’s Jupiter point (24° AQ) on July 15th (3 days after the USA’s 2nd Pluto Return Activation – more about that later!).
Venus is also the ruler of Libra ~ the sign of Conscious Equal Partnerships. The message (Mercury) being broadcast to us by the Sacred Feminine (Venus ~ Sophia Consciousness) is one centered on RELATIONSHIPS.
These are the relationships that this message of “letting go (Pluto®) and breaking free (Uranus)” are related to:
your Leading-Edge Self (the eclipse points)
your Inner Being ~ Sovereign Self (Pluto® in Capricorn)
your belief systems about your Human self (Mercury in Taurus)
your Galactic self (Uranus in Taurus & Saturnia® in Aquarius)
your Galactic resources (Uranus in Taurus)
future timelines (Saturnia® in Aquarius)
The Sophia Consciousness is diligently working through us to wake us up and turn us on! Sedna (Goddess of Transfiguration) is facilitating our Sacred Vessels shift from 3D to 5D+. Sophia wants us to understand that our Sovereignty is rooted in our relationship with our Inner Being. Our Inner Being is that eternal part of us that is a direct extension of Source. Our Inner Being is our Divine Self, and our Divine Self (Neptune in Pisces) is always and forever (eternally) FULLY Sovereign. This relationship between who we are as our personality (self) and who we ARE as Divinity (Self) is THE MOST IMPORTANT relationship we have. Sophia is letting us know that it is time NOW to be cultivating a personal relationship with our Self.
Our Divine Self is ALWAYS evolving and expanding, and the purpose of the eclipses is to keep our self ALIGNED with our Evolutionary Expansion. Our relationship with our Leading-Edge Self is as SIGNIFICANT as our relationship with our Divine Self. These two relationships are two-sides of the same coin, so to speak. Being aligned with our Leading-Edge Self enables us to maintain our Sovereignty.
Sophia also wants us to know that it is time to expand our understanding of our selves. We are not just humans living in our local town on a planet called Earth. We are multi-dimensional beings manifested as humans who are an integral part of the Galactic Community. We must let go of our belief systems around what it means to be human and to be living on Earth. We must start to recognize, appreciate and relate to ourselves as the multi-dimensional Galactic Beings that we truly are (Saturnia® in Aquarius). This requires, for many, a huge transformation of their mental constructs around the nature of the reality in which we are living and participating (Mercury/TA trine Pluto®/CP).
Sophia is letting us know that Sedna is preparing us to step up and to step into our Galactic Role. Sophia’s work with us through Phase I (Venus Descent Journey) of the Galactic New Earth Project is an essential part of this preparation. She is assisting us in accessing our Galactic Resources (Uranus in Taurus) to facilitate our readiness to step onto the Galactic Stage. This will be the focus of Phase II (Venus Ascent Journey) of the Galactic New Earth Project.
I can already feel that Lilith is preparing us for something bigger down the road by initiating you into the Wisdom of the Venus Return. I am being covered in chills as I feel into the thrill and anticipation of what She has got lined up for us. Even I don’t know what it is yet; I can only feel that it is coming! …
I suspect ~ though I don’t know for sure ~ that whatever Lilith is cooking up for us will be related to the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Inanna Underworld Phase!
Sofia Mona Lisa
Lilith and Sophia have now revealed to me that Phase II of the Galactic New Earth Project will in fact be initiated with the Resurrection Point (Venus/Sun conjunction) of the Inanna Underworld Phase which will occur on October 22nd at 29° Libra 27′ – less than 1° from Scorpio. What a poignant placement this is for the Resurrection Point as it ties in the “relational” aspect (Libra) of this message with the evolutionary forces of the TA/SC eclipse axis and our Leading-Edge Self.
Lilith, as a Goddess of Sovereignty, will be working with Sophia throughout Phase II, which will take us from the Resurrection Point of the Inanna Underworld Phase of the Capricorn Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle, through the entire Evening Star (Ascent Journey) Phase of the Capricorn Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle, right up to the Metamorphic Seed Point of the Metamorphic Underworld Phase where the Capricorn Goddess becomes transformed (Pluto) into the Leo Goddess of Divine Royalty through which we will access our Divine Inheritance.
The Galactic Resources (Uranus in Taurus) that will be coming online (Saturnia in Aquarius) during Phase II is our Galactic DNA ~ our 12-strand DNA ~ that unique Galactic Heritage which makes us Christed Beings! Sedna (Goddess of Transfiguration) will be playing a key role in our 12-strand DNA activations. At the Resurrection Point Activation on October 22nd, our 3rd strand of DNA will be “resurrected.” Remember that Pluto is Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is playing the Leading Role on the Cosmic Stage this year between the TA/SC eclipses and the USA’s 3 Pluto Return Activations. So, it is absolutely Divine Perfection that Phase II and the resurrection of the 3rd strand of DNA should coincide with the Inanna Underworld Phase of the Capricorn Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle.
Here is a slide I have created for the Evening Star (Ascent Journey) Phase that outlines how each subsequent strand of DNA will come online at each Gate Activation:
Activation of 12-Strand DNA through the Capricorn Goddess Ascent Journey
The final and 12th strand of DNA will come online at the Metamorphic Seed Point Activation of the Metamorphic Underworld Phase on August 13, 2023 at 21° Leo ~ ushering in the Goddess of Divine Royalty.
Hopefully, now, you can now understand why today’s message from Sophia is so vital and imperative.
Finally, we must look at our relationships with timelines. As Sovereign Beings and Ascending Masters, we have the ability and the responsibility to co-create future timelines ~ timelines for the New Earth that we choose to experience. Saturn (timelines) in Aquarius (future realities) is our opportunity to receive Cosmic support in this endeavor. I recently published the post, 11-Minute Global Vision Quest, with the express intention of tapping into the Saturn Retrograde cycle to do this very thing. Specifically, it was my desire to consciously co-create with the other participants a new timeline for a better world in which we can all live joyfully and peacefully. I know that we can liberate ourselves from the old paradigm. The Cosmic support for this is profound as Pluto moves through Capricorn to dismantle the patriarchal structures of control and manipulation. As Saturnia moves through Aquarius, we can manifest a new paradigm in which Humanity is FREE, resources are FREE and our beloved planet Earth is FREE. We can create a world in which Love abounds and Humanity is united (Neptune in Pisces).
Several participants in the 11-Minute Global Vision Quest contacted me personally to tell me how powerful their experience was and how intimately connected they felt. They all requested that we make this a weekly event. Thus, in honor of Saturnia, Goddess of Sovereignty, I have agreed to hold space for the weekly 11-Minute Global Vision Quest over the next 8 months, throughout the entire Saturnia Retrograde window, which takes us up to January 27, 2023 when Saturnia returns to Her Retrograde Point of 25° Aquarius. The Sacred Space for this Global Vision Quest will be open every Sunday afternoon from 4:57pm EST to 5:08pm EST. I hope you will join us!
I love when the Universe validates what I am receiving by bringing me evidence of it showing up through other Streams of Consciousness. Here is one such example:
Whether you choose to join The Golden Ray Center or Elena Danaan or BOTH in manifesting a new timeline, it is clear that the Sacred Feminine (Venus) as Sophia Consciousness is pushing us out of the nest, so that we can FLY! It is definitely a leap of faith, and one that will EMPOWER you!
The evolutionary expansion that is unfolding through the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse axis over this year and through October 28, 2023 is absolutely unprecedented! I strongly encourage each of you to look at your natal and Solar Return charts to see which houses are being activated by this axis ~ the Path of Intensity. For me, my Taurus/Scorpio axis goes from my 5th House to my 11th House in my natal chart. With the 5th House being ruled by Leo and the 11th House being ruled by Aquarius, this Path of Intensity shows up as the way in which I create opportunities for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity to be Liberated, and I create these opportunities through my Heart Center by shining my Light at the Planetary Level. I can definitely state that I imbue all my creations with the fullness of my Life Force Energy! In my Solar Return chart, my Ascension Path this year for the Taurus/Scorpio axis is focused on my Solar 1st (Aries/Self) and 7th Houses (Libra/Relationships). It’s no wonder that the activations which I have discussed in this post are so personal to me. One can see the exquisite blending of these two paths (natal and Solar Return) serving each other, serving me, and ultimately serving you and Humanity on behalf of the Galactic Community.
Are you interested in knowing more about how the eclipses are aligning you with your Leading-Edge Self? To receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into how you are stepping into your Galactic Role, CLICK HERE.
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Today is an AMAZING day as Saturnia stations Retrograde at 25° Aquarius! Whenever a planet is in retrograde, its energies are pulling your attention and your focus into your Inner World. This is also a time to rediscover a part of your Self that you have left behind or given away, perhaps due to personal judgments or false beliefs. These are spaces within you where you have created Separation Consciousness. The retrograde phase provides you the opportunity to bring those spaces of Separation Consciousness back into UNITY Consciousness, allowing yourself to be more WHOLE and EMPOWERED.
Saturnia will be in Her retrograde phase until October 23rd when She reaches 18° Aquarius and stations direct. This part of your natal and solar return charts, from 25° to 18° Aquarius, is where you want to keep your attention for the next 8 months. I say 8 months because Saturnia will reach Her retrograde point on January 27, 2023. This is a fruitful period for experiencing personal mastery and liberation.
I am inviting everyone to JOIN ME tomorrow, Sunday, June 5th, 2022, for an 11-minute GLOBAL VISION QUEST from 4:57 pm EST to 5:08 pm EST. This is why:
Saturnia is all about:
Aquarius is all about:
This is POTENT opportunity for focusing on making our world a better place, for making our lives so much more enjoyable. Imagine how you as a Multi-Dimensional Being can utilize your mastery to hold the vision of a Liberated Humanity. What does that kind of Sovereignty and Freedom FEEL LIKE to you?? Meditation and Vision Questing are PERFECT retrograde period tools for manifestation! Let’s take advantage of this opportunity NOW to set the intention of what we desire to create over the next 8 months!! Be sure to join me in the PRECISE window of time from 4:57 pm EST to 5:08 pm EST.
meditation & vision questing tips
CLAIM your Sacred Space ~”I claim this space for …”
Sophia/Christ Consciousness
Divine Father/Divine Mother
whichever Higher Power you resonate with.
INVITE assistance ~ “I call in …”
your Mentorship Council
your Galactic Team
your Spirit Allies
Yeshua and Magdalene
anyone you feel a deep connection with.
PROTECT yourself ~ “I put on the full armor of God/Goddess for Spiritual Protection and Fortification.”
belt of truth
breastplate of righteousness
boots of peace
shield of faith
helmet of salvation
sword of the Spirit
FOCUS on your Breath
observe the In-Breath
observe the Out-Breath
FEEL through your Heart
the feeling of Love
the feeling of Sovereignty
the feeling of Freedom
wherever your Heart leads you.
REMEMBER, even just one minute of fully aligned focus within our 11-minute meditation/vision quest gives you access to the power that creates world.
Let’s choose to create the world we desire to live in!
I will be with you in Spirit tomorrow evening. Thank you in advance for joining in tomorrow to shift the timeline (Saturn in Aquarius) Humanity is experiencing from a space of Love and Appreciation!
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20, KJV
As I mentioned above, you will want to keep a close eye on where 25° to 18° Aquarius are located in your natal and solar return charts AND what activations are occurring there over the next 8 months. This is how you can feel and experience more freedom in your life:
FIRST House ~ the more you know who you really are, the freer you will feel
SECOND House ~ the more you utilize your tangible and intangible resources, …
THIRD House ~ the more you communicate with your local community, …
FOURTH House ~ the more you feel emotionally nurtured, …
FIFTH House ~ the more you let your creativity flow, …
SIXTH House ~ the more you attend to your day-to-day experiences, …
SEVENTH House ~ the more conscious you are in your relationships, …
EIGHTH House ~ the more fully you step into your power, …
NINTH House ~ the more you seek Higher Knowledge/Truth, …
TENTH House ~ the more dedicated you are to your life purpose, …
ELEVENTH House ~ the more you are in Service to Humanity, …
TWELFTH House ~ the more you come into Unity Consciousness, …
Would you like some clarity into how you can experience more personal mastery liberation in your life??? To receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into how you can manifest more freedom, CLICK HERE.
I’ve taken a look at my chart! Saturn Retrograde will be forming a T-Square to my natal Mars at 23° LE / natal Magdalene Retrograde at 19° LE and natal Yeshua at 21° Taurus. This powerful T-Square for Embodying (Taurus) my Inner Christ (Yeshua) straight from my multi-dimensional Self (Aquarius) through my Heart (Leo) AND manifesting (Saturnia) the Sophia-Christ (Magdalene/Yeshua) Consciousness (Aquarius) on the planet (Taurus), will be activated TWICE: July 22-September 18 and again November 25-January 12. It just so happens that July 22 is the Magdalene Feast Day. I’m thrilled!!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Yesterday, May 21, 2022, I was having a conversation with an amazing woman, Alice Newton ~ Acupuncturist, who happened to bring up people’s reactions to “Mercury Retrograde.” I took the opportunity to share with her that most people don’t truly understand the significance of the Mercury Retrograde period.
Right in the middle of the approximately three-week period of Mercury’s retrograde phase, the Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) meets up with the Sun. Their meeting in the Sky is known as the “Inferior Conjunction.” The actual Inferior Conjunction is the most alchemical opportunity for transpersonal awakening. The sacred window around the Inferior Conjunction (day before, day of, and day after) is a truly potent and magical time.
It just so happens that yesterday, May 21st, was the SECOND Mercury Inferior Conjunction of 2022!
Unlike the Venus Synodic Cycle and the Mars Synodic Cycle which are aligned with Archetypes of Astrological Signs, the Mercury Synodic Cycle is aligned with the Elements of the Astrological Signs (Water, Air, Earth, Fire). Since February 8, 2021, we are in the Mercury years of the Air Element. As such, all three of last year’s Inferior Conjunctions were in the Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Likewise, this year’s three Inferior Conjunctions are also in the Air Signs.
Yesterday’s Inferior Conjunction was at 1° Gemini.
What is really amazing about an Inferior Conjunction is that it takes 79 years for Mercury and the Sun to meet up in a specific astrological degree. That means that yesterday’s Inferior Conjunction at 1° GE is a “once in a lifetime” experience for us! Therefore, it is REALLY IMPORTANT to know what is going on in your astrological chart at that specific degree, and I feel it is also important to be aware of the aspects that degree is making in your chart, in order to dive deeply into the transpersonal experience that is being catalyzed within you by your Soul ~ that part of you that is an extension of Source.
To provide you with a deeper insight into the significance of this cosmic experience, I refer to Gary P Caton’s incredible book, Hermtica Triptycha:
… at the inferior conjunction … [Mercury] can be seen to take on a medial role, serving as a bridge between the limited material experience of earth and the enormous unlimited potentials of the sun as a star – the creative engine of the universe.
… We can now bring into harmonious alignment and achieve integration of our “three selves” [ie, “lower” basic self (instinct/soul), “higher” self (intellect/spirit), and every day “talking” self (ego/body)] …
Conjunction is the time when the solar seed of the above, the spiritual will of the inner sovereign … (our higher self), is impressed upon the receptive fertile matter of the below. This is part of the heiros gamos or sacred marriage of opposites: masculine and feminine, yin and yang, spirit and soul. The task for us during the heart of Mercury’s retrograde [Inferior Conjunction] is to become aware, and make conscious, our deepest internal opposite, to unearth the unconscious unlived parts within us which are seeking the light – like a seed germinating in the darkness.
What is so wonderful about my brief conversation with Alice about Mercury Retrograde is that we were at a horse workshop on the theme of Intuition. (Alice was the co-facilitator.) I was already aware that the scheduling of this workshop during the window of The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation was exceptionally synchronistic. Afterall, our Intuition is just another name for our “Heart Language.” However, in my mind, I had not connected the date of the workshop with the date of the Inferior Conjunction. NOW, it becomes ASTONISHINGLY synchronistic that the two events were on the same day!!! (Cue theme music of The Twilight Zone! LOL)
I am very aware now, from my own experience at Heartland Haven Ranch‘s Intuition Workshop, that I was truly being “worked” by the Inferior Conjunction (Mercury & Sun) yesterday. In fact, when I came home, my mind was in such an altered state that I had to go to sleep. I woke up 3 hours later! So let me share the perfection of the unfolding. First, we were given a sheet of paper that had pictures of all the horses at the ranch on it. We were told to turn the paper upside down. Then, when we were told to turn the paper back over, we had 3 seconds to intuit which horse we would be working with that day. Spoiler alert, only 2 of the 7 of us actually picked the horse we did work with. However, it was truly ALL in divine orchestration.
Since I’ve been doing workshops at Heartland Haven Ranch (October 2021), I have always gotten either Millie or Lincoln. It’s become a bit of a joke with me, actually. Yesterday, because I wanted to work with Squeaks, I overrode my intuition which was letting me know I’d get Lincoln, and I picked Squeaks instead. Sure enough, I didn’t get Squeaks. I got Lincoln! Lincoln and I did great work together, and yet I was feeling unsettled about not getting to work with Squeaks. So, I took a moment to go over to Alice and dive deeper into what was coming up around that for me.
I explained to Alice that when I first met Lincoln, he seemed like a giant to me. I actually remember having to lean my head back to look up at him. And, I will admit here, I did feel fear come up in me around how huge his energy felt when it met mine. However, after nearly 4 months of sponsoring and working with Millie, who shares the same paddock with Lincoln, I have become really comfortable with Lincoln’s energy, and he doesn’t seem that gigantic to me anymore.
Then I told Alice about my first experience with Squeaks. He was very curious and sociable. Friendly, I’d say. One day when Angela (Equus Life Coach and Owner of Heartland Haven Ranch) and I were taking the horses up to their stables for dinner, I just naturally went into Squeaks’ paddock, put his halter on him, and started leading him up to the barn. About half-way there, all of a sudden, Squeak’s energy just overwhelmed me. It felt IMMENSE! I instantly received an image of surfers out in Hawaii surfing those ginormous waves, and I thought, “this must be what that feels like.” I really felt like I was going to be crushed by Squeaks’ energy, and I immediately (in a bit of a panic) passed him off to Angela.
Fast forward to the Intuition workshop, I really wanted to work with Squeaks because I wanted to show myself that I would be okay with his energy. Honestly, it was more like I wanted to feel that my energy could be as expansive as his. I wanted to know that my energy could meet his energy on equal ground.
As I was sharing all of that with Alice, I realized that my energy IS as expansive as Squeaks. Lincoln was showing me that I had allowed myself to show up as BIG as I had felt when I first met him. Yet, being with Lincoln energetically felt like putting on an old worn-in boot, so I had not realized that my energy had expanded to meet his. I realized that Lincoln was also showing me that I didn’t need to work with Squeaks to KNOW that my energy has become that IMMENSE. It was such a HUGE A-ha moment! Such an awe-inspiring paradigm shift!! Both Alice and I laughed and hugged each other, and I cried some happy tears of recognition (truth).
At the end of the workshop, we all gathered in the round pen to share what we had experienced. Reflecting back on what I witnessed from each participant and what I heard them give voice to, I know for sure that we were ALL being worked by the energies of the Inferior Conjunction. The transformation that occurred in each woman was remarkable and unmistakable. So here is one more synchronistic piece to the Intuition workshop and the Inferior Conjunction …
Remember that the Inferior Conjunction occurred at 1° GE. One of the Archetypes of Gemini is the Storyteller. In fact, we just completed the Venus Synodic Cycle in Gemini back in January this year, enabling us to “write a new story.” Well, as Mercury Retrograde in Gemini would have His way, He sent us “messages” (our intuition) about LETTING GO (part of the alchemical transformation) of our stories!
This is how that showed up for me: at the very end, Angela asked us to write with our dominant hand a question to which we wanted an answer. Then, she asked us to switch hands, and allow our non-dominant hand to write the answer.
My question was, “What do I need to be aware of to allow Squeaks to show up as a partner in the round pen?”
And here is the amazing answer, straight from the Heart of the Mercury Retrograde, the Cosmic Messenger …
Let go of the story that he is more powerful than you.
Mercury/Sun/Higher Self of Sofia Mona Lisa
It just doesn’t get any better than that! (Every woman received an answer just as poignant as my own.) Except, that it actually does! The Gemini Inferior Conjunction occurred on top of my Solar North Node in my Solar 8th House. I can not imagine anything more EXQUISITE. My entire Ascension Path (Solar North Node) for this year is focused on letting go of the stories, belief systems, habitual thoughts, etc (Gemini) that are keeping me from stepping fully into my power (8th House)! What a truly Transpersonal Journey that synchronistic event (attending the Intuition Workshop) facilitated for me! I could go much deeper into the Cosmic Dance unfolding within me as a part of the aspects activated by the Inferior Conjunction, however some things are best left as a mystery. Suffice it to say, “My cup runneth over!”
And yet, it doesn’t end there for me. After every horse workshop, horse meditation or day I spend with Millie, I come home and pull a card from my horse wisdom deck by Linda Kohanov:
This is what Linda Kohanov says about the horse wisdom of this card:
Patience and Equanimity
Poise under Pressure
“Passive Leadership”
In light and in shadow, the wise gray mare watches over her herd with a calm mind and an open heart.
In horses and humans alike, equanimity is the sign of a mature, well-balanced individual, one who stays centered when others become reactive, who sets reasonable boundaries without ordering everyone else around, whose clarity, composure, and poise are downright contagious.
Linda Kohanov, Way of the Horse
I felt a strong resonance with this message. I know inside of me that my energy has become so expansive that something really good and really immense is getting ready to show up for me, and that I will be able to handle it with poise, whether “under pressure” or as a delightful manifestation. I know I won’t be crushed by whatever it is. I also know that if I get to work with Squeaks next time, it’ll be great, and if I don’t, that will be okay too.
This brings us back around to Sovereignty and is even a bit of foreshadowing for the next Venus Gate Activation ~ The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra) on Thursday, May 26th. As we reclaim our Sovereignty, we embody more of our Infinite Multidimensional Self within our Sacred Vessel (physical body). We can feel our expansiveness within us become amplified as we walk on the earth with so much more of the Presence of our Divine Self than has ever before been embodied on Gaia. THIS is the energy that Horses are connected with and to which they give us the opportunity to “level up,” as one of our workshop participants so insightfully stated. The more Sovereign we allow ourselves to become, the more powerful we KNOW ourselves to be.
I truly believe there is no one better for supporting us in our expansion than the Goddess Eponina (Ipona):
There is some evidence that Epona could have been linked to the idea of sovereignty … For me personally Epona is the Patroness of all journeys, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
I have no doubt, that the Goddess Eponina was present with us in the round pen yesterday, guiding each of us through our horse partners on our individual transpersonal journeys. I am delighted to know that She was with us as we underwent the alchemical journey of the Inferior Conjunction on the “stage” of Heartland Haven Ranch.
I bow to you, Angela and Alice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Would you like some clarity into your own transpersonal journey the Gemini Inferior Conjunction is alchemizing within you??? To receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into the parts of you that are seeking the Light, so that they can germinate, CLICK HERE.
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Most everyone understands that eclipses are important events. Still, there are aspects that can occur at the time of an eclipse that fuel its potency and define the “theme” for its intention. Monday’s (5/16/22) TOTAL Lunar Eclipse (“Blood Moon”) in Scorpio is just one of those events! The Moon is called a “Blood Moon” during a Total Lunar Eclipse because it appears RED in the Sky. To be clear, this eclipse is occurring at 12:14 am EST, so if you are in Central, Mountain or Pacific time zones, you will experience the maximum of the eclipse on Sunday (5/15/22) evening, though the duration of the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse will be 5 hours and 20 minutes.
So, let’s look more closely at what is going on in the Sky with this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse! The first thing to remember is that a lunar eclipse always happens at a Full Moon, so for this lunar eclipse the Moon is at 25° SC while the Sun is across the Sky at 25° TA. The other point to remember about eclipses is that they are often closely aligned with the Moon’s nodes. With this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, the North Node at 22° TA is closely conjunct the Sun, and the South Node at 22° SC is closely conjunct the Moon. Finally, we must remember that the purpose of an eclipse is to bring us back onto our evolutionary path. With just this much information, we can discern that, fundamentally, the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon is “highlighting” the old (South Node) taboos (Scorpio) around the regenerative energies (“blood”) of the Divine Feminine (Moon as Divine Mother), so that we can more fully embody (Taurus) the alchemy (Scorpio) of this potent Life Blood which fuels us (Sun) as a part of our evolution (North Node) into wholeness (Full Moon).
And, yet, as incredibly transformative as just that fundamental piece is, there is SO MUCH MORE opportunity for a magnificently refined access to our potential enlightenment through this Cosmic event. This is due to two different influences that are leveraging our depth of embodiment. First, the Sun and North Node in Taurus are also conjunct Sekhmet (Goddess of Cosmic Justice – 24° TA) and Sedna (Goddess of Renewal-29° TA). Second, the Scorpio TOTAL Lunar Eclipse is making a T-Square aspect to Saturnia (Goddess of Sovereignty – 25° AQ).
Holy COW!!! Let’s take a closer look at these significant aspects of the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Right away, we can discern that the old taboos (South Node in Scorpio) around the Blood Mysteries (regenerative energies of the Divine Feminine – Moon) are actually being alchemized (Scorpio) in a way that is catalyzing our FREEDOM (Aquarius) from the wounds that have been created by those taboos. As we allow ourselves to more deeply feel into the old taboos around the power of our Life Blood (Sun in Taurus opposite Scorpio), we can facilitate the “birth” of our Multidimensional Selves (Saturnia in Aquarius) into our Sacred Vessels (physical bodies – Taurus). The more space we can allow ourselves to create within us to embody more of our Greatness than has ever before been present on Gaia, the more liberated we become! The Presence of Sekhmet (Solar Goddess) and Sedna (Lunar Goddess) are supporting this Alchemical Transformation to ensure that we manifest (Saturnia) the most expansive expression of the Fullness of our Divine Inheritance.
We are, in truth, the Gateways through which Heaven is being birthed onto Earth. With the energies of the Lunar Eclipse T-Square, it is important to remember that the possibilities and the opportunities are there for us to bring Heaven to Earth. We must choose it. We must CLAIM it!! Fortunately for us, we have a lot of Cosmic Support from the Sacred Feminine. The TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, the North and South Nodes, and the Goddesses Sekhmet, Sedna and Saturnia are collaborating to inspire us and encourage us to say, “YES!”.
Would like some clarity into how this POTENT Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is extending you the Gift of your Divine Inheritance??? To receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into how a breakthrough in your personal embodiment of your Multidimensional Self is being FUELED and SUPPORTED today, CLICK HERE
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Oh, my Goddess!!!! Has this been a SPECTACULAR day!!
Of course, with the Sun and Uranus standing together in Taurus ~ the sign of Full Embodiment, ruled by Venus ~ the Goddess of Love and Money ~ who could expect less?!?!?
I started this day out by sharing on FaceBook:
How is today’s Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus fueling YOUR breakthrough in Love and Abundance???
To receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into how a breakthrough in your personal embodiment of Love and Abundance is being FUELED today, CLICK HERE
Sofia Mona Lisa, May 5, 2022
By the way, this offer is still good! I am happy to honor it if you are feeling inspired to receive your own quick insight.
Then I shared a quickie on my own chart:
Sun/Uranus in Taurus OPPOSITE my natal Neptune in Scorpio:The more I embody my Shadow, the more my Source Connection flows Love & Abundance to me. Our Shadow Self is an untapped reservoir of Life Force Energy that can fuel us.
Sofia Mona Lisa, May 5, 2022
Naturally, that was a bit simplistic, albeit a bit tantalizing, especially considering the other Activations going on for me today:
Sun/Uranus conjunction (14° TA)
TRINE natal Sekhmet/Sun conjunction (14°-18° CP)
OPPOSITE natal Neptune (15° SC)
INCONJUNCT solar Magdalene (15° SG)
I was feeling into these three activations and was receiving some interesting insights. I decided to have some fun with this and pull one card from my Divine Feminine Oracle and one card from my Priestess of Light Oracle. As synchronicity would have it, two cards jumped out from the Divine Feminine Oracle, so I had a total of three cards ~ one for each activation! More than that, it was really obvious which card was meant for which aspect!!
Here they are for you to enjoy:
The Priestess of Light Oracle ~ Artwork by Kimberly Webber
This was so incredible to pull because my natal Sekhmet is in my 6th house of day-to-day activities and my natal Sun is in my 7th house of relationships with both of them being very closely conjunct my Descendant. What an amazing message to pop out at! This breakthrough in embodying Love and Abundance has to do with bringing more Fun and Play into my day-to-day life. However, not just any friendships … this about connection with my Soul Tribe! I love knowing that through the Alchemical Mysteries of the As Above, So Below, both the Sun in the Sky AND my natal Sun are fueling my relationships with my Soul Tribe. In fact, I have been experiencing more and more of my Soul Tribe coming into my circle. It is wonderful to know that these relationships/connections are such a source of enjoyment and abundance for me.
The two smiling young women on this card look out over the beauty of their homeland with joyous appreciation. The profound kindred connection they share is clearly a wellspring of ongoing support and happiness. … Always remember, you deserve to let go; to have fun; to come together with the happy souls that lift your energy and fill you with hope, comfort, laughter and unbounded bliss!
Sandra Anne Taylor, The Priestess of Light Oracle Guidebook
My relationship with Sekhmet ~ the Goddess of Mercy and Cosmic Justice ~ has always been a source of upliftment for me! I look forward to having some fun and play with Her. Even more so, I look forward to witnessing how She will be flowing fun and play into my life.
The Divine Feminine Oracle ~ Artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
I was blown away when this card jumped out of the deck! Just the message on the face of the card completely validates the message I shared on FaceBook today about this Activation!!
And … it did not go unnoticed by me that she is a Dakini! Dakini is a Sanskrit word who, in Tibetan Buddhism, “is a tantric deity that might best be described as a female embodiment of enlightened energy.” I cannot think of a more perfect description for the Scorpio energies, especially since my own Venus Meta Goddess Overtone is the Scorpio Alchemical Goddess.
Machig Labdrön takes the dark and transmutes it into only more light. … This powerful, unbroken lineage of female transmission reveals to us that enlightenment is about making the darkness conscious. … She’s here with Her diamond heart to hold us as we feed one of our demons, not with fear, but with the knowledge that bringing it to life and into the light will help set us free.
Meggan Watterson, The Divine Feminine Oracle Guidebook
The Divine Feminine Oracle ~ Artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Saraswati ~ Goddess of Self-Knowledge ~ is certainly an appropriate Goddess for Sagittarius ~ the sign of the Highest Spiritual Truths. Of course, with Mary Magdalene being an Embodiment of Sophia Consciousness (Divine Wisdom), it was no surprise that this card was the second of the two that jumped out of the deck!
The energies of an astrological inconjunct are interesting because they are inviting us to realize that we are “this” AND “that;” that we embody “this” AND “that;” that we create “this” AND “that;” that we know “this” AND “that.” This is a dramatic paradigm shift from falsely believing that we can only be “this” OR “that;” that we can only have “this” OR “that;” that we can only hold space for “this” OR “that.”
I love knowing that this activation is allowing my embodiment of Love & Abundance to be fueled by expanding higher into the realms of Divine Wisdom. Saraswati is validating that knowledge, Self-Knowledge and Divine Wisdom are tremendous sources of Love & Abundance. The time of the false belief that spiritual people must live in poverty, or vise-versa, being poor is being spiritual is OVER. It is our Divine Inheritance to BE BOTH Abundant AND Spiritual because we ARE Embodiments of Divine Love; we are Spiritual Beings in a Human Body living life in an infinitely abundant Cosmos!
Saraswati represents the self-knowledge of who we are so that nothing impedes the flow of creativity from the soul. … She leads us back into that finely attuned space where we can express with ease and grace what the soul desires most to share. And that energy feels like a river moving through us. … It liberates.
Meggan Watterson, The Divine Feminine Oracle Guidebook
I know that with my Sun in Capricorn I can tend to be a little too serious. So, I hope that this post has proven to be a little more lighthearted, fun and uplifting. I am also keenly aware that the other astrological aspect in the Sky today is:
Mercury (3° GE) sextile Venus (3° AR)
NO WONDER I am so inspired to share all these insights from the Sacred Feminine with you today through my blog and FaceBook! LOL!! I won’t take the time here to tell you how THAT aspect is activating my chart. Let’s suffice it to say that it’s MAGICAL!
Wishing you a magical day too!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Lilith embodies our SOVEREIGNTY to declare our desires and do what must be done in order to live them out. … She is the woman who refused to be dominated or defined by anyone or anything outside of her.
I was woken up early this morning from a deep sleep by Lilith to write this piece for you on the Venus Return. Unlike the Solar Return which most people are familiar with because it occurs every year on their birthday, the Venus Return occurs every 8 years. Your Venus Meta Goddess Overtone, as coined by Cayelin Casetell (Co-Founder of Venus Alchemy), may not be in the same sign where Venus was located at your time of birth. For instance, my Venus Meta Goddess Overtone is Scorpio, while my Natal Venus is Sagittarius. My Scorpion Goddess Overtone as the Alchemical Goddess Archetype informs my Sagittarian Goddess as the Seeker of Spiritual Truth Archetype, the aspect of the Sacred Feminine that I am learning to embody through this particular lifetime. Through this dynamic, I am constantly alchemizing myself and my knowledge into higher frequencies of Divine Wisdom (Sophia).
The reason Lilith wants me to write about the Venus Return is because She is an Embodiment of the Capricorn Goddess of Sovereignty, the Meta Goddess who is currently on the world stage. The Capricorn Goddess Journey was initiated in January this year. In fact, the Metamorphic Seed-Point wherein the Gemini Goddess of the last Venus Synodic Cycle was transformed into the Capricorn Goddess of our current Venus Synodic Cycle occurred within 2 hours of my Solar Return (exact time of birth) on January 8th!
I am getting ahead of myself, so I’m going to take a moment to go back to the very beginning of how I share the Venus Return.
Every eight years as Venus moves through the Sky, She creates the pattern of a Rose. Because Venus represents the Sacred Feminine, the Rose has become a symbol of the Mystery Schools that are devoted to the Sacred Feminine such as the Isis Mystery School and the Magdalene Mystery School. At the very center of the rose is the 5-pointed star, the Pentagram. The Pentagram is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sacred Feminine.
It takes Venus 19-months to move from one point of the Pentagram to the next point of the Pentagram. The astrological sign of the point that Venus is on or moving from is the Meta Goddess that is currently on the world stage. When you are born within that 19-month period, that Meta Goddess becomes your Venus Meta Goddess Overtone.
Our current Venus 8-year cycle began on November 1, 2018 when the Libra Relational Goddess came onto the world stage. Prior to the Libra Relational Goddess coming onto the world stage in 2018, this had been the point of the Scorpio Alchemical Goddess which had come onto the world stage on December 1, 1922. As I mentioned earlier, I was born when the Scorpio Alchemical Goddess was on the world stage. That period of time was from November 19, 1962 to June 25, 1964. I was born January 8, 1963 which falls between those two dates. Thus, when the Libra Relational Goddess came onto the world stage on November 1, 2018, I began my 7th Venus Return.
By looking at the image above, you can see that when the Libra Relational Goddess Synodic Cycle completed, the Gemini Rainbow Goddess came onto the world stage in June 2020. The Gemini Rainbow Goddess Journey completed in January 2022, and the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess came onto the world stage. This is our CURRENT Venus Synodic Cycle Journey, and why Lilith, as an Embodiment of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess, has inspired me to share this Wisdom with you.
You may be aware that Capricorn is the sign of the Wisdom Keeper, the Tribal Elder and the Way Shower. I can already feel that Lilith is preparing us for something bigger down the road by initiating you into the Wisdom of the Venus Return. I am being covered in chills as I feel into the thrill and anticipation of what She has got lined up for us. Even I don’t know what it is yet; I can only feel that it is coming!
Okay!!! Moving forward!! Let’s look at the FOUR PHASES of the Venus Synodic Cycle:
CLICK HERE for more specific information on the Phases.
For those of you who keep up with my YouTube videos, you may recall that I have mentioned on numerous occasions that the Magdalene Journey I took to Southern France occurred during the Inanna Underworld Phase. It was actually the Inanna Underworld Phase of the Libra Relational Goddess Journey. It also happened to be when Mars (Sacred Masculine) was in the Underworld as well. This synchronicity of BOTH Venus and Mars being in the Underworld at the same time only happens every 34 years! It was clear to myself and my Priestess Sister, Maureen – who was my roommate during the trip (and also having a Venus Return like me!), that we were destined to take the Magdalene Journey at that specific time. During our trip to France, we visited the Seat of Isis at Rennes-les-Bains where I experienced a SIGNIFICANT multi-dimensional attunement. I wrote about that in this blog post, The Aquarian Twin-Flame Archetype. I mention it again here because it was that attunement that brought about my Sacred Feminine classes on the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Journey, my Sacred Masculine classes on the Aries Fierce Protector Journey and now the hosting of the 2022 Galactic New Earth Project.
I would like to make a quick segue here before diving into the phases to invite you to consider watching the series of classes I did on the Gemini Rainbow Goddess. The reason I feel it can be very helpful to you is because Gemini is an Air Sign that has to do with the Realm of Consciousness. Currently, with the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey, Capricorn is an Earth Sign that has to do with the Realm of Manifestation. There is ALOT of Wisdom in the Gemini Rainbow Goddess classes about the Venus Synodic Cycle, the Sacred Feminine and The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through Humanity that can be assimilated through your Realm of Consciousness to more fully support you in our current journey that is working with Realm of Manifestation. You can find those classes in the Sacred Feminine Library on my YouTube Channel. Remember, there is no such thing as time. Linear time is a construct of 3D. EVERYTHING is happening in the Eternal Now. So, when you go back and watch the classes on the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Journey, you are tapping into the Eternal Now and are PRESENT with us and the Cosmic Events we are discussing.
Getting back to the Phases: In the last phase of the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Journey, the Metamorphic Underworld Phase, the Gemini Rainbow Goddess was “morphed,” or rather transformed, into the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess. This happened at the Metamorphic Seed Point when Venus and the Sun came together in the Sky. On January 14, 2022, Venus rose in the Morning Sky as the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess at 15° Capricorn, beginning a new 19-month Venus Synodic Cycle.
Venus rising in the Morning Sky initiated the First Phase of the Venus Synodic Cycle known as the Morning Star Phase or “Descent Journey.” It was right after the Metamorphic Seed Point that I received a message from the Cosmic Sophia. She asked me to facilitate the 2022 Galactic New Earth Project. This is a FREE project for Humanity and Gaia (Earth). You can consciously contribute your LIGHT to ours as we do the monthly Installation of the Rose Gold Christo-Sophia Light Codes on our planet. Because this project requires all of my focus, I have taken a break from the Sacred Feminine classes I was offering. However, at this point, I plan to resume the Sacred Feminine classes with the Leo Divine Royalty Goddess Journey which will begin in August 2023. That is, of course, unless Sophia (or Lilith!) have other plans for me! LOL
The “Descent Journey” is a reference to Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld to meet her sister, Ereshkigal. The 19-month Venus Synodic cycle is usually presented as being aligned with the mythic tale of the Goddess Inanna’s Journey to the Underworld. Both Venus and Inanna are known as the Queen of Heaven. The Goddess Inanna’s story was discovered in the ancient Sumerian clay tablets. She is also known as Ishtar in Babylonia and Isis in Egypt. Some even relate her to Mary Magdalene ~one of the resurrectrix Goddesses.
However, through The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s work with the Gemini Rainbow Goddess, we discovered that the Myth of Inannaas a template for working with the Venus Synodic Cycle fell away during the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Inanna Underworld Phase. From the time of the Gemini Goddess’ Resurrection Point in the Inanna Underworld, The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School has been working with an Ascension Path for both the Sacred Feminine (Sophia) and the Sacred Masculine (Christ) which was downloaded to me after the Resurrection Point.
We are currently still in the Morning Star Phase of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey, and we have recently (April 27th) had The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation. I am still actively and consciously working with the Venus Synodic Cycle. It has just taken the form of the Venus Temple Activations during the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey. Initially, I felt that the 2022 Galactic New Earth Project would only take place through the Morning Star Phase which will complete after The Death by Intent Gate (Earth Star Chakra) Activation on August 25th at 17° Leo. However, I was recently informed by the Cosmic Sophia that this is only “Phase I” of the Project and there will be a “Phase II” of the Project that will align with the 3rd Phase of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey, the Evening Star Phase or “Ascent Journey.”
Between the final gate activation of the Morning Star Phase (1st of 4 phases) and the first gate activation of the Evening Star Phase (3rd of 4 phases), we will be in the Inanna Underworld Phase (2nd of 4 phases) again. Remember, this was the phase of the Libra Relational Goddess we were in when Maureen and I made our Magdalene Journey to France. I suspect ~ though I don’t know for sure ~ that whatever Lilith is cooking up for us will be related to the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Inanna Underworld Phase! This phase is marked by Venus’ disappearance from the Morning Sky ~ September 14th at 12° Virgo. Venus’ disappearance occurs when Venus is within 10° of the Sun. Venus will then travel through the Underworld until She meets up with Sun. Their conjunction is known as the Resurrection Point and will occur on October 22nd at 29° Libra 27′ – less than 1° from Scorpio.
The Evening Star Phase (3rd of 4 phases) of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey or the “Ascent Journey,” along with Phase II of the 20222 Galactic New Earth Project, will begin when Venus appears in the Evening Sky on December 24, 2022 at 18° Capricorn (conjunct my own Natal Sun!), activating The Gate of Manifestation (Root Chakra).
The final (4th) phase of the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess, the Metamorphic Underworld Phase, will begin August 6th, 2023. The Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess will be transformed into the Leo Divine Royalty Goddess on August 13, 2023 when Venus and the Sun come into Sacred Union (conjunction). The Leo Divine Royalty Goddess will rise in the Morning Sky on August 19, 2023 at 17° Leo, beginning an entirely new 19-month Venus Synodic Cycle, and initiating the Morning Star Phase (1st of 4 Phases) of the Leo Divine Royalty Goddess Journey!
Now that we have been through the 4 phases of the Venus Synodic Cycle, I imagine that you are anxious to learn more about your own Venus Meta Goddess Overtone and whether or not you are currently experiencing a Venus Return. The quick answer to whether you are in a Venus Return is to consider your age. Remember, a Venus Return occurs every 8 years, and so it coincides with your age in multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104.
Prior to 1974, the Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess was on the world stage as the Aquarian Meta Goddess. Thus, we could say that the Capricorn Meta Goddess “stands on the shoulders of” the Aquarian Meta Goddess. The Capricorn Meta Goddess encourages us to more fully embody our Multi-Dimensional Self (Aquarian Meta Goddess) and transcend the laws of physics to radically upgrade the blueprints we carry within and manifest without for our physical bodies, our cultural systems and our human structures. In this way, we collaborate with Life to ensure the next seven generations thrive as they remember Humanity is intrinsically connected to Gaia, and we are not separate from Her. The Cosmic Sophia as Divine Wisdom IS the Way Shower for our Capricorn Sovereignty Goddess Journey. And now, as we have become aware, Lilith has stepped up as a Way Shower for us as well.
It is important to understand that BOTH men and women have a Venus Meta Goddess Overtone. You have an Aquarian or Capricorn Meta Goddess Overtone if you were born during these time periods***:
February 11,1934 – September 13, 1935 (AQ)
February 8, 1942 – September 11, 1943 (AQ)
February 6, 1950 – September 9, 1951 (AQ)
February 4, 1958 – September 6, 1959 (AQ)
February 1, 1966 – September 4, 1967 (AQ)
January 30, 1974 – September 1, 1975 (CP)
January 27, 1982 – August 30, 1983 (CP)
January 25, 1990 – August 28, 1991 (CP)
January 23, 1998 – August 25, 1999 (CP)
January 20, 2006 – August 23, 2007 (CP)
January 17, 2014 – August 21, 2015 (CP)
*** Credit must be given to Cayelin Castell for putting together the charts for the Venus Overtones from 1921 to 2042 AND the Venus Signs from 1920-2020.
If you do not have an Aquarian or Capricorn Meta Goddess Overtone ~ and, of course, even if you do ~ you can contact me to receive a Quick Insight (15 minutes) into your personal Venus Meta Goddess Overtone.
I hope that Lilith has inspired you to become more intimate with your Sacred Feminine aspects by delving into the realm of the Venus Synodic Cycle. I know it can be a little bit overwhelming. Honestly, it took me months to get it straight in my head and begin to have clarity around it. I am STILL learning so much about the Queen of Heaven. I believe there will always be more to discover and experience!
Much love, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
We are still within the energies of two extraordinary cosmic events, both of which occurred on Saturday, April 30, 2022:
Solar Eclipse (10° TA) conjunct Uranus (14° TA)
Venus/Jupiter (28° PI) sextile Pluto® (28° CP)
Saturday’s Solar Eclipse is the second of the eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis that began in November 2021 and will complete in October 2023. For quite some time now, I have shared:
It is important to remember that Taurus (Full Embodiment) is ruled by Venus (Sacred Feminine) and Scorpio (Alchemical Transformation) is ruled by Pluto (Rebirth). THUS … this Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse series is CRUCIAL for the USA’s Pluto Return and the Emergence of Sophia.
This inspired foresight from my Higher Self could not be any more validated than by the synchronicity of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces (Expansion of the Cosmic Sophia) being sextile Pluto® in Capricorn (Rebirth of our Sovereign/Authentic Self ~ AND 1° from the USA’s Pluto Return point) on the VERY DAY of the Solar Eclipse in Taurus. These three Luminary bodies (Venus, Jupiter & Pluto) are collaborating to support the Emergence of Sophia through each of us!
I was inspired to draw a card from my new Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson to receive a message related to Saturday’s Solar Eclipse. I drew the card, Inanna!
Artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
I was pleasantly delighted and not at all surprised to receive this card because Venus and Her synodic cycle have long been associated with the Myth of Inanna. Although we discovered during the Inanna Underworld phase of the last Gemini Goddess Synodic Cycle that this myth is no longer a relevant template for Venus’ journey, I know that the Collective Shadow (Pluto) within Humanity’s Consciousness (Uranus) still resonates with the Myth.
In fact, the Solar Eclipse occurred just 3 days after Venus as the Capricorn Goddess, in Her Descent Journey, activated the Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra), wherein according to the Myth, Inanna removes Her breastplate as She is making Her descent journey into the Underworld and is being stripped of Her Divine Power. In the Venus Temple Installation that occurred on the day of the Gate of Compassion Activation, I discuss how that Activation is an occasion wherein the Cosmic Christ is clearing the energetic debris field that has kept the Eye of the Heart closed or distorted, so that the Cosmic Sophia, as She births through our Heart Chakra, is enabling the Eye of the Heart to be reopened and perceive clearly.
Solar Eclipses always occur at a New Moon when the Moon (Divine Mother) is dark. The Dark Moon represents the Cosmic Womb from which all things are birthed. The Dark Moon is associated with the Dark Goddesses who are representations of the Cosmic Womb. Now that Inanna and her sister, Erishkegal, have become ONE again (their split was healed during the Inanna Underworld phase of the Gemini Goddess Journey), Inanna, as Queen of Heaven and Earth, is also a representation of the Cosmic Womb/Dark Moon/Solar Eclipse.
Inanna represents the power that comes back to us when we accept and integrate our shadow.
Meggan Wattersson
Eclipses are a time of bringing us, individually, and Humanity, collectively, back on track with our Evolutionary (Ascension) Path. This Solar Eclipse, to me, is about calibrating us to our Greatest Self (our Multidimensional Self – Aquarius ruled by Uranus) as we EMBODY (Taurus) MORE of our Multidimensional Self than we have ever embodied before. Another way of saying this is that the Cosmos has given us this evolutionary opportunity to be more of our Sovereign/Authentic Self (Pluto® in Capricorn) than we have ever allowed ourselves to be ~ you have been given the opportunity to FINALLY “just do you!”
A significant part of our Multidimensional Self is the Sacred Feminine (Venus ~ ruler of Taurus.) With this Solar Eclipse occurring on the exact same day as the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces in sextile to Pluto® in Capricorn, Sophia ~ as part of our Sovereign/Authentic Self (Capricorn) ~ was being expanded (Jupiter) within us by the Sophia-Christ Consciousness (Pisces). Pisces as a water element has to do with FEELING.
What I have noticed for myself, is that when “I’m just doing me,” as my son has often said to me, I am really at my best. I have figured out that is because “just doing me” is being AUTHENTIC. What is really interesting about this phrase is that it seems to be a sort of anthem for the Millennials, and one that does not have a positive connotation for the older generations. I am aware that there is a false belief that has infiltrated the Collective Consciousness that has been embedded by the Dark Forces as propaganda ~ or dare I say Psy-Op ~to keep us all from “just doing us” so that we would not step into our Sovereignty/Authenticity.
That embedded false belief association is that, by “just doing me,” I have a sense of entitlement. Holy MOLY!! Who am I, or you, to have a “sense of entitlement?” That is selfish, and Goddess forbid, for the sake of our brothers and sisters ~ “the good of Humanity” ~ we cannot be selfish. Well, as Abraham-Hicks is constantly reminding us, stepping into our Greatness, “just doing us,” doing what only feels good is about the most SELFish thing there is. We must be SELFish, we must “just do us,” if we are going to aligned with Source and claim our Divine Inheritance ~ the knowledge (Divine Wisdom ~ Sophia) that we are Christed-Beings!
What I have recognized recently is that I am receiving a personal lesson in learning my own Heart (feeling) Language. When I am feeling agitated and “put upon,” that is my Heart Language letting me know that I am NOT “just doing me.” Instead, I am “just doing someone ELSE!” I am doing whatever is expected of me by someone else. I am doing what I feel obligated to do for others. However, we are ENTITLED to Feel Good. That is a part of our Divine Inheritance. That is why, when “I’m just doing me,” I feel at my best. We all intuitively KNOW when we feel at our best. That is our HEART LANGUAGE communicating with us!!
So, as I bring this to a close, I must ask you … are YOU feeling at YOUR best right now, in this moment???
It is absolutely no coincidence that these two memes have shown up for me over this past weekend during the Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus AND the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces sextile Pluto® in Capricorn. They fully embody (Taurus) the energies of these two potent Cosmic Events:
I’m loving just being me! “Freedom” is that Uranus conjunct the Solar Eclipse in Taurus ENERGY!
When you are “entertaining what’s not for you,” you are “just being someone else!”
Watch for the signals!! Yes! The Cosmos and your Higher Self CAN send you messages even through FaceBook! LOL
So, over the next 6 months, this weekend’s Solar Eclipse is getting us back on track with “just doing us.” When you are “just doing you,” you feel GREAT. It is that feeling of FREEDOM. We are all entitled to, and worthy of, having an extraordinary life and a happy ending. Only YOU can claim it!
You cannot have an unhappy journey on your way to a happy ending.
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.