Cleaning Up our Beliefs around our Masculine Selves

Yesterday, the day our Nation celebrated its Independence ~ its Sovereignty, was an interesting day of feeling pulled apart for me.  It was a day of being aware that I was feeling provoked by the behaviors of an individual that was participating in the celebration I was attending.  That person’s behaviors were extremely irritating for me.  The vibration of aggravation that was being activated within me continued to have its momentum escalated throughout the day.  As the momentum of the vibration escalated, I became more and more energetically drained causing me to feel more and more tired and fatigued.

Then, just before we were going to walk down to the beach to enjoy the fireworks, someone (unexpected by me) showed up to join us.  The shock of seeing this individual whom I had not seen in about 9 years (which had ended very abruptly and badly ~ almost involving the police!) simply “popped” my overly stretched “balloon.”  The intensity of exhaustion that came over me with this individual’s arrival was so suffocating for me that I became desperate to free myself from the laser-focus of the activated vibration that was determined to be acknowledged by me.

In that moment, I was unable to acknowledge anything except for my own urgent requirement for RELIEF.  I chose to leave the celebration and to miss the fireworks.  There were too many going off inside of me!  (LOL) That was the most, and the best, that I could do for myself.

When I arrived home (an hour and a half later!), I collapsed onto my bed and slept for more than 12 hours.  When I woke up this morning, the momentum of yesterday’s activated vibration once more took command of my attention, picking up right where I had left it the night before.  Feeling stronger than the day before after the 12+ hours of sleep, I was resolute about engaging with this activated vibration from a more conscious and empowered position.

The first thing that showed up in my Awareness for me to realize was that the events of the day before were able to “take me down” because I had unwittingly shown up at the celebration with that vibration already being activated.  I just did not KNOW that the vibration had been previously activated nor that it remained activated.  I looked back over the days preceding the 4th of July to identify the activation point, and it was quickly revealed to me.  I saw myself being “triggered” by that activating incident.

I recalled having made numerous conscious efforts to distract myself from the activating incident and the feelings it brought up within me between the time of the activation point and my arrival at the celebration yesterday.  Each time thoughts about it came into my mind, I chose to focus on something else, so that I could feel better.  Little did I know then that, over the course of my life, this particular vibration’s momentum had become a runaway train that kept running me over!

Once I had discovered the activating incident, I was able to quickly and easily let go of the aggravating events from my 4th of July celebration.  This was because I KNEW that the only reason those two individuals had been able to show up in my Reality the way that they had was because they TOO had this very same vibration activated within them.  That’s when I KNEW that all I had to do was to identify my FEELINGS around the activating incident, so that I could know which vibration was active in all of us.

When I tried contemplating it in an effort to figure it out, I only activated the vibration even more.  I realized I would have to allow myself the time and space for a Meditation, so that I could raise my vibration in order to identify it.  Problems and solutions are TWO DIFFERENT frequencies. We cannot identify a solution when we are vibrating at the frequency of the problem.  I settled in for a 15 minute Meditation.  As I allowed myself to relax, the clarity around the vibration that was seeking my Awareness began to easily appear.  My feelings around the activating incident identified themselves to me.  They were feelings of being insignificant and being invaluable.

I was VERY SURPRISED by the revelation of these feelings!  I have done a tremendous amount of work on cleaning up my vibrations and raising my frequency to be in alignment with my Inner BEing.  I have spent a lot of time focused on feeling and knowing myself to be valuable and significant.  As I was thinking these very thoughts, it was revealed to me that the feelings of being insignificant and invaluable were coming from my Inner Masculine!  That was a HUGE A-HA moment for me!!  I realized, “YES!!! This makes sense to me!”

It made sense to me because, in that moment of clarity, I was reminded that the North Node is transiting the sign of Leo ~ which is ruled by the Sun.  The Sun represents our relationship with the Divine Father.  Meanwhile, Mars (our Inner Masculine) is on His retrograde journey in Aquarius (Liberation) bringing our attention inward towards Him.  Both the Divine Father (Sun) and the Inner Masculine (Mars) are aspects of the Sacred Masculine.  For me personally, transiting Venus was in an exact conjunction with my natal Mars (also in retrograde)!  Their Sacred Union energies were the laser-focus that I felt yesterday!  Further, the Sun conjoined my natal Pallas Athena was amplifying Their focus!!!  Perhaps you can now feel the extent of the intensity that I referred to earlier.  LOL

As a Collective Consciousness, Humanity’s belief systems around Masculine Energy have been extremely perverted by Patriarchy.  This perversion by Patriarchy became imprinted upon my Consciousness to such a degree that the Pure Expressions of of the Sacred Masculine were internalized within me as insignificant and invaluable.  HOW has this perversion by Patriarchy been imprinted upon YOUR Consciousness???  For me, because the North Node in Leo and Venus’ conjunction with my natal Mars in Leo are both in my Second House, this was another piece of the A-HA moment that made sense to me.  Venus is the Goddess of the Second House which represents what we value.  Wherever She stands in the Sky, Venus is showing us how we Love and what we Value.  So, to know how the perversion of the Masculine Energy by Patriarchy has been imprinted upon your Consciousness, you must know in which House(s) of your natal chart the North Node and Venus in Leo are located right now.

NOW is the time to BECOME AWARE of your personal belief systems around the Masculine Energy (Mars Retrograde), so that you can clean them up and bring this part of yourself, your Inner Masculine, into the fullness of your alignment with your Inner Being (Mars in Aquarius ~ Liberation of the Sacred Masculine).  The COSMOS is supporting Humanity in this task!  Our Cosmic Shaman, Chiron, is standing at 2°25′ Aries.  He is beaming His Shamanic Medicine, infused with the Love of the Divine Mother (Luna), right at the North Node (Humanity’s Cosmic GPS for Its Evolutionary Path) and Mercury (our Cosmic Messenger).  No wonder all of my clarity and insight showed up so quickly and clearly!  This Shamanic Medicine is being received quickly and clearly by you too!

This conscious work is a HUGE piece of Reclaiming our Sovereignty.  You MUST discover the feelings that come up within you around your Inner Masculine.  They will show you where you are not in Alignment with your Inner BEing.  The BEAUTIFUL thing about this Co-Creative Dance is that it really is so easy! Once you attain the Awareness Heightening, Source ~ through The Law of Attraction ~ takes care of it for you.  You only need to stay focused on your Feelings of Appreciation:

  • Appreciation for your Inner Masculine
  • Appreciation for the Sacred Masculine
  • Appreciation for your Expanded Consciousness
  • Appreciation for your Sovereignty and Liberation
  • Appreciation for Source’s LOVE and ADORATION of YOU!

When you stay focused on your Feelings of Appreciation, your liberating expansion can unfold with Ease and Grace and become your new Point of Attraction.  Watch how your Reality ~ the world around you ~ will magically change!

If you would like some support in doing this kind of Conscious Expansion, I invite you to join me in The Golden Ray Center’s NEW Mystery School program ~ The Rose Wheel™ Mystery School.  This is just some of the work that we will be doing together, and that you will learn how to do for yourself.  The Registration Deadline is July 31st!

To learn more, watch this Introduction video:


©The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2017~2018
* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Surrendering to COSMIC Consciousness

painted by Susan Seddon Boulet

Chiron (our Cosmic Shaman) has reached the critical point (29°) of Pisces, okay technically 28°52′, AND that is “close enough for government work” as they say.  He has been sitting here (stationed) for FOUR days and will spend another FOUR days here before beginning His retrograde. (Yes, I am aware most people say the journey begins tomorrow, July 1st.) Chiron will follow this path back through Pisces until He reaches 24°19′ of Pisces the day after our Independence Day celebration.

IMAGINE!!!  Our Cosmic Shaman is beaming His Shamanic Medicine to us from this critical point in the Sky for EIGHT days!!  Before Chiron can move from Pisces into Aries, where He will infuse us with His Shamanic Medicine of  standing in the frequency of SELF~Love, He is making sure we have received ALL of His Medicine for being able to Merge ourselves with our Divine Selves and for being able to surrender to Cosmic Consciousness while maintaining our Awareness of our Selves.

The number 8 represents the symbol for INFINITY ~ that which we know as Cosmic Consciousness. According to Numerologist Joanne Walmsley, the frequency of the number 8 includes:

  • compassion
  • spiritual consciousness
  • expansion
  • dimension of the timeless
  • ability to see and relate to eternal dimensions
  • breaks down barriers to transformation
  • a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation.

These are the very themes of the Shamanic Medicine of Chiron in Pisces!!!

Chiron’s retrograde journey will take us all the way into December back to 24°19′ of Pisces. The last time Chiron visited this place in the Sky was March 8th of this year, just 10 days after the New Moon in Pisces.  What was showing up in your life 3 /2 months ago?  I had written this post on The Illuminating Gift of the Goddess.

The Sabian Symbol for 24° Pisces is A Religious Organization Succeeds In Overcoming The Corrupting Influence Of Perverted Practices and Materialized Ideals.  There is something VERY IMPORTANT about this symbol that Chiron is ensuring that we receive before He is ready to move out of Pisces.  I believe that it has to do with this message from Tara Greene about Healing the Original Wound:

Chiron turns Retro at 28+ degrees PISCES, take us all back into opening up and revisiting the original wounds we need to heal for the sake of all of humanity now. I was reading something about this earlier. To heal the original wound in humanity is to heal the split of the Patriarchy, its’ deluded fear of women’s power and its own sense of inherent weakness and separation from Source because they do not participate directly in birthing. The Patriarchy has dominated women and nature and controlled women and men for over 5,000 years now through brainwashing, indoctrination using religion as its #1 weapon. The original wound is always fear and not love no matter who it is directed at. If men could only face their own sense of vulnerability and heal that the world would be a better more compassionate and more loving place.

AND, I have received the Wisdom that the Women on our planet are the Way-Showers for this healing. Until there exists a critical mass for the number of women who have cleared the remnants of the Wound of Patriarchy within them, so that they can allow themselves to reconnect with the Sacred Masculine within (requiring deep Trust in BEing vulnerable), the men on the planet will be unable to embrace their own vulnerability.

It is not the responsibility of the men to establish a more loving and compassionate world. It is the responsibility of ALL of us to do this work, with the women leading the way.  As women, it is US who have the capacity to hold the space of COMPASSION for both the Wound of the Patriarchy AND the Patriarchy, Itself. This is the bridge that must be built FIRST.

Felina Lune Kavi also speaks to the Wound:

Chiron in Pisces is essentially a wound of separation from Great Spirit, marked by a healing path in service to Spirit and a desire for Divine Love expressed through us … The gift within that wound is a wellspring of unconditional, transpersonal, universal love that is our remembering of and reconnecting with the Divine within.

My natal Chiron is in Pisces conjunct Jupiter (our Cosmic Guru) in the 9th house (ruled by Jupiter). This is why Hieros Gamos (the Sacred Marriage/Union of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine) is so important to my Soul and to the work that I offer Humanity in service to both our planet and the Sacred Feminine.

As Chiron stations, He is exactly opposite my natal Vesta in Virgo. As a High Priestess, I must rebirth the Wisdom of Hieros Gamos onto the planet, and Chiron, as our Cosmic Shaman, provides me with the Shamanic Medicine, the source of my Sacred Gift, to bring this Wisdom forth into the Collective Consciousness for the healing of Humanity.

This year, 2017, is a POWERFUL year of Celestial Support for the Expansion of Consciousness and the clearing and re-balancing of the Collective Consciousness.


And, a key component of my work is to support you in doing your work!  Thus, because of my Vow to the Sacred Feminine and the urgency I feel in bringing forth the Wisdom of Hieros Gamos, I am now offering the following TWO GIFTS in support of all Planetary Healers, Light Workers, Galactic Beings, Shamans, Priestesses, Artists, Mothers & Muses.  These GIFTS will remain available to YOU through New Year’s Eve. Be sure to share them with your family and friends!

  1. Every SUBSCRIBER of my newsletter can receive an UNLIMITED amount of Shamanic AstroSOL™ readings for the ultra low price of $108. (Regularly priced at $500.)
  2. Everyone can experience Module 1, Excavating the Wound of the Patriarchy, of my program Relationships for the SOL™, at the VERY LOW price of $108. (Regularly priced at $500).

Please contact me directly to schedule these sessions at my Gift price.

Many blessings to you, Beloveds!
Sofia Mona Lisa

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2017

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Opening your Heart to the Sacred Masculine


Well, Gorgeous Goddesses, it’s been a month since I have reached out to share in a significant way.  Since my Alchemical Creation High Priestess Emergence Ceremony, I have been discovering a new center within myself. The Gemini New Moon energies were significantly supportive of my Magical Maiden and her playful settling into this new space of creation.

Today is our Sagittarius Full Moon at 18°!  Sagittarius is the Lover of Truth and the Quest for meaning and purpose.  Sagittarius inspires expanded states of consciousness.  I love this Full Moon because my Inner/Sacred Feminine (Venus) is in Sagittarius.  She loves to have the spotlight on Her and to receive Illumination from the Divine Mother (Luna).

The foundation for this Sagittarius Full Moon is the FIRE trine between the North Node (our Cosmic GPS) and the Saturn/Galactic Center conjunction.  I have written earlier this year about the significance of Saturn being conjoined with our Galactic Center ~ the HEART of our Galaxy ~ which is streaming the Sophia-Christ Consciousness energies straight into our own Hearts, like an arrow hitting the center of a bull’s eye.  You can read about that here.  The significance of this FIRE trine is that it is reassuring Humanity that we are exactly where we are supposed to be in our evolution.  Everything that we are experiencing is PERFECT!

There are four other significant streams of energy coming through at this time that are being fed power and momentum from the FIRE trine.  In fact, the Cosmic FUELing of these streams of energy is more potent than any energy source we are currently aware of on our planet!  WHEW!!!  You ARE feeling it, aren’t you?!?!

These FOUR significant streams of energy are pouring in from:

  1. the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile,
  2. the Mercury (3GE54) / Mars (2CN52) semi-sextile,
  3. the Moon (18SG22) / Pluto (18CP51) semi-sextile, and
  4. the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile.

Please take particular note that two of the energies paving the way for our integrative opportunities are Mercury in Gemini and Moon (Luna) in Sagittarius.  Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) and Luna (Divine Mother) are holding the polarities of the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, which is being activated by our New Moon in Gemini and Full Moon in Sagittarius this month!  Through the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, we are desiring to be with the person(s) who support our spiritual quest ~ our search for Truth.  This person is very likely NOT your significant other, and it is a beautiful experience when it is.  That is because the Quest Mate relationship requires much SPACE and FREEDOM.  Thus, we often recognize this relationship through the Guru/Disciple dynamic. Remember, we are forging new territory in Sagittarius, so the old ways of the Guru/Disciple may be too limiting for you depending on where you are in your personal evolution.  At this Sagittarius Full Moon, the Inner Guru is your Quest Mate.  How do you define your Inner Guru in this moment? Is it your Inner Feminine or your Inner Masculine?  Is it the Divine Mother or Divine Father?  Perhaps the Goddess or the Priestess Oversoul is your Quest Mate right now.  OR, maybe your Power Animal is desiring you to recognize it.  It is important for you to be aware of your Inner Guru, so that you can consciously engage with It.  Your Inner Guru IS absolutely revealing Itself to you right now!

Let’s take a deeper look at the Mercury / Mars and Moon / Pluto semi-sextiles:

Mercury (Cosmic Messenger and ruler of Gemini) is amplifying your ability to commune with both your inner world and the Cosmos.  It is clearing a way through the Fears and the Shadow of Patriarchy for you to rediscover and re-establish your connection with your Inner/Sacred Masculine (Mars).  In Cancer, the “softer” side of the Sacred Masculine is available to us.  We can feel safe to hear Him and to be Present with Him. He is desiring for you to know how much He loves and cherishes you.  He is desiring for you to know that He will care for you, support you and protect you, if you will open your Heart to Him and TRUST Him. Mercury in Gemini has opened-up the space within you to receive this message from your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  Relationships are a two-way street. He has been talking to you throughout your whole life, and His messages to you have been hitting up against the wall that all your fears around the Wound of the Patriarchy have created within you.  It is time, Beloved, to bring this wall down so that you can reconnect and re-engage with the nurturing love and commitment of your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  It is time to relax into His embrace for He is truly the safe space in which you can allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Luna (Divine Mother) in Sagittarius is bringing forth the TRUTH about the Wound of the Patriarchy and its perversion of the Sacred Masculine energy. The Truth is that we MUST reconnect with the Sacred Masculine.  This IS the only way to restore the Culture of Sovereignty and re-establish Sacred Relationship.  Until we reconnect with the Sacred Masculine, our Inner Masculine and our Inner Feminine cannot achieve Sacred Union ~ Hieros Gamos.  Hieros Gamos is the Way to Enlightenment.  For all those that are desiring Ascension, Hieros Gamos is the WAY.  Ascension is the process of expanding your consciousness into Sofia-Christ Consciousness.  When your consciousness is ONE with the Sofia-Christ Consciousness, you have become Enlightened.

As Luna beams this Truth across our Cosmos, the Ancient Elder (Capricorn) within each of us is remembering this Truth and re-embracing this Wisdom.  This is the Truth that will set us FREE! Our Inner Ancient Elder’s have been awakened by this “shot heard ’round the world” and are NOW consciously co-creating with the transformational and empowering energies of Pluto.  Humanity is recognizing the wake of destruction that has been left by the Patriarchy to our planet, its resources, our families, our women and our children.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all our social systems that hold us prisoner to patriarchal domination and abuse.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all the false beliefs that hold us prisoner to fear.  Now, together, we can empower ourselves through the Truth and Wisdom being received at this time to reclaim our Sovereignty and restore our Planet for the next Seven Generations!

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile and the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile:

Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Taurus is paving the way for the message (Mercury) from the Sacred Masculine (Mars) to be received into your Sacred Vessel ~ your body ~ planting (grounding) its resonance into every part of your DNA.  Together, Venus and Mars are activating your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine, preparing your Inner World for the transformational seeds of Their paradigm-shifting Reality and Truth.  It is the seeds of their Truth that will rebirth the Culture of Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship through each of us!

I remind you that Saturn is conjoined with our Galactic Center in Sagittarius (the sign of Truth and Integrity). Saturn is building the foundation upon which the Wound of the Patriarchy will be healed gracefully through love, compassion and forgiveness, so that the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine can be fully actualized.  With the restoration of the Sacred Masculine energy and the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine energy, the Inner Masculine and the Inner Feminine within all of Humanity will once more be balanced. Just to ensure the success of this Cosmic Decree, the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is being poured into us individually and globally through the Heart of our Galaxy.

If you would like to know how these current energies are unfolding within you, I invite you schedule an Inner Fire Walk reading with me.  When you use the CODE: TRUTH, I will give you a 20% discount.  This offer expires on the New Moon in Cancer, June 23rd.

By the way, on June 23rd, Luna will have traveled across the Sky to stand where Mars (Sacred Masculine) is right now.  What a blessing from the Divine Mother!!

I also invite you to share your feedback in the comments below.  Thank you!

Much LOVE to each of you!
Sofia Mona Lisa

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2017

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Cardinal Grand Cross: Expanding our State of EMPOWERMENT

(Originally published April 2, 2017 here.)

Right now, in the sky and in your inner world, we are experiencing what is known as a Grand Cross. For those who are not familiar with a Grand Cross, there are three different kinds.  The astrological signs are known as being fixed signs, mutable signs and cardinal signs.  So, depending on which astrological signs the Grand Cross occurs in, the fixed, mutable or cardinal energies influence the opportunity for expansion that the Grand Cross is making available for us.  Our current Grand Cross is happening in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.  These are the signs of ACTION, and that is what is meant by “cardinal” signs.  When we have a Grand Cross, we are being activated by two sets of polarities that are intersecting each other through the center of their axes which looks like an actual cross in the sky.

In this Grand Cross, the axes that are being powerfully activated are the:

  • Aries/Libra Axis ~ Relationship Path of Conscious Equal Partnership
    • Aries ~ The Fierce Safeguarder (feminine) and The Fierce Protector (masculine)
    • Libra ~ The Peacekeeper (feminine) and The Beloved (masculine)
  • Cancer/Capricorn Axis ~ Relationship Path of Home, Family and Community
    • Cancer ~ The Great Mother (feminine) and The Good Father (masculine)
    • Capricorn ~ The Tribal Elders: Wise Woman (Grandmother – feminine) and Wise Man (Grandfather – masculine)

The energies in the Grand Cross are creating a significant amount of tension.  We have the tension from the opposition of the polarities, tension between the two energies on each side of the axis.

  • Aries opposite Libra
  • Cancer opposite Capricorn

And, we have another kind of tension being created between the energies that are at 90° angles to each other:

  • Uranus/Eris square Pluto
  • Uranus/Eris square Vesta
  • Jupiter square Pluto
  • Jupiter square Vesta

So, there are TWO kinds of tension, two kinds of force, being put on these energies. This is NOT a bad thing!  Think about when you are giving birth, the baby is coming through the birth canal. The tension and force that is used to push the baby through the birth canal is the same kind of force, the force of “active labor,” in a cardinal Grand Cross. Then, on the other side, you have a beautiful GIFT ~ your baby. Another example of this kind of energy is the force that Earth uses to create a diamond. First, pressure turns decaying carbon-based life forms like plants into coal.  Then, that same kind of pressure turns the coal into a diamond. In this instance, the diamond is the beautiful GIFT.

All of these energies of force and pressure in this Grand Cross are opening a Gateway for something new to come through you and to manifest in your life.  With a cardinal Grand Cross, whatever is getting ready to come through you has to do with building your character.

Before I continue discussing the significance of this Grand Cross, I am taking a moment here to bring your attention to the TWO (2) Goddesses who are Present:  ERIS and VESTA.

Since the time of Patriarchy, Eris has been known as The Goddess of Discord. In actuality, She is The Goddess of Fierce Truth.  Her presence allows you to speak your deep soul level truth about the subject matter of the House you will find Her in on your natal chart.  For me, She is conjunct my MidHeaven in the sign of Aries.  Thus, all the Sacred Work that I am known for in our world is birthed from my deepest Soul level of Truth.

Since the time of Patriarchy, Vesta has been known as The Goddess of Hearth and Home.  In the past, when communities cooked and communed around the fire, Vesta was present.  As our communities began to evolve and build homes with fireplaces, people began cooking in doors and the family gathered around the hearth. Here, Vesta was present as well, and statues of Vesta could be found on the mantle of the fireplace.  In more modern times, with electrical and microwave ovens available to us for cooking, you will find statues of Vesta in a kitchen.  In truth, Vesta is The Goddess of Creative Life Force ~ that creative energy which is also known as Shakti and Kundalini. The House of your natal chart in which She resides is continuously being infused by Her Shakti. Because of this, Vesta represents your deepest passion (2nd chakra) and also that to which you are most devoted.  We tend to be devoted to those things about which we are most passionate!  For me, Vesta is in my 3rd house in the sign of Virgo ~ the sign of the Goddess.  Virgo is also known as the sign of the Virgin, and this ascription derives from the Vestal Virgins in the ancient Goddess Temples. Thus, I am passionate about the Goddess.  I am devoted to the Goddess, and I am devoted to the reemergence of the Sacred Feminine on our Earth.  I am passionate about and devoted to being in Service to the Goddess, so that She can bring Her work to my community through me.

Now, let’s look at what is going on with the energies in our current Grand Cross:

Uranus and Eris have been dancing closely with each other since June 2015. Over the past two years, they have danced closer and closer to each other until they both reached 23° Aries on March 28, 2017, they day after the New Moon in Aries at 7°.  Eris will stay at 23° Aries until November 22nd this year, when She will dip back to reactivate 22° through March 2, 2018. She will return to 23° Aries on March 3, 2018. While Eris will activate 24° in June 2018 and 25° in July 2022, She will dance back and forth over the 23° point in the sky until February 10, 2023. She continues to stay in Aries for at least another 20+ years.  Uranus (The Cosmic Liberator for Quantum Consciousness) will move out of Aries and into Taurus on May 16, 2018.  Between now and the time Uranus moves into Taurus, he will continue dancing with Eris.  Still, Uranus and Eris are sharing a close embrace (exact degree) since our recent New Moon in Aries until this Thursday, April 6, 2017.

The Uranus/Eris energies have been in opposition to Jupiter since 3 days after last year’s Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2016.  The opposition became exact on the day after Christmas, December 26, 2017 and again on March 3, 2017. Their next exact opposition will be on September 28, 2017. Jupiter will move out of the sign of Libra and into the sign of Taurus, where he will stay for the remainder of they year, on October 11, 2017.  With each exact opposition, we receive Jupiter’s gift more deeply into the core of ourselves and more expansively into our multidimensional Self.

Jupiter is the Cosmic Guru, so anything he touches will expand.  As long as Jupiter stays in a Conscious space, anything that he expands will be a blessing and will be for your benefit.  Jupiter’s intention is to be a Gift-Giver, so he is desiring to expand your blessings and expand your gifts. Thus, through the Cosmic Dance of Uranus (Cosmic Liberator) and Eris (Fierce Truthteller), we are experiencing within the depths of ourselves, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 ISV) Jupiter, who is witnessing their dance from across the sky, is blessing us with the expansion of our inner freedom ~ moving us into Sovereignty ~ through the gift of realizing our deepest Soul Truth. On the relationship Path of Conscious Equal Partnership, Eris dances as the Aries Archetype of The Fierce Safeguarder while Uranus dances as the Aries Archetype of The Fierce Protector and Jupiter steps into the Libra Archetype of The Beloved.  The most exciting part of this is that while you are stepping into the Greatness of your Sovereignty as an individual, simultaneously the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is also stepping into the Consciousness of SOVEREIGNTY!

Meanwhile, Pluto and Vesta have been dancing their own unique choreography since the beginning of February and will continue to do so until April 10, 2017.  Vesta moves from Cancer into Leo on May 3, 2017.  Pluto begins to retrograde through Capricorn on April 26th until October 2nd. He will have moved almost imperceptibly from 19°CP23′ to 16°CP51′, barely over 2 1/2°s.  He will not return to 19°CP23′ until January 23, 2018.

The Pluto (Cosmic Transformer) energy is regenerating (making new) your energy of Passion and Devotion and re-birthing Vesta’s Creative Life Force within you, onto the planet and into the Collective Consciousness.  We are receiving the long-awaited medicine for the Wound of the Patriarchy! On the Relationship Path of Home, Family and Community, Pluto dances as the Capricorn Archetype of the Tribal Elder ~ The Grandfather who remembers the ancient Sacred Masculine before the culture of domination, which we know as Patriarchy, usurped the Power of the Sacred Masculine and perverted it out of its greed and selfishness. Vesta dances as the Cancer Archetype of the Great Mother. The Great Mother is all-forgiving and has no desire to punish the abuses of Patriarchy that have transpired over the past 50,000 years, since the fall of Atlantis.  She desires to HEAL the Wound of the Patriarchy through Unconditional LOVE.  The Wound of the Patriarchy is festering in the Unconsciousness (Shadow) of every man, woman and child on the planet.  Its resonance remains embedded within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.  We come to know the presence of this wound through our Inner Child. As important as it is for the Inner Child to be LOVED, it is more important for the Inner Child to know that it has been forgiven for just being itself.  It is through the Sacred Masculine energy that the Great Mother can offer healing to Her children.  I offer this Sacred Work through the mirror of the father/daughter relationship.  You can read about the profound experiences some of my clients are having on my TESTIMONIALS page. (PERSONAL NOTE: As an aside, my personal relationship path is the Path of Home, Family and Community. My Sun is in Capricorn, thus I am an Elder, and my Moon and North Node are in Cancer, my ancient lineage is from The Great Mother.  This Sacred Work of healing the Wound of the Patriarchy through the mirror of the father/daughter relationship aligns with both my relationship path AND my passion and devotion from Vesta in Virgo/3rd house.)

SO … what is the BIG PICTURE of our current Grand Cross? Simply stated, by healing the Wound of the Patriarchy we can reclaim our deepest Soul Truth and step into the Greatness of our SOVEREIGNTY!  We are being given every frequency we require to achieve this expanded state of EMPOWERMENT.

By the way, this directive cannot and will not fail!  I remind you that Saturn is conjoined with our Galactic Center in Sagittarius (the sign of Truth and Integrity). Saturn is building the foundation upon which the Wound of the Patriarchy will be healed gracefully through love, compassion and forgiveness, so that the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine can be fully actualized.  With the restoration of  the Sacred Masculine energy and the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine energy, the Inner Masculine and the Inner Feminine within all of Humanity will once more be balanced. Just to ensure the success of this Cosmic Decree, the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is being poured into us individually and globally through the Heart of our Galaxy.

If you would like to know how this current Grand Cross is impacting you, I invite you schedule Shamanic AstroSOL™ reading with me.  When you use the CODE: GRAND CROSS, I will give you a 20% discount.  This offer expires on the Full Moon in Libra, April 11th.

Many blessings to each of you!
Sofia Mona Lisa

© The Golden Ray Center, Inc. 2017

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