The Second Coming of Christ

IS the Emergence of His Beloved, Sophia!

As we come out of the Inanna Underworld Journey through which our Inner Yeshua and Inner Magdalene have become resurrected, Venus is Rising as the Gemini Goddess Evening Star on May 3rd within the Beltane window when we celebrate our connection to Nature ~ Gaia.  Her rising as Evening Star initiates the Second Coming of Christ as His Beloved, Sophia, EMERGES through each of us during the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.

We know that Yeshua is the Embodiment of Christ and his beloved, Magdalene is the Embodiment of Sophia.  However, Yeshua and Magdalene represent only one aspect of Christo-Sophia, the Son/Daughter aspect.  To fully understand Sophia-Christ Consciousness, we must understand the Holy Trinities whose esoteric knowledge has been lost to many.

Source, Unified Source Field, Prime Creator, God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, whatever name you use to identify the Infinite & Eternal Creator of ALL Life IS the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. We are familiar with Its mystical symbol known as the Mogen David or Star of David. The upward facing triangle represents the Sacred Masculine Principle known as Christ Consciousness that is experienced as the frequency of Love.  The downward facing triangle represents the Sacred Feminine Principle known as Sophia Consciousness that is experienced as the frequency of Wisdom. 

Both the Christ Consciousness and the Sophia Consciousness are made of 3 aspects each, establishing the two trinities.  The Trinity of Christ Consciousness is familiar to most everyone in the Judeo-Christian world. This is the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The Trinity of Sophia Consciousness has been lost and forgotten to most of Humanity.  This is the Trinity of Mother, Daughter and Holy Soul.  When the two trinities of Christ and Sophia merge together in Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage), Their Sacred Union gives us the symbol of the Star of David in a 2D representation.

The Star Tetrahedron is the 3D representation for the Sacred Union of Christo-Sophia.  It is this sacred geometry that is the basis for the Flower of Life 3D sphere which represents Source aka Sophia-Christ Consciousness.  The Flower of Life sphere is a Hologram, and the Star Tetrahedron is a Fractal of the Hologram.  In this way, we each have an Inner Being that is an extension of Source.  Our Inner Being is the Star Tetrahedron ~ our SOUL is our Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness ~, and as a Fractal of the Hologram of Source, our Inner Being contains within the Fractal the WHOLE of Source. Thus, we are Source; we are Sophia-Christ Consciousness.

At the First Coming, Christ opened up the path to the Father. Now, with the Second Coming, he is revealing the path to the Mother.

Robert A Powell, The Most Holy Trinosophia

We now know that the Father is an aspect of Christ and the Mother is an aspect of Sophia.  As such, Powell’s statement translates to me as a validation that Christ’s Second Coming, because of His Sacred Union with Sophia, is in truth all about the Emergence of His Beloved, Sophia.  This Wisdom has been revealed to me as a part of my own Inanna Underworld Journey and the resurrection of Yeshua and Magdalene within me.

IMAGINE!  Have you ever considered that your Soul IS the Sophia-Christ Consciousness? Christ tells us that we are made in the image of the Father.  Because the Two (Christ and Sophia) have been made ONE, when Christ is speaking of Himself, He is in fact speaking of Himself and His Beloved as the ONE. Thus, in reality, Christ has told us that we are made in the image of the Father and the Mother ~ each an aspect of Christ and Sophia. Thus, our Souls, as an image of Him/Her ARE the Sophia-Christ Consciousness.

Each of us, whether we have consciously engaged with the Inanna Underworld Journey or not have had our own RESURRECTION of our Inner Yeshua and Inner Magdalene whether it has been perceivable to us or not.  Allow yourself to feel into the Truth of this reality.

The questions you must ask yourself now are:

  • Am I ready to allow myself to acknowledge the Conscious Awareness of my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness? 
  • Am I ready to allow myself to Consciously Engage with my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness? 
  • Am I ready to allow myself to experience a Conscious Relationship with my Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness? 
  • Am I ready to allow The Second Coming of Christ to move through me, my Sacred Vessel, as His Beloved, Sophia, EMERGES through ME???”

If your Heart has leapt at the possibility of even one of these questions, your Inner Being ~ your Inner Sophia-Christ Consciousness ~ has said “YES” to you, and you in turn, have said “YES” to your Inner Christo-Sophia.  Thus, I invite you to join our Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine classes, particularly now as we begin the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey.

Our FIRST class for the Gemini Goddess Ascent Journey will be on Monday, May 10th, at 2:00 pm EST.  Our Sacred Masculine class will be on Saturday, May 15th, at 2:00 pm EST.  You can subscribe to one or both classes here.

Meanwhile, April’s Guided Meditation on Enhanced Connection with Your Divine Self ~ Your Beloved is now AVAILABLE. You can subscribe to our Monthly Guided Meditations HERE where you have UNLIMITED ACCESS to our Meditation Library.

These are exciting times on our planet. Stay in your Sacred Space, and do not allow the distortions to derail you.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

 “A High Priestess is one who has developed her capacities to work with larger fields of consciousness and energy than a priestess.” ~ Nicole Christine, Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene

©SOL SPEAKS™, The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2021

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Author: The Golden Ray Center

Alchemical Creation High Priestess™ Certified Shamanic Priestess™ Certified Jharra™ Practitioner Certified Breath of Love™ Practitioner