… as, together, we REBIRTH America and our beautiful Planet. Over the next four years, between now and the beginning of 2025, we will witness and participate in the unfolding of this rebirth which will result in the Liberation of Humanity and Earth. Yet, first, we will collectively move through a “Near Death Experience” as The United States of America has its Pluto RETURN activated three times next year (2022).
Since last year’s Independence Day, we have already been experiencing the emergence of these transformative energies which are burning everything that does not serve our Ascension into the 5D+ realities into a heap of ash, as Pluto was standing at the 3 degree orb of America’s Pluto Return point. This burning to the ground has been intensified since mid-February when Venus descended into the Inanna Underworld. The Resurrection Activation (Venus conjunct Sun) at the end of March initiated the Healing of the Split between Inanna and her sister Erishkigal that has been the source of Separation Consciousness on Earth for at least the past 10,000+ years. Their healing and reunification was affirmed by the descent of the Sacred Masculine, represented by Osiris, The Wise and Compassionate Leader, into the Inanna Underworld in lieu of Inanna’s husband, Dumuzi, who is tainted by the Patriarchal energy. Due to Osiris’ presence in the Underworld, there is no longer a need for someone to act as a substitute for Inanna, and thus, there is no longer a need for the demons to accompany Inanna to the earth’s surface since she will not be claiming a substitute.
The story has now become rewritten. Inanna/Erishkigal will ascend together in Unity Consciousness from the Underworld on May 3rd when the Gemini Goddess rises as the Evening Star. Their UNIFICATION allows for the restoration of our own Unity Consciousness. They will step into the First Gate when the Root Chakra is activated by the conjunction of Venus and the Moon on May 12th. With no demons accompanying them, they, and therefore WE, are free to CLAIM the FULL Radiance of our Multi-Dimensional Selves through this Energetic Gateway. We will no longer be reclaiming the old royal robe that we surrendered. Now, in the new story, after eons of separation, finally we will be claiming and putting on our Divine Robe. We have made the shift from being subjugated to royal entitlement under Patriarchy to the freedom of our full sovereignty as Divine Beings. As such, this first gate at the Root Chakra initiates our Ascension into the higher dimensional frequencies of our Light Bodies, and thereby transcending the polarity/duality of the 3rd Dimension.
Just prior to the Ascent from the Inanna Underworld, Pluto will begin a whole new Vision Quest when he stations retrograde on April 28th. This vision quest will be an integral part of our Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey, transforming and empowering each Gateway as we expand further and further into our Leading Edge (Cosmic) Intelligence. Pluto will be clearing out any vibrational debris that may impede our Kundalini from fully IGNITING the power of each Chakra, enabling us to CLAIM the FULLNESS of its Divine LIGHT.
This Ascent Journey was blessed by Sekhmet, Goddess of Mercy and Grace, in Pisces at the Resurrection Activation. This blessing was bestowed upon us when the Easter Weekend Portal opened to allow INFINITE waves of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness to descend upon us. If you think back to that weekend and the week following it, you may recall having felt the effects of this monumental energy flowing into you. As it permeates our Beingness, it must saturate each of our etheric bodies (spiritual, mental and emotional) before filtering into our physical bodies. I have described what I was feeling as a spinning sensation like that of a toy top. The integration of the Sophia/Christ Consciousness will continue for us throughout the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey as we acclimate to a new center of balance for each Chakra each new balance point being grounded in a 5D+ frequency. Uranus’s journey through Taurus will be assisting us in this process.
These are exciting times to be embodied on the Planet. While there is much on the Global Stage to cause distraction and distress, I encourage each of you to stay in your Sacred Space to allow this process to have its way with you. In my FREE Guided Meditation for Enhanced Well Being, I provide you with instruction for establishing Spiritual Protection/Fortification and Calibrating to your Highest Frequency. I cannot overemphasize the importance of doing these two practices on a daily basis. As you become familiar with the process, this is something that should take no more than 15 minutes of your time each morning.
I also encourage each of you to consider engaging with the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey in a CONSCIOUS way by subscribing to The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School’s Sacred Feminine Class. The first class will be on Monday, May 10th, at 2pm EST. There are more details about what I have discussed here in the recording of our most recent Sacred Feminine class. You can watch that for FREE here. Please subscribe to our Library, and give our class a “thumbs up.” I hope it will inspire you to JOIN US on this Ascent Journey!
Many Blessings to You, Beloved.
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess
“A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene
©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2021
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