Lakshmi’s Gift from Greed

In my most recent Sacred Masculine class which discusses the Activation of the 5th Labor on the day of the class, which also happened to be the day of the Fifth Night of Navratri, I share my 4th Labor insurmountable challenge ~ experiencing manifestations of greed within my local community. I also share a reminder that MahaLakshmi grants a boon on the 5th night of Navratri, and extend an invitation to look for the evidence of Her boon.

Today, the very day after the class, MahaLakshmi revealed to me an amazing insight and clarity into the greed experiences I attracted to myself. I believe this Wisdom to be evidence of Her boon to me.

An important concept underlying the principles of The Law of Attraction which must be understood is that resonating frequencies range along a spectrum from what is wanted to what is not wanted. Instead, most people explain or justify these resonating frequencies in very limited and literal ways. Rather than limiting the frequency of greed to attracting only an exact frequency of greed, we must allow for the subtleties of frequencies that are at play along a spectrum ranging from greed to generosity. Understanding this fundamental principle of The Law of Attraction gives you access to the infinite possibilities of Source that are manifesting within you and through you in a liberating manner rather than a judgmental one.

One of the best explanations of this dynamic that I have found is discussed in Gregg Braden’s workshop on The Seven Essene Mirrors of Relationship which you can view here:

Here is the Gift from Greed that I received:

Greed is a manifestation of lack consciousness. It was the activated frequency of “lack consciousness” within you that attracted the greed experiences. The “lack consciousness” within you is a manifestation of all the places within that were ASKING in a big way for you to allow an opening for them to be able to receive the fullness of the I AM. By giving yourself the space (3 days of sleeping and staying in the comfort of your home for the rest of the week) to “make peace” with the experiences of greed you attracted – you effected the reconciliation required to resurrect those places within that were ASKING in a big way! The BIGNESS (or the momentum of the ASKING) was in direct proportion to the flare up of ANGER you felt in response to those experiences. The ensuing resurrection contributed greatly to the recalibration of your new center of balance  – aka your new vibrational point of attraction!!!


We know that the literal definition of resurrection is “the act of rising from the dead” or “a rising again as from decay, disuse.” However, in the metaphysical realm, we must look to the metaphoric understanding rather than the literal in order to access the higher teaching. In this instance, the metaphoric understanding that I intuited from MahaLakshmi’s boon is that of “bringing Light to darkness.” Thus, in any ways that we have created separation within our Consciousness, we have created pockets of darkness. Therefore, in any ways that we allow our Consciousness to become more unified, we are resurrecting that which has been separate.

The other piece of this boon from MahaLakshmi is the understanding that what I experienced through the 4th Labor is the Creative Process. It is this Creative Process that we experience eternally, and which we must focus on experiencing at each Gate Activation to get the most out of the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.

I invite you to begin engaging in your own Creative Process. Here are some ways that can support you when you decide to say “Yes!” to your Self:

Many Blessings to You, Beloved.
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

 “A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene

©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2021

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Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner