The Moon 🌝 (Divine Mother) is in Pisces ♓️ (conjuncting your luminary bodies there & trining your luminary bodies in Cancer ♋️ and Scorpio ♏️ ~ REMEMBER the Water Elements are your Path of Least Resistance to your Emotional Realm). In particular, TODAY She is trining the North Node (Cosmic GPS) in Cancer ♋️. This is a HARMONIOUS & SUPPORTIVE flow of energy with NO RESISTANCE!!! 🤗
For me, She is currently traversing my 9th House (ruled by the Cosmic Guru – Jupiter), so these energies are a Source (pun intended LOL) of teachings for me – expanded by my Jupiter in 9th House/Pisces ♓️.
“I’m not loved enough. There’s no one who really cares about me in the way that I want to be cared about.” (My North Node in 1st House/Cancer ♋️ at 29 AND Moon in 12th House/Cancer ♋️)
I’ve discovered that this was the dominant vibration I had going on in my earliest life in response to those life experiences. That vibration has gained SO MUCH momentum over the course of my life, and I can now recognize how many unwanted experiences it has continued to attract to me.
With today’s Moon trine to the North Node, receiving the awareness of this dominant vibration that I have been unconscious of for 56 years will significantly move me forward along my evolutionary path.
THIS is why I continue my vibrational practice. It’s becoming more and more fine-tuned.
Unless you do something vibrationally, there’s not enough action in the world to make any difference.
What I know for sure is this:
I chose the parents & circumstances to be born into so, at the EARLIEST moments of my life on this planet, I could create a DEEP & POWERFUL desire to love and care for myself in only the way that Source DOES. To experience that requires purposeful focus on being Aligned with my Inner BEing Who is an extension of Source. NO OTHER PERSON (the conditional) can Love & Care for us the way Source does (unconditional).
My natal Chiron in 8th House/Pisces often brings me Medicine through my deep feeling of abandonment, especially by Source, to provide even greater desire to transmute my Point of Attraction that these life experiences are revealing to me.
I’ve been so focused on the conditions and their pain. NOW, I choose to focus on me, my Inner BEing, on Source.
I choose ME. I choose LOVE.
I hope this helps you gain the clarity you require to make the choice that is most uplifting for you.
Where are Cancer ♋️ & Pisces ♓️ located in your chart? What awareness is the Divine Mother illuminating for you for your evolutionary move forward? Allow the clarity to flow into you. Receive the A-ha!
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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Today, the Moon and Saturn are conjunct the South Node in Capricorn. Within a few degrees of them stands Pluto, so He is really conjunct these Luminary Bodies and the South Node as well since most astrologers allow Him a 3-5° orb of influence. To say this is an INTENSE moment in time is an understatement!
Capricorn and it’s Goddess, Saturn, are associated with Master Builders. I perceive them as being embodiments of The Law of Attraction. Our FEELINGS (Moon) are fundamental to the workings of the Universal Laws:
Sagittarius ~ The Law of Deliberate Creation
Capricorn ~ The Law of Attraction
Aquarius ~ The Law of Allowing
When we feel good/uplifted, we are aligned with our Inner BEing and Source (Pisces). When we feel bad/downtrodden, we are pinching ourselves off from our Inner BEing and Source.
ALL Earth signs have to do with our Sacred Vessel ~ our Bodies. As the HIGHEST Earth Energy, Capricorn allows us to utilize our Sacred Vessels as an “Instrument of Consciousness.”
To me, the Intensity of this aspect is due to Pluto playing His role as the Cosmic Alchemist. He is serving us by helping us to free ourselves from the past (South Node) by transmuting (Pluto) the emotional memories in our bodies ~ limited (Saturn) emotions (Moon) ~ into elevated emotions that regenerate (Pluto) our bodies’ Electromagnetic Fields (Saturn). We CAN access the Codes of our DNA to create a future Self, an evolved Self, NOW.
It’s the Cosmic Time “… to Ascend your energy, moving from particle to wave, from matter to energy, from living in survival to living in creation, transmuting the flesh, and being the Alchemist.” ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
ALL WEEK, the Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus ♉️ is trining Quaoar in Capricorn ♑️ (see previous post on the Creator God Quaoar).
What have you been creating in the Quantum Field that is READY to be fully-embodied by you? How can you allow yourself to be fueled and empowered by the feelings of WORTHINESS and SIGNIFICANCE, so that you can revel in experiencing the PLEASURE of your new creation within your Sacred Vessel ~ your body? Open your HEART as deeply and as widely as you possibly can to allow it all to flow into you and through you.
For me personally, the Sun/Uranus/Quaoar trine is creating a Grand EARTH Trine with my natal Uranus in Virgo ♍️ (which happens to be located in my 2nd House ~ the House ruled by Taurus ♉️ ~ PLUS double the opportunities for LIBERATING experiences!!!).
I’m excited about the breakthroughs I’m prepared to have around loving my body as a Temple worthy of embodying the Goddess. I yearn to feel her Shakti flow through me, and to feel seen and acknowledged by Her. I plan to do some ecstatic dancing 💃 later today to encourage a volcanic eruption 🌋 of Energy!
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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The goddess Ostara, or Ēostre, 1884, by Johannes Gehrts. (photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have had TWO days of receiving Rabbit Medicine (Marsh Hares) leading up to today. This Medicine carries the frequency of Abundance which is palpable in the sprouting of new life. Both the Pagan and Christian celebrations of Easter embody the the acknowledgement of NEW LIFE ~ the Resurrection of Life.
This theme is very much associated with the Scorpio ♏️ energies of the Phoenix rising from theAshes that I have recently written about. Interestingly, Scorpio is the balancing energies for Taurus ♉️, the sign in which the SUN (Son) ~ Who Fuels or “Gives Everlasting Life” ~ is standing in today. The Taurus/Scorpio axis is the Path of Intensity ~ the Intensity of the running of Life Force Energy (Kundalini). The Intensity of Life Force Energy is experienced as Passion. You have experienced this Intensity/Passion in orgasm. Yet, the Passion of Christ has been associated with suffering. Passion is far from suffering. We only suffer when we pinch ourselves off from Who we TRULY Are ~ extensions of the Energy that Creates Worlds ~ extensions of SOURCE (Sun/Son).
At this Easter, give yourself the GIFT of New Life by giving up your suffering and allowing yourself to Align with your True SELF. As you give up the suffering, your Creative Life Force Energy will be resurrected and you will embody the Taurean energies by receiving the pleasure of LIFE!
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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Today, on this Full Moon in Libra, there is something extraordinarily powerful unfolding! Mercury in Aries is square Quaoar in Capricorn!!
For me, squares are the opening of a portal ~ an opportunity to “kick it up a notch. BAM!” Some people may feel that squares are a time of stress, challenge and tension. From my perspective, that is because we have to CHOOSE to step through the portal, and as humans, we are often reticent about stepping into the unknown. We resist uncertainty. Where ever there is resistance, there is stress.
Quaoar is named after the God or Creation Force’ of the Tongva Native Americans. “While on its own, the mythology is a simple but beautiful creation story from one of North America’s indigenous peoples, it also contains echoes from the aboriginal Dream Time, from some of the high esoteric teachings of the Eastern Sanskrit traditions and echoes from the mystical Kabbalah.” ~ Lorna Bevan In this story, there was only chaos until Quaoar came along full of joy and enthusiasm. From His ecstatic state, He danced and sang the the Cosmos into being. Thus, in your astrological chart, Quaoar represents your Path of Least Resistance for being able play with the Quantum Field and create your Heart’s desire. Quaoar in Capricorn is about being a Master of Manifestation ~ the Great Architrix!!
You likely know by now that Mercury is our Cosmic Messenger. In Aries, He is passionately urging you to be courageous and confident about singing your own Creation ~ the one you have blissfully envisioned ~ into your life and onto the planet.
Are you ready to hearken to Mercury’s call? Can you feel the passion of the Life Force Energy beginning to dance within you? Remember, it only takes a first step to initiate an extraordinary journey. LOVE the uncertainty, and take a leap of faith. The Quantum Field will catch you!!
Many Blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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Yesterday, I wrote about my generation (October 1956 – November 1970) having its natal Neptune in Scorpio. This seems to me to be a perfect lead in for a discussion on the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio and Pluto.
The Eighth House is YOUR personal Path of Least Resistance for how you can hook-up with the Infinite POWER of your Inner BEing. Astrologically speaking, Pluto represents your Soul. From my perspective, the Soul is another name for our Inner BEing ~ that part of us that is an extension of SOURCE energy, the Quantum Field, just like a wave is an extension of the ocean. The Quantum Field is infinite, eternal and multi-dimensional. It contains ALL Frequencies ~ ALL possible realities. It is the “stuff” from which Creation is made. “Pluto” is the root word for “plutonium,” a very powerful element. Plutonium is derived from (and more powerful than) the element uranium. In fact, plutonium is extracted from uranium by burning it which gives us the imagery associated with Scorpio and Pluto: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. Thus, the Eighth House is your map to TRANSFORMATION and EMPOWERMENT.
For me, my Eighth House is ruled by Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus. (Note that Uranus can be viewed as a pseudo-root word for Uranium!, so my Eighth House is STEEPED in POWER!) Aquarius is the sign of Liberation and Freedom. I do feel very empowered by liberating experiences. I feel my most empowered when I feel free to make the choices I desire. When I am feeling trapped, bogged down or stuck in a situation (emotional or conditional), receiving inspiration for a clarifying solution or understanding is very liberating, freeing and empowering for me.
Aquarius is also an air sign which represents the mental realm. The feelings of liberation, freedom and empowerment have very subtle differences in the resonance of their frequencies. Yet, because liberation and freedom are my path of least resistance for hooking into my own empowerment, I translate them nearly synonymously. In fact, Aquarian energies are indeed extremely subtle as they access the multi-dimensionalities of higher consciousness. My natal Mercury, ruler of Gemini ~ another air/mental sign, is in my Eighth House and Aquarius. Uranus is the Higher Octave of Mercury. What an ingenious way that my Soul set up for me to ensure my ability to stay connected to It’s power!
Aquarians are known for being able to see the bigger picture. They know how all the pieces come together to create the bigger picture for what is happening and for what is possible. With my natal Mercury in Aquarius, I can adeptly translate and communicate these frequencies which I perceive as feelings and images. While some may perceive my language to be as though I am “splitting hairs,” in order to be true to myself, I must translate as closely to what I am perceiving as possible. The subtleties matter; it is like the difference between describing something as round or spherical. This level of clarity in the mental realm is also very empowering for me. Thus, when I can not see the big picture, I lack complete understanding, and I feel vulnerable. I must be able to get the full picture in order to feel empowered. Fortunately for me, the Cosmic Messenger (my natal Mercury in Aquarius) is an ally for me!
My level of Heightened Awareness is frequently underestimated by others. As such, I have often encountered experiences of others trying to take advantage of me. My natal Saturn in Aquarius has helped me learn how to establish the kinds of boundaries I require that allow me to maintain my Sovereignty ~ My POWER. And, needless to say, my natural ability to shift from broadcasting vulnerability to empowerment in a flash can be very unsettling, destabilizing or even threatening for others as they may perceive me to be erratic and unpredictable. My Saturn in Aquarius has been liberating for me in other ways. She is conjunct my natal Mercury, and so throughout my life, I have had many Mystical (Scorpio) experiences. These Mystical experiences have been very empowering for me, particularly as a child that could not make sense of the 3D world in which I found myself. My Mystical experiences provided a sort of structure and stability that I required to create a semblance of order in my world.
Understanding Aquarius as an air sign is significant. All modalities and activities that are aligned with the Air Element are ways in which I can easily and effortlessly tap into or reclaim my power: breath work, meditation, music (including drums, bowls, tuning forks), bird medicine, colors, vision questing, plant medicine that invokes altered states of being, and most particularly for me, shamanic astrology. The Cosmos and Its Luminary BEings have a unique language that They share with me. This is why much of what I write astrologically is not found in mainstream astrology. It’s my own Cosmic Language, so to speak. Looking to the Cosmos is my safety net for certainty, confidence and clarity ~ for connecting with my own POWER.
Today, our Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) moved into Aries, and as He did so, He inspired me to share this information about the realm of the Eighth House in which He resides in my own Soul’s map. The other significance to this for me is that Aries is the ruler of the First House, and He ~ along with my natal Saturn and the Aquarian energies ~ are intercepted in the First House of my SOLar Return chart.
Through the course of my evolutionary journey, the link between the energies of Aquarius and its opposite sign, Leo, have become broken, so they are no longer balancing each other. This is somewhat humorous to me because I have often been called “a rebel WITHOUT a cause!” Actually, what’s not so ha-ha for me is that I feel my earliest drive to be original and different was suppressed by the adults around me. I specifically recall my cousins and I being told to “play purty” which to me meant, “Sit still, be quiet and don’t do anything to get noticed.” As I grew older, this pattern of intolerance by the elders/authoritarians in my life for my desire to explore new, strange and (in the Deep South) socially unacceptable things like other religions and cultures persisted. Words cannot describe the RADICAL UPHEAVAL that my first trip to India caused amongst my friends and family, and subsequently, for me! With Leo being intercepted in my SOLar Return’s Seventh House, I am aware that I have felt as though it is difficult for me to be noticed, receive attention and concern, or to be acknowledged and praised in my relationships. One way in which I experience this is when a person does not answer my calls, when my text messages or emails go unanswered and when a person doesn’t call me back when they say that they will. (All of these forms of communication (Mercury) are ruled by Uranus.) Another more fundamental expression of these intercepted energies is how people are naturally drawn to me to be nurtured and emotionally supported, yet I don’t receive the same from them. I require just as much emotional attending to as others do, yet they perceive me as a bottomless well that can just keep giving. Today, as Uranus in Taurus is semi-sextile to Mercury, it is extremely apparent to me that the Cosmic Messenger and the Cosmic Liberator are complicit in taking this opportunity to bring this imbalance into my Awareness so that I can transform these energies, reforge their link and rise up even more powerful than before! I’m definitely receiving a lot of Cosmic support for this transformation. Uranus is also standing across the sky from our Full Moon in Libra tomorrow (4/19) ILLUMINATING this personal transformation’s role as a radical breakthrough in my mastery of Conscious Equal Partnerships!! No surprise for me that this Full Moon in Libra is happening in my SOLar Return’s Ninth House of the Adept, the Sage and expanding spiritual consciousness.
What is YOUR Path of Least Resistance for tapping into your Inner BEing’s Infinite POWER? I hope you are excited to discover this for yourself!
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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Neptune represents The Great Mystery, and the greatest mystery of all is LOVE. You don’t need to know why you have felt unloved or why you aren’t being loved. All you need is a keen awareness that you want to let yourself be loved.
Astrologically speaking, the placement of Neptune in your chart is your Path of Least Resistance to LOVE. Neptune is the KEY to connecting with LOVE and to connecting with where LOVE is coming from (SOURCE ~ The Well of Replenishment). Neptune is your personal “lifeline” to LOVE. Neptune is your personal valve that you can open up to LOVE, so that you can let LOVE flow to you.
If you are of my generation (October 1956 – November 1970), your Neptune is in Scorpio. Scorpio is the Shaman/Shamaness ~ the Alchemist ~ the Master of Mysteries ~ the Mistress of Magic. Scorpio is a water sign, as is the sign of SOURCE, Pisces. Water signs are about our connections with the emotional realm. Scorpio is transformation through emotional power. LOVE is the greatest emotional power there is! Neptune in Scorpio has a DEEP DESIRE and an INTENSE PASSION to FEEL connected with LOVE. Scorpio is a MAGNET for LOVE.
Every key has a corresponding lock. Since Neptune is your KEY to LOVE, the House where it resides in your natal chart is the LOCK. For me, this is the Fifth House ruled by Leo and the Sun.
The Sun represents the Heart Chakra. The moment I put my attention on my Heart Chakra, CLICK!!! The lock is open. I can instantly feel LOVE flowing to me and through me. Whenever I have a “heart-opening” experience, I am spontaneously overwhelmed by LOVE. It feels as though “my cup runneth over.” To this day, I am unable to sing a devotional song (hymn) in a holy/sacred place (church) without being overcome by tears. It’s a heart-opening experience. The tears are a manifestation of the LOVE rushing in. You may have heard of people speak about “Bhakti Tears” ~ devotional tears.
Leo is the manner in which you express yourself. It is your unique creative expression. I feel my best and “in the zone” when I have a loving attitude. I am my most creative when I am in a loving state of being.
Remember that I mentioned above that LOVE comes from SOURCE (for me, personally, LOVE and SOURCE are synonymous) and that the sign for SOURCE is Pisces. I am blessed (no pun intended!!! LOL) to have my Jupiter in Pisces. AND, it is in trine to my Neptune! When I tap into my Heart Chakra and my valve to LOVE opens up, Jupiter EXPANDS my connection to LOVE infinitely. I am SOURCE! I am an Embodiment of LOVE!! Sometimes the expansion is so immense that it feels like I’m being taken over by a tsunami. No wonder I feel that “my cup runneth over!”
INTERESTINGLY ~ my natal Neptune position is aligned with the Midheaven of my SOLar Return ~ the work I will be known for this year.
Since the Sun and Chiron are currently in Aries, the sign of Self-Love and Inspired Action, this is a perfect time to discover your personal lock and key to LOVE, so that you can practice letting LOVE in and knowing yourself as an Embodiment of LOVE. Chiron (our Cosmic Shaman) is offering us the Medicine of Self-Love and Personal Identity. The Sun is standing by ready to inspire you as you receive and integrate the Light Codes of this Medicine. Venus (the Sacred Feminine) in Pisces is holding hands with the Sun through a semi-sextile to lend Her Divine Support. Neptune is currently in Pisces patiently waiting for you to open your personal valve, so that LOVE can flow to you. Lilith, also in Pisces, is in trine to the North Node in Cancer. We are at Humanity’s Evolutionary Point for Reclaiming our Sovereignty! Our Sovereignty ~ our POWER ~ is LOVE … UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ~ DIVINE LOVE.
In TWO DAYS (4/19), we will have a Full Moon at 29° Libra. This means the Sun will be standing across the sky at 29° Aries. The 29th degree of every sign is a CRITICAL POINT. It is the degree of MASTERY. Humanity is standing on the precipice of MASTERING the Aries/Libra axis ~ The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership. To be able to have Conscious Equal Partnerships in our earthly lives, we MUST FIRST BE in Conscious Equal Partnership with our SELF. We do this by knowing ourselves to be LOVE.
In honor and celebration of this ILLUMINATING event, I am making a SPECIAL OFFER. Through May 4th, I am offering you a personal Neptune Reading for $225. This is MORE THAN half-off my regular price. I am offering this to you because that is how important it is to me that you are able to let LOVE in to yourself, that you are able feel LOVED and that you are able to know yourself as LOVE.
Email me to schedule your personal Neptune Reading.
With much love and appreciation of you, Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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As New Zealanders continue to experience their grief & share their messages of, “This is not who we are,” my Evolved Mercury in Aquarius ♒️ conjoined Lilith is asking me to speak to the bigger picture to impart some clarity.
I know that the people of New Zealand are reeling with disbelief from the shooting in Christchurch, & are wondering how such an act of terror could have happened in their peaceful home against innocent people. I suspect they may be wondering how the world’s terror has infiltrated their national sense of sovereignty. This is where I tread gently as many may not be ready for this message.
On the day of the shooting, March 15, 2019, the Sun was conjoined Mercury in Pisces ♓️ and They were in trine to the North Node in Cancer ♋️. This was 6 days before the Spring Equinox & the Full Moon in Libra ♎️ which activated the Relationship Path of Conscious Equal Partnership (along with Chiron’s Shamanic Medicine of SELF-Love) AND the Venus in Aquarius ♒️ & Mars in Taurus ♉️square. SIX is the number of Balance! This was 7 days before the Goddess Lilith in Aquarius ♒️flowed Her energies through the Portal that the Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine had opened while Pluto & the South Node in Capricorn ♑️ were also flowing Their energies through the Sacred Portal (see previous posts on these Cosmic Dances). I especially bring attention to the role of the North Node & South Node in the perfect timing of these Cosmic Events which are currently EVOLVING The Path of Family, Home & Community. In this sense, the HUMAN Family ~ the HUMAN Home ~ the HUMAN Community.
This is a HUGE Message from SOURCE to HUMANITY as to where WE are Evolving towards as a Collective. The underlying message as Mercury is Retrograde is a reminder that the Universe is one of ATTRACTION rather than ASSERTION.
When New Zealand responds to this event with, “This is not who we are,” we as a Global Community, including New Zealand, must realize that this IS evidence of what the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is broadcasting, so indeed it is how we are pinching ourselves off from SOURCE. The frequencies of fear, anger & separation ARE active in the Collective Consciousness. If they were not, this event could not have happened.
Thus, the Message of ONENESS steps forth. As long as any One of US is broadcasting the vibrations of fear, anger & separation, HUMANITY IS NOT ALIGNED WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We must practice the Medicine of SELF-Love. And, YES! ~ Look at the Evidence of the Dominant Frequency of LOVE in and through New Zealand from the Prime Minister to the Surfers to the Bike Gangs to the Students. This stark contrast was necessary in order for the Message to be received. Had it happened in any other nation that experiences terror on a day-to-day basis, the Message would have been lost in the noise.
New Zealanders are the Wayshowers. They have responded to this act of violence by standing in their Power ~ standing in their Sovereignty ~ and are showing the HUMAN Community how to move in and from the power of oneness, compassion, unity in diversity & love.
We as a HUMAN Family can connect with them emotionally through all of their demonstrations of unity and love. They are not separate from us. They are us; they are our family. WE MUST ALL REMEMBER, and this event has shown a big spotlight on that Truth.
Venus in Pisces
It’s time to Let Go of Past Hurts ~ 3/26/2019
Since Sunday (3/24), the Sacred Feminine (Venus) in Aquarius has been dancing with Ixion in Sagittarius through a harmonious flow of sextile energies. Ixion embodies themes of Inner Sruggles. We know Inner Struggles are sources of pain because we have pinched ourselves off from our Inner BEings. This is most often done through our skewed perceptions of our experiences which become the basis of false premises for our beliefs.
Ixion has been revealing the truth about the source of these past woundings to our Inner Feminine who in turn has been offering us the opportunity to be free from them through the clarity of understanding them from a cosmic perspective rather than our egoic one. Together, They have been prompting us to pull the arrow out.
Today, as the Sacred Feminine moves into Pisces, She is still in close proximity to receiving the harmonious flow of Ixion’s offering. Now that the arrow has been pulled out, the opportunity to let go of these past hurts is upon us. Our Inner Feminine in Pisces opens us up to Unconditional Forgiveness. Unconditional Forgiveness is the most Loving and Compassionate Medicine that we can offer to these wounds as they heal.
The portal which now stands activated for us to step across and into Unconditional Forgiveness is being created by the Divine Mother (Moon) in Sagittarius squaring the conjuction of our Cosmic Messenger (Mercury) and Cosmic Conduit (Neptune) in Pisces.
They are reminding us that we have the freedom to flow Source energy to ourselves at all times. We are our own Hero/ines because we have the ability to open our hearts to the healing LOVE of SELF. We can choose to keep the circuit open or to close it.
As our Cosmic Guru (Jupiter) in Sagittarius is inconjuct our Cosmic GPS (North Node) in Cancer while our Cosmic Transformer (Pluto) is conjuct the South Node in Capricorn, we know that the evolutionary expansion that this journey of healing is offering us will uplift our Families, Homes and Communities. The Grace and the Benefits to us individually and collectively are immeasurable.
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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On today’s Spring Equinox, Full Moon in Libra ♎️, the Divine Mother (Luna) is at 0 degrees Libra and the Divine Father (Sun) is at 0 degrees Aries ♈️ .
Our Cosmic Shaman (Chiron) stands alongside the Sun in Aries ♈️ within 2 degrees. Our Cosmic Liberator (Uranus) in Taurus ♉️ is inconjunct the Full Moon in Libra ♎️.
The Relationship Axis of Aries/Libra is The Path of Conscious Equal Partnership. The Sun as your Heart is the Seat of Your Soul ~ your Inner BEing ~ That part of you that is an extension of SOURCE. The Medicine of Chiron in Aries ♈️ is Self Love & Personal Identity. Together, They are broadcasting the Reality of your Relationship with your SELF to you. They are igniting within you the Presence of SELF & the immense Unconditional LOVE that SOURCE & SELF have for you in every moment, that is accessible to you in every breath.
The Divine Mother stands across to Sky to receive Their broadcast and is translating it in a way for you to KNOW IT ~ through your emotional feeling nature. She is soothing you into Alignment with Who You REALLY Are. She is ILLUMINATING the Conscious Equal Partnership that exists now, and has always existed, between you and your SELF.
The Cosmic Liberator in Taurus ♉️ is Allowing you to Experience the Power of the Physical & the Non-Physical. We are flesh & spirit. We are Human & God/dess. It is when we allow ourselves to embrace both of these equally that we are able to experience our most radical breakthroughs into our GREATNESS. The Cosmic Shaman, in semi-sextile to the Cosmic Liberator, is taking us on a journey into expansion by guiding us through the Cosmic Realms of these frequencies.
In-joy this Rebirth of Awareness in your Consciousness today!
The Sacred Feminine (Venus) at 22 degrees Aquarius ♒️ is square The Sacred Masculine (Mars) in Taurus ♉️ .
Squares are about portals that have opened to new Consciousness. For those who are out of Alignment with Who They Really Are, the incoming Light Codes can feel uncomfortable.
The Visionary & The Sensualist are sharing a perspective on Their Sacred Union that is both egalitarian & pleasurable. It’s freeing to feel good! Revel in a partnership that is a true POWER COUPLE. It’s both delicious & orgasmic!
Sacred Union by Julia Legchanova
The day after the Spring Equinox and Full Moon in Libra, some more juicy components flow into to these energies. One of the additional components that has danced Her way into the mix is Lilith. Venus is now at 23 Aquarius ♒️ & Mars is at 23 Taurus ♉️. Lilith is at 25 Aquarius ♒️. It is important for me to share this piece of the Sacred Feminine’s Vision for Humanity because Lilith is sitting right on top of my Progressed Mercury ~ my Inner Messenger.
Lilith is the Goddess of SOVEREIGNTY! As you may recall, the Mission of The Golden Ray Center is to Restore the Culture of Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship. Not only does yesterday’s Full Moon in Libra ♎️ (and all of the aspects related to it – see yesterday’s post) support, fuel & illuminate the Center’s Mission, so too does this Venus/Mars square, PARTICULARLY with Lilith’s energy in the mix!!
Lilith’s ability to stand in Her Power – to maintain Her claim over Her Sovereignty – is increasingly poignant in the Light of misunderstanding, misinformation & misrepresentation of Her Power ~ even when She is villainized & demonized.
Her Presence in this Sacred Feminine/Sacred Masculine square underscores the significance of BOTH the Feminine Power & the Masculine Power. They each play a vital role in Co-Creation. One can not be submissive to the other because in that dynamic Their Equality is sacrificed rendering the Sacred Union one that has been made profane & non-egalitarian. There is FREEDOM in Conscious Equal Partnership. There is BONDAGE in a yoke.
Lilith is ensuring that we receive the vision of how to maintain Sovereignty over our Bodies, while balancing our Inner Feminine & Inner Masculine, as we restore our own Sovereignty & Sacred Relationship with our SELF.
Lilith ~ Goddess of Sovereignty (aka Feminine Equality)
Interestingly, Pluto in Capricorn ♑️ at nearly 23 degrees & the South Node in Capricorn ♑️ at 24 degrees are in semi-sextile to Venus/Lilith in Aquarius ♒️. Pluto & the South Node are flowing Their energies into the dance to bring forth the Ancient Wisdom that empowers Sacred Union by allowing us to realize the belief systems to which Humanity’s Collective Consciousness have been clinging ~ belief systems which were developed from perspectives based on false premises. Through Their Wisdom, the Collective Consciousness is gaining clairity, allowing ourselves the paradigm shift needed to let go of the old belief systems with ease and grace.
At this Spring Equinox, WHAT is The Sacred Couple birthing within you? At this Spring Equinox, HOW is The Sacred Couple birthing Sacred Union rooted in Sovereignty within you?
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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Full Moon in Virgo ~ photograph taken by Sofia Mona Lisa on February 18, 2019
What an amazing GRAND EARTH TRINE we have at our Full Moon in Virgo to prepare us over these next two weeks for Mahasivaratri ~ The Great Night of Lord Shiva, coinciding with the New Moon in Pisces!
It is said that Mahasivaratri fasting is equivalent to performing a hundred yajnas or fire rituals. Lord Shiva is the Lord of Supreme Consciousness. He illuminates all three stages of consciousness – sleeping, waking, and dreaming. He helps a person transcend all the three states and achieve supreme consciousness and final liberation. Mahasivaratri night is considered very important because it is said on this powerful night, all granthis or knots in the Sushumna Nadi are open to receive the tremendous flood of spiritual energy and blessings that pour into our minds, hearts and lives. In normal days, they do not allow energy to enter and are closed. Mahasivaratri is the day when Nature (Prakriti) is pushing one towards one`s spiritual peak by allowing this natural upsurge of energies to find their way.
The GRAND EARTH TRINE is comprised of the Full Moon in Virgo conjunct the Royal Star Regulus, Mars in Taurus and Quaoar in Capricorn.
Our Inner Priests and Priestesses are being illuminated by this Full Moon as They are being reminded that The Goddess is always Present as our Help-mate along The Path. Our Sacred Work is being radically evolved by the Uranus/Mars conjunction. We are receiving New Codes of LIGHT from the Sacred Masculine ~ the New Shiva, and They are BEing encoded into our Physical Bodies ~ our Sacred Vessel ~ at the quantum level. The New Codes are the manifestation of Quaoar’s having danced them into existance.
These New Codes of LIGHT have come forth to serve and support us. They are unravelling the knots in the Sushumna Nadi, preparing us for Mahasivaratri, so that the surge of the Piscean Spiritual Energy can flow upward with ease and grace. This is the same Sacred Service that Mother Meera, an incarnation of the Divine Mother, provides us through Her Darshan.
When you are open, the divine can pour itself into you. ~ Mother Meera
The GRAND EARTH TRINE is providing a gridwork for the breakkthroughs we will experience as a result of our evolved Sacred Work. The more pleasure we allow ourselves to experience through the Senses of our Sacred Vessel, the more we will know that we are on The Path of Least Resistance, which is always The Past of Most Allowing.
How are you allowing the Sacredness of your Vessel and the Sacredness of your Creations to infuse each other, so that you can KNOW the Beauty of LIFE? What Wisdom are you receiving from the New Codes in your DNA? How will that Wisdom allow The Queen of Hearts to shine through your Sacred Work?
Many blessings to you, Sofia Mona Lisa Alchemical Creation High Priestess
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