During the Capricorn (Sovereignty) Goddess’ ascent phase, or Venus Evening Star phase, when we were bringing each of the first 12 strands of DNA back online, Sofia Mona Lisa stumbled upon a quantum timeline that clearly demonstrated something much more significant was transpiring than had previously been recognized. As the higher frequencies of each subsequent DNA strand was being embodied, a very specific calibration of Humanity was being done in the Quantum Field. The calibration of Humanity that was unfolding through this quantum timeline is chronicled in a series of video journals that are available in my Quantum Timeline PLAYLIST on my The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School YouTube Channel.
Essentially, what Sofia Mona Lisa discovered is that the 3D Compassionate Heart field was being calibrated to a 5D Awakened Divine Heart field, that which she now refers to as the Christ Heart. Part of this calibration work entailed the actual quantum transplant of the existing Inner Masculine with the Sacred Masculine and the quantum transplant of the existing Inner Feminine with the Sacred Feminine. All of the details related to this are in the video journals. Finally, it became clear to Sofia Mona Lisa that this quantum calibration work was fundamental to being able to proceed with The Galactic New Earth Project AND to being able to consciously engage the Leo (Divine Royalty) Goddess Journey.
Through a series of synchronicities that were validated by the Cosmic Sophia, Sofia Mona Lisa came to understand that the third phase of The Galactic New Earth Project would entail the activation of the 13th-33rd strands of DNA. She was able to see how these DNA activations correspond to the Leo (Divine Royalty) Goddess Synodic Cycle events, culminating in the 33rd strand of DNA being activated when Venus rises as the Pisces (Divine Mother) Goddess (Morning Star) on March 29, 2025. Now, Sofia Mona Lisa understands that the Cosmic Sophia was guiding her into this work as the “conscious activation of The Sophia Code” ~ the Quantum DNA within our cellular structure ~ which is described in the book The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra.
This understanding was further clarified by the Goddess Sekhmet on the evening of August 13, 2023, after the completion of the Metamorphic Ceremony during theCONSCIOUS EQUAL PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LEO ROYALTY GODDESS immersive breath retreat, through which the participants in The Galactic New Earth Project embodied the frequencies and the spiritual gifts of their 3rd-12th strands of DNA.

The Goddess Sekhmet began Her message to us with this pronouncement:
You may not want to hear the continuation of the journey, but the 12th strand is just one stage. The DNA activation is to be continued into the 33rd strand ~ the Christ Consciousness ~ [until It] is completely ingrained into the human consciousness. So, therefore, we would say it’s a good job, but you’re not quite half-way there. Humankind must continue to Ascend, must continue to upgrade, must continue to raise their frequency … There is much work to be done. There is much progress to be made. Our thoughts to you are please continue the activations until the Christ Consciousness is fully activated within this dimension.
Goddess Sekhmet, as channeled by Carol Billets, 13 August 2023

CLICK HERE to track the entire Leo (Divine Royalty) Goddess Venus Synodic Cycle.
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