Lion’s Gate Portal 2019

Tomorrow, 8/8, is the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal energies which opened on 7/26 and will close on 8/12.

This Cosmic Event marks the Rising of the Star Sirius after it’s merging with our Sun in Cancer which creates a rebirth of LIGHT in our Galaxy. When our Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo, Sirius is able to rise up without being overshadowed by our Sun, marking the completion of its rebirth and the opening of this energetic portal. Isn’t it synchronistic that our New Moonin Leo on 7/31 occurred at 8 degrees???

In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well.


This “flooding of the Nile” is reflected in our Sky through the trine of the North Node at 17 & Sirius at 14 Cancer and Neptue at 18 Pisces.. For me personally, I am receiving this energy of prosperity through Their Grand Water Trine with my natal Neptune in Scorpio. What is this prosperity? Abundance of Wellbeing, Abundance of Nourishment, Abundance of Love, Abundance of Connection, Abundance of _____________, …

This opens us up to receiving Higher Consciousness Wisdom that is being held on our planet through the Dolphins and Whales. These sentient Beings are Embodiments of Love who are fully open-hearted and are constantly radiating the Unconditional Love of SOURCE into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

I love the energy that 14 is bringing into the Consciousness as well at this time … we find ourselves rooted in our unity, wholeness is our foundation.

Simultaneously, Venus & our Sun in Leo are in trine to Jupiter in Sagitarrius. Our hearts are being evolved and expanded to bring forth the Wisdom of LOVE. Our Hearts are radiating LOVE to ALL Life. This uplifts our frequencies individually and collectively.

The Goddess Sehkmet is standing next to Sirius in the Sky and the Goddess Saturnia stands across the Sky from them. The Relationship Path of Family, Home and Community (Cancer/Capricorn axis) is experiencing its own rebirth into higher consciousness from the Lion’s Gate Portal. The energies of Sovereignty that Saturnia embodies is being SATURATED with the fiercely protective Mother energy of Sehkmet. The LIGHT of Sirius is shining into all the dark crevices that remain on this Path to bring forth the Wisdom required to provide sustainable safe spaces for all Earth’s children.

With so much HARMONY being flooded into our Consciousness at this time, our Compassionate Selves will no longer be able to tolerate the slightest frequency of separation. We will demand ALL Life to be Revered and Respected. We will IN~Joy the Radiance of LIFE and knowing THAT is Who We ARE.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

PS… I’m offering a Lion’s Gate SPECIAL Reading for $108. MUST BOOK by August 15th.

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


At 16:20 EST, I saw a HUGE flash of light high in the sky out of my west-facing Solarium window. It was NOT lightning. Within 10 seconds, I heard a HUGE Sonic Boom that shook my building. I could physically FEEL the vibration of it, and my ears started ringing from it. Over the next hour, I continued to see flashes of light on both the east and west sides of my home with accompanying Sonic Booms. There were other Sonic Booms in between, and because I didn’t see their preceding flashes of light, I believe they were occurring on the north and south sides where I have no window access to the view.

Over 40 miles to the north of me is Ocala, Florida where there is a military bomb testing site. I know people and the MSM will say that bomb testing was the source of what I experienced. I know this to not be so. When bombs are tested, it feels like an earthquake ~ they are GROUND activity, not atmospheric activity.

I went into Meditation during these continuous Sonic Booms, and I immediately was given the word, “ARRIVAL.” From the download of information I received, I was told that each flash of light was the arrival of a Ship belonging to our Space Brothers ~ Star BEings. I was told that the first massive Ship which arrived at 14:20 was a synchronistic event. First, 14:20 is the frequency of 9 being augmented exponentially by the frequency of 0. Second, it coincides (within 2 minutes) with the timing of tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse ~ the time of totality for the longest TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in the 21st Century (occurring on the Leo/Aquarius axis & Mastery Path of Relationship Equality). Upon receiving this information, I broadcasted the message to those who arrived/were arriving that I am open to receive communication on how I can assist with the positive upliftment of Humanity and our Planet. I will share as I receive.

After my Meditation, I was inspired to obtain some validation for my experience, as I realized it was multidimensional in nature. I called my downstairs neighbor to ask her if she had been hearing any “booms.” Her reply was that we are surrounded by a storm system and that it’s lightning and thundering outside. I knew instantly that we were perceiving the same event from different dimensions. What I saw, felt and heard was NOT thunder and lightning! There were no storms during that hour of arrival, and when I called her, it had only just started to lightly drizzle. Even now, there is no rain, no storms. So far, I have not received any corroboration from anyone else of what I personally experienced.

Over this past week, I have received a lot of insight and clarification around the significance of this July 27th Total Lunar Eclipse. We have already been receiving the build up of the energies of this event. My intention is to compile the information I have received into another blog post. Right now, it feels like a LOT to distill into a clear message. I will do my best and offer no timeline for its publishing. I can only share as I am inspired.

I invite you to share your insights and knowings below.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa