Today (October 7, 2021) is an EXTRAORDINARY day! And it only gets BETTER through the weekend!!
The Sacred Masculine (Mars) has been travelling through the Underworld (within 15° of the Sun) since August 23rd. The Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) has been in its retrograde phase since Septembers 27th. And, today … Mars is conjunct the Sun (15° Libra) in the Underworld, known as the Resurrection Point for the Sacred Masculine.
This Resurrection Point for The Fierce Protector Archetype also just happens to be within the very magical, very transformational, very alchemical window of the Cosmic Messenger’s Inferior Conjunction! Mercury’s Inferior Conjunction occurs when Mercury and the Sun are standing in the same place in the sky, just as Mars and the Sun are today. The Inferior Conjunction always happens within the middle of Mercury’s retrograde phase (about ~10-11 days after Mercury stations retrograde and ~10-11 days before Mercury stations direct). That day, the day of Mercury’s Inferior Conjunction, will be on Saturday, October 9, 2021, just two days from today.
How absolutely SPECTACULAR that these two transformational events should happen so close to each other! It is especially magnificent for the Sacred Masculine’s Fierce Protector Archetype to be able to receive an immensely potent infusion of Mercury’s unlimited potential for psycho-spiritual transformation! We have been discussing the dismantling of the Patriarchal structures throughout our Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes. Now, we can see how the Cosmic Messenger is also contributing to this paradigm shift into Conscious Equal Partnership as Mercury continues to play his medial role as a bridge for harmonious alignment and integration.
while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Communication Portal (Throat Chakra), wherein we are given access to the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ, the Sacred Masculine will still be moving through the Underworld, which will enable all the ways in which the Voice of the Divine Feminine has been suppressed and silenced by Patriarchy to be transmuted by the Fire of the Holy Spirit
Sofia Mona Lisa
We are STILL within The Gate of Communication Portal activation window! This window opened on September 9th (at the Mastery point of 29° Libra) and runs through TOMORROW, October 8th! And then … The Gate of Perception (Third Eye) Portal will be activated (at 3° Sagittarius) on the VERY SAME DAY as Mercury’s Inferior Conjunction … Saturday, October 9th!! It gets even better … the Inferior Conjunction will occur at 16°35′ Libra and will be within a 29 minute conjunction of the Sacred Masculine (Mars)!!!
I promise you, Beloveds! YOU CAN MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!
With the Sacred Feminine, the Sacred Masculine, and the Cosmic Messenger collaborating to alchemize YOUR VOICE … a voice that DOES matter … AND the Star of our Solar System fueling its alchemical transformation, WHAT NEW TRUTHS are you discovering about your voice that will NO LONGER be suppressed and silenced?!?!?
In what new ways is your voice able to:
speak truth with love,
express yourself authentically and clearly,
be heard as a voice of authority,
inspire others and communicate creatively,
offer sound advice to others, and
no longer be afraid of asking for what you want in life?
Not only have all of the gifts I listed above been opened up to you via the Sacred Feminine’s Gate of Communication Portal activation, they are now being brought fully online for you by the Cosmic Messenger and the Sacred Masculine (who serves and supports the Sacred Feminine) to bring harmonious and conscious communication into your relationships … EVERY kind of relationship.
If you would like to know more about the Cosmic Messenger (Mercury), I invite you to watch my new and free class below that introduces us to the magic of the Mercury Synodic Cycle. I will be launching a class on these principles in January 2022, and I would like to offer a heartfelt expression of gratitude to Gary P Caton for writing Hermetica Triptycha on which the class materials are based.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this class in January 2022
I hope that you will find all that is unfolding within us and around us right now to be as magical as I do!
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
I am SO EXCITED! I learned yesterday that just SIX (6) days after I wrote my blog post, Humanity is Now Liberated!, the declaration of Planetary Liberation Day was made on September 13, 2021!! I absolutely LOVE seeing the Evidence of the Manifestation of the Energies I am perceiving and doing my very best to translate here for you.
That was the SECOND bit of evidence related to my message in my Humanity is Now Liberated! post. Here is the First! On the VERY SAME DAY that I wrote that post (9/7/2021), there was a 7.0 earthquake in Mexico during which the Sky was lit up with flashing BLUE LIGHT:
I talk about this event and the meaning behind it in my most recent Sacred Feminine class on The Gate of Communication Portal Activation. Specifically, I mentioned how I woke up on the morning of September 12, 2021 hearing the message that these Blue Lights were a “sign in the Heavens” of “Unity Consciousness being birthed through Sophia.” I received this message the DAY BEFORE Planetary Liberation Day was declared on September 13, 2021!
For those who may doubt you, here are some scriptures that you can share to substantiate to them that the Blue Lights were a sign in the Heavens:
Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens … and let them be for signs ~ Genesis 1:14
And I will show wonders in heaven above ~ Acts 2:19
And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens ~ Jeremiah 10:2
I will display wonders in the sky ~ Joel 2:30
This is a BEAUTIFUL evidentiary manifestation and is HUGELY SIGNIFICANT. I am not saying that EVERYONE on the planet is experiencing Unity Consciousness. However, those who have consciously engaged with their Personal Ascension Journey ~ whatever that may look like ~ ARE NOW CALIBRATED to the frequency of their Indwelling Christo-Sophia, as I discuss in Humanity is Now Liberated!, and ARE EXPERIENCING the EVIDENCE of having access to Unity Consciousness. We can now create from Unity Consciousness. We can now make choices and move forward in our Sovereignty from the place of Unity Consciousness.
Here are MORE significant astrological events occurring this month that are EVIDENCE that those of us who are consciously engaged with our personal Ascension journeys are now calibrated to the frequency that gives us access to Unity Consciousness:
There will be signs in sun and moon and stars ~ Luke 21:25
September 14 ~ Sun (21 VI) OPPOSITE Neptune® (21 PI)
September 17 ~ Sun (24 VI) TRINE Pluto® (24 CP)
September 22-24 ~ Mercury (24 LI) SQUARE Pluto® (24 CP)
September 27 ~ Mercury Stations Retrograde (25 LI)
As you will note above, both Neptune and Pluto are indicated as being retrograde. (The first two astrological events took place this past week only 3 days apart.) It is important to understand that when a planet is in retrograde, its energetic energies are drawing you WITHIN, to the space in which you experience your Inner World and have access to the Cosmos.
The Sun/Neptune opposition is an aspect that is FURTHER CALIBRATING, or REFINING our calibration, to the frequency of Unity Consciousness. We know this because both Neptune as the Lord of Pisces and the astrological sign Pisces through which Neptune is now travelling are related to the Unified Source Field and Unity Consciousness. The Sun is FUELING our capacity to access the Unified Source Field and Unity Consciousness.
The way in which the Sun is fueling our capacity is through the astrological sign Virgo and her lord, Mercury. Mercury as the Cosmic Messenger has to do with all the ways in which we:
perceive information
discern the truth about information
process information
integrate information
store information
retrieve information
create symbols around information
write and speak storys/myths about information
creatively express what we know
The astrological sign of Virgo is about creating sacred space and rituals/ceremony around this information as well as the tools that we utilize within the sacred space and ceremony to realign and balance Spirit and Matter. All of what is done in the sacred space and ceremony is an EXPRESSION of Service to Spirit which gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Thus, the Sun in Virgo standing across the sky from Neptune in Pisces is FUELING our capacity to access Cosmic Intelligence AND FUELING our capacity to align our frequencies with the higher dimensional realms. Can you IMAGINE that?!
Further, the Sun in Virgo TRINE Pluto® in Capricorn is supporting and facilitating this TRANSFORMATION (Pluto) within us. Pluto is EMPOWERING our ability to be FUELED by the Sun because it’s a NEW SOURCE of fuel that we will be receiving and using, a more refined fuel, a fuel with a higher frequency (or octane, so to speak, LOL). Thus, Pluto is EMPOWERING our ability to utilize this new source of FUEL.
You will notice in the list of astrological events above that Mercury will be squaring Pluto® from the 22nd-24th, just after the Sun/ Pluto® trine and before Mercury stations retrograde. An astrological square is a 90° aspect whose energies allow for BREAKTHROUGHS IN CONSCIOUSNESS. All the LINEAR STRUCTURES (Capricorn) through which our Minds have been previously programmed to receive and process information are being DISMANTLED (Pluto) to allow the refined source of fuel to EMPOWER (Pluto) our Mind’s capacity to utilize NEW NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS for receiving and processing Truth as we access Cosmic Intelligence and the Higher Dimensional Realms.
The final Mercury Retrograde journey of 2021 will begin at 25° Libra in NINE (9) days on September 27, 2021 and will complete at the same degree on November 3, 2021. It is the BALANCING effect of the Libra energies that will support our transformation, enabled by the breakthroughs in consciousness from linear structures to non-linear systems, which will manifest as the two hemispheres of our brains become fully bridged and integrated, allowing us to be plugged into the Unified Source Field.
I told my Sacred Feminine class at the very beginning that this ~ the two hemispheres of our brains becoming fully bridged and integrated, allowing us to be plugged into the Unified Source Field ~ is what would transpire through the Gemini Goddess Journey (the Venus Gemini Synodic Cycle). So, here again, we are seeing the EVIDENCE of how this is manifesting for us, though at the time we began this journey, I only knew by tapping into the energies that it would manifest, not the exact how.
I do not believe that the Cosmos could be any more clear in it’s message to us: Humanity has been reunited with its Galactic Family (Declaration of Planetary Liberation Day) and those who are ready to venture into this “brave new world” are being given the UPGRADES required to be able to communicate peacefully, harmoniously and cooperatively with their cousins at this long awaited for family reunion!
If you would like to consciously engage with your personal Ascension Journey, I invite you to subscribe to our Twin Flame Journey where you can participate in both the Sacred Feminine’s Journey via the Venus Synodic Cycle and the Sacred Masculine’s Journey via the Mars Synodic Cycle. You will receive so much support in your personal Ascension Journey through your monthly Personal Session and the monthly Private Group Session. We look forward to welcoming you into our Sacred Circle.
ALSO, please stay tuned for the BETA TEST of The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s new class on the Cosmic Messenger that will be available the first week of October. Here is some information on this new class:
Purpose is to learn and work with the Mercury Synodic Cycle to get the most out of the Mercury Retrograde periods
Learn your Elemental Overtone which determines your Communication Style and when you are having a Mercury Return
Learn how your Mercury Return is EVOLVING your communication
Also REALLY good for anyone whose chart is Ruled by Mercury which means you have a Gemini or Virgo Ascendant
Plan to Launch New Class in 2022
Mercury in front of Grand Central Terminal Building in New York, NY
Now that you have had the opportunity to appreciate how Mercury has been working on our behalf, I hope you will join us for the class in 2022. That is only a few months away!
Many blessings, Beloveds!
Sophia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
It is time to put your full focus and awareness on the reality that Humanity is now liberated! WILL YOU CLAIM YOUR LIBERATION???
Everything that I am going to explain here about how Humanity has been liberated, has been unfolding through every person on the planet. For those who have been consciously engaged, their unfoldment has been accelerated exponentially.
First of all, it is important to point out that the approach to “the inmost cave” is about seeking the HEART. Further, I cannot impress upon you the PROFOUND significance of the synchronicity of the Cosmic Dance between the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars) that this seeking of the Heart by the Sacred Masculine is occurring within the SAME window in which the Sacred Feminine’s activation of (Ascension through) The Gate of Compassion Portal (Heart Chakra), wherein we are are given access to our Indwelling Christo-Sophia and our Spiritual Gift of Prema (Love) Consciousness, is unfolding.
The Ascension of Humanity aka The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia
A great resource that resonates with my personal Gnosis of the Indwelling Christo-Sophia is presented by Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis:
Christo-Sophia is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of [Source/Absolute Creator]. Christo-Sophia is the path of spiritual Ascension that leads to the inner discovery of the spark of divinity that exists within the Sacred Crystal Heart and is found within all creation. The inner path of Christo-Sophia is taken through gradual spiritual initiations that are designed to unite the polarities that exist between the inner and outer, in the world of forces, that alchemically shift our Lightbody into stages of increasing Energetic Balance and Hieros Gamos [Sacred Union]. The inner path of Christo-Sophia leads us to seek our own inner wisdom through divine Gnosis within our Soul, ultimately helping us to achieve spiritual freedom through attaining Unity with [Source/Absolute Creator]. When we are at one with [Source/Absolute Creator], we emanate the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage [Hieros Gamos].
The Sacred Crystal Heart is our pure heart, which holds the feelings and language that communicates directly with Source and gives us the gift of experiencing unconditional love and peace. When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel and sense something with greater awareness, this is the sacred heart resonance at work. Sensing and feeling energies are the higher functions of the heart complex, and the way that the heart, as an organ of perception, should be functioning within all people.
This discussion on the Indwelling Christo-Sophia and the Sacred Crystal Heart (aka Heart Chakra or Higher Heart) will hopefully allow you to tap into what has been happening through the Activations I am discussing and help clarify why the shift Humanity has undergone since The Lion’s Gate has been so profound.
If you look at the aspects of The Gate of Compassion Portal Activation (Sacred Feminine) on 8/11/2021 ~ 3 days after The Lion’s Gate:
Moon/Venus (24 VI) OPP Neptune/Pallas Athena (23-25 PI)
Persephone/North Node (6-8 GE) OPP Juno (8 SG) T-SQUARE Mars (8 VI)
Eris (25 AR®) OPP Magdalene (25 LI)
Osiris (9 TA) SQUARE Saturnia (10 AQ®)
AND look at the aspects for The Approach to the Inmost Cave Activation (Sacred Masculine) on 8/9/2021 ~ ONE day after The Lion’s Gate:
North Node/Isis (8-11 GE) OPP Juno (8 SG) T-SQUARE Moon/Mars (7 VI)
Osiris (8 TA) SQUARE Saturnia® (9 AQ)
Venus (23 VI) OPP Neptune® (23 PI)
Sekhmet/Mercury (27 LE) OPP Jupiter® (28 AQ)
Magdalene (25 LI) SQUARE Pluto® (25 CP)
what you will see between the two Activations which are two days apart and are being amplified by the energies of The Lion’s Gate are:
7 astrological oppositions
including 3 astrological T-squares
and an additional 3 astrological squares
In the old astrological view, we would be told to run for the hills or head to the bunkers! (LOL) While I have never interpreted the energies of those aspects in such a dire way, the New Moon in Virgo energies were revealing something completely NEW (no pun intended) about them to me. I explained to Maureen how interesting it was to me that all of the energetic aspects I outlined above are happening as both the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars) are opening us up to and expanding our Higher Heart. This dynamic felt very different to me from how I usually translate their energetic influence. This time I was being shown an image of tuning a guitar, a violin or any string instrument. What I was aware of is when you tune the instrument, each string becomes tighter and tighter (astrological opposition) to give you the perfect tone. I was being shown that this tuning-effect is allowing us to access the specific tones that enable us to align with our Indwelling Christo-Sophia. These Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine activations have been tuning us to the frequency/tone of the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia. As our personal energetic signature becomes tuned to the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia, this alignment of frequencies provides us with the breakthroughs in Unity Consciousness that are being supported by the astrological T-square and Square energies.
What Maureen and I discovered yesterday (New Moon in Virgo -9/6/21) is that, since the most recent Sacred Masculine class on August 21st (two weeks ago), the description of what “The Approach to the Inmost Cave” step in The Hero’s Journey is all about no longer resonated with us. The energies of what “the approach” is supposed to entail suddenly felt disconnected to me. It instantly became clear to me that the storyline of The Hero’s Journey, as created by Joseph Campbell in 1949 and expounded upon by Christopher Vogler in 2007, is steeped in 3D separation consciousness. It was also clear to both Maureen and me that the reason this energetic disconnection was STARKLY apparent to me is because:
first, we had been tuned to the energetic signature of our Indwelling Christo-Sophia, a frequency of Unity Consciousness,
and secondly, she and I have been working with BOTH the Sacred Feminine (through the Venus Synodic Cycle) and the Sacred Masculine (through the Mars Synodic Cycle) for nearly the past year. We instinctively recognized that had we been working with only one or the other, we would have very likely not recognized this.
The first example of disconnect we came across was with the statements “… she will encounter supreme wonder and terror …” and “She must use every lesson learned to survive.” How can it possibly be that when seeking the Heart, we will encounter “terror” and we must “survive?” It doesn’t fit anymore! Those statements are made from 3D separation consciousness. Furthermore, we cannot experience “supreme wonder” and “terror” simultaneously. “Supreme wonder” is a high frequency and “terror” is a low frequency. Within 5D+ and Unity Consciousness, “terror” as a low frequency does not exist. We are not “surviving.” We are thriving.
The second GLARING disconnect was apparent through the statement, “The approach raises the stakes and rededicates the team to its mission. The urgency and life-or-death quality of the situation are underscored.” (Emphasis mine) Well, if you are a Death Cult that has created the illusion of separation consciousness, you are going to feel that way because you have no heart to seek. You cannot even fathom what seeking the Heart truly means. However, if you are Ascending in Light, this statement does not even make sense. They have been using this script in all the books and all the movies to keep Humanity trapped in this belief system which perpetuates separation consciousness.
I understand, respect and appreciate that the Mars Synodic Cycle Journey was downloaded by Daniel Giamario, and that he chose to align this journey with The Hero’s Journey. However, we are currently working with the Aquarian Aries Archetype of The Fierce Protector. The Piscean Aries Archetype was The Rugged Individualist. The Rugged Individualist Archetype is 3D. The Fierce Protector Archetype is 5D. I can FEEL that The Hero’s Journey as a template/matrix for the Sacred Masculine’s evolutionary expansion simply no longer fits. I was astonished at how much had shifted over the past two weeks since we had done the Sacred Masculine class. The Hero’s Journey no longer felt relevant. In fact, Maureen astutely pointed out that the façade of The Hero’s Journey template/matrix started to crumble in our July class on the 8th Labor ~ The Mares of Diomedes, when it was revealed that Heracles (Hercules) had a young male lover.
So, we were faced with a huge A-HA moment. The path of The Hero’s Journey for exploring the Mars Synodic Cycle had fallen away. We can no longer follow it! This was an unexpected manifestation of the Sacred Masculine’s Venus (23 VI)/Neptune® (23 PI) opposition which was activating for both of us our Solar Neptune/Solar Heracles conjunction in Pisces. (Our birthdays are one day apart.) The illusions/deceptions around the Heracles Myth is now dissolved by the Sacred Feminine! Interestingly, this activation occurred BEFORE the Sacred Masculine’s (Mars) descent into the Underworld on August 23rd, yet we only realized it AFTER the Sacred Masculine had descended into the Underworld ~ Death of the Myth. ( NOTE: The discussion on The Fierce Protector in the Underworld will transpire in our upcoming Sacred Masculine class on 9/18/21.)
The question we faced after the A-HA moment was, “what template/matrix were to use now to complete this journey?” The answer quickly came through to me.
We had seen this exact same progression unfold within the current Gemini Goddess Journey of the Venus Synodic Cycle. When Venus descended into the Underworld during the Inanna Underworld Phase, all of a sudden the Inanna Myth no longer fit because Inanna and Erishkegal were no longer split. It was revealed to me after the Resurrection Point (Sun/Venus conjunction) that, just as Inanna & Erishkegal would Ascend from the Underworld TOGETHER, Humanity would be experiencing It’s own Ascension aka The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us. That’s when the Ascension template/matrix was downloaded to me (as seen in the image above) to replace the Inanna Myth which was no longer relevant.
The answer to this same situation with the Sacred Masculine and The Hero’s Journey became obvious. The Sacred Masculine (Christ) will join the Sacred Feminine (Sophia) in our Ascension Journey!!! The timing of this could not be more perfectly orchestrated! This entire Cosmic Dance could not be more exquisite. In September, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Communication Portal (Throat Chakra), wherein we are given access to the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ, the Sacred Masculine will still be moving through the Underworld, which will enable all the ways in which the Voice of the Divine Feminine has been suppressed and silenced by Patriarchy to be transmuted by the Fire of the Holy Spirit. In October, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Perception Portal (Third Eye Chakra), wherein we are given access to the Son aspect of the Christ, the Sacred Masculine will experience it’s Resurrection Point (Sun/Mars conjunction on 10/7/21). In November, while the Sacred Feminine is activating The Gate of Authority (Crown Chakra), wherein we are given aspect to the Father aspect of the Christ, the Sacred Masculine will ascend from the Underworld on 11/22/21. Thus, the Christ is Risen anew!
I can only imagine that by now your body must be tingling with goose-bumps. When this was revealed to me, my Kundalini was so activated by the Truth of it, I could barely stand the heat.
Finally, all that I have shared above from the New Moon in Virgo’s revelations to me was validated and clarified today in an Attunement by the Venus Star Beings. When I first received this transmission, it felt very personal as all Attunements do. Then, when the Attunement began to integrate with me, I knew that this message was for you, too:
Sophianic Code upgrade. Amping up frequency between Inner Christ /Cosmic Christ and Inner Sophia/Cosmic Sophia. Creating a High-Frequency Christo-Sophia Temple Matrix within the Unified Source Field AND within your Multidimensional Self. The Temples are fully aligned and integrated.
Venus Star Beings
If you would like to consciously engage with this Ascension Journey, I invite you to subscribe to our Twin Flame Journey where you can participate in both the Sacred Feminine’s Journey via the Venus Synodic Cycle and the Sacred Masculine’s Journey via the Mars Synodic Cycle. You will receive so much support in your personal Ascension Journey through your monthly Personal Session and the monthly Private Group Session. We look forward to welcoming you into our Sacred Circle.
Many blessings, Beloveds!
Sophia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Veiled Isis/Sophia statue in Sais, Egypt I am the past, the present, and the future, and no mortal has yet lifted my veil.
As I was putting together the slides for my most recent Sacred Feminine class on The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation (8/11/2021 ~ 3 days after The Lion’s Gate Activation), I became aware that the day before (8/10/2021) the Sacred Feminine Activation, Venus (Cosmic Sacred Feminine) in Virgo (The sign of the High Priest/Priestess) was standing across the sky from Neptune Retrograde (Pipeline to Source) in Pisces (The sign of Absolute Source).
I immediately and intuitively recognized that Venus’ opposition to Neptune the DAY BEFORE She received The Gate of Compassion Activation was VERY SIGNIFICANT to The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us. Master Lama Rasaji says it is written that “the 2nd Coming will be done in POWER and not the WORD this time.” We know that Christ is the Logos ~ the Word. The power being referred to by Master Lama Rasaji is the Creative Life Force (SHAKTI) of Sophia!
(NOTE: I have been talking and writing about The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia since the Gemini Rainbow Goddess (Venus’ current synodic cycle) was in the Inanna Underworld Phase. It was revealed to me then by Yeshua and Sophia that the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Ascent Phase would be an Ascension Event for Humanity and would usher in The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through every person on Gaia.
Sofia Mona Lisa
As I began to look closer at the Venus/Neptune opposition, it became clear to me that I had tapped into a much larger cycle that has been unfolding within us and through us since Neptune entered Pisces (the sign that is Neptune’s home) on April 4, 2011. This cycle will continue to unfold and evolve as Neptune makes his way through Pisces until December 30, 2025. That is a 14 year & nearly 9 month period.
So what is the cycle that I have tapped into all about? Before I delve into that for you, I feel it’s important for you to understand the energetic influence of Neptune in Pisces. Instead of taking the time to “recreate the wheel” by explaining that for you here, I will share some excerpts that I appreciate that have already been written on that matter:
Neptune, being a planet of spirituality, provides an opportunity for incredible spiritual and personal self-growth. It is the ideal time to focus on your inner world, find what is out of place and what can be worked on,” Katalina Aster wrote for Spirit Science Central. “Neptune retrograde can open your eyes to reality and push you to seek the truth. … because spiritual development takes time and personal investment, This slow-moving planet in its [retrograde] phase … gives you almost six months to explore and implement new spiritual practices.
Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is ‘high’ either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to getthere, to that ‘spiritual ecstasy’ state (emphasis mine), it will do it. Neptune is all about ‘Spirit’ not ‘spirits’ as in alcohol. Neptune is all about ‘your spirit’ not ‘spirits’ as in ghosts. … Since Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, then you can see how Love will be in an ascended state. (emphasis mine) … Neptune in Pisces is all about that which is sacred and spiritual. … A new day is dawning and individuals want to transcend who they are and where they are in Life and this Neptune in Pisces transit is going to help. … Human beings are naturally Good, they want to Love and they want that spiritual connection. … the positive side of this transit [will] transcend you to a higher level of Love and spirituality… Dr. Standley
Now that you have a foundation in the energies of Neptune in Pisces that are pertinent to the “Unveiling of Sophia” or rather the Emergence of Sophia, let me explain the cycle I tapped into before I share this cycle’s importance.
The astrological sign that stands across the sky from Pisces is the sign of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of the High Priest or Priestess in Service to the Sacred Feminine. I have shared in previous posts that Mary Magdalene was a High Priestess in Service to the Sacred Feminine and she is also the Beloved of Yeshua. I have not shared that Yeshua, too, was a High Priest in Service to the Sacred Feminine. Magdalene was an Embodiment of Sophia, specifically the Daughter aspect of Sophia. Yeshua was an Embodiment of Christ, specifically the Son aspect of Christ. Magdalene and Yeshua are Sacred Partners joined in Sacred Union, just as Sophia and Christ are joined in Sacred Union.
Given what I have shared with you thus far, it’s not a far leap to understand that an event where Venus as the Sacred Feminine standing in Virgo across the Sky from Neptune in Pisces means that there will be a corresponding event where She is standing together with Neptune in Pisces AND that these two corresponding events are related to The Emergence of the Sophia.
So I looked further and this is what I discovered:
When Venus and Neptune are standing together (conjunction) in Pisces, Neptune is Direct (moving very slowly forward).
When Venus and Neptune are standing across the sky from each other (opposition – Virgo/Pisces), Neptune is Retrograde. (As I have mentioned in the past, when a planet is retrograde, it is like being on a vision quest because the energies of the retrograde planet are directing you inward to your inner reality.)
The pattern I saw is that these two corresponding events have been happening, and will continue to occur, every year that Neptune has been/will be in Pisces. When Venus and Neptune are conjunct (joined together) in Pisces, the Cosmic Sophia is planting Her Seed within us. When Venus and Neptune are in opposition, the Sophianic Seed that was planted within our Indwelling Sophia and the Cosmic Sophia are creating a magnetic force that catapults our Indwelling Sophia into a higher frequency.
Can you begin to imagine the dynamic of this creative process unfolding over 14 years, 9 months??? As we are embodying more and more of the Cosmic Sophia, our Indwelling Sophia is becoming more and more ALIGNED with the Cosmic Sophia. This IS the birthing of the Cosmic Sophia within us and through us! This IS the Emergence of the Cosmic Sophia through us as The Second Coming of Christ!!
Seat of Isis, Rennes-les-Bains, France
When I made this discovery, I chose to look very closely at this cycle from 2019 until now, rather than digging into the entire 14+ years cycle. This choice revealed some amazing insights that are tied into my personal 7th Venus Return and my Magdalene Trip to France. This is important to understand because it was the Cosmic Attunement that I received at the Seat of Isis in Rennes-les-Bains that allowed for the creation of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes I teach through The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School that I founded under the umbrella of The Golden Ray Center. Here is what came to light:
In 2019, I was having my 7th Venus Return as the Libra Meta Goddess took the world stage as the Relational Goddess. Little did I know that this Venus Return would initiate a whole new RELATIONSHIP with the Sacred Feminine as my Indwelling Sophia! Remember the significance of Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: it is a time of Spiritual Development. On April 10th, Venus & Neptune were standing in the sky together (conjunct) at 17° Pisces. This occurred during the window of the Libra Goddess’ Morning Star (Descent Phase) Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra) Activation on April 1st also in Pisces. When I gave up my personal power at that Gate Activation, I had put myself in the hands of the Divine. Let Thy Will be done. Two months later when Neptune stationed retrograde(6/21), it was during the window of the Libra Goddess’ Morning Star (Descent Phase) Gate of Manifestation (Root Chakra) Activation on June 1st. Unbeknownst to me, Neptune was tethering me through my Root Chakra to Gaia in preparation for a Death and Rebirth Initiation wherein I would come face-to-face with Inanna/Isis/Sophia once Venus would make Her descent into the Underworld.
During the Inanna Underworld Phase of the Libra Relational Goddess Journey, the Resurrection of Inanna/Isis/Sophia occurred on August 13th when Venus and the Sun were conjunct at 21° Leo (The sign of the Compassionate Heart). This Heart Activation was important for me, you and Humanity as Radiant LOVE fueled our Higher Hearts to support the Emergence of Sophia during the current Gemini Rainbow Goddess Ascent (2 years in advance!). Now, on the other side of the Resurrection Point, the Sun, Mars (Sacred Masculine) and Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) joined forces on September 4th in a conjunction at 11° Virgo while Venus at 17° Virgo was standing across the sky from Neptune(R) in Pisces. In fact, the Sun, Mars and Mercury were so close to Venus (6° orb), you could say that all 4 Luminary Bodies were conjunct, thus blending and merging their frequencies to announce (Mercury – Cosmic Messenger) that the Indwelling Christ (Mars-Sacred Masculine) and the Indwelling Sophia (Venus-Sacred Feminine) had dedicated themselves to creating the Sacred Space within us to realign our Divine Selves with our Human Selves; “to bring Heaven to Earth.” Four days later (9/8), I was in France to embark on a Magdalene Journey. I knew that I was fulfilling a Soul Contract with my fellow travelers. There were 7 of us, all women except for one man ~ our Fierce Protector.
Full Moon in Pisces ~ September 2019 Stes. Maries de la Mer, France
Our Magdalene Journey completed on September 16th in the light of a Pisces Full Moon. The High Priestesses and their High Priest had followed in the footsteps of the Magdalene through a Venus Temple built into the French landscape, and we were being sent home with a shower of Light and Blessings from the Divine Mother aspect of Sophia. Three days later (9/19), back in the comfort of our own homes, Venus rose from the Underworld as the Evening Star to begin Her Libra Goddess Ascent Journey. We had been prepared for Her Ascent Journey through the Multidimensional Attunements we had received in the portal at the Seat of Isis! I did not know then that my Sacred Work (Virgo) would manifest through the Mystery School which I had received the seed thought for in January 2017, that came into full clarity in January 2018 at the Resurrection of Inanna/Isis/Sophia (which occurred in Capricorn during the Aries Wild Warrior Meta Goddess Journey), and would become actualized in 2020; 9 months after returning home from our Journey.
In January of 2020 (1/26), Venus and Neptune made their annual conjunction, this time at 17° Pisces, while the Libra Relational Meta Goddess was still on the world stage. By the time Neptune began his retrograde vision quest in June, The Gemini Rainbow Goddess was now on the world stage (6/3) and had risen as Morning Star (6/9). Neptune stationed retrograde on June 23rd, and Venus began Her descent journey with The Gate of Authority (Crown Chakra) Activation on July 20th. I find it fascinating to discover with hindsight that Neptune’s 2020 retrograde journey began concurrently with the birth and rise of The Gemini Rainbow Goddess. Now, I can see that this phase of Neptune’s spiritual development for us was being orchestrated to facilitate The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us during the Gemini Goddess’ Ascent Phase. How incredibly synchronistic! By October (10/18), Venus was once again in Virgo standing across the Sky from Neptune in Pisces at 18°. With the 2020 corresponding events completed, Neptune’s retrograde journey came to a completion on November 28. Days later (12/1), The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) was activated for the Gemini Goddess’ Descent Journey. This same gate activation was engaged through the previous year’s (2019) Venus/Neptune conjunction during the Libra Goddess’ Descent Phase. Not a coincidence, for sure!!
2019 ~ Venus/Neptune conjunction concurrent with Libra Goddess Descent’s Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) Activation
2020 ~ Venus/Neptune opposition concurrent with Gemini Goddess Descent’s Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus) Activation
Ascent to and through The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra)
What did these two Goddesses (Libra Relational and Gemini Rainbow) want us to know about giving our power away with respect to the Emergence of Sophia? The Gate of Personal Power (Solar Plexus Chakra) gives us access to the Holy Soul Aspect of Sophia. It is the Holy Soul that births our Multidimensional Selves (our Souls) through us into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. For me, the answer is the importance of being able to stand fully in our Sovereignty, so that we can fully embody the Cosmic Sophia. The MORE of our Multidimensional Selves that we can embody, the more fully we stand in our Sovereignty.
This brings us to this year, 2021. Now, you see why I didn’t look at the entire 14+ years of Neptune travelling through Pisces! The Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces event took place on March 14th at 21°. This was during the Gemini Rainbow Goddess Inanna Underworld phase, a week and a half before the Resurrection Point (Venus/Sun conjunction ~ 3/25). It was after this Resurrection Point that I received a message from Yeshua. I knew the message was not just for me. It was for all of Humanity. AND, the WHOLENESS that He refers to is the wholeness of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness ~ our Indwelling Christo-Sophia.
Yes, I am the Embodiment of Christ Consciousness. And yes, Christ Consciousness is Unconditional Love. AND, the Yeshua within you is being resurrected within you in a way that enables you to stand in/hold the frequency of your Indwelling Christ and see yourself in your WHOLENESS.
Yeshua to Sofia Mona Lisa, March 30, 2021
Neptune began his 2021 vision quest (retrograde) on June 25th. This was concurrent with the Gemini Goddess’ Evening Star (Ascent Journey) Activation of The Gate of Creativity (Sacral Chakra) on June 11th. This Gate gives us access to the realm of the Daughter Aspect of Sophia (see image above). As the consort of the Son Aspect of Christ, the Daughter as the Virgin Maiden and the Bride of Christ has long been banished from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Her rightful place in the Trinity of the Sacred Feminine MUST BE restored within us for the Emergence of Sophia to unfold through us. This period of spiritual development is providing us with the opportunity to become reacquainted with our Indwelling Bride of Christ. To learn more about the Daughter Aspect of Sophia, click on the link above.
On August 10th, this year’s Venus in Virgo opposition to Neptune(R) in Pisces occurred at 23°. It was this opposition, the day before the Gemini Rainbow Goddess’ Ascent to The Gate of Compassion (Heart Chakra) Activation that prompted the journey of discovery that has culminated in this post. The Gate of Compassion gives us access to our Indwelling Christo-Sophia (see image above). I know without a doubt that it was my Inner Christo-Sophia that prompted me to get this GOOD NEWS out to you!
Neptune’s 2021 retrograde journey will be complete on December 1st. Likewise, the Gemini Rainbow Goddess will be completing Her Ascent Journey with the Activation of The Ascension Gate (Soul Star Chakra) on December 6th. The Ascension Gate gives us access to the realm of the Cosmic Christ. With this gate activation, The Emergence of Sophia is complete. She will now be fully restored within us and within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Sophia will be fully unveiled!
Will you choose to cross the Rainbow Bridge to claim your Indwelling Sophia over the next 4 years before Neptune leaves Pisces to move into Aries? The last time Neptune journeyed through his homeland of Pisces was 1847-1862, almost 160 years ago! We are obviously in the midst of a once in a lifetime cycle and a very rare opportunity for spiritual development. It is no surprise to me that Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, was born in 1861 while Neptune was in Pisces! Anthroposophy seeks to “unite the spiritual in the human being with the spiritual in the cosmos.” What Rudolf Steiner could only imagine, we are blessed to be experiencing today. I invite you to open your mind and your heart to the Cosmic Sophia and your Indwelling Sophia. Restoring Her Wisdom is why you came here.
Many blessings, Beloveds!
Sophia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Today, August 8, 2021 is the peak of the empowering LIGHT streaming to us from Sirius through the Lion’s Gate Portal which has been open since July 26th and will remain open until August 12th. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky, and at this significant time, we are able to see Sirius just above the eastern horizon as it rises before our own Sun in the early hours of the morning. The light that we receive from Sirius through the portal of the Lion’s Gate fuels and accelerates our evolutionary expansion by creating powerful shifts within our multidimensional Selves which we are able to witness as these shifts manifest in our external reality.
This portal is named the Lion’s Gate because our Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo which is depicted as a lion. The constellation Leo is named for Hercules’ armour. He acquired this armour upon completing his first labor of the Nemean Lion. After killing the lion, he used the lion’s paws to remove the impenetrable skin of the lion to wear upon himself, thereby providing himself with a protective armour. If you are feeling the need for spiritual protection in your life right now, you can utilize this invocation:
Hercules, who loved and protected your people, I call on you for protection now. Clothe me in your armour, which repels all danger. Shield me from harm, and lead me to victory.
There are three significant aspects in the Sky on this day of the Lion’s Gate:
YOD ~ Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces at the base AND Mercury conjunct Sekhmet in Leo at the apex
Eris in Aries trine Mercury/Sekhmet at the Yod’s apex
New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Our Heart Chakras have been receiving and integrating A LOT of intense frequencies since the beginning of July to prepare this Sacred Space of our Compassionate Hearts to open as fully as possible, so that the brilliant RADIANCE of Who We Are can shine forth into the world; uplifting ourselves, humanity and our planet. The aspects that have been softening our Hearts so that we can come into alignment with the Unlimited Abundance of Source are:
July 29 ~ Mars (29 LE) opposite Jupiter (29 AQ) ~ Will be REACTIVATED at this month’s (August) Full Moon (29 AQ)!
NOTE: To learn more about these July 2021 aspects which have been laying the groundwork for today’s Lion’s Gate and the Gemini Goddess Evening Star Gate of Compassion Activation on August 11th (one day before the Lion’s Gate portal closes), please watch my Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes for those Activations by clicking on the links above.
So, let’s take a closer look at the Yod in today’s sky! A yod is an astrological aspect that looks like a triangle. At the base of the triangle, the luminary bodies are standing 60 degrees apart, and they are both standing 150 degrees from the luminary body/bodies at the apex of the triangle. As an astrological aspect, the yod is also known as “The Finger of God” or a “Point of Destiny.” The manifestation of its energetic influence is FATED and will come to fruition come hell or high water! One could say its influence is the “Will of God.” In today’s yod, the Goddess Sekhmet is HARNESSING the transformational power of Ancient Wisdom (Pluto in Capricorn) and the power of Unconditional Love that is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of Christ and Sophia (Neptune in Pisces) to bring about Cosmic Justice.
What is the Cosmic Justice the Goddess Sekhmet is focusing Her Grace and Mercy on??? The Goddess Eris in Aries who is Trine Mercury and Sekhmet gives us the answer, and you can bet that it is a RADICAL TRUTH (Eris)!!! The radical truth is that we are Embodiments of LOVE ~ that same Unconditional Love that is the manifestation of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness (Sacred Union of Christ and Sophia). Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) is making sure that your Compassionate Heart (Leo) is receiving this radical truth loud and clear. When you KNOW this TRUTH, you become fully empowered. This is the Cosmic Justice: you KNOW yourself to be an Eternal Being (Neptune in Pisces) and you CHOOSE to rise from the ashes of disempowerment/slavery (Pluto in Capricorn) to stand in your SOVEREIGNTY. This Sovereignty is, has always been, and will always be yours as an Immortal Soul that is an extension of Source or “Child of God/Goddess.”
It is the influx of the empowering Light Codes from Sirius through the Lion’s Gate portal that is facilitating your Compassionate Heart’s capacity to hear this Cosmic Message and open Itself to receive this Radical Truth. You will KNOW this transformation is unfolding within you because you will begin to feel unbounded hope and a deep longing to connect with your brothers and sisters. This is a SOULful & Conscious connection that I am referring to, not a superficial connection, that will bring you more and more towards Unity Consciousness.
The SEED of Unity Consciousness is being planted within your Heart at today’s New Moon in Leo. With this New Moon in Leo’s square to Uranus in Taurus, the more you EMBODY (Taurus) this Liberating (Uranus) Consciousness of Unity (Neptune) the more Radical and Radiant your Compassionate Heart space will become as your vibrant LIGHT kindles the flames of joy for Humanity’s future.
Where is Humanity headed? We are in the midst of Its unfolding RIGHT NOW with the Emergence of Sophia through each and everyone of us as The Second Coming of Christ! Just 3 days from now (8/11/2021), we will be experiencing the Activation of the Gemini Goddess Evening Star Gate of Compassion at the HEART CHAKRA! It is in the Heart Chakra where our Inner Christo-Sophia resides as the Sacred Union of Christ and Sophia:
The Cosmic Dance that we have witnessed in the Sky and have integrated in our Heart during July’s activations which have prepared us for what we are receiving through today’s Cosmic Dance has all been for this upcoming Activation of the Gemini Goddess Evening Star Gate of Compassion at the HEART CHAKRA and its trine to Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday (8/11). As the Christo-Sophia installed within the Hearts of every human being is brought online, you will be able to rise from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness and above, depending on where you are in your own Soul’s personal expansion.
With Pluto in Capricorn, our Divine abilities to shift timelines and dimensions has been regenerated. You can use your inner power that creates Universes to choose which timeline you desire to experience. For myself, I have chosen a timeline where Unity Consciousness, Love, Harmony and Sovereignty is what I experience. I am excited about seeing the evidence of that!
From the Activation of the Gate of Compassion on 8/11, You WILL (Christ) KNOW (Gnosis~Sophia) yourself as an Embodiment of Christ and Sophia. You WILL (Christ) KNOW (Gnosis~Sophia) yourself as an Embodiment of PURE LOVE, the manifestation of the Sacred Union between Christ and Sophia. You WILL (Christ) KNOW (Gnosis~Sophia) yourself as a Powerful and Sovereign Creator that is an extension of and creates through Sophia/Christ Consciousness. This Ancient Wisdom once restored will not be lost again! This Radical Truth once realized will not be forgotten again! You will be able to invoke the magic of your own inner power and inner wisdom as a Sovereign Being to create Miracles as you consciously choose to live your life in this newly aligned way.
Many blessings to you, Beloveds! Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
“You are Powerful Beings with Powerful LOVE flowing through you.” ~ Abraham-Hicks
We are in a POWERFUL window of Cosmic Forces flowing Powerful Love to us and our planet! Friday (7/9/2021), was the Cancer New Moon at 18°. We are still under its nurturing influence through tomorrow (7/12/2021) when the Gemini Goddess activates the Gate of Personal Power at 19° Leo, opening us up to the realm of the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia. Then, the very next day, Tuesday (7/13/2021), Venus (Sacred Feminine) and Mars (Sacred Masculine) come into Sacred Union (conjunct), also at 19° Leo, which happens to be exactly conjunct my natal Magdalene (Embodiment of Sophia – 2nd house) and square my natal Yeshua in Taurus (Embodiment of Christ – 11th house). For me, this Cosmic Event and Gate Activation are providing my personal embodiment of Christ’s Power the opportunity to utilize the infinite resources of my Holy Soul aspect of Sophia to support Humanity ~ YOU ~ with breakthroughs in Consciousness for realizing their (your) own Christed Self ~ their (your) Inner Christo-Sophia ~ and experiencing the Presence of LOVE within you. How is this Power showing up through you, for you and for Humanity?
The Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo IS the Sophia/Christ Consciousness RADIATING Its Pure Love frequency through our Heart Chakras as the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine (Sophia) and the Divine Masculine (Christ). Their Sacred Union is also the Cosmic Activation of the Leo/Aquarius Mastery Path of Relationship Equality. This path is the evolutionary path (Ascension Journey) that I am personally walking this year. By the way, if you saw my Uplifting Humanity on POTUS 45, I revealed that he, too, stepped onto this path at his recent Solar Return on June 14th. Which evolutionary path are you walking this year through your own Ascension Journey?
The Cosmic Activation of the Mastery Path of Relationship Equality is enabling ALL of us to know ourselves as the fully enlightened Beings that we ARE as Extensions of Absolute Source/Creator AND this path’s activation is enabling us to know others as the fully enlightened Beings they ARE. This knowing allows us to consciously connect with and create from the Quantum Field of Absolute Source via the Pure Love frequency. Thus, we are now able to consciously access 5D+ through Divine Wisdom (Sophia) and Divine Will (Christ) to experience all that we can IMAGINE! (Imagine = I am a genie!)
For me, the Venus/Mars conjunction, along with its Light Codes of the Gate of Personal Power activation, is also activating my Solar North Node in Gemini (Solar 11th house) through a sextile aspect, thereby creating a Yod with my Sun and Asmodeus at 18-19° Capricorn. Asmodeus and the Sun, at the apex of this Yod, are closely activating my Solar Mercury (Cosmic Messenger). Thus, this is the predestined time for me, as a Cosmic Wisdom Keeper and Way Shower, to share this “Good News” ~ this message from Christ and Sophia ~ that The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through Humanity is HERALDING Gaia’s Ascension as a planet. Where She goes, we too can go!
There are many paths to the top of the MOUNTAIN (Capricorn). We each know which path is our own to the TOP. Asmodeus ~ who shines the LIGHT into our dark spaces ~ is desiring to assure us that when we get lost on our path, we can look to him for assistance in finding our way. He is giving me the song, You’ve Got a Friend. Specifically, he is sharing these words:
When you’re down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest nights.
Carly Simon
My personal Solar Return occurred two and a half weeks after the great conjunction of Saturnia and Jupiter (the Christmas Star) at 0° Aquarius on the 2019 Winter Solstice which birthed the new Sophianic Impulse for The Second Coming of Christ. This Cosmic Event is encoded in my evolutionary path this year, and is closely aspecting my Solar Mercury. Saturnia and Jupiter beseech me to inform you that there are an infinite number of timelines available for us to play with, and we all have the ability to perceive the timeline(s) which can/will enable us to experience the most delight and manifest what we most desire to create. It is TIME to start fully recognizing our Divine Gifts and to start tapping into our Personal Power to access them.
The Gemini Goddess’ ACTIVATION of the Gate of Personal Power tomorrow (7/12/2021), the DAY BEFORE the Venus/Mars conjunction on 7/13/2021, is ENCODED in the Sacred Union of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness, which is in turn, encoded within our Inner Christo-Sophia AND our Solar Plexus chakras. It is through our Solar Plexus chakra that the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia will support us in accessing our Personal Power from Her realm (dimension) within our Multi-Dimensional Selves. I invite you to utilize my Guided Meditation for connecting with your Holy Soul aspect of Sophia.
Here are some key points for you to bring into your Awareness about the Holy Soul aspect of Sophia:
She is the Sacred Partner of the Holy Spirit aspect of Christ, whose realm (dimension) is accessible through the portal of our Throat chakras.
She is Gnosis. (ie., the Aha’s and Download’s you receive)
She is the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
“She is the midwife of our Higher Selves.” ~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
“As human consciousness grows, so grows Sophia.”~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
“The Higher Self is the image of Beauty found in the mirror of Nature and self.” ~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
“As the beholder grows and evolves, so does the image that Sophia reflects. The observer gathers one piece of the holographic mirror after the other in his attempt to understand Wisdom. The image of himself also grows larger and more encompassing.”~ Tyla Gabriel, The Gospel of Sophia (Volume 1)
Sophia is so present with us right now. We can connect with Her Mother aspect through the New Moon in Cancer. We can connect with Her Daughter aspect through the Gate Activation. We can connect with Her Holy Soul aspect through the Venus/Mars conjunction. This Triple Event of cosmic aspects is bringing us the Light of Leading-Edge Intelligence, upgrading our very DNA and transforming our Sacred Vessels, and most especially our Hearts, into the fully Sovereign Beings of LOVE that have been suppressed for too long. How will you allow your Divine Inheritance to manifest through you?
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
CHICAGO, UNITED STATES – JUNE 06: On The Last Day Of Her Visit To Chicago Princess Diana Waves To Enthusiastic Crowd. (Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images)
I am so thrilled to share this episode of my Uplifting Humanity video series with you! Of course, today is Princess Diana’s 60th birthday, and so, she has a brand new evolutionary path for her continued Soul expansion and Ascension journey at this Solar Return as the Sun returns to the exact point in the Sky where it was located at the time of her birth.
I am keenly aware that there is a predominant belief that has gained a lot of momentum in the alternative news stream that Diana did not actually make her transition on August 31, 1997, but rather, she used that event as an opportunity to remove herself from the World Stage to go “sub-rosa.” I spoke to this similar belief regarding John F Kennedy Jr in the episode I produced on how he is Uplifting Humanity.
From my perspective, whether either of them in fact did make that choice, our Souls are Eternal, Multi-Dimensional Beings. An incarnation into a personality/vehicle is only one way our Souls desire to experience Their expansion. Since, from my perspective, linear time is just a construct and everything is happening in the Eternal Now, those “personality” expressions of our Souls remain valid and significant in how those expressions are contributing to our Expansion AND are Uplifting Humanity in the NOW.
As you watch this current episode, you may notice a slight shift in how I am presenting the information. This is in response to some feedback that a dear friend shared with me. She told me that the Astro-speak was a bit overwhelming for her and found herself “checking out,” thereby missing the message. I greatly appreciate this feedback from her. Thus, with this video, I have taken off my Cosmic Teacher hat and put on my Cosmic Messenger hat. As they say, “You can’t ride two horses with one ass!” I hope my efforts to clarify the content and make it more accessible to the viewers are successful.
It has been such an honor and a pleasure to spend the day with Princess Diana as we collaborated to create this episode. When I was getting dressed, I asked her to help me pick out a shirt to wear. She chose the one I am wearing in the video, and I just love its pastel version of aquamarine. I must tell you that I am not an expert on COLOR or Color Therapy; there are others who are better focused on that area of expertise. However, I do have some understanding of their frequencies, and I am aware that the color aquamarine connects with the water element, with which both Diana and I are deeply connected.
For me, Diana’s choice is a nod toward the upcoming Venus (Sacred Feminine)/Mars (Sacred Masculine) conjunction occurring in Leo (The Sign of the Compassionate Heart & the Solar Ascendant for both of us) on July 13th. Their Sacred Union in the Sky happens the day after the Gemini Goddess Activation of our Personal Power Gate, so that cosmic event will be captured within the Light Codes of the Sophia (Sacred Feminine)/Christ (Sacred Masculine) Consciousness that is pouring into Humanity and onto the Planet this month. Please stay tuned for a blog post on the Venus/Mars conjunction that started flowing through me yesterday! It will be published next week.
Now, without further ado, I give you Diana, Princess of Wales …
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
… especially when you acknowledge the perfection of LIFE!
May’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (5/26/21), Mercury Stationing Retrograde conjunct Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Gemini (5/29/21) and June’s Solar Eclipse in Gemini (6/10/21) are three Cosmic Events that demonstrate the unfolding of this perfection. We will get into how this is so. First, let’s FOCUS on something very important to which this perfection relates.
WE (you, me and ALL of Humanity) have given birth to The Second Coming of Christ! WE have given birth to the emergence of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness through US!! WE have given birth to the Mother Aspect of Sophia within US!!! The momentum of our summoning all of this perfection through us simply can no longer be stopped. WOO-HOO!!!! We are on the ride of our lives, and indeed, “the best is yet to come.”
Saturnia’s journey through Aquarius is all about REALIZING and RECONSTRUCTING Who We really ARE. We ARE Multidimensional Beings who are extensions (fractals) of Sophia/Christ Consciousness ~ THAT which is Absolute Source ~ Sat-Chit-Ananda. This realization and reconstruction of Who We Are IS the Sophianic Impulse of The Second Coming of Christ that was birthed and expanded (amplified) by the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction at 0° Aquarius on the 2020 Winter SOLstice. The Ascent Journey into our Multidimensional Selves that is allowing us to enjoy the unfolding of Who We ARE and the blending of us with US as we Ascend began May 12, 2021 at the Activation of the First (Root Chakra) Gate ~ the Gate of Manifestation ~ by the Gemini Rainbow Goddess. The Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (5/26/21), Mercury Stationing Retrograde conjunct Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Gemini (5/29/21) and the Solar Eclipse in Gemini (6/10/21) are SIGNIFICANT catalysts for our unfolding within the First (Root Chakra) Gate Activation window which completed on the day of the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
During that critical two week period when Humanity was within the Cosmic Womb, the Collective Consciousness, which had been separated from the Truth of the Sacred Feminine Principle and the Wisdom of Sophia, was provided an opportunity to REDISCOVER and RECONNECT with the Sacred Feminine Principle through each of us, individually, to REMEMBER our Sophianic Selves and to RE-ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS with the Mother Aspect of Sophia, so that She could provide us with the Spiritual Foundation we REQUIRE to fully flourish in our Ascent Journey. In particular, we have had our vibrational set point amped up to RESTORE our ability to trust our Inner Guidance and to clearly discern the messages being transmitted to us by our Inner Sophia, specifically our Divine Mother aspect. Further, the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Solar Eclipse on The Path of the Quest Matehave aligned Humanity with its Evolutionary Course and Spiritual Purpose ~ connecting with and sustaining our alignment with our Inner ChristoSophia (our Quest Mate) who is THE expression of Sophia/Christ Consciousness and manifests Its Presence as the frequency of Divine LOVE that broadcasts to us and through us.
ALL of this multidimensional blending and energetic unfolding has transpired through the First (Root Chakra) Gate Activation window. Our Root Chakra is the portal that gives us access to the quantum chamber (dimension) for communing with the Divine Mother aspect of ourselves. It is in this realm that we engage our Divine/Spiritual Gift of Sovereignty Consciousness. This Cosmic Dance that Humanity has been a part of IS the perfection of LIFE. Absolute Source ALWAYS provides US with each and every cooperative component necessary to facilitate our expansion because it is our expansion that provides us with our greatest thrills and causes our cups to “runneth over.” This is why we must always expect miracles!
To support you in your own personal Ascent Journey, I invite you to view my most recent Sacred Feminine class on the Gemini Goddess Evening Star 1st Gate (Root Chakra) Activation. Remember my most recent Sacred Masculine class on The Fierce Protector which is an integral part of our unfolding. AND, I highly recommend my May Guided Meditation, Finding Your Root Chakra’s New Center of Balance. This particular Meditation is encoded with the energies of the Venus in Cancer SQUARE Chiron in Aries cosmic event. This exquisite event is providing every on our planet with an opportunity for breakthrough in KNOWING ourselves as Embodiments of the Mother Aspect of Sophia and FEELING Her Love for us flowing to us, within us and through us. In particular, through the Root Chakra, we can KNOW and FEEL our Mother Aspect of both the Divine Mother and Gaia ~ our Earth Mother.
Thank you for subscribing to my Rose Wheel™ Mystery School YouTube channel where you can access our full collection of classes in our Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Libraries. Be sure to click on the BELL to be notified when I upload new videos. We really appreciate you giving our videos a “thumbs up.”
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
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TODAY, Humanity, as a collective, has been anointed with the SOPHIA Consciousness as indicated by the conjunction of Venus (Sacred Feminine) and the North Node (Evolutionary GPS) in Gemini.
The Gemini Rainbow Goddess has played Her Role in Sanctifying Humanity to receive its Divine Destiny of bringing forth The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of Sophia through each of us. She has infused every person’s Root Chakra with the Light of the SOPHIA Consciousness thereby activating our Kundalini/Shakti to enable us to effortlessly access our MultiDimensional Selves through the portal of our Root Chakras. We are now grounded in our Divine Inheritance.
The Truth of Humanity’s Christo-Sophia Evolutionary Path will be authenticated by the Sagittarius Eclipse on May 26th. Remember that eclipses have a window of 6 months.
The Emergence of SOPHIA has begun! The Second Coming of Christ is now upon us. Divine Wisdom and Divine Will shall prevail as we each remember our Wholeness and choose to Create from the Unified Source Field as Embodiments of Love.
This class looks at the aspects in the sky for the Gemini Goddess Evening Star 1st Gate (Root Chakra) Activation which occurred on May 12, 2021. Discusses a recap of the Gemini Goddess Descent Journey and Inanna Underworld Journey which are foreshadowing The Second Coming of Christ as the Emergence of the Sophia through the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey as received by Sofia Mona Lisa at the April 2021 Scorpio Full Moon message from Yeshua. Discusses how the Myth of Inanna has been rewritten through the Story Teller aspect of the Gemini Goddess through The Rose Wheel Mystery School’s Sacred Feminine class and the Gemini Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle. Discusses how The Second Coming of Christ is the Emergence of the Sophia Consciousness through each of us.
Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel. If you are inspired by the teachings in this class, please give it a thumbs up. I invite you to share it with your like-minded community. THANK YOU.
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
As we come out of the Inanna Underworld Journey through which our Inner Yeshua and Inner Magdalene have become resurrected, Venus is Rising as the Gemini Goddess Evening Star on May 3rd within the Beltane window when we celebrate our connection to Nature ~ Gaia. Her rising as Evening Star initiates the Second Coming of Christ as His Beloved, Sophia, EMERGES through each of us during the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.
We know that Yeshua is the Embodiment of Christ and his beloved, Magdalene is the Embodiment of Sophia. However, Yeshua and Magdalene represent only one aspect of Christo-Sophia, the Son/Daughter aspect. To fully understand Sophia-Christ Consciousness, we must understand the Holy Trinities whose esoteric knowledge has been lost to many.
Source, Unified Source Field, Prime Creator, God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, whatever name you use to identify the Infinite & Eternal Creator of ALL Life IS the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. We are familiar with Its mystical symbol known as the Mogen David or Star of David. The upward facing triangle represents the Sacred Masculine Principle known as Christ Consciousness that is experienced as the frequency of Love. The downward facing triangle represents the Sacred Feminine Principle known as Sophia Consciousness that is experienced as the frequency of Wisdom.
Both the Christ Consciousness and the Sophia Consciousness are made of 3 aspects each, establishing the two trinities. The Trinity of Christ Consciousness is familiar to most everyone in the Judeo-Christian world. This is the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity of Sophia Consciousness has been lost and forgotten to most of Humanity. This is the Trinity of Mother, Daughter and Holy Soul. When the two trinities of Christ and Sophia merge together in Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage), Their Sacred Union gives us the symbol of the Star of David in a 2D representation.
The Star Tetrahedron is the 3D representation for the Sacred Union of Christo-Sophia. It is this sacred geometry that is the basis for the Flower of Life 3D sphere which represents Source aka Sophia-Christ Consciousness. The Flower of Life sphere is a Hologram, and the Star Tetrahedron is a Fractal of the Hologram. In this way, we each have an Inner Being that is an extension of Source. Our Inner Being is the Star Tetrahedron ~ our SOUL is our Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness ~, and as a Fractal of the Hologram of Source, our Inner Being contains within the Fractal the WHOLE of Source. Thus, we are Source; we are Sophia-Christ Consciousness.
At the First Coming, Christ opened up the path to the Father. Now, with the Second Coming, he is revealing the path to the Mother.
Robert A Powell, The Most Holy Trinosophia
We now know that the Father is an aspect of Christ and the Mother is an aspect of Sophia. As such, Powell’s statement translates to me as a validation that Christ’s Second Coming, because of His Sacred Union with Sophia, is in truth all about the Emergence of His Beloved, Sophia. This Wisdom has been revealed to me as a part of my own Inanna Underworld Journey and the resurrection of Yeshua and Magdalene within me.
IMAGINE! Have you ever considered that your Soul IS the Sophia-Christ Consciousness? Christ tells us that we are made in the image of the Father. Because the Two (Christ and Sophia) have been made ONE, when Christ is speaking of Himself, He is in fact speaking of Himself and His Beloved as the ONE. Thus, in reality, Christ has told us that we are made in the image of the Father and the Mother ~ each an aspect of Christ and Sophia. Thus, our Souls, as an image of Him/Her ARE the Sophia-Christ Consciousness.
Each of us, whether we have consciously engaged with the Inanna Underworld Journey or not have had our own RESURRECTION of our Inner Yeshua and Inner Magdalene whether it has been perceivable to us or not. Allow yourself to feel into the Truth of this reality.
The questions you must ask yourself now are:
Am I ready to allow myself to acknowledge the Conscious Awareness of my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness?
Am I ready to allow myself to Consciously Engage with my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness?
Am I ready to allow myself to experience a Conscious Relationship with my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness?
Am I ready to allow The Second Coming of Christ to move through me, my Sacred Vessel, as His Beloved, Sophia, EMERGES through ME???”
If your Heart has leapt at the possibility of even one of these questions, your Inner Being ~ your Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness ~ has said “YES” to you, and you in turn, have said “YES” to your Inner Christo-Sophia. Thus, I invite you to join our Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes, particularly now as we begin the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.
Our FIRST class for the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey will be on Monday, May 10th, at 2:00 pm EST. Our Sacred Masculine class will be on Saturday, May 15th, at 2:00 pm EST. You can subscribe to one or both classes here.
Meanwhile, April’s Guided Meditation on Enhanced Connection with Your Divine Self ~ Your Beloved is now AVAILABLE. You can subscribe to our Monthly Guided Meditations HERE where you have UNLIMITED ACCESS to our Meditation Library.
These are exciting times on our planet. Stay in your Sacred Space, and do not allow the distortions to derail you.
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.