The Ascent of the Libra Meta Goddess

Libra Goddess Ascent
Photo Credit unknown

Today!!! The New Moon (5° 20’ Libra), during Her three day journey through Libra, will connect with the Sacred Feminine (Venus) as the Evening Star Libra Meta Goddess on Her Ascent through the First (Root) Chakra ~ the Life Force Center of the Goddess!!!

At the recent Autumn Equinox (9/23), Venus began Her ASCENT into Her Evening Star journey to reclaim all the POWER Gifts (Royal Vestments) She had surrendered to Her sister, Erishkegal, during Her Morning Star Descent into the Underworld journey as Inanna.

The Libra Moon/Venus conjunction takes place at the First (Root) Chakra Gate tomorrow (9/29 at 18° Libra ~ the number of Isis!), also “called the Gate of Manifestation, [where Inanna] gave up Her royal robe, or ‘Garment of Ladyship,’  [during Her descent into the Underworld,] symbolizing the surrender of Her Life Force”!!!! ~ Inanna and Her Journey into the Underworld

For myself, I palpably experienced this Death & Rebirth Initiation at Château de Queribus ~ a half ruined Medieval Cathar Castle in France regarded as the last Cathar stronghold ~ where I was “hanging on a hook on the wall.” After climbing up the mountain and then the stone stairway that led to the castle’s threshold, I was GRIPPED with an Energy of Fear as I entered the castle.  It was so overwhelming, I had to sit down. All of my fellow Spiritual Luminaries had already continued into the castle for our ceremony. I was physically unable to join them. I was overwhelmed by this unexpected energy that enveloped me. Mentally & physically, I was determined to join my fellow travelers. Each step up the stone stairway was a breath-taking, excruciating move forward.  I was clinging to the stone walls by my finger nails and virtually strangling the ropes (where available) attached to them. I was overcome by past life memories of having been thrown over the wall of this castle. Fear and dread paralyzed me as I continued to push myself up this mountainous castle climb. At each new step up the stairway, I felt unbalanced and sensed I could fall at any moment. Finally, I made my way to the door of the tower.  When I looked in, I could see two spiral staircases going up. I knew I had gone as far as I could. Feeling defeated, I turned around to head back down, wondering how in the world I would make it. I must have had a dazed and confused look on my face as I timidly attempted to find my footing down the stone stairway rubble. On a couple of occasions, I was extended a friendly and supportive hand to balance my next few steps down. I was very clear that my Personal Will had been usurped by this Multidimensional Experience that was having its way with me. Oddly, just as instantaneously as it had taken me over, the moment I crossed back over the castle’s threshold, the Energy of Fear dissipated, and I was freed from it.  However, the specter of the life-threatening experience I had encountered hung over me into the next day.

The day prior, I had met the Daemon (in ancient Greek belief, a divinity or supernatural being of a nature between gods and humans; also a guardian spirit; inspiring or inner spirit) Asmodeus as I crossed the threshold of the Church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Château. Now as I crossed the Queribus threshold, I met, and continued to be presented with throughout the remainder of our Magdalene Journey,  my own Root Chakra Demons. When Inanna rises from the Underworld, She is accompanied by Demons. The Ascent process supports us in facing our Demons and aligning with them as Allies. 

I am in such a state of appreciation to be able to step forward today on this New Moon in Libra into a Conscious meeting with this Gate as I RECLAIM the fullness of my Creative Life Force Energy (Kundalini/Shakti). Little did I know, or could I have imagined, our Magdalene Journey in France, and our work within the Landscape Venus Temple there, was to be an opening for a Conscious Collaboration with Venus and Her aspect as the Relational Goddess (Libra Meta Goddess) ~ the aspect of the Sacred Feminine with whom The Golden Ray Center, Inc’s mission of  Restoring the Culture of Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship is aligned. This Conscious Collaboration is even more poignant for me as I am experiencing my 7th ~ age 56 ~ Venus Return. (My natal Venus is in Sagittarius, and my Meta Goddess is Scorpio.)

Landscape Venus Temple including Rennes-le-Château and Mount Bugarach as points on the pentagram. We meditated and did ceremony at the foot of Bugarach BEFORE making our way up to Queribus!

Photo Credit: The Holy Place by Henry Lincoln

If you are inspired to initiate a Conscious Collaboration through ceremonial engagement with the Libra Relational Goddess, I invite you to join this 9-month journey offered by Venus Alchemy. It’s not too late! I share an introductory video about it here for you to view:

We have all been through Inanna’s Underworld Initiation, whether we were consciously engaged with it or not. I invite you to look back at these times where Venus passed through each Gate on Her descent, so that you can recall what was going on with you then and reconnect with those energies:

  1. Crown Chakra Gate ~ December 3, 2018
  2. Third Eye Chakra Gate ~ January 1, 2019
  3. Throat Chakra Gate ~ January 5, 2019 (3 days before my SOLar Return & 4 days before my 7th ~ age 56 ~ Venus Return)
  4. Heart Chakra Gate ~ January 31, 2019
  5. Solar Chakra Gate ~ April 1, 2019
  6. Sacral Chakra Gate ~ May 2, 2019
  7. Root Chakra Gate ~ June 1, 2019
  8. Earth Star Chakra Gate ~ Death by INTENT! ~ July 1, 2019

NOW, the Relational Goddess is rising from the Underworld.  “This Ascension process is the transformation of the physical body, Light body and the Consciousness that animates [them] in order to hold a Higher Vibrational State.” ~ Venus Alchemy  Remember, as I stated above, at the First Gate that Inanna encounters as She is rising from the Underworld, the Royal Robe She had surrendered to Her sister, Erishkegal, is returned to Her. This Garment of Ladyship represents the regaining of Inanna’s Life Force Energy and all Her Earthly Power that She will require to continue making Her Ascent.

In this famous painting, The Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli, we see Inanna’s Garment of Ladyship being restored to Her as she is being offered the Red Robe. Made in the mid 1480’s,  The painting is in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

With Venus’ first conjunction to our New Moon in Libra, we walk through the Root Chakra Gate where we can fully RECLAIM our Creative Life Force Energy (Kundalini/Shakti) and fully EMBODY it in a whole and balanced way ~ creating a healthy Root Chakra for feeling safe and supported, especially in our ability to connect in Sacred Partnership with family and community. (This is even more auspicious in light of the North Node in Cancer opposition to Saturn in Capricorn on the Relationship Path of Home, Family and Community at this New Moon.~ other aspects listed at bottom) For me, my most powerful intention is centered around the FULL EMBODIMENT of the Frequency of VITALITY and my WILL TO LIVE! 

I came face-to-face with the choice to Live or Let Go when I returned home from the Magdalene Journey.  I arrived home on Tuesday (9/17) with what I thought was a respiratory infection that I had picked up on the last leg of my arduous and grueling trip home.  By the following Monday (9/23 ~ the day of the Autumn Equinox when Venus rose as the Evening Star), I was rushed to the Emergency Room and admitted to the hospital for a severe case of pneumonia.  I was in hospital for 4 days with significant (still unresolved) complications requiring numerous cat scans and ultrasounds.

Though I believe in Angels, and honor & appreciate the work They do, other than occasionally calling on Archangel Michael or Archangel Metatron, I don’t usually ask for angelic assistance.

Archangel Michael at the Abby of St. Michel Cuxa
Photo credit: Sofia Mona Lisa

His PRESENCE was palpable that day. He made Himself known through photography and transmissions to two of our Spiritual Luminaries. This was the day AFTER Queribus.

Oddly, however, as I laid in the hospital feeling myself in the place of the in-between ~ hovering being the physical realm and the spiritual realm ~ I found myself calling on the Angels repeatedly for help and healing.

Today at this New Moon in Libra, I received information from a dear friend and fellow Spiritual Luminary about a FREE Healing Teleseminar being given tonight at 9pm EST by Master John and the Master Healing Angels!

I am always surprised and delighted by how Source conspires to send us exactly what we need when we allow ourselves to open up. This invitation is such a synchronistic (Law Of Attraction) occurrence for me, and I feel so inspired to share this opportunity with each of you.

When I went to bed on the day I was discharged from the hospital (9/26), I continued to be in such a vulnerable place that I literally spoke an ULTIMATUM out LOUD to Spirit: “Heal this physical body now or take me back into Pure Positive Energy!”

OMGdess! WOW!! How quickly Source’s Intention for me showed up! Today, I discovered this video which I believe is a CRITICAL TOOL for anyone who is actively working with the principles of The Law of Attraction. IN~Joy!

Below is a Prosperity Image from the CMA site that “transmit(s) prosperity blessings and initiate(s) secret processes from God and the Master Angels when viewed.” This image is of a crystal with blue light. There is also a silent Prosperity Blessing video on the page.

Crystal with Blue Light ~ CMA International Foundation

I share with you my personal Root Chakra Collage that I have created to work with this Gate’s energy:

Sofia Mona Lisa’s PERSONAL Root Chakra Collage created for today’s New Moon in Libra & First Gate Activation

I also share this powerful Root Chakra Sound Activation:

These are all high vibrational tools that I invite you to work with over this 3-day New Moon in Libra ~ Root Chakra Gate Activation.

Finally, we are also experiencing the energies of SEVERAL inconjunct frequencies.  An inconjunct aspect is a 150° transit between two Luminary Bodies.  This energy often shows up for us as the tendency towards an “either/or” struggle and is providing us the opportunity to create the space within us to hold both energies simultaneously ~ shifting from “this OR that” to “this AND that.”  These inconjunctions are:

  1. Sun/Moon in Libra inconjunct Uranus in Taurus
  2. Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune/Black Moon Lilith  in Pisces
  3. Spica in Libra inconjunct Vesta/Sedna in Taurus
  4. North Node in Cancer inconjunct Ceres in Sagittarius
  5. Magdalene in Cancer inconjunct the Galactic Center in Sagittarius
  6. Hathor in Leo inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn

There are also several oppositions that are creating opportunities for us to Alchemically Create a New Reality at a Higher Frequency on these axes:

  1. Cancer/Capricorn Axis of Home, Family & Community
    1. North Node in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn
    2. Magdalene in Cancer opposite Pluto/Medusa in Capricorn
  2. Aries/Libra Axis of Conscious Equal Partnershp
    1. Eris in Aries opposite Mercury in Libra
    2. Chiron in Aries opposite Sun/Moon in Libra
  3. Virgo/Pisces Axis of The Help Mate
    1. Juno in Virgo opposite Neptune/Black Moon Lilith in Pisces

If you would like to Consciously Engage with these inconjunct and opposition Energies in terms of how they are working with you at the individual Soul level, I invite you to book an Inner Fire Walk with me.

Many blessings to you at this POWERFUL time of Awakening,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

Me with two of my fellow Magdalene Journey Spiritual Luminaries ~ Maureen Paxton (my Venus Buddy!) and Judy Baum in Saintes Maries de la Mer.
Photo Credit: Ellia M ODonnell

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Lion’s Gate Portal 2019

Tomorrow, 8/8, is the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal energies which opened on 7/26 and will close on 8/12.

This Cosmic Event marks the Rising of the Star Sirius after it’s merging with our Sun in Cancer which creates a rebirth of LIGHT in our Galaxy. When our Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo, Sirius is able to rise up without being overshadowed by our Sun, marking the completion of its rebirth and the opening of this energetic portal. Isn’t it synchronistic that our New Moonin Leo on 7/31 occurred at 8 degrees???

In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well.


This “flooding of the Nile” is reflected in our Sky through the trine of the North Node at 17 & Sirius at 14 Cancer and Neptue at 18 Pisces.. For me personally, I am receiving this energy of prosperity through Their Grand Water Trine with my natal Neptune in Scorpio. What is this prosperity? Abundance of Wellbeing, Abundance of Nourishment, Abundance of Love, Abundance of Connection, Abundance of _____________, …

This opens us up to receiving Higher Consciousness Wisdom that is being held on our planet through the Dolphins and Whales. These sentient Beings are Embodiments of Love who are fully open-hearted and are constantly radiating the Unconditional Love of SOURCE into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

I love the energy that 14 is bringing into the Consciousness as well at this time … we find ourselves rooted in our unity, wholeness is our foundation.

Simultaneously, Venus & our Sun in Leo are in trine to Jupiter in Sagitarrius. Our hearts are being evolved and expanded to bring forth the Wisdom of LOVE. Our Hearts are radiating LOVE to ALL Life. This uplifts our frequencies individually and collectively.

The Goddess Sehkmet is standing next to Sirius in the Sky and the Goddess Saturnia stands across the Sky from them. The Relationship Path of Family, Home and Community (Cancer/Capricorn axis) is experiencing its own rebirth into higher consciousness from the Lion’s Gate Portal. The energies of Sovereignty that Saturnia embodies is being SATURATED with the fiercely protective Mother energy of Sehkmet. The LIGHT of Sirius is shining into all the dark crevices that remain on this Path to bring forth the Wisdom required to provide sustainable safe spaces for all Earth’s children.

With so much HARMONY being flooded into our Consciousness at this time, our Compassionate Selves will no longer be able to tolerate the slightest frequency of separation. We will demand ALL Life to be Revered and Respected. We will IN~Joy the Radiance of LIFE and knowing THAT is Who We ARE.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

PS… I’m offering a Lion’s Gate SPECIAL Reading for $108. MUST BOOK by August 15th.

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2019

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Happy Winter SOLstice

Happy Winter SOLstice and Full Moon in Cancer, Beloveds!!!

This has been a HUGE week of Cosmic Potency!

Are you feeling your flame getting higher & your temperature rising? LOL Are you feeling like a POWERHOUSE? Are you understanding yourself in ways that you never have before? Are you feeling your Consciousness expanding to new breadths? Are you feeling more light-hearted?

All these experiences are happening now at this time of Galactic RENEWAL! Imagine a phone sitting in the cradle of its charger. YOU are sitting in the cradle of our Galactic charger!

On Wednesday, the Sun (Heart of our SOLar System) was in exact Alignment with the Galactic Center (Heart of the Milky Way). Their Alignment was, and continues, broadcasting new Creative Frequencies of LOVE that have never before been received on our planet! We are being attuned to and empowered with these new Creative Frequencies of LOVE. Your Heart Intelligence is BEing HARMONIZED with Infinite Intelligence.

Notice the image of the Galactic Center’s TORUS above. Both we and our Sun are fueled by a similar torus. As the Heart of the Milky Way is ENTRAINING the Heart of our SOLar System with these Higher Frequencies, so too is the Heart of our SOLar System ENTRAINING our Heart Centers with these Higher Frequencies. The words of The Ancients resound, “You RADIATE Us, and We RADIATE You.”

At the moment of the GREAT ALIGNMENT, the Sun & the Galactic Center were positioned at an inconjunct aspect to the North Node (our Cosmic GPS). This is an EVOLUTIONARY point of arrival!

During this time of Galactic upgrade & renewal, you will KNOW yourself to be physical & non-physical. You will KNOW yourself to be 3rd dimensional & Multi-dimensional. You will KNOW yourself to be a Human BEing & a Star 🌟 BEIng. You will KNOW yourself to be an extension of Source & SOURCE.

Now, we are in the Winter SOLstice window which opened yesterday and contiues to fuel us through tomorrow.

Yesterday, our Sun (Heart of our SOLar System) was at the Mastery point of 29 degrees Sagittarius before crossing over the SOLstice threshold of 0 degrees Capricorn TODAY.

Allow yourself the PAUSE to BASK in these exquisite Sagittarian energies while reflecting on what you have Mastered within:

🌟 How has the FIREY 🔥 VisionQuest Hero(ine) been awakened in you or has reached new heights?!?!?

🌟 How has your courage become bolder?

🌟 How have your insights gained clarity?

🌟 How has your Heart Intelligence expanded?

🌟 How high has your Consciousness ascended?

🌟 What new Truths have you received to carry forward with you into the New Year?

BEing in Alignment with this Quest, Mercury (our Cosmic Messenger) conjoined Jupiter (our Cosmic Guru) in Sagittarius ♐️ are REVEALING the GIFTS 🎁 that you will discover within your Heart 💜.

For myself, I felt deep within my own Heart Center how truly WEALTHY I AM & ALL-ways have been! I realized that WEALTH is a multitude of riches as I aligned with the Truth & FEELING that I AM:

🎁 Rich in Love
🎁 Rich in Appreciation 
🎁 Rich in Inspiration 
🎁 Rich in Creativity 
🎁 Rich in Clarity 
🎁 Rich in Satisfaction 
🎁 Rich in Contentment 
🎁 Rich in Comfort 
🎁 Rich in Wellbeing 
🎁 Rich in Companionship
🎁 Rich in Friendship 
🎁 Rich in Fun
🎁 Rich in Humor
🎁 Rich in Curiosity 
🎁 Rich in Adventure

…. and the RICHES continued to pour forth!

Allow your FOCUS on your own riches to increase their momentum until you, too, come to FEEL & KNOW yourself to be Wealthy as well!

The Abundance that is mine will find its way to me without my help.  All I have to do is to expect it and allow it, and be happy knowing that it’s on its way.


At this Winter SOLstice Full Moon in Cancer (December 21 ~ TODAY), your Inner Child is receiving the LIGHT Codes that are upgrading him/her from the Wounded & Lost Child to the Innocent & Pure Child.

For me personally, this HOLY Full Moon ~ Gift from the Divine Mother ~ is in my 12th House ~ the House of the Christ Child.

It is the Innocent Child who beams the Presence of the Wise One to us through Its Twinkling Eyes, Sparkling Smile & Infectious Laugh. It is the Wise One who Guides Us from the Presence of the Innocent Child installed in His/Her Heart.

Simultaneously, we have a GRAND WATER TRINE between Sirius (Mother Isis) in Cancer, Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Scorpio & Neptune (our Cosmic Pipeline to Source) in Pisces. Mother Isis is birthing a new frequency of Sacredness straight from Source into our Homes, Families & Communities. The Innocent Child ~ who is imbued with Christ Consciousness ~ is our catalyst for the Alchemical Transformation that will secure the sustainability of Enlightenment within our Homes, Families & Communities.

There are TWO powerful energies that are standing at the SOLstice threshold that have not received much air time: the asteroid Pholus & the KBO Quaoar.

Pholus links the realms of the Goddess Saturn (our Cosmic Gatekeeper) & Orcus (our Sacred Vow). The Power of Pholus allows us to break free from our self-perceived limitations to pierce the veils that obscure our transcendent Soul Purpose. The Magic of Pholus AWAKENS us to our Soul Purpose so that we can LIVE IT here on Earth 🌏. In this way, the Medicine of Pholus is similar to the plant medicine of Ayahuasca or the animal medicine of Bufo. “As above, so below.” When we use Sacred Medicine, we honor our union through Ceremony. Ceremonial Meditation within this SOLstice window will give you access to the Sacred Visions that Pholus is streaming to you.

Quaoar’s Creative Power is in dancing new realities into Being. The Medicine of Quaoar is steeped in the Snake Goddess Mysteries. Something must die first, and then something new that is “beyond death” happens. The Snake Goddess Mysteries refer to the rhythmic movement of the Creative Life Force Energy (Kundalini). Honoring Quaoar’s Magic by incorporating dance in your Ceremonial Meditation will help you birth the Sacred Visions of Pholus out of the darkness and onto the screen of your Third Eye.

For those of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, Awakening from the Vision Quest, the Rebirth of the Sun and the powerful energies of regeneration, renewal & self reflection provide a Sacred Space for us to engage with Pholus & Quaoar to birth new visions & realities that we will manifest in our lives in Alignment with our Soul Purpose.

For those in the Southern Hemisphere, shifting into the Dreamtime of the Vision Quest, I share the words of Starhawk: “The Sun King grown embraces the Queen of Summer in the love that is death because it is so complete that all dissolves into the single song of ecstasy that moves the worlds. So the Lord of Light dies to Himself, and sets sail across the dark seas of time, searching for the isle of light that is rebirth. We turn the Wheel and share his fate, for we have planted the seeds of our own changes and to grow we must accept even the passing of the sun.” I invite you to use this Sacred Space to discover that which you are ready to leave behind, which will become mulched into new visions & realities, so that you are free to pierce the veils.

PEACE on Earth, Goodwill towards ALL Her Children. If you would like to know how the SOLstice Energies are creating through you, book an Inner Fire Walk with me here.

Artist ~ Kinuko Craft

Transformation Leading into the New Year ~ 12/31/2018

Moon in Scorpio ♏️ TODAY is preparing us for the TWO January Eclipses!!!

Jan 5th: New Moon eclipse 15 deg Capricorn (8:28 PM)

Jan 21st: Full Moon eclipse 0 deg Leo (8:15 AM)

If you have not yet felt the pull towards transformation leading into the new year, this could well be the day. Scorpio is the expert at the mysteries of death and rebirth. When Scorpio energy is operating at its highest potential, it allows us to feel the full power of our personal will. Our true will is not a reaction to external circumstances: it is that which emerges out of the depths of our feeling nature. It can be raw, but as long as it doesn’t seek to dominate others, or control outcomes, it is simply the pure expression of what we really, really desire.”

Kate Russo, Shamanic Astrology Mystery School

The New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn ♑️ on January 5th is the 2nd EVOLUTIONARY Activation of The Relationship Path of Family, Home & Community. (See earlier posts regarding this on my FaceBook page.) This is particularly poignant for those of us walking this path. I will provide more later.

The Full Moon Eclipse in Leo ♌️ on January 21st is the FINAL EVOLUTIONARY Activation of The MasteryPath of Relationship Equality that has been radiating from our Heart Centers over the past TWO Years!!! The Collective Consciousness of Humanity is now fully EMERGING as a Heart Centered Culture that is leading INNOVATION from the Sacred Space of Cooperation & Mutual Aid. I will provide more later.

In~JOY the richness of Luna’s Field today!

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa
Alchemical Creation High Priestess

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2018

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


At 16:20 EST, I saw a HUGE flash of light high in the sky out of my west-facing Solarium window. It was NOT lightning. Within 10 seconds, I heard a HUGE Sonic Boom that shook my building. I could physically FEEL the vibration of it, and my ears started ringing from it. Over the next hour, I continued to see flashes of light on both the east and west sides of my home with accompanying Sonic Booms. There were other Sonic Booms in between, and because I didn’t see their preceding flashes of light, I believe they were occurring on the north and south sides where I have no window access to the view.

Over 40 miles to the north of me is Ocala, Florida where there is a military bomb testing site. I know people and the MSM will say that bomb testing was the source of what I experienced. I know this to not be so. When bombs are tested, it feels like an earthquake ~ they are GROUND activity, not atmospheric activity.

I went into Meditation during these continuous Sonic Booms, and I immediately was given the word, “ARRIVAL.” From the download of information I received, I was told that each flash of light was the arrival of a Ship belonging to our Space Brothers ~ Star BEings. I was told that the first massive Ship which arrived at 14:20 was a synchronistic event. First, 14:20 is the frequency of 9 being augmented exponentially by the frequency of 0. Second, it coincides (within 2 minutes) with the timing of tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse ~ the time of totality for the longest TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in the 21st Century (occurring on the Leo/Aquarius axis & Mastery Path of Relationship Equality). Upon receiving this information, I broadcasted the message to those who arrived/were arriving that I am open to receive communication on how I can assist with the positive upliftment of Humanity and our Planet. I will share as I receive.

After my Meditation, I was inspired to obtain some validation for my experience, as I realized it was multidimensional in nature. I called my downstairs neighbor to ask her if she had been hearing any “booms.” Her reply was that we are surrounded by a storm system and that it’s lightning and thundering outside. I knew instantly that we were perceiving the same event from different dimensions. What I saw, felt and heard was NOT thunder and lightning! There were no storms during that hour of arrival, and when I called her, it had only just started to lightly drizzle. Even now, there is no rain, no storms. So far, I have not received any corroboration from anyone else of what I personally experienced.

Over this past week, I have received a lot of insight and clarification around the significance of this July 27th Total Lunar Eclipse. We have already been receiving the build up of the energies of this event. My intention is to compile the information I have received into another blog post. Right now, it feels like a LOT to distill into a clear message. I will do my best and offer no timeline for its publishing. I can only share as I am inspired.

I invite you to share your insights and knowings below.

Many blessings to you,
Sofia Mona Lisa

Cleaning Up our Beliefs around our Masculine Selves

Yesterday, the day our Nation celebrated its Independence ~ its Sovereignty, was an interesting day of feeling pulled apart for me.  It was a day of being aware that I was feeling provoked by the behaviors of an individual that was participating in the celebration I was attending.  That person’s behaviors were extremely irritating for me.  The vibration of aggravation that was being activated within me continued to have its momentum escalated throughout the day.  As the momentum of the vibration escalated, I became more and more energetically drained causing me to feel more and more tired and fatigued.

Then, just before we were going to walk down to the beach to enjoy the fireworks, someone (unexpected by me) showed up to join us.  The shock of seeing this individual whom I had not seen in about 9 years (which had ended very abruptly and badly ~ almost involving the police!) simply “popped” my overly stretched “balloon.”  The intensity of exhaustion that came over me with this individual’s arrival was so suffocating for me that I became desperate to free myself from the laser-focus of the activated vibration that was determined to be acknowledged by me.

In that moment, I was unable to acknowledge anything except for my own urgent requirement for RELIEF.  I chose to leave the celebration and to miss the fireworks.  There were too many going off inside of me!  (LOL) That was the most, and the best, that I could do for myself.

When I arrived home (an hour and a half later!), I collapsed onto my bed and slept for more than 12 hours.  When I woke up this morning, the momentum of yesterday’s activated vibration once more took command of my attention, picking up right where I had left it the night before.  Feeling stronger than the day before after the 12+ hours of sleep, I was resolute about engaging with this activated vibration from a more conscious and empowered position.

The first thing that showed up in my Awareness for me to realize was that the events of the day before were able to “take me down” because I had unwittingly shown up at the celebration with that vibration already being activated.  I just did not KNOW that the vibration had been previously activated nor that it remained activated.  I looked back over the days preceding the 4th of July to identify the activation point, and it was quickly revealed to me.  I saw myself being “triggered” by that activating incident.

I recalled having made numerous conscious efforts to distract myself from the activating incident and the feelings it brought up within me between the time of the activation point and my arrival at the celebration yesterday.  Each time thoughts about it came into my mind, I chose to focus on something else, so that I could feel better.  Little did I know then that, over the course of my life, this particular vibration’s momentum had become a runaway train that kept running me over!

Once I had discovered the activating incident, I was able to quickly and easily let go of the aggravating events from my 4th of July celebration.  This was because I KNEW that the only reason those two individuals had been able to show up in my Reality the way that they had was because they TOO had this very same vibration activated within them.  That’s when I KNEW that all I had to do was to identify my FEELINGS around the activating incident, so that I could know which vibration was active in all of us.

When I tried contemplating it in an effort to figure it out, I only activated the vibration even more.  I realized I would have to allow myself the time and space for a Meditation, so that I could raise my vibration in order to identify it.  Problems and solutions are TWO DIFFERENT frequencies. We cannot identify a solution when we are vibrating at the frequency of the problem.  I settled in for a 15 minute Meditation.  As I allowed myself to relax, the clarity around the vibration that was seeking my Awareness began to easily appear.  My feelings around the activating incident identified themselves to me.  They were feelings of being insignificant and being invaluable.

I was VERY SURPRISED by the revelation of these feelings!  I have done a tremendous amount of work on cleaning up my vibrations and raising my frequency to be in alignment with my Inner BEing.  I have spent a lot of time focused on feeling and knowing myself to be valuable and significant.  As I was thinking these very thoughts, it was revealed to me that the feelings of being insignificant and invaluable were coming from my Inner Masculine!  That was a HUGE A-HA moment for me!!  I realized, “YES!!! This makes sense to me!”

It made sense to me because, in that moment of clarity, I was reminded that the North Node is transiting the sign of Leo ~ which is ruled by the Sun.  The Sun represents our relationship with the Divine Father.  Meanwhile, Mars (our Inner Masculine) is on His retrograde journey in Aquarius (Liberation) bringing our attention inward towards Him.  Both the Divine Father (Sun) and the Inner Masculine (Mars) are aspects of the Sacred Masculine.  For me personally, transiting Venus was in an exact conjunction with my natal Mars (also in retrograde)!  Their Sacred Union energies were the laser-focus that I felt yesterday!  Further, the Sun conjoined my natal Pallas Athena was amplifying Their focus!!!  Perhaps you can now feel the extent of the intensity that I referred to earlier.  LOL

As a Collective Consciousness, Humanity’s belief systems around Masculine Energy have been extremely perverted by Patriarchy.  This perversion by Patriarchy became imprinted upon my Consciousness to such a degree that the Pure Expressions of of the Sacred Masculine were internalized within me as insignificant and invaluable.  HOW has this perversion by Patriarchy been imprinted upon YOUR Consciousness???  For me, because the North Node in Leo and Venus’ conjunction with my natal Mars in Leo are both in my Second House, this was another piece of the A-HA moment that made sense to me.  Venus is the Goddess of the Second House which represents what we value.  Wherever She stands in the Sky, Venus is showing us how we Love and what we Value.  So, to know how the perversion of the Masculine Energy by Patriarchy has been imprinted upon your Consciousness, you must know in which House(s) of your natal chart the North Node and Venus in Leo are located right now.

NOW is the time to BECOME AWARE of your personal belief systems around the Masculine Energy (Mars Retrograde), so that you can clean them up and bring this part of yourself, your Inner Masculine, into the fullness of your alignment with your Inner Being (Mars in Aquarius ~ Liberation of the Sacred Masculine).  The COSMOS is supporting Humanity in this task!  Our Cosmic Shaman, Chiron, is standing at 2°25′ Aries.  He is beaming His Shamanic Medicine, infused with the Love of the Divine Mother (Luna), right at the North Node (Humanity’s Cosmic GPS for Its Evolutionary Path) and Mercury (our Cosmic Messenger).  No wonder all of my clarity and insight showed up so quickly and clearly!  This Shamanic Medicine is being received quickly and clearly by you too!

This conscious work is a HUGE piece of Reclaiming our Sovereignty.  You MUST discover the feelings that come up within you around your Inner Masculine.  They will show you where you are not in Alignment with your Inner BEing.  The BEAUTIFUL thing about this Co-Creative Dance is that it really is so easy! Once you attain the Awareness Heightening, Source ~ through The Law of Attraction ~ takes care of it for you.  You only need to stay focused on your Feelings of Appreciation:

  • Appreciation for your Inner Masculine
  • Appreciation for the Sacred Masculine
  • Appreciation for your Expanded Consciousness
  • Appreciation for your Sovereignty and Liberation
  • Appreciation for Source’s LOVE and ADORATION of YOU!

When you stay focused on your Feelings of Appreciation, your liberating expansion can unfold with Ease and Grace and become your new Point of Attraction.  Watch how your Reality ~ the world around you ~ will magically change!

If you would like some support in doing this kind of Conscious Expansion, I invite you to join me in The Golden Ray Center’s NEW Mystery School program ~ The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School.  This is just some of the work that we will be doing together, and that you will learn how to do for yourself.  The Registration Deadline is July 31st!

To learn more, watch this Introduction video:


©The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2017~2018
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Opening your Heart to the Sacred Masculine


Well, Gorgeous Goddesses, it’s been a month since I have reached out to share in a significant way.  Since my Alchemical Creation High Priestess Emergence Ceremony, I have been discovering a new center within myself. The Gemini New Moon energies were significantly supportive of my Magical Maiden and her playful settling into this new space of creation.

Today is our Sagittarius Full Moon at 18°!  Sagittarius is the Lover of Truth and the Quest for meaning and purpose.  Sagittarius inspires expanded states of consciousness.  I love this Full Moon because my Inner/Sacred Feminine (Venus) is in Sagittarius.  She loves to have the spotlight on Her and to receive Illumination from the Divine Mother (Luna).

The foundation for this Sagittarius Full Moon is the FIRE trine between the North Node (our Cosmic GPS) and the Saturn/Galactic Center conjunction.  I have written earlier this year about the significance of Saturn being conjoined with our Galactic Center ~ the HEART of our Galaxy ~ which is streaming the Sophia-Christ Consciousness energies straight into our own Hearts, like an arrow hitting the center of a bull’s eye.  You can read about that here.  The significance of this FIRE trine is that it is reassuring Humanity that we are exactly where we are supposed to be in our evolution.  Everything that we are experiencing is PERFECT!

There are four other significant streams of energy coming through at this time that are being fed power and momentum from the FIRE trine.  In fact, the Cosmic FUELing of these streams of energy is more potent than any energy source we are currently aware of on our planet!  WHEW!!!  You ARE feeling it, aren’t you?!?!

These FOUR significant streams of energy are pouring in from:

  1. the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile,
  2. the Mercury (3GE54) / Mars (2CN52) semi-sextile,
  3. the Moon (18SG22) / Pluto (18CP51) semi-sextile, and
  4. the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile.

Please take particular note that two of the energies paving the way for our integrative opportunities are Mercury in Gemini and Moon (Luna) in Sagittarius.  Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) and Luna (Divine Mother) are holding the polarities of the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, which is being activated by our New Moon in Gemini and Full Moon in Sagittarius this month!  Through the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, we are desiring to be with the person(s) who support our spiritual quest ~ our search for Truth.  This person is very likely NOT your significant other, and it is a beautiful experience when it is.  That is because the Quest Mate relationship requires much SPACE and FREEDOM.  Thus, we often recognize this relationship through the Guru/Disciple dynamic. Remember, we are forging new territory in Sagittarius, so the old ways of the Guru/Disciple may be too limiting for you depending on where you are in your personal evolution.  At this Sagittarius Full Moon, the Inner Guru is your Quest Mate.  How do you define your Inner Guru in this moment? Is it your Inner Feminine or your Inner Masculine?  Is it the Divine Mother or Divine Father?  Perhaps the Goddess or the Priestess Oversoul is your Quest Mate right now.  OR, maybe your Power Animal is desiring you to recognize it.  It is important for you to be aware of your Inner Guru, so that you can consciously engage with It.  Your Inner Guru IS absolutely revealing Itself to you right now!

Let’s take a deeper look at the Mercury / Mars and Moon / Pluto semi-sextiles:

Mercury (Cosmic Messenger and ruler of Gemini) is amplifying your ability to commune with both your inner world and the Cosmos.  It is clearing a way through the Fears and the Shadow of Patriarchy for you to rediscover and re-establish your connection with your Inner/Sacred Masculine (Mars).  In Cancer, the “softer” side of the Sacred Masculine is available to us.  We can feel safe to hear Him and to be Present with Him. He is desiring for you to know how much He loves and cherishes you.  He is desiring for you to know that He will care for you, support you and protect you, if you will open your Heart to Him and TRUST Him. Mercury in Gemini has opened-up the space within you to receive this message from your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  Relationships are a two-way street. He has been talking to you throughout your whole life, and His messages to you have been hitting up against the wall that all your fears around the Wound of the Patriarchy have created within you.  It is time, Beloved, to bring this wall down so that you can reconnect and re-engage with the nurturing love and commitment of your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  It is time to relax into His embrace for He is truly the safe space in which you can allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Luna (Divine Mother) in Sagittarius is bringing forth the TRUTH about the Wound of the Patriarchy and its perversion of the Sacred Masculine energy. The Truth is that we MUST reconnect with the Sacred Masculine.  This IS the only way to restore the Culture of Sovereignty and re-establish Sacred Relationship.  Until we reconnect with the Sacred Masculine, our Inner Masculine and our Inner Feminine cannot achieve Sacred Union ~ Hieros Gamos.  Hieros Gamos is the Way to Enlightenment.  For all those that are desiring Ascension, Hieros Gamos is the WAY.  Ascension is the process of expanding your consciousness into Sofia-Christ Consciousness.  When your consciousness is ONE with the Sofia-Christ Consciousness, you have become Enlightened.

As Luna beams this Truth across our Cosmos, the Ancient Elder (Capricorn) within each of us is remembering this Truth and re-embracing this Wisdom.  This is the Truth that will set us FREE! Our Inner Ancient Elder’s have been awakened by this “shot heard ’round the world” and are NOW consciously co-creating with the transformational and empowering energies of Pluto.  Humanity is recognizing the wake of destruction that has been left by the Patriarchy to our planet, its resources, our families, our women and our children.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all our social systems that hold us prisoner to patriarchal domination and abuse.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all the false beliefs that hold us prisoner to fear.  Now, together, we can empower ourselves through the Truth and Wisdom being received at this time to reclaim our Sovereignty and restore our Planet for the next Seven Generations!

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile and the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile:

Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Taurus is paving the way for the message (Mercury) from the Sacred Masculine (Mars) to be received into your Sacred Vessel ~ your body ~ planting (grounding) its resonance into every part of your DNA.  Together, Venus and Mars are activating your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine, preparing your Inner World for the transformational seeds of Their paradigm-shifting Reality and Truth.  It is the seeds of their Truth that will rebirth the Culture of Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship through each of us!

I remind you that Saturn is conjoined with our Galactic Center in Sagittarius (the sign of Truth and Integrity). Saturn is building the foundation upon which the Wound of the Patriarchy will be healed gracefully through love, compassion and forgiveness, so that the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine can be fully actualized.  With the restoration of the Sacred Masculine energy and the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine energy, the Inner Masculine and the Inner Feminine within all of Humanity will once more be balanced. Just to ensure the success of this Cosmic Decree, the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is being poured into us individually and globally through the Heart of our Galaxy.

If you would like to know how these current energies are unfolding within you, I invite you schedule an Inner Fire Walk reading with me.  When you use the CODE: TRUTH, I will give you a 20% discount.  This offer expires on the New Moon in Cancer, June 23rd.

By the way, on June 23rd, Luna will have traveled across the Sky to stand where Mars (Sacred Masculine) is right now.  What a blessing from the Divine Mother!!

I also invite you to share your feedback in the comments below.  Thank you!

Much LOVE to each of you!
Sofia Mona Lisa

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2017

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.