Welcome to The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s Sacred Feminine classes in conjunction with the current Venus Synodic Cycle ~ the Pisces (Divine Mother) Goddess Journey. What is particularly special about the Pisces (Divine Mother) Goddess Journey is that the Pisces Meta Goddess has not been on our World Stage at any time in our lifetime. From as early as the 1920’s, Her predecessor, the Aries Goddess, was the Meta Goddess that Humanity engaged. We are incredibly blessed to be experiencing this potent shift from the age of the Aries Meta Goddess to the age of the Pisces Meta Goddess.
If you have reviewed the information on my Sacred Feminine page, you will be aware that the Venus Synodic Cycle is completed through FOUR (4) phases over 19~months. Thus, these classes will be transpiring over the 19 months from April 2025 through October 2026.
unique engagement with venus
There are some fundamentally UNIQUE attributes of The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s work with Venus Synodic Cycle:
- We do not follow the Myth of Inanna as the TEMPLATE for the Venus Synodic Cycle. Rather, we follow the Template that was given to Sofia Mona Lisa by Yeshua in March 2021.
- We do not work with the Piscean Archetypes for the Sacred Feminine as taught by Daniel Giamario’s book, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, or Cayelin Castell’s Shamanic Astrology classes. Rather, we work with the Aquarian Archetypes for the Sacred Feminine that the Cosmic Sophia shares with Sofia Mona Lisa.
- An integral part of our work with the Venus Synodic Cycle incorporates the 8-steps of Alchemy which Sofia Mona Lisa and her Priestess Sister, Wind Song, learned in their High Priestess studies through the lineage of Nicole Christine.
- Finally, our work continues to evolve and bring in elements that are inspired by the Cosmic Sophia such as the teachings from The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the I AM teachings by Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters.
program options
There are several choices available for engaging these classes:
- you can participate one class at time ($180/month),
- you can participate through the first 2 phases of the Synodic Cycle (approximately 10 months ~ $1,530) and then through the last 2 phases of the Synodic Cycle (approximately 9 months ~$1,377), or
- you can participate through the entire 19-month Synodic Cycle ($2,736).
energetic exchange
The energetic exchanges for each option, as indicated above, reflect the commitment you choose to make. The second option provides a 15% discount, and the third option provides a 20% discount.
program includes
By engaging in these Sacred Feminine Classes, you will receive:
- the monthly replay of the Venus Activation as discussed by The Galactic New Earth Tribe,
- you can choose to schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with Sofia Mona Lisa to clarify any questions you may have from the replay,
- you can choose to book a personal Venus Activation 90-minute reading at a discounted rate of $180,
- (NOTE: The regular rate for readings is $300.)
- you can choose to book a Solar Return 90-minute reading at or near the time of your birthday at a discounted rate of $180, and
- you can choose to join The Sophia-Christ Mentorship Program at an EXCLUSIVE discount only available to those taking the Sacred Feminine classes.
- Venmo ~ @sofiamonalisa
- Cash App ~ $SofiaMonaLisa
CONTACT ME to let me know that you would like to enroll. Thank you
© The Golden Ray Center 2025
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