Sophia~Christ Mentorship Program

WATCH this video for an overview of the Mentorship Program


Our Beloved Sophia (Divine Wisdom) asked me to create this “next level” mentorship program for Her. This program is for those who are READY for a phenomenally profound opportunity to further their personal advancement in SELF-Mastery as they consciously activate their Crystalline (Rainbow) LIGHT Body. More so, this mentorship program is for those who know they have a incredibly deep awareness, resonance, experience and/or relationship with the Divine Mother.

Because of the traumatic offenses perpetrated upon Humanity through the RAPE Culture of the Patriarchy, nearly every human being requires an energetic clearing, healing and resurrection of their own Holy Womb Chakra in order to rewire their connection with the Divine Mother through Her Holy Womb Chakra

This mentorship program is for those who are ready for the depth of energetic clearing and healing of their own Holy Womb Chakra that will enable its illumination and resurrection through the use of both The Seven Sacred Flames and Sofia Mona Lisa’s intuitive guidance from Sophia-Christ, the Divine Mother and your Soul (I AM Presence).

The Seven Sacred Flames are:

  • The Flame of the Will of God (First Ray ~ Master El Morya)
  • The Flame of Illumination and Wisdom (Second Ray ~ Lord Lando & Master Kuthumi)
  • The Flame of Cosmic Love (Third Ray ~ Paul the Venetian, Maha Chohan)
  • The Ascension Flame of Purification (Fourth Ray ~ Lord Serapis Bey)
  • The Flame of Healing and Manifestation (Fifth Ray ~ Master Hilarion)
  • The Flame of Resurrection (Sixth Ray ~ Yeshua aka Lord Sananda & Mary Magdalen aka Lady Nada)
  • The Violet Flame of Transmutation (Seventh Ray ~ Master Saint Germain
For your ease of reference, I have created this chart which associates the Rays & their Sacred Flames with the chakras and the days of the week.

If you are currently a part of the Christ Heart Mentorship Program, I invite you to consider engaging in the Sophia-Christ Mentorship Program as well because the last 3 eclipses of the Aries-Libra axis are intermingling with the first 2 eclipses of the Virgo-Pisces axis.

PLEASE NOTE: Because the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse Season (Path of Sophia-Christ) is being initiated within the window of the Aries-Libra Eclipse Season (Path of Conscious Equal Partnership), AND because everything is unfolding in the Eternal NOW, Sophia has affirmed our desire to engage these mentorship programs concurrently.

This unique mentorship program will also support those who will be Consciously Engaging with the coming Pisces Goddess Journey (our next Venus Synodic Cycle) which will be on the world stage in March 2025.  

These two revolutionary mentorship programs that have been inspired by Sophia could ONLY be created because of a …

new dispensation of Light [which] permits [us] to raise [ourselves] into [our] eternal Perfection. … We are now [in] a cycle in which the Great Cosmic Light [is] expanded to such a degree that the great Light [makes] it easier for those that love the Light. … Only your sincere desire and call will draw that Presence to you.

Godfre Ray King, Discourse 4, “I AM” The Open Door Ascended Master Discourses

This mentorship program is designed around the coming Virgo-Pisces eclipse series on The Path of Sophia-Christ that will be initiated in September 2024 and will complete in February 2027.


The March 2024 Total Lunar Eclipse ushered in the Path of Conscious Equal Partnership with the DIVINE MOTHER. That lunar eclipse was the ONLY lunar eclipse of the ENTIRE Aries-Libra Eclipse Season!

Now, with this new Virgo-Pisces Eclipse Season, SIX (6) of the 7 eclipses will be Lunar Eclipses … AND … THREE (3) of those will be Total Lunar Eclipses!! This is a phenomenal Cosmic evolutionary experience from the Sacred Heart of the Cosmic Sophia ~ the ONE Divine Creatrix of ALL Life ~ for Humanity. Thus, it was beautifully congruous when She revealed to me that the Mentorship Allies for this program are aspects of the Divine Mother:

Mary the Mother ~ Embodiment of Divine Mercy
Quan Yin ~ Goddess of Compassion
Violet Tara ~
Goddess of Forgiveness & Freedom

Sedna ~ Goddess of Transmutation


The first eclipse (lunar) of the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse Season will occur on September 17, 2024 in Pisces during the window of the Leo (Divine Royalty) Goddess’ activation of the Portal of Creation (Sacral Chakra & Holy Womb Chakra) on September 5, 2024 of the Ascent Journey (Evening Star Phase).

The Holy Womb Chakra

The exquisite linear timing of this manifestation is an invitation to SANCTIFY that which has been, and continues to be, DESECRATED by the Patriarchy and its RAPE Culture ~ the Sacred Temple (our physical bodies) of Sophia~Christ, and in particular, The Holy Womb Chakra. In the Horse Wisdom of the Goddess Epona, this desecration is identified through the Predator~Prey Matrix which has expunged Humanity from our Lion Heart Wisdom. The desecration of our Sacred Temples has been experienced by women (predominantly, and also men) throughout millennia as abuse perpetrated upon the Power (SHAKTI ~ Kundalini) of the Sacred Feminine via the Sacral Chakra (The Holy Womb Chakra) through assaults such as:

  • rape and attempted rape
  • incest
  • fondling or unwanted sexual touching
  • sex slaves
  • pornography
  • forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body
  • physical bondage (hands, feet and/or mouth)
  • and any other traumatic event that causes damage to our connection with the Divine Mother
  • also, lest we forget, the rape and pillaging of Mother Gaia’s (Earth’s) resources.

These traumatic offenses to the Sacred Temple (whether feminine or masculine) are acts of desecration stored in both the Holy Womb Chakra AND the Sacral Chakras of humans AND in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. They are essentially no different than a perpetrator breaking into your home, defecating on your floors and smearing it on your walls and belongings. IT MUST BE CLEANED UP!

We must consciously acknowledge and engage this mess (Darkness) in order to begin the PURIFICATION and FORGIVENESS process of these atrocities, the wounds they have left behind and their defilement of the Sacred Feminine Principle. THIS purification and forgiveness process will enable the Alchemy required to unfold and facilitate our healing, the healing of Humanity, our Ascension Process and the Ascension of Humanity.

The Purification and Forgiveness process we are consciously engaging through this Spiritual Practice (Sadhana) is the action of “bringing the Light into the Darkness.”

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

John 1:5, King James Version

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King Jr., sermon called “Loving Your Enemies,” Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, November 17, 1957

The Divine Mother and the Ascended Masters, along with their Sacred Flames, are HERE to help us with this Sacred Service to the Sacred Feminine as an integral part of our own SELF-Mastery.


Through the Eternal and Infinite Grace of the Cosmic Sophia, our Mentorship Allies will be assisting us with the Alchemical Journey necessary to affect the Healing required for us to become Embodiments of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. They are offering us the GRACE to become Liberated from human bondage and to KNOW the Freedom of our Divine Selves.

Be still and KNOW that I AM God.

Psalm 46:10 KJV

The Wisdom Resources will be using us to support us in our personal transformation are:

CLICK on images to make a purchase. (NOTE: I do not receive any remuneration for any of the resources I use or recommend.)


The beauty of the Sophia~Christ Mentorship Program is that it is SELF-PACED! This aspect is critically important because of the potency and intensity of the work that you will be doing. You do not want to “blow out” your nervous system circuitry. As we know, the turtle wins the race. Pacing is so crucial for you to be able to create the inner space required to integrate and embody all of the higher frequencies that you will be bringing in for yourself.

The program includes SEVEN (7) 90-minute personal readings, one (1) for each of the eclipse events during the Virgo-Pisces eclipse series. Because everything exists in the ETERNAL NOW, the linear timing of when you schedule your readings is not relevant. As we are working with the non-linear, you are tapped into the cosmic activations that were in the sky for the event at its linear timeline.


The energetic exchange for this Mentorship Program is $300/reading OR $1800 paid in full for a 15% savings.


  • Venmo ~ @sofiamonalisa
  • Cash App ~ $SofiaMonaLisa


CONTACT ME to let me know that you would like to enroll. Thank you!

© The Golden Ray Center 2024-2025

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice.