Opening your Heart to the Sacred Masculine


Well, Gorgeous Goddesses, it’s been a month since I have reached out to share in a significant way.  Since my Alchemical Creation High Priestess Emergence Ceremony, I have been discovering a new center within myself. The Gemini New Moon energies were significantly supportive of my Magical Maiden and her playful settling into this new space of creation.

Today is our Sagittarius Full Moon at 18°!  Sagittarius is the Lover of Truth and the Quest for meaning and purpose.  Sagittarius inspires expanded states of consciousness.  I love this Full Moon because my Inner/Sacred Feminine (Venus) is in Sagittarius.  She loves to have the spotlight on Her and to receive Illumination from the Divine Mother (Luna).

The foundation for this Sagittarius Full Moon is the FIRE trine between the North Node (our Cosmic GPS) and the Saturn/Galactic Center conjunction.  I have written earlier this year about the significance of Saturn being conjoined with our Galactic Center ~ the HEART of our Galaxy ~ which is streaming the Sophia-Christ Consciousness energies straight into our own Hearts, like an arrow hitting the center of a bull’s eye.  You can read about that here.  The significance of this FIRE trine is that it is reassuring Humanity that we are exactly where we are supposed to be in our evolution.  Everything that we are experiencing is PERFECT!

There are four other significant streams of energy coming through at this time that are being fed power and momentum from the FIRE trine.  In fact, the Cosmic FUELing of these streams of energy is more potent than any energy source we are currently aware of on our planet!  WHEW!!!  You ARE feeling it, aren’t you?!?!

These FOUR significant streams of energy are pouring in from:

  1. the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile,
  2. the Mercury (3GE54) / Mars (2CN52) semi-sextile,
  3. the Moon (18SG22) / Pluto (18CP51) semi-sextile, and
  4. the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile.

Please take particular note that two of the energies paving the way for our integrative opportunities are Mercury in Gemini and Moon (Luna) in Sagittarius.  Mercury (Cosmic Messenger) and Luna (Divine Mother) are holding the polarities of the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, which is being activated by our New Moon in Gemini and Full Moon in Sagittarius this month!  Through the Relationship Path of the Quest Mate, we are desiring to be with the person(s) who support our spiritual quest ~ our search for Truth.  This person is very likely NOT your significant other, and it is a beautiful experience when it is.  That is because the Quest Mate relationship requires much SPACE and FREEDOM.  Thus, we often recognize this relationship through the Guru/Disciple dynamic. Remember, we are forging new territory in Sagittarius, so the old ways of the Guru/Disciple may be too limiting for you depending on where you are in your personal evolution.  At this Sagittarius Full Moon, the Inner Guru is your Quest Mate.  How do you define your Inner Guru in this moment? Is it your Inner Feminine or your Inner Masculine?  Is it the Divine Mother or Divine Father?  Perhaps the Goddess or the Priestess Oversoul is your Quest Mate right now.  OR, maybe your Power Animal is desiring you to recognize it.  It is important for you to be aware of your Inner Guru, so that you can consciously engage with It.  Your Inner Guru IS absolutely revealing Itself to you right now!

Let’s take a deeper look at the Mercury / Mars and Moon / Pluto semi-sextiles:

Mercury (Cosmic Messenger and ruler of Gemini) is amplifying your ability to commune with both your inner world and the Cosmos.  It is clearing a way through the Fears and the Shadow of Patriarchy for you to rediscover and re-establish your connection with your Inner/Sacred Masculine (Mars).  In Cancer, the “softer” side of the Sacred Masculine is available to us.  We can feel safe to hear Him and to be Present with Him. He is desiring for you to know how much He loves and cherishes you.  He is desiring for you to know that He will care for you, support you and protect you, if you will open your Heart to Him and TRUST Him. Mercury in Gemini has opened-up the space within you to receive this message from your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  Relationships are a two-way street. He has been talking to you throughout your whole life, and His messages to you have been hitting up against the wall that all your fears around the Wound of the Patriarchy have created within you.  It is time, Beloved, to bring this wall down so that you can reconnect and re-engage with the nurturing love and commitment of your Inner/Sacred Masculine.  It is time to relax into His embrace for He is truly the safe space in which you can allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Luna (Divine Mother) in Sagittarius is bringing forth the TRUTH about the Wound of the Patriarchy and its perversion of the Sacred Masculine energy. The Truth is that we MUST reconnect with the Sacred Masculine.  This IS the only way to restore the Culture of Sovereignty and re-establish Sacred Relationship.  Until we reconnect with the Sacred Masculine, our Inner Masculine and our Inner Feminine cannot achieve Sacred Union ~ Hieros Gamos.  Hieros Gamos is the Way to Enlightenment.  For all those that are desiring Ascension, Hieros Gamos is the WAY.  Ascension is the process of expanding your consciousness into Sofia-Christ Consciousness.  When your consciousness is ONE with the Sofia-Christ Consciousness, you have become Enlightened.

As Luna beams this Truth across our Cosmos, the Ancient Elder (Capricorn) within each of us is remembering this Truth and re-embracing this Wisdom.  This is the Truth that will set us FREE! Our Inner Ancient Elder’s have been awakened by this “shot heard ’round the world” and are NOW consciously co-creating with the transformational and empowering energies of Pluto.  Humanity is recognizing the wake of destruction that has been left by the Patriarchy to our planet, its resources, our families, our women and our children.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all our social systems that hold us prisoner to patriarchal domination and abuse.  Pluto has initiated the collapse of all the false beliefs that hold us prisoner to fear.  Now, together, we can empower ourselves through the Truth and Wisdom being received at this time to reclaim our Sovereignty and restore our Planet for the next Seven Generations!

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the Venus (2TA39) / Mercury (3GE54) semi-sextile and the Venus (2TA39) / Mars (2CN52) sextile:

Venus (Sacred Feminine) in Taurus is paving the way for the message (Mercury) from the Sacred Masculine (Mars) to be received into your Sacred Vessel ~ your body ~ planting (grounding) its resonance into every part of your DNA.  Together, Venus and Mars are activating your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine, preparing your Inner World for the transformational seeds of Their paradigm-shifting Reality and Truth.  It is the seeds of their Truth that will rebirth the Culture of Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship through each of us!

I remind you that Saturn is conjoined with our Galactic Center in Sagittarius (the sign of Truth and Integrity). Saturn is building the foundation upon which the Wound of the Patriarchy will be healed gracefully through love, compassion and forgiveness, so that the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine can be fully actualized.  With the restoration of the Sacred Masculine energy and the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine energy, the Inner Masculine and the Inner Feminine within all of Humanity will once more be balanced. Just to ensure the success of this Cosmic Decree, the Sophia-Christ Consciousness is being poured into us individually and globally through the Heart of our Galaxy.

If you would like to know how these current energies are unfolding within you, I invite you schedule an Inner Fire Walk reading with me.  When you use the CODE: TRUTH, I will give you a 20% discount.  This offer expires on the New Moon in Cancer, June 23rd.

By the way, on June 23rd, Luna will have traveled across the Sky to stand where Mars (Sacred Masculine) is right now.  What a blessing from the Divine Mother!!

I also invite you to share your feedback in the comments below.  Thank you!

Much LOVE to each of you!
Sofia Mona Lisa

©SOL SPEAKS™, 2017

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Blessed Beltane, Beloveds!

Beltane Altar

I was blessed by the Goddess to be initiated into the Beltane Mysteries at the age of 7 when I was selected by my elementary school to represent it as the May Queen in the May Day Parade (1970). No wonder I knew myself to be the Queen of the Fairies at that age!

The Fairy Queen painting by Christine Von Lossberg

Sunset to Sunset.
Beltane honors Life. It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and at this point in the Wheel of the Year, the potential becomes conception. On May Eve the sexuality of life and the earth is at its peak. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme. The Maiden goddess has reached her fullness. She is the manifestation of growth and renewal, Flora, the Goddess of Spring, the May Queen, the May Bride. The Young Oak King, as Jack-In-The-Green, as the Green Man, falls in love with her and wins her hand. The union is consummated and the May Queen becomes pregnant. Together the May Queen and the May King are symbols of the Sacred Marriage (or Heiros Gamos), the union of Earth and Sky, and this union has merrily been re-enacted by humans throughout the centuries. For this is the night of the Greenwood Marriage. It is about sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality and joy. And about conception. A brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes and dreams into action. And have some fun…..
~ Celtica Witch

This May Day is not only a day of ceremony and celebration, it is also a day of Cosmic/Divine POWER!  Saturn, our Cosmic Gatekeeper ~ who is conjoined our Galactic Heart, is at an exact square to Chiron, our Cosmic Shamanic Healer.  Most profoundly, Chiron is located in Grandfather Sky right between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, our Cosmic Liberator! This is the SECOND GALACTIC ACTIVATION of our Cosmic Shamanic Healer since December 2016.

What does this mean for Humanity and Its Collective Consciousness?

We are being Initiated into Sofia~Christ Consciousness!!!  Our Awareness is being reawakened to our Truth … we ARE Divine Beings!  Each Being within The Temple of Humanity is receiving extremely refined frequencies ~ a Galactic Electrical Shock to their HEART ~ and incorporating them to restore their Heart’s alignment with Source.  With this realignment, each Being will wake up to their Truth and KNOW what has heart ~ spiritual meaning ~ and purpose for them. We are truly experiencing the process of Sacred Marriage within ourselves and within the Collective Consciousness at each Galactic Activation of our Cosmic Shamanic Healer. We are receiving Compassion from the Sofia~Christ Consciousness directly through our Galactic Heart and straight into our own Hearts.  We are embodying deeper and more expanded levels of Compassion for our human nature.  We are being transformed into Bodhisattvas!!  Through the Grace of the Divine, Humanity’s one Core Fracture Point is being HEALED.  No longer will we feel the piercing of our Hearts.  No longer will our Awareness be separated from UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. No longer will we be ignorant of our true Divine Nature.

For me personally, my natal Hecate and my natal Vesta are being activated through a Mutable Grand Cross with Saturn/Galactic Center and Chiron. My previous post on the April 2017 Cardinal Grand Cross discusses Vesta. Here, I will share a bit about the Triple (maiden, mother, crone) Moon Goddess Hecate.

Hecate, like Vesta, is a Virgin Goddess and Her realms are the earth, sea and sky ~ another reason She is referred to as a “triple” Goddess.  As a Triple Goddess, Hecate has the ability to see in all directions, including the past, present and future, at one time.  Her Gift of Sight enables us to connect with Her as an Oracle whenever we reach a “crossroads” in our lives.

Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul. New beginnings, whether spiritual or mundane, aren’t always easy. But Hecate is there to support and show [us] the way.  She loans Her farsightedness for [us] to see what lies deeply forgotten or even hidden, and helps [us] make a choice and find [our] path. Oft times She shines Her torch to guide [us] while [we] are in dreams or meditation. Hecate teaches us to be just and to be tolerant of those who are different or less fortunate … Whether the Greek Goddess Hecate visits us in waking hours or only while we sleep, She can lead us to see things differently (ourselves included) and help us find greater understanding of our selves and others.  Although her name may mean “The Distant One”, Hecate is always close at hand in times of need, helping us to release the old, familiar ways and find our way through new beginnings. ~ Goddess Gift

In my personal Mutable Grand Cross ~ which emphasizes the ability to see all sides (Hecate!), the axes that are being powerfully activated are the:

  • Gemini/Sagittarius Axis ~ Relationship Path of the Quest Mate.  (The Quest Mate is the person who supports your Spiritual Quest as your search for the Truth.)
    • Gemini (Hecate)~ The Eternal Maiden (feminine) and The Christ Child (masculine)
    • Sagittarius (Saturn/Galactic Center)~ The Vision Quest Sage (feminine) and The Heroic Voyager (masculine)
  • Virgo/Pisces Axis ~ Relationship Path of the Helpmate.  (The Helpmate is the person who is as equally dedicated to their Sacred Work as you are to yours.)
    • Virgo (Vesta) ~ The Inner High Priestess (feminine) and The Inner High Priest (masculine)
    • Pisces (Chiron) ~ The Heart Healer (feminine) and The Selfless Server (masculine)

Thus,  the Goddess Hecate IS my Quest Mate and my personal connection to the Divine Creative Muse.  The Goddess Vesta IS my Helpmate. Together, they are supporting me in the Shamanic Healing of the Core Fracture, helping me to be compassionate towards myself, nurturing the Immaculate Conception of Renewal that has occurred within me, and communicating to me a whole new understanding of myself as a divinely CREATIVE being.

If you would like to know how this current Galactic Activation of Chiron is transforming you, I invite you schedule a Shamanic AstroSOL™ reading with me.  When you use the CODE: MAY DAY, I will give you a 20% discount. This offer expires on the Full Moon in Scorpio, May 1oth.

Many blessings to each of you!
Sofia Mona Lisa

© The Golden Ray Center, Inc. ~ 2017

* All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice